antalsz / ocaml-algebraic-effects

A semantics for our proposed design for algebraic effects for OCaml

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An untyped language for algebraic effects

In this document, we present the syntax and semantics of a functional language with algebraic effects. This language has the following distinguishing features:

  • We combine (shallow) effect handling and continuation resumption into a single continue primitive. The only way to call a continuation is to provide handlers, and the only way to provide handlers is to call a continuation.

  • Effects are named with labels, which allows user code to use multiple copies of the same effectful operations at the same time. These labels are plain strings, like variable names, in source code; at runtime, they correspond to the shifted names from existing literature. Shifted names have both a variable name–like label part and a de Bruijn–like index, allowing references to them to "reach past" any shadowing; no name, once bound, is ever inaccessible. For an introduction to this idea, see "Syntax with Shifted Names", by Stephen Dolan and Leo White (TyDe '19). Labels name effects, not operations; when we have a type system, multiple operations will be grouped under a single effect type. When performing an effect, however, a label is naturally associated with a single operation at a time, and ditto for our implementation of handlers.

  • The language allows the user to provide explicit renamings for these effect names, which allows users to combine arbitrary pieces of effectful code even if they have name collisions in their effects.

This document does not try to be a total introduction starting at zero, but does attempt to provide an explanation of our design choices, the concepts we use, and the objects we define. It is less than a paper but more than a file of notes.

Names and variables

The expression language for algebraic effects has four different kinds of names:

  • Variables, which are bound to terms;
  • Operations, which are constructors for effects;
  • Labels, which are names that are associated with operations; and
  • Name variables, which are bound to labels.

When necessary, we also refer to the natural numbers.

variable, x, y, k ∈ 𝒱
operation, op ∈ π’ͺ
label, β„“ ∈ β„’
name_variable, a ∈ 𝒩
natural, i, j, m ∈ β„•


The expression language is a lambda calculus with some extra features:

  • Extra lambda calculus features:
    • fix, which takes a function and turns it into its least fixed point; and
    • let, for let-bindings (instead of using Ξ»).
  • Effects and continuations:
    • s#op, which executes a named effect in the nearest enclosing handler. Names (written n) are like slightly-more-reified variable names; they can either be abstracted over (name variables, written a) or be concrete names (labels, written β„“). Because names can be shadowed, we use not merely a name but a name selector here; a name selector is a sequence of names that picks out a path through the surrounding bindings of effect names via handlers. For instance, n₁.nβ‚‚.n₃ means "the name n₃, which was bound outside a scope where the name nβ‚‚ was bound, which was bound outside a scope where the name n₁ was bound". Note that concrete unequal labels do not shadow one another, so that a selector like ℓ₁.β„“β‚‚ is equivalent to β„“β‚‚ (assuming ℓ₁ β‰  β„“β‚‚). This means that, much of the time, the selector will be a single name, however the extra power of selectors is important when using name variables rather than concrete labels.
    • continuation, which takes a function and turns it into a continuation. Applying this continuation to an argument will apply that function to that same argument.
    • Ο‡α΅’, which is a reference to continuations in a global store. See below for details.
    • continue, which runs a continuation by giving it a value, and then handles either its final result or any unhandled effect that it executed.
    • discontinue, which runs a continuation by panicking inside of it (see below) instead of giving it a value, and then handles the result like continue. This is a separate operation from continue because normally we can only provide values to the continuation.
  • Name manipulation:
    • Ζ›, name abstraction (like Ξ» but for names).
    • Name application, allowing you to apply any expression to a name.
    • [r] e, applying a renaming to the names in an expression.
  • Primitive exceptions:
    • panic, which raises an exception we call a panic
    • calm, which catches a panic in its argument and executes the supplied with-expression if it did so.

As noted above, we will be handling continuations by placing them in a store alongside the program. This is because our continuations are one-shot (i.e., they can be resumed at most once), and we do not plan to guarantee this with a type system; instead, we place them in a store, and then expire them directly when they are used. This also avoids the need to embed the syntax of contexts (see the next section) directly into the term syntax of our language. This requires adding the separate syntactic form Ο‡α΅’ for continuation references.

However, the downside to this approach is that we do not want to let the user write continuation references directly into their program. Thus, we define a separate syntactic category of "user expressions" to be those expression that do not contain any Ο‡α΅’s; the user writes these terms, which then during evaluation may generate Ο‡α΅’s by evaluating continuations.

We now present the full grammar of programs in this language, which we follow with a more detailed explanation of the syntactic categories involved.

expression, e
  ∷= x
  |  Ξ» x . e
  |  fix e
  |  e e
  |  let x = e in e
  |  s#op(e,…,e)
  |  continuation e
  |  Ο‡α΅’
  |  continue e e with H
  |  discontinue e with H
  |  Ζ› a . e
  |  e n
  |  [r] e
  |  panic
  |  calm e with e

expression βŠƒ user_expression, u
  ≝  {expression} βˆ’ {Ο‡α΅’}

expression βŠƒ value, v
  ∷= λ x . e
  |  fix v
  |  Ο‡α΅’
  |  Ζ› a . e

handler, H
  ∷= return x β†’ e
  |  H | s β†’ h

handler_case, h
  ∷= .
  |  h # A

handler_case_arm, A
  ∷= op(x,…,x), k β†’ e

label_handler, ΗΆ
  ∷= return x β†’ e
  |  ΗΆ | β„“/i β†’ h

renaming, r
  ∷= [n:Ξ±, …, n:Ξ±, R ← n:x, …, n:x, R]

renaming βŠƒ label_renaming, b
  ∷= [β„“:Ξ±, …, β„“:Ξ±, R ← β„“:x, …, β„“:x, R]

renaming_id, Ξ±
  ∷= x
  |  _

name, n
  ∷= a
  |  β„“

name_selector, s
  ∷= n
  |  n.s

indexed_label, ΞΉ
  ∷= β„“/i

The grammar above defines a large number of different syntactic categories. So that they can be more easily digested, we group the categories into four different topics.

  • Expressions, which are syntactic categories that correspond to whole terms of the language; they include references to the other categories as well.

    • Expressions (e), terms of the language that include runtime continuation references Ο‡α΅’.

    • User expressions (u), which are expressions that do not contain any continuation references and are what the user writes.

    • Values (v), a subset of expressions which are the permissible results of evaluation and cannot evaluate further. This doesn't include variables or to-be-performed effects s#op(v,…,v).

  • Handlers, the parts of expressions that describe how to perform named operations; we can also think of them as maps of maps.

    • Handlers (H), which describe how to handle (named) effects when applying a continuation. They consist of the default return case paired with a map from name selectors to handler cases; the return case describes how to handle the evaluated expression finishing without executing an operation. The name selectors here function somewhat like "patterns" that bind names, and somewhat like expressions that evaluate to an indexed label; see below for more detail. At runtime, we impose the side condition that no name is repeated in this map; if there are any duplicates, evaluation will get stuck. This map can be thought of as a curried form of a direct mapping from name-operation pairs (and continuations) to expressions; the uncurried map would be made up of cases of the form s#op(x,…,x), k β†’ e. Consequently, it is best to think about handlers, handler cases, and handler case arms all together, as forming a single syntactic construct. When writing a collection of handlers, we may include an extra leading |.

    • Handler cases (h), which are lists of handler case arms; they can also be thought of as maps from operations to case arms. Each such collection describes how to handle one particular bundle of unnamed effects when applying a continuation. At runtime, we impose the side condition that no operation op is repeated, even if the repetition occurs with a different number of arguments; if there are any duplicates, evaluation will get stuck. The distinction between handlers and handler cases allows us to treat the binding of a label (specified with a handler) separately from how that label performs an operation (specified with handler cases). When writing a collection of handler cases, we generally omit the leading . and, if the list is nonempty, may include an extra leading #.

    • Handler case arms (A), which describe how to handle a single effectful operation. They consist of an operation name, some variables, a continuation, and an expression; when the appropriate operation is executed (under the appropriate name, which is not reflected here), the expression is run with the variables bound appropriately. While the distinction between handlers and handler cases provides us a useful distinction between binding labels and performing operations, the only reason handler case arms are their own syntactic category is to facilitate certain semantic operations that wish to pass them around; they can be thought of directly as part of collections of handler cases without harm.

    • Label handlers (ΗΆ), a variant of handlers which map raw indexed labels, not name selectors, to collections of handler cases. Handlers are to label handlers as expressions are to values (even though they are not a subset thereof); at runtime, when we build up a stack of handlers, only label handlers will appear in it.

  • Renamings, which are representations of substitutions that replace effect names with other effect names at runtime.

    • Renamings (r), which are the ordinary syntactic representation of these substitutions. A renaming is a map between "contexts" of effect names; when applied to a term, the labels on the right-hand side of the renaming are used inside that term, and are transformed into the labels on the left-hand side for all consumers of the application. In order to determine which inner labels become which outer labels, we give them identifiers; the right-hand side binds them and the left-hand side uses them. The right-hand side binds only variables, while the left-hand side may refer to variables or to the dummy identifier _, indicating that the identified label will be unused (see "renaming identifiers", below). At run time, all non-dummy identifiers (i.e., variables) used on the left must have been bound on the right; additionally, the left-hand side must refer to any bound variable exactly once, although the right-hand side may bind a variable multiple times. The , R at the end of both contexts is a piece of syntax that functions as a variable referring to the remainder of the context; when writing renamings, we may optionally omit it from both sides.

    • Label renamings (b), a subset of renamings which only manipulate labels. Renamings are to label renamings as expressions are to values; when evaluating the application of a renaming to a name, we can only apply label renamings, and can only apply them to labels.

    • Renaming identifiers (Ξ±), which are used solely within renamings in order to determine which labels are renamed into which other labels; they are either variables or the dummy identifier _. These are used on the left-hand side of renamings, which see.

  • Names, the syntactic category of names for effects.

    • Names (n), which can be either labels or arbitrary name variables. The labels, β„“, are the primitive or literal names, to which the name variable refer: names are to labels as expressions are to values.

    • Name selectors (s), which select an indexed label to work with by specifying a sequence (or "path") of names. Intuitively, name selectors – so named by analogy with CSS selectors – pick out ("select") a name that may have been shadowed, by specifying every intervening conflicting bound name. For instance, the name selector n₁.nβ‚‚.n₃ refers to the name n₃, which was possibly shadowed by nβ‚‚, which was possibly shadowed by n₁; the innermost scope is on the left, and the outermost scope is on the right. This provides extra expressiveness beyond simply names; the name β„“ can only refer to the currently-in-scope β„“, while the name selector β„“.β„“ refers to the β„“ that was shadowed by the current binding to β„“. Once all the names in a name selector have been resolved to concrete labels, we can evaluate the name selector itself to the specific indexed label it selects; this is done when performing an operation and when transforming a handler into a label handler.

    • Indexed labels (ΞΉ), which are pairs of labels and natural numbers, written β„“/i. (Conventionally, we never use the metavariable ΞΉ, instead writing β„“/i directly.) The natural number index is a de Bruijn index; the index 0 refers to the β„“ that is currently in scope, and as we increment the index we reach past successively many enclosing bindings of β„“ (so β„“/1 refers to the β„“ one binding out, β„“/2 the β„“ two bindings out, etc.). The names and labels written in source code always refer to whichever label is currently in scope; β„“ in a term refers to β„“/0. Indexed labels never show up in terms, but are critical to our evaluation semantics, as they allow for (1) reaching through shadowing, so that we can nest arbitrary name bindings but still refer to any name that has ever been bound in a surrounding scope; and (2) doing this without accumulating name disjointness constraints. Indexed labels are to name selectors as values are to expressions (even though they are not a subset thereof); as we saw above, the indexed label β„“/i is represented by β„“.β‹―.β„“ with i copies of β„“. (The more common use is expected to be to refer to bits of the context, rather than to pick out specific concrete labels β„“/i, so we are not worried about the bulkiness of a unary representation.)

One thing to note, which is stated above in the individual descriptions, is that we have five pairs of syntactic categories where the latter is a "value" for the former:

  • Expressions have values.
  • Names have labels.
  • Name selectors have indexed labels.
  • Renamings have label renamings.
  • Handlers have label handlers.

In each case, the "value" or "label" form is the only one that can arise as the result of a computation, be matched on, and so forth. Name selectors and handlers, whose "value" forms involve indexed labels, have the property that their "value" form is never written in source code, but only arises as a result of evaluation; as a result, their "value" forms are disjoint syntactic classes instead of subsets.

Notes, design choices, and questions

  • Ellipses denote zero or more repetitions; that is, for instance, s#op() is a legal operator invocation.

  • The global store could be a map from β„• instead of from continuations.

  • The name and semantics of continuation are not set in stone. Another presentation is to have a new_stack e primitive, which creates a continuation equivalent to continuation (Ξ»_.e) for a fresh variable _. Yet another is to embed contexts (see below) into the syntax of our language, and make continuation a "binding" construct, continuation. C, which would be equivalent to continuation (Ξ»x.C[x]) for a fresh variable x.

  • The runtime "no duplicates" constraints are imposed in a brute-force way later, but some of the constraints arise naturally from the evaluation functions; for instance, our function for applying a renaming only terminates when the name identifier it is applied to is bound, but have to check that for all name identifiers explicitly. Should these checks be left implicit and less strict (e.g., never worrying about duplicates)? This may also be moot, as in the final design we will have a type system to prevent these problems.

  • The syntactic "context variable" in renamings, R, does not have an obvious name. Would a different name be better? We have R for renaming, but we could have L for labels, or Ξ“ for context, or any number of things.

  • continuation probably has an existing name in the delimited control literature, but I'm not sure what it is. It's very related to control0, but is the get/cc analogue to call/cc, as far as I can tell?


Contexts and more

To capture the runtime semantics of our language, we provide a semantics based on evaluation contexts, which are terms of the language with a hole β–‘ where evaluation will happen next. Simple evaluation contexts like this, however, are not enough to capture the full semantics of continuations, effect handlers, and exceptions. We thus provide the following constructs:

  • Expressions, which are the terms of the language that we saw above; when an expression shows up in the semantics of this language, it is either being evaluated or is the body of a lambda abstraction or something similar.

  • Contexts, which are the environments within which terms currently undergoing evaluation live, as long as that environment does not need to provide any extra dynamic context. This roughly means that the environments correspond to the standard lambda calculus fragment of the language, as well as "congruence" contexts for terms whose evaluation can proceed without dynamic context for now.

  • Fibers, which are the environments that do provide extra dynamic context for executing terms. A fiber can be thought of as providing the evaluation contexts for the non-effectful expressions that were missing from the plain evaluation contexts above; they provide records of where renamings (which do interact with effects) and exception handlers were being executed. From a more implementation-minded perspective, a fiber can be thought of as a lightweight stack in a traditional, continuationless programming language.

    Concretely, a fiber is a nonempty list of contexts, which we can think of as "stack frames"; these stack frames are conceptually nested, so that the last (topmost) one is the "current" frame and the others surround it. Additionally, each stack frame but the first (deepest) one is guarded by some additional data that needs to be monitored during dynamic unwinding. In this language, the extra piece of data can be either (1) an exception handler, which is introduced by calm and resumed by panic; or (2) a renaming [r], which will be applied when an effect is performed.

  • Running fibers, which are fibers that are currently being executed; a running fiber is identical to a fiber, except its last (topmost) stack frame is an expression instead of a context. The relationship between fibers and running fibers is the same as the relationship between contexts and expressions.

  • Stacks, which are the full, effect-aware contexts that fibers require. A stack is a possibly-empty sequence of fibers, each of which is guarded by a collection of handlers; a stack is essentially a segmented stack, and we can think of each fiber-handlers pair as a stack segment (effectively a "big" stack frame, as opposed to the lightweight stack frames we found in fibers). New stack segments are introduced by continue and discontinue; one of the segment's handlers may be resumed by performing the appropriate effect. These fibers are again nested, with the last (deepest) fiber executing within all the surrounding handlers in the stack.

  • Continuations, which are resumable program contexts that contain all the information we need to run or resume a program. A continuation is a stack followed by a single fiber, which is the one that will start executing when the continuation is resumed. This defines a delimited continuation; while one of our continuations contains enough information to be run or resumed, it captures the context for a slice of the program, not the entire context of the program in its entirety.

  • Running continuations, which are continuations that are currently being executed. A running continuation is a stack followed by a single running fiber, which is currently being executed in the context given by the stack. The relationship between running continuations and continuations is the same as the relationship between running fibers and fibers and the relationship between contexts and expressions.

context, C
  ∷= β–‘
  |  fix C
  |  C e
  |  v C
  |  let x = C in e
  |  s#op(v,…,v,C,e,…,e)
  |  continuation C
  |  continue C e with H
  |  continue v C with H
  |  discontinue C with H
  |  C n
  |  panic

fiber, Ξ¦
  ∷= C
  |  Ξ¦ β–·α΅© renaming b β–·α΅© C
  |  Ξ¦ β–·α΅© calming e β–·α΅© C

running_fiber, Ξ¨
  ∷= e
  |  Ξ¦ β–·α΅£ renaming b β–·α΅£ e
  |  Ξ¦ β–·α΅£ calming e β–·α΅£ e

stack, Ξ£
  ∷= βˆ™
  |  Ξ£ β–Άβ‚› Ξ¦ with ΗΆ

continuation, ΞΊ
  ∷= Ξ£ β–Άβ‚– Ξ¦

running_continuation, ΞΎ
  ∷= Ξ£ β–Άα΅£ Ξ¨

We also avail ourselves of some notational conveniences. First, while the snoc operators (β–· and β–Ά) of fibers, running fibers, stacks, continuations, and running continuations all have different subscripts (Ο†, r, s, k, and r, respectively), we always omit those subscripts when possible, as they can generally be derived from the surrounding context. This is a general pattern of attempting to elide the differences between the above constructors as much as possible. In a similar vein, we associate all of the snoc operators to the left, impose a precedence order such that the various β–· operators bind more tightly than the β–Ά operators, and then allow β–· to implicitly lift to (running) continuations: suppose we have some continuation ΞΊ = Ξ£ β–Ά Ξ¦. Then we define β–· to operate on ΞΊ by

ΞΊ β–· renaming b β–· C
= (Ξ£ β–Ά Ξ¦) β–· renaming b β–· C
= Ξ£ β–Ά (Ξ¦ β–· renaming b β–· C)
= Ξ£ β–Ά Ξ¦ β–· renaming b β–· C

and similarly for the other β–· constructions (and for running continuations).

We also write β–Ά to indicate both the active fiber of a continuation (the β–Άβ‚– in Ξ£ β–Άβ‚– Ξ¦) as well as "stack append", Σ₁ β–Ά Ξ£β‚‚, or "continuation append", Ξ£ β–Ά ΞΊ. These are defined in the straightforward inductive way.

(The original plan was to use subscript f for the fiber snoc operators, but that character is unavailable in Unicode; since subscript Ο• is, we are using that instead.)

The continuation store

Recall, from the previous section, that we define the run-time semantics of this language in terms of a global store, because we need to ensure that continuations are one-shot (i.e., resumed at most once), and that we do not plan to guarantee this with a type system. A global store K is a finite map from continuation references Ο‡α΅’ to continuations ΞΊ or consumed continuations βŠ₯; we refer to the syntactic category containing both contexts and βŠ₯ as stored continuations, or Οƒ. Despite this nomenclature (which should perhaps be improved), βŠ₯ is not a continuation and cannot be resumed. If a program ever tries to invoke βŠ₯ as a continuation, it panics instead. (Because we do not plan to track linear use of continuations in the type system, we don't want evaluation to simply get stuck.)

stored_continuation, Οƒ
  ∷= κ
  |  βŠ₯

When working with a global store K, we treat it as a partial function, and write K(Ο‡α΅’)↓ if it is defined at Ο‡α΅’ and K(Ο‡α΅’)↑ if it is not. Note that if K(Ο‡α΅’) = βŠ₯, then K(Ο‡α΅’)↓; we only have K(Ο‡α΅’)↑ if Ο‡α΅’ has never been allocated. We also write K[Ο‡α΅’ ≔ Οƒ] for the map identical to K except that K(Ο‡α΅’) = Οƒ. When defining functions over the global store, we may treat it as a function or as a list of mappings of the form Ο‡α΅’ ↦ Οƒ, whichever is clearer.


To define evaluation, we will naturally need to define some operations on our various syntactic categories. We defined simple ones, like stack concatenation, above, but need a bit more than that. We define four categories of operations: (1) operations for evaluation; (2) operations on effect names (labels); (3) operations on handlers; and (4) operations on the continuation store.

Operations for evaluation

We begin by defining the operations that take part in evaluation. The first of these that we define is substitution, for which we must pick our notation; we write it as [x ↦ v]e, which corresponds to the expression e with the free variable x replaced by the value v. We do not define substitution here, but it is a standard definition of capture-avoiding substitution.

We also define substitution of names analogously, writing it [a ↦ β„“]e. Here, name variables serve the role of variables and labels serve the role of values (not indexed labels, in this case). Note that renamings are not binders; rather, we substitute within them. The binder for names (specifically, for name variables) is Ζ›.

The next piece of evaluation we define is how to turn contexts, which are frozen, into expressions, which are alive and running; we will then generalize this to fibers and continuations. For this, we define the hole-filling operation C[e], which produces an expression from a context C by replacing the hole β–‘ with the expression e. (We can think about this informally as [β–‘ ↦ e]C.) Again, we do not define this hole-filling operation, but it is given directly by structural induction; unlike substitution, we do not need to worry about variable capture.

The hole-filling operation comes with natural analogs for fibers and continuations: filling the hole in a fiber turns it into a running fiber, and filling the hole in a continuation turns it into a running continuation. In both cases, we simply perform the hole-filling operation on the top of the stack.

–[–] : fiber Γ— expression β†’ running_fiber
C[e]                    = C[e]
(Ξ¦ β–·α΅© renaming b β–·α΅© C)[e] = Ξ¦ β–·α΅£ renaming b β–·α΅£ C[e]
(Ξ¦ β–·α΅© calm e β–·α΅© C)[e]     = Ξ¦ β–·α΅£ calm e β–·α΅£ C[e]

–[–] : continuation Γ— expression β†’ running_continuation
(Ξ£ β–Άβ‚– Ξ¦)[e] = Ξ£ β–Άα΅£ Ξ¦[e]

Operations on effect names (labels)

Managing effect names, also known as labels, is a tricky business. The general idea is that we want to ensure that any label that has ever been bound can be referenced, while still allowing the user to compose arbitrary program fragments that might happen to use the same effect name. Our solution to this is to used indexed labels, also called shifted names in the literature: pairs of a label β„“ and a natural number i (the index), written β„“/i. These names combine a nominal and a de Bruijn–like component: if an outer and an inner scope both bind β„“ to an effect, the outer β„“ is available as β„“/1 and the inner β„“ is available as β„“/0. This can happen directly through binding, or because an inner scope renamed a different β„“β€²/0 into β„“/0, implicitly shifting the outer β„“'s index up by one. As with de Bruijn indices, we refer to changing the index of a label as shifting it by some value; if we distinguish between positive and negative adjustments, then shifting the indices up is a shift and shifting them down is an unshift. We perform shifts both during renaming and when unwinding past any handler, the latter corresponding to the shadowing case.

While we can think of shifting a single indexed label, renaming operations have to affect infinitely many labels at once. If we move below a binding for β„“ – i.e., for β„“/0 – then not only do we need to shift the old β„“/0 to β„“/1, but we need to shift the old β„“/1 to β„“/2, the old β„“/2 to β„“/3, and so on. If we moved below a binding for β„“/2 instead, we would only need to start shifting with β„“/2, and could leave β„“/0 and β„“/1 alone. In the renaming case, things are even more complicated, as we can be moving multiple indexed labels around at once, and the same sorts of considerations apply. In general, when we bind a new indexed label, we have to shift all the indexed labels with the same label and a larger index; the reverse is true if we are taking an indexed label out of the context. We refer to labels with larger indices as being above labels with smaller ones, and the latter as being below the former; aboveness is a partial order, which we write βŠ’.

βŠ’ : label Γ— label β†’ boolean
ℓ₁/i₁ βŠ’ β„“β‚‚/iβ‚‚  iff  ℓ₁ = β„“β‚‚ ∧ i₁ β‰₯ iβ‚‚

We define the rest of the comparisons (βŠ‘, ⊐, and ⊏) analogously. Note that two indexed labels with different label names are never related; the universe of indexed labels consists of infinitely many parallel sequences of de Bruijn indexes that do not interact.

Now we can consider how we can interpret a renaming r = [ℓ″₁:α₁, …, β„“β€³β‚–:Ξ±β‚–, R ← ℓ′₁:x₁, …, β„“β€²β‚˜:xβ‚˜, R]. Renamings correspond to maps from indexed labels to indexed labels, where if we have β„“β€²:x on the right and β„“β€³:x on the left, then β„“β€² is mapped to β„“β€³. The catch is that this is expressed in terms of plain labels, not indexed labels. However, the contexts on either side of the arrow are ordered, and as we move from left to right we move "under" each successive label. This means that if we have, for instance, the renaming [β„“β€³:α₁, β„“β€³:Ξ±β‚‚ ← β„“β€²:x₁, β„“β€²:xβ‚‚], we can think of it instead as [β„“β€³/0:α₁, β„“β€³/1:Ξ±β‚‚ ← β„“β€²/0:x₁, β„“β€²/1:xβ‚‚].

At a high level, the map corresponding to a renaming finds the matching label on the right-hand side by walking from left to right, moves to the corresponding variable on the left-hand side, and then walks back out from right to left. Whenever we walk, we have to shift the indexed label in question: we unshift it each time we cross a matching label from left to right, and we shift it each time we cross a matching label from right to left. (This corresponds to shifting and unshifting the environment, as presented above.)

First, we will define the shifting operators. Recall from above that we need to shift our indexed label when it is above the shadowing label; however, since we are concerned only with plain labels without indices, we do not need an aboveness check. We only need to determine if the labels match, and (un)shift if so:

unshift-for : label Γ— indexed_label β†’ indexed_label
                        ⎧ i-1  if β„“ = β„“β€² and i > 0
unshift-for(β„“β€², β„“/i) = β„“/⎨
                        ⎩ i    otherwise

shift-for : label Γ— indexed_label β†’ indexed_label
                      ⎧ i+1  if β„“ = β„“β€²
shift-for(β„“β€², β„“/i) = β„“/⎨
                      ⎩ i    otherwise

Note that unshift-for has the undesirable property that it can merge two indexed labels: unshift-for(β„“, β„“/1) and unshift-for(β„“, β„“/0) both evaluate to β„“/0 (from the first and second cases, respectively). This is a potential problem, because it could be used to violate the invariant that all indexed labels can always be referenced. Our use of it will be safe, however, because when the indexed label is β„“/0 we will have found a match and will not need to walk past and unshift again.

The definition of renaming is phrased in two parts. First, we define a function rename-in that simultaneously walks down the renaming from left to right, looking for a matching indexed label, and unshifts the indexed label as necessary while it does so. The result is either (1) a variable name, if the indexed label is bound by the context; or (2) the indexed label after being unshifted by the entire context, if the indexed label isn't bound by the context.

rename-in : (label Γ— variable)* β†’ (indexed_label β†’ variable + indexed_label)
rename-in(β„“:x,  IΜ…)(β„“/0) = x
rename-in(β„“β€²:x, IΜ…)(β„“/i) = rename-in(IΜ…)(unshift-for(β„“β€², β„“/i))  IF β„“/i β‰  β„“β€²/0
rename-in(   Β·   )(β„“/i) = β„“/i

Second, we define the matching rename-out function, which walks up the renaming from right to left. Unlike rename-in, the rename-out functions has two jobs: first, it has to find the label with the matching variable; then, it has to shift by every label outside the result in the continuation. If we did not find a matching label in the input, we get an indexed label immediately, and only perform the second, shifting, task. The result of rename-out is a function that takes either a variable, or an indexed label. As long as the input is a variable, it remains in the first, finding, mode; as soon as a matching input is found, the recursion switches to operating on an indexed label, and the operation enters the second, shifting, mode.

rename-out : (label Γ— renaming_id)* β†’ (variable + indexed_label ⇀ indexed_label)
rename-out(OΜ…, β„“:x)(x)    = rename-out(OΜ…)(β„“/0)
rename-out(OΜ…, β„“:Ξ±)(x)    = rename-out(OΜ…)(x)                  IF x β‰  Ξ±
rename-out(OΜ…, β„“β€²:Ξ±)(β„“/i) = rename-out(OΜ…)(shift-for(β„“β€², β„“/i))
rename-out(   Β·   )(β„“/i) = β„“/i

The rename function which applies a label renaming to an indexed label is then just the composition of rename-in and rename-out:

rename : label_renaming β†’ (indexed_label ⇀ indexed_label)
rename([ℓ′₁:α₁, …, β„“β€²β‚–:Ξ±β‚–, R ← ℓ₁:x₁, …, β„“β‚˜:xβ‚˜, R])
  = rename-out(ℓ′₁:α₁, …, β„“β€²β‚–:Ξ±β‚–) ∘ rename-in(ℓ₁:x₁, …, β„“β‚˜:xβ‚˜)

Operations on handlers

When handling continuations, we need to analyze handlers to see if they contain specific labels or operations. We will only analyze label handlers in this way, as name variables must not still exist at evaluation time. We could handle this through direct recursion in the evaluation relations, but it will be clearer to treat them as partial functions. A handler is viewed as a partial function from an indexed label to a handler case; a handler case is viewed as a partial function from an operation name to the corresponding case arm with that operation.

–(–) : label_handler Γ— indexed_label ⇀ handler_case
(ΗΆ | β„“/i  β†’ h)(β„“/i) = h
(ΗΆ | β„“β€²/j β†’ h)(β„“/i) = ΗΆ(β„“/i)  IF β„“/i β‰  β„“β€²/j

–(–) : handler_case Γ— operation ⇀ handler_case_arm
(h # op(x₁,…,xβ‚˜), k β†’ e)(op)  = op(x₁,…,xβ‚˜), k β†’ e
(h # opβ€²(x₁,…,xβ‚˜), k β†’ e)(op) = h(op)               IF op β‰  opβ€²

We allow ourselves to access both maps at once with ΗΆ(β„“/i)(op), which is defined if and only if ΗΆ(β„“/i) = h and h(op) is defined. As with the global continuation store, we write ΗΆ(β„“/i)↓ and ΗΆ(β„“/i)↑ to denote that ΗΆ does or doesn't contain a mapping for β„“/i, and similarly for h(op)↓ and h(op)↑.

In keeping with this view of handlers as maps, we write dom ΗΆ to refer to the set of indexed labels at which ΗΆ is defined, i.e. that occur on the left-hand side of an arrow in ΗΆ.

In order to transform handlers into label handlers, we need to normalize all the name selectors to indexed labels. This is a partial operation, as we cannot normalize selectors that contain name variables; if any name variables remain at this point, there has been a scoping error, and so we get stuck. To compute the indexed label picked out by any selector made only of labels, we simply shift for each outer label (using the shift-for function from the preceding section), treating the innermost label as living at index 0 as usual:

selection : name_selector ⇀ indexed_label
selection(β„“)   = β„“/0
selection(β„“.s) = shift-for(β„“, selection(s))

To produce a label handler, we could simply apply this function to every selector inside a handler:

resolve-handler : handler ⇀ label_handler
resolve-handler(return x β†’ e) = return x β†’ e
resolve-handler(H | s β†’ h)    = resolve-handler(H) | selection(s) β†’ h

Later, at evaluation time, we will attempt to find indexed labels in our stack of label handlers, and unwind past these label handlers if our indexed label query isn't matched in them. When we unwind past a handler, we will also need to adjust the indexed label we are looking for, as we will have moved past the bindings of every name used in the label handler; in particular, we will have to shift the indexed label we are looking for down for every name in the handler that is below it, in order to enter the outer scope and continue unwinding. We define the function unshift-for-handler for the operation of unshifting with respect to a handler, by analogy with the earlier function unshift-for for unshifting with respect to a label.

unshift-for-handler : label_handler β†’ (indexed_label ⇀ indexed_label)
unshift-for-handler(ΗΆ)(β„“/i) = β„“/(i-d)
  where d = |{β„“β€²/j | β„“β€²/j ∈ dom ΗΆ, β„“/i ⊐ β„“β€²/j}|
    and d ≀ i

Operations on the global continuation store

In order to allocate fresh continuations, we define the next function, which takes a store and returns the next unused continuation reference. This means that K(next(K))↑ for all K.

next(Β·)         = Ο‡β‚€
next(Ο‡α΅’ ↦ Οƒ, K) = Ο‡_{1 + max(i, next(K)))}

The evaluation relation(s)

We can now define the small-step evaluation relation. We do this in three parts. First, we define βŸΆβ‚‘, the expression evaluation step relation; this takes a single expression and evaluates it by one step independent of any dynamic context, i.e., e βŸΆβ‚‘ eβ€². This operation only performs evaluation steps; congruence rules are handled by the main evaluation step relation, ⟢. It also only performs those evaluation steps that don't need dynamic context or the continuation store. This relation can be thought of as defining the rules for Ξ² reduction, and is essentially standard; we use a "two-argument" CBV reduction for fix, and treat name lambdas just as we do ordinary lambdas.

The main evaluation step relation, ⟢, evaluates full programs, which are pairs of a store and a running continuation: (K, ΞΎ) ⟢ (Kβ€², ΞΎ). We generally think of this relation instead as (K, ΞΊ[e]) ⟢ (K, ΞΊβ€²[eβ€²]), where usually, ΞΊ = ΞΊβ€². As mentioned above, this relation is partly defined in terms of βŸΆβ‚‘, which evaluates terms that do not need to manipulate continuations; the ⟢ relation defines how to evaluate congruence rules and the rest of the terms, which do need to manipulate continuations. The congruence portion of ⟢ is standard. Other cases of the definition of ⟢ deal with building up fibers; evaluating renamings ([b] e, in "Push Renaming") and exception handlers (calm e₁ with eβ‚‚, in "Push Calm") both involve pushing a lightweight stack frame onto the fiber. We unwind these stack frames either when we have a value on top of the stack or we are throwing an exception with panic. When we have a value on top of the stack and no more lightweight stack frames, we pop up the stack by invoking the return case of the surrounding handler ("Handle Return"). The ⟢ rule also handles allocating new continuations ("Continuation Create"), invoking continuations (by executing continue and discontinue statements, in "Push Continue" and "Push Discontinue" – or failing to do so, in "Nonlinear Continue Panic" and "Nonlinear Discontinue Panic"), and performing operations ("Op Perform"); this last requires its own step relation.

The unwinding step relation that performs effects, βŸΉβ‚š, is the final step relation we define. This big-step relation is responsible for percolating up from an effect to an appropriate handler, and is the heart of the effect system implementation. It is five-place, taking a pair of (1) the continuation we are unwinding and (2) the (indexed) label we are unwinding to, and producing a triple consisting of (3) the continuation we just left that the handler can resume, (4) the continuation we are about to resume, and (5) the handler case we are about to resume into: ΞΊ{β„“/i} βŸΉβ‚š (ΞΊβ€², ΞΊβ€³ using h). Note that this rule succeeds as long as the indexed label β„“/i is handled; if the label is handled but evaluation (⟢) finds no matching operation in the handler case h, evaluation gets stuck. This is deliberate.

The βŸΉβ‚š relation has four cases. In order to reach a handler, we first have to clear the topmost fiber: when the topmost fiber contains an exception handler (calming e), we unwind past it ("Perform Unwind Calming"); when the topmost fiber contains a renaming (renaming b), we apply the renaming to β„“/i on our way past it ("Perform Rename"). In both cases, we store the lightweight stack frame so that it can be resumed later. Once we have reached a handler, there are two cases. If the handler matches β„“/i, we are done: we store the current context and prepare to resume into the prefix of the stack ("Perform Handle"). If the handler does not match, on the other hand, we have to unwind past the handler, storing it for later. As we move past the handler, we also have to unshift β„“/i – even if it didn't match, that may be because its label agreed but its index was wrong.

An alternative design for βŸΉβ‚š would be to fold it into the ⟢ relation. This would require a couple of changes. First, we would have to be able to place ourselves into an "unwinding" state; much like Ο‡α΅’, this would be something that occurred during the course of evaluation that the user could not write. Then, each step during unwinding would build up the continuation we were leaving (ΞΊβ€² above) one step at a time. This would necessitate storing continuations (and possibly fibers) "reversed" from how they are now, so that they could be built from the top down in this way; the rules [Perform Continue] and [Perform Discontinue] would then also have to reverse the stored continuation to "wake it up". This would more accurately reflect the cost model of the eventual implementation, and we hope to put together such a design in our next version of these semantics.

The expression evaluation step relation

───────────────────────────── [Fix Ξ²]
fix v₁ vβ‚‚ βŸΆβ‚‘ v₁ (fix v₁) vβ‚‚

────────────────────── [App Ξ²]
(Ξ»x.e) v βŸΆβ‚‘ [x ↦ v]e

──────────────────────────── [Let ΞΆ]
let x = v in e βŸΆβ‚‘ [x ↦ v]e

────────────────────── [App Name Ξ²]
(Ζ›a.e) β„“ βŸΆβ‚‘ [a ↦ β„“]e

The evaluation step relation

e βŸΆβ‚‘ eβ€²
──────────────────────── [Step Congr]
(K, ΞΊ[e]) ⟢ (K, ΞΊ[eβ€²])

───────────────────────────────────────────── [Pop Renaming]
(K, Ξ£ β–Ά Ξ¦ β–· renaming b β–· v) ⟢ (K, Ξ£ β–Ά Ξ¦[v])

──────────────────────────────────────────── [Pop Calming]
(K, Ξ£ β–Ά Ξ¦ β–· calming e β–· v) ⟢ (K, Ξ£ β–Ά Ξ¦[v])

ΗΆ = return x β†’ e | β‹―
────────────────────────────────────────────── [Handle Return]
(K, Ξ£ β–Ά Ξ¦ with ΗΆ β–Ά v) ⟢ (K, Ξ£ β–Ά Ξ¦[[x ↦ v]e])

Every name identifier bound on the right of b is used exactly once on the left
────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── [Push Renaming]
(K, ΞΊ[[b] e]) ⟢ (K, ΞΊ β–· renaming b β–· e)

──────────────────────────────────────────────────── [Push Calm]
(K, ΞΊ[calm e₁ with eβ‚‚]) ⟢ (K, ΞΊ β–· calming eβ‚‚ β–· e₁)

─────────────────────────────────────────── [Panic Handle]
(K, ΞΊ β–· calming e β–· C[panic]) ⟢ (K, ΞΊ[e])

──────────────────────────────────────────────── [Panic Unwind Renaming]
(K, ΞΊ β–· renaming b β–· C[panic]) ⟢ (K, ΞΊ[panic])

────────────────────────────────────────────────── [Panic Unwind Fiber]
(K, Ξ£ β–Ά Ξ¦ with ΗΆ β–Ά C[panic]) ⟢ (K, Ξ£ β–Ά Ξ¦[panic])

next(K) = Ο‡α΅’
──────────────────────────────────────────────────── [Continuation Create]
(K, ΞΊ[continuation v]) βŸΆβ‚‘ (K[Ο‡α΅’ ≔ βˆ™ β–Ά v β–‘], ΞΊ[Ο‡α΅’])

K(Ο‡α΅’) = ΞΊ
resolve-handler(H) = ΗΆ
ΗΆ contains no duplicate indexed labels
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── [Push Continue]
(K, Ξ£ β–Ά Ξ¦[continue Ο‡α΅’ v with H]) ⟢ (K[Ο‡α΅’ ≔ βŠ₯], Ξ£ β–Ά Ξ¦ with ΗΆ β–Ά ΞΊ[v])

K(Ο‡α΅’) = ΞΊ
resolve-handler(H) = ΗΆ
ΗΆ contains no duplicate indexed labels
────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── [Push Discontinue]
(K, Ξ£ β–Ά Ξ¦[discontinue Ο‡α΅’ with H]) ⟢ (K[Ο‡α΅’ ≔ βŠ₯], Ξ£ β–Ά Ξ¦ with ΗΆ β–Ά ΞΊ[panic])

K(Ο‡α΅’) = βŠ₯
────────────────────────────────────────────────────── [Nonlinear Continue Panic]
(K, Ξ£ β–Ά Ξ¦[continue Ο‡α΅’ v with H]) ⟢ (K, Ξ£ β–Ά Ξ¦[panic])

K(Ο‡α΅’) = βŠ₯
─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── [Nonlinear Discontinue Panic]
(K, Ξ£ β–Ά Ξ¦[discontinue Ο‡α΅’ with H]) ⟢ (K, Ξ£ β–Ά Ξ¦[panic])

selection(s) = β„“/i
next(K) = Ο‡α΅’
ΞΊ{β„“/i} βŸΉβ‚š (ΞΊβ€², ΞΊβ€³ using h)
h(op) = op(x₁,…,xβ‚˜), k β†’ e
h contains no duplicate operations
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── [Op Perform]
(K, ΞΊ[s#op(v₁,…,vβ‚˜)]) ⟢ (K[Ο‡α΅’ ≔ ΞΊβ€²], ΞΊβ€³[[k ↦ Ο‡α΅’][xβ±Ό ↦ vβ±Ό | j ∈ 1..m]e])

The effect-performing unwinding relation

ΗΆ(β„“/i) = h
──────────────────────────────────────────── [Perform Handle]
Ξ£ β–Ά Ξ¦ with ΗΆ β–Ά C{β„“/i} βŸΉβ‚š (C, Ξ£ β–Ά Ξ¦ using h)

β„“/j = unshift-for-handler(ΗΆ)(β„“/i)
Ξ£ β–Ά Ξ¦{β„“/j} βŸΉβ‚š (Ξ£β€² β–Ά Ξ¦β€², ΞΊβ€³ using h)
────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── [Perform Unwind]
Ξ£ β–Ά Ξ¦ with ΗΆ β–Ά C{β„“/i} βŸΉβ‚š (Ξ£β€² β–Ά Ξ¦β€² with ΗΆ β–Ά C, ΞΊβ€³ using h)

ΞΊ{rename(b)(β„“/i)} βŸΉβ‚š (ΞΊβ€², ΞΊβ€³ using h)
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── [Perform Rename]
ΞΊ β–· renaming b β–· C{β„“/i} βŸΉβ‚š (ΞΊβ€² β–· renaming b β–· C, ΞΊβ€³ using h)

ΞΊ{β„“/i} βŸΉβ‚š (ΞΊβ€², ΞΊβ€³ using h)
─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── [Perform Unwind Calming]
ΞΊ β–· calming e β–· C{β„“/i} βŸΉβ‚š (ΞΊβ€² β–· calming e β–· C, ΞΊβ€³ using h)

An example code snippet

A simple state handler

effect 'a state =
  | get : unit -> 'a
  | put : 'a -> unit

let counter_state sβ‚€ f =
  let rec go s k x =
    continue k x with
      return v β†’ v, s
      counter β†’
        # get(),   k' β†’ go s  k' s
        # put(s'), k' β†’ go s' k' ()
  go sβ‚€ (continuation f) ()

let example_state =
  counter_state 0 (Ξ» _.
    let x = counter#get() in
    let y = counter#get() in

A state handler for an abstract name

let state (name n) sβ‚€ f =
  let rec go : 'a. _ -> ('a, _) continuation -> 'a -> _ =
    fun s k x ->
      continue k x with
        return v β†’ v, s
        (name n) β†’
          # get(),   k' β†’ go s  k' s
          # put(s'), k' β†’ go s' k' ()
  go sβ‚€ (continuation f) ()

let example_abstract =
  state counter 0 (Ξ» _.
    let x = counter#get() in
    let y = counter#get() in

let example_nested =
  state outer 2 (Ξ» _.
    state inner 100 (Ξ» _.
      let x = outer#get() in
      let y = inner#get() in

let example_renaming =
  state counter 0 (Ξ» _.
    [counter:s ← st:s](st#get());

Find using an exception effect

effect 'a exn =
  | raise : 'a -> .

let rec find p = function
  | []    -> not_found#raise()
  | x::xs -> if [not_found:_, R ← R] (p x)
             then x
             else find xs

let optionally f x =
  continue (continuation f) x with
    return y          β†’ Some y
    not_found#raise() β†’ None

The effects of optionally (find p) are the same as the effects of p. In current OCaml, the effects of optionally (find p) are the effects of p without raise Not_found.

optionally (find even) [1;2;3] ⟢* Some 2
optionally (find even) [1;3;5] ⟢* None
optionally (findβ‚’ (findα΅’ even)) [[];[1;4;5]] ⟢* not_found#raise()


A semantics for our proposed design for algebraic effects for OCaml