ankitious / cars

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Frontend React Test

This is Auto1's cars and car detail page's light version.

It is built on the top of create-react-app.

It is having back end as Node.

Installing / Getting started

Install dependencies
1. yarn install  ( This will install dependancies for both server and client!)
Run the tests
2. yarn test
Run the application
3. yarn start

Built With

  • Redux (State Management)
  • Styled-components (Styling)
  • Redux-saga (To manage side effects)
  • Axios (To make http requests)


  • node >= 8
  • npm >= 5

Setting up Dev

Below are the commands to set up in local environment.

git clone
cd cars/
yarn install
yarn dev

Project Structure

├── build         
├── public                  # Public folder
├── src                     # Source files 
     ├── components
             ├── page404     # page not found component
             ├── shared      # common components
             ├── detail      # Detail View
             ├── home        # Home View
     ├── images
     ├── store
             ├── actions    
             ├── api
             ├── reducers
             ├── sagas        # side effects management
             ├── index.js
     ├── utility             # common reusable functions
             ├── constants
             ├── index.js
             ├── localStorage.js
     ├── App.js
     ├── Routes              # Manages React Routes        
     ├── index.js            # set up redux store & bootstrap application 
     ├── setupTests.js
├── package.json                  

I have tried to add most of the features without using additional libraries.


Here is the deployed version on Heroku.



Language:JavaScript 97.5%Language:HTML 2.5%