ankur512512 / backbase-terraform

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bonus Task (required for Senior):

  • This task exists because we interested in your terraform knowledge, you can choose to complete it or not.
  • Make a small terraform project, that deploys a centos AMI to a new VPC.
  • I want to be able to curl from inside the AMI.
  • you choose the rest of the details, if any.



  1. Terraform installed (v0.15.0)
  2. A key pair for EC2 instances (ssh key pair that we will be using to connect to ec2 instance, here we have used and id_rsa for public and private key respectively.)


  1. Download the source code in your working directory using below command:

     git clone
  2. cd into that project with below command:

     cd backbase-terraform
  3. Copy the public and private key from your home directory to current working directory where the code exists. (modify the source path if you need)

     cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa* .

    You will see the id_rsa and file copied into the working directory.

  4. Modify the file to provide AWS credentials. Replace my-access-key and my-secret-key with your own AWS account's access key and secret key and save it.

     provider "aws" {
       profile    = "default"
       region     = "us-east-1"
       access_key = "my-access-key"
       secret_key = "my-secret-key"
  5. Run the terraform commands.

     terraform fmt
     terraform init
     terraform plan
     terraform apply
     (Enter yes when prompted to approve in last step)

    Wait till terraforom creates all the resources and until you see a message like this:

    Apply complete! Resources: 10 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

  6. Testing: Check the AWS console to see all the resources created as execpted.

Navigate to EC2 instances for region "us-east-1" and you will find a EC2 instance with name "centos" running there. Get the public ip from "Public IPv4 address" field for this instance.


ssh to the instance using below command:

ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i id_rsa centos@<public-ip of your instance>

Now you can run curl command to see the connectivity with google: curl -L

(We have used -L option to follow the automatic redirects otherwise we get 301 Moved status)

You should be able to see the results with lots of html data from google.



Language:HCL 100.0%