anmode / anmode

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नमस्ते (Namaste)🙏🏻, I'm Anmol Agrawal!

Full stack developer

Twitter Follow Linkedin: anmol GitHub followers website

📫 Like to meet me?

Pick a slot if you'd like to meet me and chat about anything you are passionate about - but make sure to describe the agenda


👇 Hit in your console or terminal to connect with me.

npx anmode

👆 This command line tool can be found at npx anmode

A little more about me...

const anmol = {
    pronouns: "He" | "Him",
    code: ["Javascript", "Python", "Java", "PHP"],
    askMeAbout: ["web dev", "tech", "startups", "UI/UX", "blockchain"],
    technologies: {
        backEnd: {
            js: ["Node", "Express"],
        startups: {
            skills: ["Management", "Innovative thinking", "Execution"]
        devOps: ["AWS", "Docker🐳", "Nginx"],
        databases: ["mongo", "MySql", "sqlite"],
        misc: ["Firebase", "Socket.IO", "selenium", "open-cv", "php", "SuiteApp"]
    architecture: ["Serverless Architecture", "Progressive web applications", "Single page applications"],
    currentFocus: "No Focus point at this time",
    funFact: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works"

I love connecting with different people so if you want to say hi, I'll be happy to meet you more! 😊

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