anssip / passlane

A lightning-fast password generator and manager written in Rust

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Passlane is a password manager for the command line and for the Web. There is also a web interface at that you can use to access your credentials on any device.

Passlane also supports secure saving and managing of payment cards and secure notes.

Passlane CLI is written in Rust.



  • You control the encryption keys: Your keys, your data.
  • CLI and Web user interfaces (see below)
  • Generate and save passwords
  • Save and view payment card information
  • Save and view secure notes
  • Full management features
  • Online storage with access from any device
  • Import passwords from CSV files
  • Export vault contents to CSV files


  1. Download the latest release
  2. Unpack the archive
  3. Place the unarchived binary passlane to your $PATH

To compile from sources

  1. Install rust development environment: rustup
  2. Clone this repo
  3. Run build: cargo build --release
  4. Add the built passlane binary to your $PATH

Create an account

The Passlane Vault is secured by Auth0 and OAuth 2.0. All passwords are stored encrypted.

Passlane stores the encryption key on your device. It never sends it out to the passlane vault servers or anywhere else. Only you, the end user, can access the encrypted data in the vault. You are the only person who has access to the encryption key.

Head over to and sign up for a free account. Once you have the account, run

passlane login

to connect the CLI with the vault. The connection will stay active after that. Use the lock and unlock commands to open and close access to the vault contents after you have logged in.


$  passlane -h
A password manager and a CLI client for the online Passlane Vault

Usage: passlane [COMMAND]

  login     Login to the online vault.
  password  Change the master password.
  add       Adds an item to the vault. Without arguments adds a new credential, use -p to add a payment card.
  csv       Imports credentials from a CSV file.
  delete    Deletes one or more entries.
  show      Shows one or more entries.
  lock      Lock the vaults to prevent all access
  unlock    Opens the vaults and grants access to the entries
  export    Exports the vault contents to a CSV file.
  help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help

Locking and unlocking

Before accessing your passwords you should unlock:

passlane unlock

This will ask for your master password which is then used to generate an encryption key. The encryption key is used for encrypting and storing password entries, and for retrieveing and decrypting these entries.

At the end of the session, lock the vaults and nobody can access the data.

passlane lock

Generating and saving passwords

To generate a new password without saving it. The generated password value is also copied to the clipboard.


To save new credentials by copying the password from clipboard:

passlane add -c --clipboard

To generate a new password and save credentials with one command:

passlane add -c -g

To save a payment card:

passlane add -p

Using saved credentials

You can search and show saved credentials with regular expressions

passlane show <regexp>

Run passlane show --> shows's password and alco copies the value to the clipboard.

If the search finds more than one matches:

$ passlane show
Found 9 matches:
|   | Service                        | Username/email                     |
| 0 |    |                  |
| 1 |    |                   |
| 2 |    |                        |
| 3 |    |               |
To copy one of these passwords to clipboard, please enter a row number from
the table above, or press q to exit: 3
Password from index 3 copied to clipboard!

Using saved payment cards

To list all your saved payment cards.

passlane show -p

Found 1 payment cards:
|   | Name          | Color | Last 4 | Expiry |
| 0 | Personal Visa | White | 1234   | 9/25   |
Do you want to see the card details? (y/n) y

Secure notes

You can also save and manage secure notes in Passlane. The contents of notes, the title and the note text itself, are all fully encrypted and only visible to you.

To add a secure note:

passlane add -n

To delete secure notes:

passlane delete -n

To show secure notes:

passlane show -n

Migrating from 1Password, LastPass, Dashlane etc.

You can import credentials from a CSV file. With this approach, you can easily migrate from less elegant and often expensive commercial services.

First, make sure that the CSV file has a header line (1st line) with the following column titles:

  • username
  • password
  • service

The service field is the URL or name of the service. When importing from Dashlane, the only necessary preparation is to rename url to service.

To export the credentials to a CSV file and import the file into Passlane:

passlane csv <path_to_csv_file>

Here are links to instructions for doing the CSV export:

Export to CSV

You can export all your vault contents to CSV files. The exported files can be imported to other password managers or to a spreadsheet program.

To export credentials to a file called creds.csv

passlane export creds.csv

To export payment cards to a file called cards.csv.

passlane export -p cards.csv

To export secure notes to a file called notes.csv

passlane export -n notes.csv


A lightning-fast password generator and manager written in Rust

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Rust 98.3%Language:Nix 1.6%Language:Shell 0.1%