anserwaseem / elixir_rest_api

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool




  • Go to documentation and install latest version of elixir
  • Set PATH variable
  • Restart your system
  • Try elixir -v command


  • Install Hex package manager using mix local.hex command
  • Install Phoenix application generator using mix archive.install hex phx_new command
  • Install docker and follow the isntalltion instructions

    I'm on Windows 10 so i had to enable WSL feature by running wsl --install command, downloading linux kernal update package, enabling Hyper-V feature from settings and rebooting the system

  • Run docker pull postgress to install latest image of postgres in docker
  • Spin up the docker container using command docker run --name bs_db -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=postgresUser -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgresPassword -d postgres

    --name specify container name, -p specify port (using default port), -e set up environment variables (username and password for postgres), -d running the container in detached mode (background)

  • You can either use docker desktop GUI or run docker ps command to see available containers and their state, and docker inspect containerNameOrId to inspect its configurations and variables

Set up

You can run mix projectName to create a project but I'm gonna use more subcommands to make the project suited to my needs.

  • mix rest_api --no-install --app rest_api --database postgres --no-live --no-assets --no-html --no-dashboard --no-mailer --binary-id

--no-install won't run mix deps.git, we'll be installing dependencies ourselves, --app name of our OTP application, --database specify database adatpter for Ecto, --no-live don't require live view sockets, --no-assets don't require assets (css, js), --no-html don't require html views, --no-dashboard no need of phoenix live dashboard, --no-mailer no need of swoosh mailer files, --binary-id this uses binary ids instead of integres in database

  • Move to your project folder by doing cd rest_api
  • Change your username and password in config/dev.exs file to what you set while configuring postgres
  • Run mix ecto.create to create the database (and compiling the project as well)
  • Run mix phx.server to run the project
  • Go to localhost:4000 in your browser and you'll see Phoenix.Router.NoRouteError at GET /


  • Hit mix phx.gen.json Accounts Account accounts email:string hash_password:string
  • Hit mix phx.gen.json Users User users account_id:references:accounts full_name:string gender:string biography:text
  • Hit mix ecto.migrate

Hit Api

  • Run iex to spin up the Elixir shell
  • Enter RestApi.Accounts.create_account(%{email: ", hash_password: "thisishashed"}) to create first record in accounts table


License:MIT License


Language:Elixir 100.0%