ankit-maverick / InformationRetrievalassignment

IR Assignment

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CS635 Information Retrieval and Web Mining : Assignment

Guide : Prof. Soumen Chakrabarti

Team Members :

Ankit Agrawal 10D070027

Saif Hasan 09005003

Sagar Chordia 09005013

Description :

This assignment submission includes the implementation of various features of a Search Engine after training on 20M query data from AOL. The implemented features are:

  1. Predicting Similar Queries

  2. Query Auto Completion

  3. Spell Checker

Instructions for Running :

Predicting similar queries :
- Open one terminal and in it type following command
	$ python
	Note: If this gives Out of Memory error then RAM is insufficient on your machine so use following command
	$ python

- Open another terminal to test queries: (This is necessary for redirecting output into another file)
- Run following command with file containing queries for testing
	$ python < test_queries.txt
	- This will produce output on standard terminal

- For HTML Interface open index.html file

For File Structure, see Description.txt

Auto Complete :
- Auto complete four files as listed above. Firstly using and we generate all unigrams bi-grams and tri-grams	respectively from the Corpus (which are SentiWordNet.txt and big.txt) and stores them in test.txt file in decreasing order of their popularity in corpus.
- file read this corpus and generate appropriate tri structure to server requests.
- We had very limited Corpus of English Text to train our Data Structure. Larger the corpus you will have better suggestion for completing phrase.
- We have supported upto tri-grams.
- on running it will open a server socket on specified port given as argument and will server requests for suggestions on that port.
	$ python 5000

Note: This will take sometime as it loads data into memory and Construct the data structure.

Spell Suggestion :
Spell Suggestion contain two files as described above.
Working of spell suggestion:
	- It reads all the data from corpus and make dictionary of words.
	- query is a single word
	- For a given query, we find all the words which are very 1 levenstein distance away. If any one of them is proper dictionary word then we are done with it. Otherwise we find all valid dictionary words which are two levenstein distance away from query and are valid words. We return the most frequent word from all possible word.
	- This is very fast and we tested well.


Media folder contains the CSS and Javascript files for UI of webpage.

Main code which starts all the services.
Then option index.html and perform your queries.
Note: Wait for sometime until all loading of files are completed.


Main file which is interface for performing query. On the left side there are three port options.
Please make sure you enter the same port numbers on the index.html and when you run the


		Contains main Lucene code which search for a similar queries


IR Assignment


Language:C 94.2%Language:Python 4.8%Language:C++ 1.0%