anna-hope / morphophonology_spe

Unsupervised learner for rule-based morpho-phonology

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Unsupervised learner for rule-based morpho-phonology


1. Using Docker

  1. Build the project image $ sudo docker build . -t tau-compling/morphophonology_spe:latest -f ./docker/Dockerfile

  2. Start the Docker container $ docker run -i -t -v ~/logs/:/root/morphophonology_spe/logs/ taucompling/morphophonology_spe:latest

Parameters explained:

  • -i - Interactive shell
  • -t - Spawn a terminal
  • -v - Mount logs directory for persistence

2. Native installation on Linux / MacOS

1. Create a Python virtual environment

You will need Python 3 or above.

$ virtualenv -p $(which python3) venv
$ source ./venv/bin/activate 

2. Install OpenFst from source + PyFST

$ export CFLAGS="-std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ -mmacosx-version-min=10.7"
$ pip install pyfst
$ unset CFLAGS
  • -std=c++11 makes the compiler use the correct C standard for OpenFst
  • -stdlib=libc++ makes the compiler use the standard C library OpenFst uses

2. Install gmpy

A Python library for multiple-precision arithmetic.

$ brew install gmp # MacOS
$ sudo apt-get install libgmp3-dev # Ubuntu/Debian
$ pip install gmpy

3. Install remaining requirements

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Running a simulation

$ python


  -i SIMULATION_ID, --id
                        Simulation ID
  -c CORPUS_NAME, --corpus
                        Corpus name, e.g "french_deletion"
  -e ENVIRONMENT_NAME, --environment
                        Environment to use for migration and logging: "aws", "azure", or "local". Default: "local"
  -n TOTAL_ISLANDS, --total-islands
                        Total number of islands in entire simulation
                        (including remote machines)"
                        First island index on this machine. Default: 0
                        Last island index on this machine. Default: number of islands minus 1


$ python -i french_deletion_test -c french_deletion -n 200

Example for a cluster with 2 machines and 400 islands:

  • Machine #1 with 200 islands: $ python -i french_deletion_test -c french_deletion -n 400 --first-island 0 --last-island 199

  • Machine #2 with another 200 islands: $ python -i french_deletion_test -c french_deletion -n 400 --first-island 200 --last-island 399


Saved to ./logs/genetic_log.txt


Unsupervised learner for rule-based morpho-phonology


Language:Python 99.8%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%