anselbrandt / raspbian-lite-install-guide

Guide for installing Raspbian Lite on a headless Raspberry Pi from a Mac

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Raspbian Lite Install Guide

Raspberry Pi no longer has pi default user. A user must be configured while flashing SSD

See the following blog post for more info:

This is a step-by-step guide for installing Raspbian Lite onto a headless Raspberry Pi from a Mac. If everything works, your Raspberry Pi will:

  • connect to your WiFi network on boot
  • be visible in Finder as an SMB share
  • allow SSH login at username@raspberry-pi-name.local

See the other files for installing:

1. Download Raspbian Lite

2. Download and install Raspberry Pi Imager

3. Flash your SD card with the downloaded Raspbian image using balenaEtcher

4. Remove/Re-insert or Mount your newly flashed SD card (still on your Mac)

$ cd /Volumes/boot/
$ sudo touch ssh
$ sudo nano wpa_supplicant.conf

Paste in the following:

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev


Pay attention to wifi network name case.

control-o, control-x to save changes and exit nano.

Unmount and remove your SD card, insert into your Raspberry Pi and power it on.

5. Connect to your Raspberry Pi

$ ssh pi@raspberrypi.local

The default password will be raspberry

If you have trouble connecting to your Raspberry Pi, or have previously connected to it via SSH, you may need to clear out your known_hosts file in ~/.ssh

6. Change the name of your Pi

$ sudo nano /etc/hosts

On the last line, change the name raspberrypi to whatever you like. If you have more than one Pi on your network, you will want to give them different names.

control-o, control-x to save and exit.

$ sudo nano /etc/hostname

Change the name raspberrypi to the same name you used above.

control-o, control-x to save and exit.

If you wish to change the default password, enter:

$ sudo raspi-config

Reboot your Pi:

$ sudo reboot

Reconnect to your Pi using new host name (and new password if you changed that)

$ ssh pi@new-host-name.local

7. Enable file sharing

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install netatalk

Netatalk now installs with no default shares, which will result in a failed connection on your Mac.

You need to uncomment two lines in the Netatalk config file, and set default share to your /home folder:

$ sudo nano /etc/netatalk/afp.conf

Change the following:

;basedir regex = /****


basedir regex = /home

Restart Netatalk:

sudo systemctl restart netatalk

Now your Raspberry Pi should be visible in Finder under Network. If it isn't, or if it later fails to connect, quit Finder using the Activity Monitor. This will clear out the Finder Network cache.

8. Enable additional hardware, or install additional packages

Enable the Pi Camera under Interfacing Options in the Configuration Tool

$ sudo raspi-config

Test the Pi Camera:

$ raspistill -v -o test.jpg

New Camera Interface

libcamera-still -o test.jpg

To load the bcm2835-v4l2 driver:

$ sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2

To load the the bcm2835-v4l2 driver on boot:

$ sudo nano /etc/modules

and add the following line:


If you intend to use the audio output of your Pi, you may want to install something like,

$ sudo apt-get install mplayer

9. Sense HAT

Enable I2c in the Configuration Tool under Interfacing Options:

$ sudo raspi-config
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install sense-hat
$ sudo reboot

If the LEDs on your Sense HAT remain on after rebooting, you may need to $ sudo shutdown -h now your PI, and change the config.txt settings using your Mac.

Once you have inserted and mounted your SD card:

$ cd /Volumes/boot
$ nano config.txt

Add the following to the very end of the file:


control-o, control-x to save and exit.

Unmount and remove your SD card from your computer and re-insert it in your Pi and power it on. The LEDs should now turn off after booting.


Guide for installing Raspbian Lite on a headless Raspberry Pi from a Mac