ansible-jakarta / meetup-2016-01-23

Demo files from the kick-off Ansible Jakarta meetup (2016-01-23)

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Introduction to Ansible Demo

To get started run vagrant up to bring up three machines:

  • trusty (
  • pricise (
  • centos7 (

Default user:password on each box is: vagrant:vagrant

To SSH into any of the machines use:

vagrant ssh <box-name>

Most of the example are done on trusty box, so vagrant ssh trusty.

Demo: Installing Ansible


Login into trusty box and:

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ansible

Demo: Ad-hoc Commands

Concepts covered:

  • inventory file
  • ping module
  • setup module
  • shell module
  • ansible CLI options:
    • -k, --ask-pass
    • -m, --module-name
    • -a, --args

Execute ad-hoc commands against all machines in the inventory from trusty box.

Use 'vagrant' password when prompted.

ansible all -k -m ping
ansible all -k -m setup
ansible all -k -m shell -a uptime

Demo: Simple Playbook Internals (ansible.yml)

Concepts covered:

  • playbook internals:
    • hosts
    • tasks
    • become
  • modules:
    • apt
  • ansible-playbook CLI options:
    • -i, --inventory-file
    • -c, --connection
    • -C, --check
    • -v, --verbose

Install ansible using ansible on trusty box using local connection.

Since we already isntalled ansible manually this will simply confirm that ansible is installed.

ansible-playbook -i 'localhost,' -c local ansible.yml -v
ansible-playbook -i 'localhost,' -c local ansible.yml -C -v

Demo: Ansible Module Overview

Concepts covered:

  • ansible-doc
  • ansible-doc CLI options:
    • -l, --list
    • -s, --snippet module

Explore module documentation and avaialble modules.

ansible-doc -l
ansible-doc apt
ansible-doc -s apt

Demo: SSH Key Deployment (authorized_keys.yml)

Concepts covered:

  • modules:
    • authorized_key
  • plugins:
    • file lookup

Generate SSH key-pair on trusty, then add it to autoorized keys on all hosts in inventory.

First time you'll be prompted for password ('vagrant'). Second time no password is required.

ansible-playbook -k authorized_keys.yml
ansible-playbook authorized_keys.yml

Demo: Resty (resty_git.yml)

Concepts covered:

  • variable prompt
  • modules:
    • package
    • git

Install resty application from git.

You'll be prompted for resty release during playbook run.

ansible-playbook resty_git.yml -v

Run the same playbook in non-interactive mode by passing the variable via CLI.

ansible-playbook resty_git.yml -e "resty_version=2.1" -v

Demo: Templating (template.yml)

Concepts covered:

  • ansible facts
  • playbook variables
  • modules:
    • template

Create a sample config file on each box using playbook variables and ansible facts.

New file /tmp/my_config.txt should be created on each box.

ansible-playbook template.yml -v

Demo: Apache Install (apache_try1.yml)

Concepts covered:

  • inventory groups
  • modules:
    • apt
    • yum
    • service

Install apache on all boxes. Use group variables to provide correct package name to apt and yum modules.

Group variables are defined in group_vars/[ubuntu,centos].yml

ansible-playbook apache_try1.yml -v

Demo: Apache Install (apache_try2.tml)

Concepts covered:

  • group variables
  • modules:
    • package
    • service

Use generic package module instead of OS specific (apt/yum).

ansible-playbook apache_try2.yml -v

Demo: Apache Install (apache_try3.yml)

Concepts covered:

  • using facts
  • group variables
  • modules:
    • group_by
    • package
    • service

Use groups dynamically created with group_by module, instead of pre-defined groups.

Use 'flat_inventory', which doesn't have any groups defined, instead of default 'inventory' file.

Use variables defined in group_vars/os_[Ubuntu,CentOS].yml.

ansible-playbook apache_try3.yml -i flat_inventory -v


Demo files from the kick-off Ansible Jakarta meetup (2016-01-23)