annapowellsmith / dc_base_theme

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Democracy Club Base Theme

This project contains:

  • Base SCSS components, including Foundation 6 for sites
  • The DC fonts
  • Javascript helpers, including jQuery
  • A django app containing templates and form helpers

It's designed to make managing the front end of DC projects easy and consistent


To use this project in your django project:

pip install git+git://

Add dc_theme to your INSTALLED_APPS

Configure django-pipeline in your projects

from dc_theme.settings import (

PIPELINE = get_pipeline_settings()


To use the styles in the theme you must create a scss file that is findable by one of the installed STATICFILES_FINDERS. This is normally in an assets folder, or in an app's static folder.

This file should import the DC theme:

@import 'dc_base';

This file then needs to be added to django-pipeline's PIPELINE dict. This can either be done by modifying the PIPELINE dict returned from get_pipeline_settings, or a list of files can be passed to that function directly:

PIPELINE = get_pipeline_settings(
    extra_css=['css/styles.scss', ],


Much like above, JavaScript files need to be findable by django's STATICFILES_FINDERS. There is no need to import the existing libraries.

Extra files can be added in the same way as CSS files:

PIPELINE = get_pipeline_settings(
    extra_js=['js/scripts.js', ],


Template Tags

Mark up form fields in a way similar to the GDS elements by importing the dc_forms template tag and piping a form to it:

{% load dc_forms %}
{{ form|dc_form }}

If you like, you can also pipe a single field to this tag.



A field that stores a date and presents 3 number input fields for day, month, year.



Language:Python 76.5%Language:CSS 10.5%Language:HTML 9.3%Language:JavaScript 3.7%