anthonysimeonov / rpdiff

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Relational Pose Diffusion for Multi-modal Object Rearrangement

PyTorch implementation for training diffusion models to iterative de-noise the pose of an object point cloud and satisfy a geometric relationship with a scene point cloud.

This is the reference implementation for our paper:

Shelving, Stacking, Hanging: Relational Pose Diffusion for Multi-modal Rearrangement

drawing drawing

Paper | Video | Website

Anthony Simeonov, Ankit Goyal*, Lucas Manuelli*, Lin Yen-Chen, Alina Sarmiento, Alberto Rodriguez, Pulkit Agrawal**, Dieter Fox**


git clone --recurse
cd rpdiff

# make virtual environment

# conda below
conda create -n rpdiff-env python=3.8
conda activate rpdiff-env

# virtualenv/venv below
mkdir .envs
virtualenv -p `which python3.8` .envs/rpdiff-env
# python3.8 -m venv .envs/rpdiff-env
source .envs/rpdiff-env/bin/activate

# numpy (specific version), cython for compiled functions, and airobot for pybullet wrappers
pip install -r base_requirements.txt

# other packages + our repo (see pytorch install below for final installs)
pip install -e .

# install pytorch (see PyTorch website - we use v1.13.1 with CUDA 11.7, install command below)
pip install torch==1.13.1+cu117 torchvision==0.14.1+cu117 torchaudio==0.13.1 --extra-index-url

Some post installation steps:

Install torch-scatter/torch-cluster packages

# If torch version 1.13
pip install torch-scatter -f --no-index
pip install torch-cluster -f --no-index

# If torch version 1.12 (below)
# pip install torch-scatter -f --no-index
# pip install torch-cluster -f --no-index

Install knn_cuda utils

pip install

Environment setup

Source setup script to set environment variables (from repo root directory -- must be done in each terminal, consider adding to .bashrc/.zshrc)


For training data generation/eval/debugging, setup the meshcat visualizer in the background (i.e., use a background tmux terminal)


Needs port 7000 to be forwarded (by default)


Download assets

Download necessary .obj. files, pre-trained model weights, and procedurally-generated demonstration data

# separately (with separate download scripts)
bash scripts/dl_model_weights.bash   # small download
bash scripts/dl_objects.bash  # small download
bash scripts/dl_train_data.bash  # large download (~80GB), slower
# all together (slower)
bash scripts/dl_rpdiff_all.bash


Config files for evaluation are found in full_eval_cfgs inside the config folder

For book/bookshelf

cd src/rpdiff/eval
python -c book_on_bookshelf/book_on_bookshelf_withsc.yaml

For mug/rack-multi

cd src/rpdiff/eval
python -c mug_on_rack_multi/mug_on_rack_multi_withsc.yaml

For can/cabinet

cd src/rpdiff/eval
python -c can_on_cabinet/can_on_cabinet_withsc.yaml

There are config files for evaluating the system both with and without the additional success classifier model.


Config files for training are found in train_cfgs inside the config folder

Pose diffusion training

For book/bookshelf

cd src/rpdiff/training
python -c book_on_bookshelf_cfgs/book_on_bookshelf_pose_diff_with_varying_crop_fixed_noise_var.yaml

For mug/rack-multi

cd src/rpdiff/training
python -c mug_on_rack_multi_cfgs/mug_on_rack_multi_pose_diff_with_varying_crop_fixed_noise_var.yaml

For can/cabinet

cd src/rpdiff/training
python -c can_on_cabinet_cfgs/can_on_cabinet_pose_diff_with_varying_crop_fixed_noise_var.yaml

Success classifier training

For book/bookshelf

cd src/rpdiff/training
python -c book_on_bookshelf_cfgs/book_on_bookshelf_succ_cls.yaml

For mug/rack-multi

cd src/rpdiff/training
python -c mug_on_rack_multi_cfgs/mug_on_rack_multi_succ_cls.yaml

For can/cabinet

cd src/rpdiff/training
python -c can_on_cabinet_cfgs/can_on_cabinet_succ_cls.yaml

Data generation

Config files for data generation are found in full_demo_cfgs inside the config folder

For book/bookshelf

cd src/rpdiff/data_gen
python -c book_on_bookshelf/bookshelf_double_view.yaml

For mug/rack-multi

cd src/rpdiff/data_gen
python -c mug_on_rack/mug_on_rack_multi.yaml

For can/cabinet

cd src/rpdiff/data_gen
python -c can_on_cabinet/can_cabinet.yaml

Post-processing These scripts are unfortunately not implemented to be easily run in parallel across many workers. Instead, we rely on the less elegant way of scaling up data generation by run the script in separate terminal windows with different seeds (which can be specified with the -s $SEED flag). This creates multiple separate folders with the same root dataset name and different _seed$SEED suffixes. Before training, these separate folders must be merged together. We also create training splits (even though the objects are already split in the data generation script) and provide utilities to combine the separate .npz files that are saved together into larger ``chunked'' files that are a little easier on shared NFS filesystems (for file I/O during training).

These post-processing steps are all packaged in the script, which takes in a --dataset_dir flag which should use the same name as the experiment_name parameter in the config file used for data gen. For example, if we generate demos with the name bookshelf_demos, the resulting folders in the directory where the data is saved (data/task_demos by default) will look like:


To combine these into a single bookshelf_demos folder, we then run

python --dataset_dir bookshelf_demos

Notes on repository structure

Config files

Config files for training, eval, and data generation are all found in the config folder. These consist of .yaml files that inherit from a base base.yaml file. Utility functions for config files can be found in the file. Configuration parameters are loaded as nested dictionaries, which can be accessed using either standard value = dict['key'] syntax or value = dict.key syntax.

Model inference

The full rearrangement prediction pipeline is implemented in the file. This uses the trained models and the observed point clouds to iteratively update the pose of the object point cloud, while tracking the overall composed transform thus far until returning the final full transformation to execute.

Information flow between data generation, training, and evaluation via config files

When generating demonstration data, we give the set of demonstrations a name and post-process the demos into chunked files. During training, we must provide the path to the demos to load in the config file, and specify if these are the chunked demos or the original un-chunked demos. While training, model weights will be saved in the model_weights/rpdiff folder. When we evaluate the system, we similarly must specify the path to the model weights in the corresponding config file loaded when running the eval script.


If you find our paper or this code useful in your work, please cite our paper:

    author = {Simeonov, Anthony
                and Goyal, Ankit
                and Manuelli, Lucas
                and Yen-Chen, Lin
                and Sarmiento, Alina,
                and Rodriguez, Alberto
                and Agrawal, Pulkit
                and Fox, Dieter},
    title = {Shelving, Stacking, Hanging: Relational
                Pose Diffusion for Multi-modal Rearrangement},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.04751},


Parts of this code were built upon implementations found in the Relational NDF repo, the Neural Shape Mating repo, and the Convolutional Ocupancy Networks repo. Check out their projects as well!


License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.1%Language:Shell 0.6%Language:Cython 0.2%