anselbrandt / aws-deploy-notes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool





docker build -t anselbrandt/go-notes:latest .
docker push anselbrandt/go-notes:latest
ssh << HERE
docker pull anselbrandt/go-notes:latest
docker tag anselbrandt/go-notes:latest dokku/go-notes
dokku tags:deploy go-notes
docker system prune -a

exit 0

Copy the contents of git-hooks/ to .git/hooks/pre-push.sample and rename to pre-push

Modify the script with with your Docker Hub repo name, image name, Droplet domain/address, and Dokku app name.

Ensure your Droplet is configured and accessible via SSH, and you are logged in to Docker Hub.

Domain, proxying and SSL certificates should already be set up, and the application must be created.

The script can be run to set up your app. Don't forget to run chmod +x The script requires that SSL certs have already been uploaded, as below. If using the letsencrypt plugin, configure your app manually, or alter the script as needed.

This application deploys to the root domain.

dokku apps:create <app-name>
dokku domains:clear-global
dokku domains:set <app-name> <domain>
dokku proxy:ports-set <app-name> http:80:<port-exposed-by-docker-container>

SSL Certs

If adding an existing cert/key pair, they must be named server.crt and server.key and put in a .tar file named cert-key.tar then uploaded to your Droplet.

tar cvf cert-key.tar server.crt server.key
scp cert-key.tar root@<domain.tld>:/root

In your Droplet:

dokku certs:add <app-name> < cert-key.tar

Alternatively, you can use the dokku-letsencrypt plugin.

*letsencrypt will rate limit to 5 API calls per 7 day period.
