antiufo / Shaman.Streams.Utf8

Utils for efficiently reading from streams of UTF8 text

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Library for working with UTF8 streams (based on Span<T> and Utf8String).


It's like a StreamWriter, except it also supports writing raw UTF8 strings (plus other optimizations).


Reads UTF8 encoded CSV files.

using (var csv = new CsvReader(@"C:\temp\example.csv"))
    string[] header = csv.ReadHeader();
    int firstNameIdx = Array.IndexOf(header, "First name");
    int lastNameIdx = Array.IndexOf(header, "Last name");
    while (true)
        var line = csv.ReadLine();
        if (line == null) break;
        Utf8String firstName = line[firstNameIdx];
        Utf8String lastName = line[lastNameIdx];

        // Process row.
        // Note: these strings are valid only until the next line is read, then they'll contain garbage.
        // If you need to store them for later, you can use Scratchpad.


Provides a place where to allocate Spans and Utf8Strings from. It is backed by a byte array. You can use it as a memory arena: by calling Clear(), previous data will be marked as deleted (and old Spans will contain garbage), and the memory can be reused for more allocations.


It's like a MemoryStream for Spans. You can append data, and then retrieve a Span<byte> with all the contents written so far.


Efficiently reads and parses a SQL database dump.

using (var stream = File.OpenRead(@"C:\temp\dbdump.sql"))
using (var dbdump = new SqlDumpReader(stream))
    while (!dbdump.IsCompleted)
        Utf8String[] values = dbdump.TryReadRow(out int numfields);
        if (numfields == 0) continue;

        // Table name: dbdump.CurrentTableName
        // Read each field
        for (int i = 0; i < numfields; i++)
            Utf8String val = dbdump.UnescapeSql(values[i]);


It's like a StreamReader, but it produces Utf8Strings (which are backed by the same byte buffer that was used by Stream.Read)

It also implements Stream, in case you want to parse some portions of your file in a binary way.

using(var reader = new Utf8StreamReader(@"c:\temp\file"))
    while (!reader.IsCompleted)
        Utf8String line = reader.ReadLine();
        // Process line.
        // Note: the string is guaranteeded to remain consistent until the next call to ReadLine (or ReadTo).
        // If you need to store them (or some portions) for later, you can use Scratchpad (see above).


Provides an interning cache for Utf8String -> System.String.

using Shaman.Runtime;

Utf8String a;
string b = a.ToStringCached();


Extension methods for Utf8Strings:

  • Utf8String Split(byte separator)
  • Utf8String Split(byte separator, StringSplitOptions options)
  • void Split(byte separator, StringSplitOptions options, ref Utf8String array)
  • int IndexOf(Utf8String value, int start)
  • int IndexOf(byte value, int start)
  • Utf8String CaptureBetween(Utf8String prefix, Utf8String suffix) (+ Try version)
  • Utf8String CaptureAfter(Utf8String prefix) (+ Try version)
  • Utf8String CaptureBefore(Utf8String suffix) (+ Try version)

For similar methods for strings, see For similar methods for ValueStrings, see


  • ParseInt32, ParseUInt32, ParseInt64, ParseUInt64 (and their Try versions)
  • ParseDateConcatenated (eg. yyyyMMddHHmmss)
  • ParseDateSeparated (eg. yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
  • Utf8String ReadTo(ref Utf8String str, byte end)


Utils for efficiently reading from streams of UTF8 text



Language:C# 100.0%