ankurpshah / java-pipeline-test

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Selenium setup with TestNG using Maven and Allure reports

Project Status

Java CI with Maven CircleCI Build Status


  • JDK 1.8 or higher must be installed.
  • Maven must be installed.


  • Clone this repo.
  • Make sure working directory is repo root directory.
  • Run command: mvn clean verify allure:report -P grid -Dbrowser=chrome -DsuiteXmlFile=smoke.suite.xml


  • Four profile available:

    • grid - execute tests on Selenium Grid. Grid Hub can be set in pom in seleniumGridURL property
    • nogrid - execute tests locally
    • parallelSuite - run parallel suite
    • singleThreaded - execute tests sequentially, omits parallel execution
  • For example, invoking

    mvn clean verify allure:report -P grid -Dthreads=3 -Dbrowser=chrome -DsuiteXmlFile=smoke.suite.xml

    will execute tests in parallel 3 threads on local machine and using cucumber-jvm-parallel-plugin plugin. In addition, -Dbrowser setting will set browser to Chrome.


  • Allure Reports will be generated in target/allure-results folder.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%