ankan1811 / Backend_hirequotient_assignment

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project Name - API Documentation


This project provides a set of RESTful APIs for managing users, posts, and comments. It allows users to create, view, and edit their profiles, create posts, retrieve posts, and comment on posts.

Base URL

The base URL for all endpoints is: http://localhost:8000/

To Run

1.npm install 2.npm start


Authentication is required for certain endpoints.

When checking the protected routes in postman , for that particular api, In headers, put key = auth-token and value = TOKEN (which will be generated)

Very important:

UserId: _id of the user collection (Created when user is registered for the first time)

ProfileId: _id of the profile collection (A user can only create his profile if he logs in)

PostId: _id of the post collection (A user can only create posts if he logs in and he has a profile)

CommentId: _id of the comment (Someone need all 3 above to create comment)


When checking the protected routes in postman ,Go to headers , put key = auth-token and value = TOKEN

Register User

  • Endpoint: /users/register
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Register a new user by providing username, email, and password in the request body.
  • Request Body:
      "username": "example_user",
      "email": "",
      "password": "password123" (minimum length:6)

Login User

Endpoint: /users/login Method: POST Description: Authenticate and log in a user. Provide email and password in the request body.

Request Body:

  "email": "",
  "password": "password123"

Response: Returns a JWT token if successful for further authentication.

User Profile Management

Create Profile
Endpoint: /profile
Method: POST
Description: Create a newProfile.
Authorization: Bearer Token (JWT)

  "userId": "mongodb _id of the resopective user collection",
  "fullName": "ankan",
  "bio": "optional"

Response: Profile details if successful.

Get User Profile
Endpoint: /profile/:profileId
Method: GET
Description: Retrieve user profile details by user ID.
Authorization: Bearer Token (JWT)
Response: User profile details if found.
Update User Profile
Endpoint: /profile/:profileId
Method: PUT
Description: Update user profile details.
Authorization: Bearer Token (JWT)

Request Body: Updated user profile fields
Response: Updated user profile details.

Posts Post Creation and Retrieval

Create Post
Endpoint: /posts
Method: POST
Description: Create a new post.
Authorization: Bearer Token (JWT)

Request Body:

"title": "Post Title",
"content": "Post Content",
"userId":"mongodb \_id of the resopective user collection",
"profileId" :"mongodb \_id of the resopective profile collection"
Response: New post details if successful.
Get All Posts
Endpoint: /posts
Method: GET
Description: Retrieve all posts.
Response: List of all posts.
Get Post by ID
Method: GET
Description: Retrieve a specific post by its ID.
Response: Details of the specific post if found.
Get Post  of a particular user by userID
Method: GET
Description: Retrieve all posts of a particular user by his/her userID.
Response: Details of the specific posts if found.
Update Post
Endpoint: /posts/:postId
Method: PUT
Description: Update a specific post by its ID.
Authorization: Bearer Token (JWT)
Request Body: Updated post fields
Response: Updated post details if successful.
Delete Post
Endpoint: `/posts/:postId`
Method: DELETE
Description: Delete a specific post by its ID.
Authorization: Bearer Token (JWT)
Response: Confirmation of post deletion.

Comments Commenting System

Create Comment
Endpoint: /comments
Method: POST
Description: Add a comment to a post.
Authorization: Bearer Token (JWT)

Request Body:

"content": "Comment Content",
"postId": "mongodb \_id of the respective post collection",
"userId":"mongodb \_id of the resopective user collection",
"profileId" :"mongodb \_id of the resopective profile collection"
Response: New comment details if successful.
Get All Comments
Endpoint: /comments
Method: GET
Description: Retrieve all comments.
Response: List of all comments.
Get Comment by ID
Endpoint: `/comments/:commentId`
Method: GET
Description: Retrieve a specific comment by its ID.
Response: Details of the specific comment if found.

Update Comment
Endpoint: `comments/:commentId`
Method: PUT
Description: Update a specific comment by its ID.
Authorization: Bearer Token (JWT)
Request Body: Updated comment fields
Response: Updated comment details if successful.

Delete Comment
Endpoint: `/comments/:commentId`
Method: DELETE
Description: Delete a specific comment by its ID.
Authorization: Bearer Token (JWT)
Response: Confirmation of comment deletion.



Language:JavaScript 100.0%