anniehedgpeth / go-kata

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Getting Started


  • Set up Go.
  • Create directory $GOPATH/src/
  • Run git clone

Every time you start the kata

  • Close slack and email
  • Set a timer for 30 minutes
  • Create a new branch 20190104-annie
  • Check into that branch
  • Never merge to master
  • When the timer goes off, quit

Start off using Visual Studio Code

Graduate to Go Land and use the refactorings to speed up. Only use the keyboard.


Use this background information for the kata.

Simpson family:

name birthday favorite color allowance
Homer 22-September blue 10.50
Marge 14-February red 20.34
Lisa 4-July purple 15.50
Bart 1-June black 5.50
Maggie 1-April white 6.50



This gets you through most of the basic elements of golang.

After every step run the program and see the result

  1. Create a program in the main package (and folder) that outputs Hello, World!
  2. (Variables) Extract World into a local variable name
  3. (Variables) Change the name to your name. It should now say, for example Hello, Annie!
  4. (Functions) Extract the greeting into a function called sayHi that takes a name parameter and returns nothing.
  5. (Packages) Make the variable name a package variable
  6. (If statement) In the sayHi function, if the name is literally Annie add Your name is like the owner of this repo! to the end of the greeting
  7. (Functions returning value) Extract whether name is literally Annie expression to an isOwner method returning a bool
  8. (Loops) After the greeting (sayHi), in the main function output a list of the names of members of the Simpson family (above), using the classic for i := 0 ... loop, where the output contains the index of the family member, for example: 0: Marge followed by 1: Homer
  9. (Loops) Refactor this loop to use the range keyword
  10. (Loops) Drop the index variable and refactor this to use the range keyword omitting the index. At this point you will output only the names, for example, Homer then Marge
  11. (Maps) Change your list to include the favorite color of each family member by their name (see above). Output it like this: Marge: red followed by Homer: blue. The ordering doesn't matter. When looping continue to use the range keyword.
  12. (Functions) Refactor this into a method called sayFavoriteColors that outputs the greeting
  13. (Maps) Create a new list of family members with their day of the month number that they were born. Then output these, for example: Homer: 22 followed by Bart: 5. (these numbers can be fictional)
  14. (Functions) Refactor this into a method called sayBirthdays. At this point, your main method should be like this:
func main() {
  1. (Maps) Create another list that tracks the weekly allowance of each family member and output this: Michael: $20.50 - make sure you use the cents place for your values.
  2. (Functions) Refactor this into a method sayAllowance
  3. (Structs) Create a person struct that contains the person's name, favorite color, birthday number, and allowance. Refactor various lists into one global list with all of this information, and ensure your methods still work.
  4. (Packages) Migrate your functions to a greeting package and call that package from your main package
  5. (Sort) Whenever you talk about the family in the above methods, refer to them in alphabetical order (make sure your original list is not in alphabetical order)
  6. (Imports, Methods) Whenever you refer to your family by name, refer to them by all-caps, like HOMER: blue
  7. (Packages) Put the SayHi method and associated variable and the family-oriented greetings in different files in the same greeting package


Here we get into files and advanced object functions.

  1. (File/IO) Load in the information for the family from the comma-delimited list defined in simpsons.csv
  2. (File/IO) Load which family is used based on an argument to the program. For example if you run simpsons.csv the program should use the simpsons data. If the program has the argument jacksons.csv then load the jacksons data.
  3. (Channels, Mutex) If the program contains both files (simpsons.csv jacksons.csv), load them concurrently into one list. Make sure the list isn't accessed at the same time.
  4. (Structs, File/IO, flag package) If you pass in pets pets.csv, it should output the pets and their favorite toy. For example: Fido: bone followed by Argyle: yarn
  5. (Interfaces) If you pass in everyone simpsons.csv pets.csv, it should output the people and pets as animals. For example: Homer,Marge,Bart,Lisa,Maggie,Fido,Argyle
  6. (Methods) Create isRich() method on person that will return true if their allowance is greater than 10.50.
  7. (Anonymous functions) create familyMembers(where func(person member) bool) method to filter family members
  8. (Anonymous functions) if you pass in rich simpsons.csv, output family members defined in the CSV that are rich


This extends what you learned above to learn how to create a webserver API and client in golang.

  1. Remove method calls from main() method
  2. (REST Server) Create a webserver package, that when calling http://localhost/sayHi it returns the results of the SayHi method in the greeting package
  3. Run your webserver with the server argument
  4. When passing in webclient, call the web server at http://localhost/sayHi and output the contents of the resulting message.
  5. Create an endpoint for sayFavoriteColors and call it from main when webclient flag is given
  6. Create an endpoint for sayBirthdays and call it from main when webclient flag is given
  7. Create an endpoint for sayAllowance and call it from main when webclient flag is given
  8. (JSON Serialization) Create a http://localhost/familyMembers endpoint that returns back your family members, deserialized as person structs, and output them
  9. (PUT API calls) Create an endpoint at http://localhost/you where a PUT allows you to change the name in memory every time you call sayHi. Note that the name is different.
  10. (Errors) If someone sets the name to be blank, setName method should return an error and you should return an error HTTP response code
  11. When starting the server pass in the csv file to load for the family, like: server simpsons.csv
  12. (Templates) Create an html endpoint at http://localhost/report that returns back an HTML formatted list of all family members
