anoldwebsite's repositories
Using Express and opencv4node.js strream your webcam on localhost
A reusable program that cleans Airbnb and Zillow data with a connection to a PostgreSQL database. It also contains reusable functions in classes to perform exploratory analysis, calculate CAP rates, and recommend optimal zipcodes for investment.
I used Python to create a time series model. I modeled airline passenger data using ARMA, ARIMA, and SARIMA time series models. SARIMA was the best method for this data due to the presence of seasonality. Included in the project is a coding mental challenge: how would I go about creating a grid search method for SARIMA like the ARIMA version in pmdarima. I included sample code that I wrote to do parameter optimization on a logistic regression model using multithreading. Multithreading can be a powerful tool if employed in the right way. Libraries: Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, statsmodels, Sklearn, pmdarima
Ran PostgreSQL Queries on DC Bikeshare Data
I created three tables in a SQL database. I used UPDATE..SET...WHERE, date functions, joins, LIKE, CASE statements, and subqueries. I wrote a number of queries to determine: 1. How many unique customers had transactions in the year 2021 2. The last names of the customers who purchased a particular product in February 2021 3. The total orders made for a product type, how many orders with a `transact_type` of `SALE` were to customers in the state of New Jersey 4. How many unique customers have had successful, non-returned transactions in 2021 5. A list of all the customers with a `VOID` order for any Product ID/SKU that starts with the letter `t`. I also wrote a short script to access the City Bikes API in Python. Libraries: Pandas, SQLAlchemy, OS, Requests
Documentation behind the model used to analyse companies in Simply Wall St
Customer Segmentation
Python practice files from courses and tutorials online plus some odd, small projects I did when I began to learn to code.
A boilerplate for a freeCodeCamp project.
Kickstart your personal portfolio with Github Api and blog.
Python program to scrape stock market data from TMX, Yahoo, Nasdaq, and
Footer and Header for a website made with. material-ui and React
A website developed in Gatsby connected with Wordpress CMS
freecodecamp exercises to learn solidity with Python
Tools installed on a fresh mac
Provides Daily News Updates - Scrapes Google News RSS feed based on a user-provided search term. Generates a text file with the results. I used this program to automate a list of Twitter posts for bulk upload.
I analyzed a data set of clothing entering a warehouse using advanced SQL functions and Python. I calculated weighted averages in SQL using window functions and the filter clause to identify clothing that took longer to process in the warehouse. The SQL queries also use subqueries, common table expressions, CASE statements, UNION ALL, and ALTER TABLE ... UPDATE. Libraries: Pandas, Numpy, Seaborn, Matplotlib, SQLAlchemy
Python exercises from the book pythonTheHardWay with some extras
Stata Files - Data cleanings project - I programmatically downloaded data files from IPEDS using Python, a task that very few coders would be able to achieve. Then, I harmonized the data sets into a consistent panel dataset that is easy for others to use. I reshaped each data set to be long by unitid, academic rank, contract length, and sex. This required converting triply wide data into long for some years. I also encoded and recoded categorical variables for consistency across years.
Django project for posting messages in rooms where one can post text messages and users can have profile.
A basic telegram bot made in python to practice if else and dotenv file
Using the material-ui Grid system make the landing page with animation and buttons
material-ui grid has been used to make the services page of the website in this part of the project.
Creating an Express server and an API to return date in unix and UTC format
A nodejs API that creates shortcuts for URLs
django app that is very basic and could be your first app. Shows how to make a basic API and data model for movies rental app.
Logs events to console and a file in the project directory