annania /

The group for companies that run open source programs

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comannania/todogroup.github.ioRepository from Github https://github.comannania/

The TODO group website assets

This repo houses the assets used to build the website for the TODO Group at

Building the site

This site is built using the Hugo static site generator and hosted on Netlify. In order to build the site, you'll need to install Hugo:

# macOS
brew install hugo

Running the site locally

If you want to edit the content of the site locally:

hugo server \
  --disableFastRender \
  --buildDrafts \
  --buildFuture \

This will run the site on localhost:1313. Just navigate to http://localhost:1313 in your browser and you should see the site running.


The group for companies that run open source programs



Language:CSS 66.4%Language:HTML 31.4%Language:JavaScript 1.6%Language:Makefile 0.6%