ankittkamal / NetflixGPT

Netflix Clone Project with integrating OpenAI GPT search functionality for unique movie Recommendations.

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  • Netflix Clone Project with integrating OpenAI GPT search functionality for unique movie Recommendations.

Technologies Used

  • Front-end: React Redux Tailwind CSS JavaScript React Router
  • User Authentication: Firebase
  • API used : The Movie Database[TMDB] OpenAI platform GPT API


  • Sign Up / Sign In Page. signUpPage signInPage

  • Browse Page with GPT Search button, sign out functionality, video trailer streaming on background and movies section. BrowsePage

  • Browse Page with TMDB Movie Result Section BrowsePageMovieSection

  • GPT Search Page with Multi-language Feature in Search. GptSearchPage

  • Movie Result from GPT search functionality. GptSearchPageResult

Setup the project

  1. Fork the project
  2. Clone project using git clone + projectURL
  3. Install dependencies npm install
  4. In the root directory create a .env file and add the TMDB API KEY and OPENAI API KEY into it.



  1. Create a firebase project for web and enable Email/Password Authentication.

  2. Inside utils folder -> edit the firebase.js file with your firebase config and also add export const auth = getAuth(); in the file.

  3. To run the server execute npm start

Project Idea Overview

  • Login/Sign Up [Firebase User Authentication]

    • Sign In /Sign up Form
    • Redirect to Browse Page
  • Browse Page (after authentication)

    • Header
    • Main Movie
      • Tailer in Background
      • Title & Description
      • MovieSuggestions
        • MovieLists * N
  • NetflixGPT

    • Search Bar
    • Movie Suggestions

NetflixGPT Project Flow and Completed Task

  • Create React App.
  • Configured TailwindCSS.
  • Header.
  • Routing of App.
  • Login Form.
  • Sign up form.
  • Form Validation.
  • useRef Hook.
  • Firebase Setup.
  • Deployed our app to production.
  • Create SignUp user account.
  • Implement Sign In user API.
  • Created Redux Store with userSlice.
  • Implemented Sign out.
  • Update Profile
  • BugFix: Signup user display and profile picture update
  • BugFix: If the user is not logged in redirect /browse to login page and vice versa
  • UnSubscribed to the on onAuthStateChanged callback
  • Add hardcoded values to the constant file
  • Regiter TMDB API & create an app & get access token
  • Get Data from TMDB now playing movies list API
  • Custom Hook for Now Playing Movies
  • Create movieSlice
  • Update Store with movies Data
  • Planning for MainContauiner & secondary container
  • Fetch Data for Trailer Video
  • Update Store with Trailer Video Data
  • Embedded the Yotube video and make it autoplay and mute
  • Tailwind Classes to make Main Container look awesome
  • Build Secondary Container.
  • Build Movie List
  • build Movie Card
  • TMDB Image CDN URL
  • Made the Browsre page amazing with Tailwind CSS
  • usePopularMovies Custom hook
  • Get Open AI Api Key
  • (BONUS) Multi-language Feature in our App
  • GPT Search Page
  • GPT Search Bar
  • Gpt Search API Call
  • fetched gptMoviesSuggestions from TMDB
  • created gptSlice added data
  • Resused Movie List component to make movie suggestion container
  • Memoization - Memoization is used to optimize the performance of functions by caching the results of expensive function calls and reusing those results when the same inputs occur again.
  • Added .env file
  • Adding .env file to gitignore
  • Made our Site Responsive.
  • FIX: rectified the GptSearchPage data layer and clear the GptSearchPage when you click the GPT search button


Netflix Clone Project with integrating OpenAI GPT search functionality for unique movie Recommendations.


Language:JavaScript 94.7%Language:HTML 5.1%Language:CSS 0.2%