ansonliao / Selenium-Extensions

A tool for supporting Selenium run test cases by parallel and multiple browsers types, and provide beautiful and detail test step test report

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This is a extension for Selenium in Java to extend Selenium for make Selenium test case can be run in parallel, and make it easy to support multiple browsers. Integrated beautiful and powerful HTML test report: ExtentReports.

Maven Dependency

Add the below dependencies in your pom.xml (Master)



Introduce TestNG framework to support Selenium test case parallel run. Parallel mode is by Test, the tag <test> of TestNG test suite xml.

Visual TestNG test suite XML generation

No need to provide TestNG test suite XMl file to start the test, TestNG test suite XML file will be generated programmatically.


Testing Report

After test completed, Extents test report can be found target/ExtentReports.html.

Screenshot for test fail

Screenshot can be found at target/screenshots for the test failed.

Download WebDriver binary automatically

Selenium-Extensions will download WebDriver binaries for Test automatically, no need download the binary manually before the test start.


For download the webdriver binary, introduced the dependency webdrivermanager of io.github.bonigarcia, for more detail the setting for the Web Driver Manager, please refer to the official document: Read Me, and the configuration file: Configuration .

Multiple browsers support

Browser support:

  • Chrome: Mac, Linux, Windows
  • FireFox: Mac, Linux, Windows
  • PhantomJs: Mac, Linux, Windows
  • Opera: Mac, Linux, Windows
  • Edge: Windows
  • InternetExplorer: Windows
  • Safari: DEPRECATED

Multiple browsers in Runtime

public class TestBrowser {
    public void f1() {
        // your testing code here

    public void f2() {
        // your testing code here

Even, you can annotated your test class:

public class TestBrowser {
    public void f1() {
        // your testing code here

    public void f2() {
        // your testing code here

From the above code, test class BrowserTest was annotated by @Chrome, so all test method of TestNG of test class BrowserTest will be run at browser Chrome. So finally, test method:

  • f1(): will be run at browsers Edge and Chrome (if Windows OS platform);
  • f2(): will be run at browsers Firefox and Chrome.

Dynamic URL support for test method

public class TestBrowser {

    public void f1() {
        // your testing code here

    public void f2() {
        // your testing code here

When the test start (test cases f1, f2), the URL will be open automatically, URL will be launched for test case f1, URL will be launched for test case f2.

also, you can annotate test class by @URL, such as:

public class TestBrowser {
    public void f1() {
        // your testing code here

    public void f2() {
        // your testing code here

Above two test cases f1, f2 will be lauch URL automatically.

Run test case

You need to create the runner to trigger the testing run.

Below is a sample, it is the simplest sample run all test cases, only run method TestNGRunner.Run().

public class MyTestRunner {
    public void run() {

When test runner created, we can trigger the test by Maven command, as below.

mvn clean test -Dtest=MyTestRunner


Selenium-Extentsions support run the test case by filters. The filter includes:

  • All: run test cases in test project
  • Package: run test cases by specify packages
  • Test Group: run test cases by specify test groups which in TestNG test annotation @Test
  • Test class: run test cases by specify test classes which are TestNG test class
  • Browser: run test cases by specify browser, such as CHROME, FIREFOX

Full configuration list

You can create your owned configuration and named to or Please note that make sure put your owned configuration file to the resources directory of under src that the main Java code (src/main/resources) or test Java code (src/test/resources).

Key Description Value Default Value Whether add testing browser to ExtentReports as a group of ExtentReport Boolean: true / false false (Java keyword in boolean, case sensitive) Run all TestNG test by the specified browser(s). This setting will ignore the existing browser annotation of TestNG test class, and will resign all valid TestNG test class to this setting browser CHROME, FIREFOX, IE, OPERA, PHAMTOMJS, EDGE, INTEREXPLORER null
default.browser Setting the default browser for the valid TestNG test case which without any valid browser annotation CHROME, FIREFOX, IE, OPERA, PHAMTOMJS, EDGE, INTEREXPLORER CHROME (no case sensitive)
browser.annotation.package The package that places all browser annotations and all ignore browser annotations. string com.github.ansonliao.selenium.annotations.browser
test.tag.class.size.of.testngxml The setting for how many TestNG test class will be held for each Test tag of TestNG XML positive integer 10
testing.package.names Specified what test script under the package(s) will be run string or string of list nulll
testing.browser.names Run the test cases which specified annotated by browser annotation match to this setting string or string of list null
testing.test.groups Run the test cases which are assigned to the testing group of TestNG of this setting string or string of list null
testing.testng.classes Specified what valid TestNG testing class will be executed string or string of list null
testng.listeners Provided your owned TestNG listener(s) string or string of list com.github.ansonliao.selenium.testng.TestResultListener, com.github.ansonliao.selenium.parallel.SeleniumParallelTestListener
testng.class.prefix Specified the specificed TestNG testing class that the leading, the TestNG testing class scanned will only filter the testing class which the class name starts with the setting string test (no case sensitive)

Please note that, for the setting can be string of list, please use comma (,) as the separator

Sample configuration: src/test/resources/, FIREFOX
default.browser=CHROME		// can be removed
browser.annotation.package=com.github.ansonliao.selenium.annotations.browser	// can be removed
testing.package.names=example.phase1, example.phase2
testing.test.groups=REGRESSION, SMOKE
testng.listeners=example.listeners.mylistener1, example.listeners.mylistener2

Provide filters as Maven command line argument

also you can provide the configuration by Maven's command line argument:

Execute Smoke test case (TestNG test group includes SMOKE) only

mvn clean test -Dtest=your_test_runner -Dtesting.test.groups=SMOKE

Or have a package that place all Smoke test case together and the package name is example.smoke:

mvn clean test -Dtest=your_test_runner -Dtesting.package.names=example.smoke

Provide filters programmatically

In your Test Runner, before calling TestNGRunner.Run(...), you can set the configuration via set the values of System.Properties or System.envs of Java:

public class RegressionRunner {
    public void runner() {
        System.setProperty("testing.test.groups", "REGRESSION");;

public class SmokeRunner {
    public void runner() {
        System.setProperty("testing.test.groups", "SMOKE");

public class ChromeTestRunner {
    public void runner() {
        System.setProperty("testing.browser.names", "CHROME");;

Difference between default.browser and testing.browser.names

  • testing.browser.names: The program will look for the valid TestNG testing class and testing method's browser annotations and check the browser annotation of test case whether contained in the setting of testing.browser.names, and then execute the test case which annotated by the browser annotation contains in the setting.
  • The programm will look for the valid TestNG test case and then ignore the browser annotation(s), and then add browser(s) of as the new browser annotation(s) for the valid TestNG test case.


Let's say we have two test methods below:

public class TestCaseSample {
    @Test(groups={"Regresion", "SMOKE"})
    public void regression1() {
        // testing code here
    @Test(groups={"Regression", "BVT"})
    public void regression2() {
        // testing code here
  1. Setting, PHANTOMJS applied, those two test cases will be executed against to browser Edge, PhantomJS
  2. Setting testing.browser.names=FIREFOX applied, only regression2() of those two test cases will be executed, because only test case regression2() have browser Firefox annotation
  3. Setting testing.browser.names=PHANTOMJS applied, no test case will be executed, because no test case annotated to browser PHANTOMJS


Apache License version 2.0

Selenium-Extensions is released under Apache License version 2.0


A tool for supporting Selenium run test cases by parallel and multiple browsers types, and provide beautiful and detail test step test report


Language:Java 100.0%