ankitanjana23 / Flight_Enquiry

A web application for flight inquiry that allows users to search and view flight details, such as flight schedules, availability, no. of seats, arrival-departure time and many more advanced features. Technologies Used HTML,CSS,javaScript,Node.js and use Database: MySQL Workbench

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A web application for flight inquiry that allows users to search and view flight details, such as flight schedules, availability, no. of seats, arrival-departure time and many more advanced features. Technologies Used HTML,CSS,javaScript,Node.js and use Database: MySQL Workbench

Login Page

Login Page

Invalid Login Page

lnvalid login page

Flight Interface

Flight Interface

List of Flight

List of flight

Flight Logo

Flight Logo

Flight Update

Flight update




A web application for flight inquiry that allows users to search and view flight details, such as flight schedules, availability, no. of seats, arrival-departure time and many more advanced features. Technologies Used HTML,CSS,javaScript,Node.js and use Database: MySQL Workbench


Language:EJS 74.9%Language:JavaScript 24.8%Language:CSS 0.3%