anjoweichbrodt / marp-cli

A CLI interface for Marp and Marpit based converters

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A CLI interface, for Marp (using @marp-team/marp-core) and any slide deck converter based on Marpit framework.

It can convert Marp / Marpit Markdown files into static HTML / CSS, PDF, PowerPoint document, and image(s) easily.

Try it now!


npx is the best tool when you want to convert Markdown right now. Just run below if you are installed Node.js:

# Convert slide deck into HTML
npx @marp-team/marp-cli
npx @marp-team/marp-cli -o output.html

# Convert slide deck into PDF
npx @marp-team/marp-cli --pdf
npx @marp-team/marp-cli -o output.pdf

# Convert slide deck into PowerPoint document (PPTX)
npx @marp-team/marp-cli --pptx
npx @marp-team/marp-cli -o output.pptx

# Watch mode
npx @marp-team/marp-cli -w

# Server mode (Pass directory to serve)
npx @marp-team/marp-cli -s ./slides

ℹ️ You have to install Google Chrome (or Chromium) to convert slide deck into PDF, PPTX, and image(s).


Do you hate to install Node and Chrome locally? We have an official Docker image marpteam/marp-cli ready to use CLI.

Please refer how to use at Docker Hub.

Run in Gitpod

You can also build and run marp-cli in Gitpod, an online IDE for GitHub:

Open in Gitpod


Local installation

We recommend to install Marp CLI into your Node project. You may control the CLI (and engine) version exactly.

npm install --save-dev @marp-team/marp-cli

The installed marp command is available in npm-scripts or npx marp.

Global installation

You can install with -g option if you want to use marp command globally.

npm install -g @marp-team/marp-cli

Standalone binary (EXPERIMENTAL)

Do you never want to install any dependent tools? we also provide executable binaries for Linux, macOS, and Windows.

⏩ Download the latest standalone binary for your OS from release page.

Basic usage

Convert to HTML

The passed markdown will be converted to HTML file by default. In the below example, a converted slide-deck.html will output to the same directory.


You can change the output path by --output (-o) option.

marp -o output.html

Marp CLI supports converting multiple files by passing multiple paths, directories, and glob patterns. In this case, --output option cannot use.

When you want to output the converted result to another directory with keeping the origin directory structure, you can use --inpur-dir (-I) option. --output option would be available for specify the output directory.

Convert to PDF (--pdf)

If you passed --pdf option or the output filename specified by --output (-o) option ends with .pdf, Marp CLI will try to convert into PDF file by using the installed Google Chrome or Chromium.

marp --pdf
marp -o converted.pdf

ℹ️ The all kind of conversions except HTML require Google Chrome or Chromium. When any problem has occurred while converting, please update your Chrome/Chromium to the latest version or try using Google Chrome Canary.

Convert to PowerPoint document (--pptx)

Do you want more familiar way to present and share your deck? PPTX conversion to create PowerPoint document is available by passing --pptx option or specify the output path with PPTX extension.

marp --pptx
marp -o converted.pptx

A created PPTX includes rendered Marp slide pages and the support of Marpit presenter notes. It can open with PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides, LibreOffice Impress, and so on...

ℹ️ A converted PPTX consists of pre-rendered images. Please note that contents would not be able to modify or re-use in PowerPoint.

Convert to PNG/JPEG image(s)

Multiple images (--images)

You can convert the slide deck into multiple images when specified --images [png|jpeg] option.

# Convert into multiple PNG image files
marp --images png

# Convert into multiple JPEG image files
marp --images jpeg

Output files have a suffix of page number, like slide-deck.001.png, slide-deck.002.png, and so on.

Title slide (--image)

When you passed --image option or specified the output path with PNG/JPEG extension, Marp CLI will convert only the first page (title slide) of the targeted slide deck into an image.

# Convert the title slide into an image
marp --image png
marp -o output.png

It would be useful for creating Open Graph image that can specify with image global directive and --og-image option.

Security about local files

Because of the security reason, PDF, PPTX and image(s) conversion cannot use local files by default.

Marp CLI would output incompleted result with warning if the blocked local file accessing is detected. We recommend uploading your assets to online.

If you really need to use local files in these conversion, --alow-local-files option helps to find your local files. Please use only to the trusted Markdown because there is a potential security risk.

marp --pdf --allow-local-files

Conversion modes

Watch mode (--watch / -w)

Marp CLI will observe a change of Markdown and using theme CSS when passed with --watch (-w) option. The conversion will be triggered whenever the content of file is updated.

While you are opening the converted HTML in browser, it would refresh the opened page automatically.

Server mode (--server / -s)

Server mode supports on-demand conversion by HTTP request. We require to pass --server (-s) option and a directory to serve.

In this mode, the converted file outputs as the result of accessing to server, and not to disk.

You would get the converted PDF, PPTX, PNG, and JPEG by adding corresponded query string when requesting. e.g. http://localhost:8080/ returns converted PDF. /

Marp CLI server will provide the list of served files by default, but you can place the default Markdown deck like a common web server's index.html.

Place Markdown named or (GitPitch style) to served directory. It would be redirected just accessing to http://localhost:8080/.

Preview window (EXPERIMENTAL: --preview / -p)

When conversions were executed together with --preview (-p) option, Marp CLI will open preview window(s) to check the converted result immediately.

Unlike opening with browser, you may present deck with the immersive window. Watch mode is automatically enabled while using preview window.

ℹ️ --preview option cannot use when you are using Marp CLI through official docker image.


You can choose a built-in HTML templates by --template option. Default template is bespoke.

marp --template bespoke

bespoke template (default)

The bespoke template is using Bespoke.js as the name implies. It has several features to be useful in a real presentation. A few features may control by CLI options.


  • Navigation: Navigate the deck through keyboard and swipe geasture.
  • Fullscreen: Toggle fullscreen by hitting f / F11 key.
  • On-screen controller: There is a touch-friendly OSC. You may also disable by --bespoke.osc=false if unneccesary.
  • Fragmented list: Recognize Marpit's fragmented list and appear list one-by-one if used * and 1) as the bullet marker.
  • Presenter view: Open presenter view in external window by hitting p key.
  • Progress bar (optional): By setting --bespoke.progress option, you can add a progress bar on the top of the deck.

ℹ️ Presenter view may be disabled if the browser restricted using localStorage (e.g. Open HTML in the old Safari with private browsing, or open the local HTML file with Chrome that has blocked 3rd party cookies in chrome://settings/content/cookies).

bare template

The bare template is a primitive template, and there is no extra features. It only has minimum assets to give your presentation with browser.

Zero-JS slide deck

When the conversion engine is changed to Marpit framework by setting engine option, it would not use any scripts. Even then, it has enough to use for the browser-based presentation.

marp --template bare --engine @marp-team/marpit


We recommend setting metadata of the slide deck if you want to host the outputted HTML on the web. To optimize the converted web page for SEO and social sharing, passed meta values will use in <title>, <link>, and <meta> tags.

Global directives CLI option Description Metadata
title --title Define title of the slide deck. <title>, og:title
description --description Define description of the slide deck. <meta name="description">, og:description
url --url Define canonical URL. <link rel="canonical">, og:url
image --og-image Define Open Graph image URL. og:image

ℹ️ The passed canonical URL will be ignored when cannot parse as valid URL.

Marp CLI supports additional global directives to specify metadata in Markdown. You can define meta values in Markdown front-matter.

title: Marp slide deck
description: An example slide deck created by Marp CLI

# Marp slide deck

By CLI option

Marp CLI prefers CLI option to global directives. You can override metadata values by --title, --description, --url, and --og-image.


Override theme

You can override theme you want to use by --theme option. For example to use Gaia built-in theme in Marp Core:

marp --theme gaia

Use custom theme

A custom theme created by user also can use easily by passing the path of CSS file.

marp --theme custom-theme.css

ℹ️ Normally Marpit theme CSS requires @theme meta comment, but it's not required in this usage.

Theme set

--theme-set option has to specify theme set composed by multiple theme CSS files. The registed themes are usable in Marpit's theme directive.

# Multiple theme CSS files
marp --theme-set theme-a.css theme-b.css theme-c.css --

# Theme directory
marp --theme-set ./themes --


Marp CLI is calling the Marpit framework based converter as "Engine". Normally we use the bundled marp-core, but you may swap the conversion engine to another Marpit based engine through --engine option.

Use Marpit framework

For example, it can convert Markdown by using the pure Marpit framework.

# Install Marpit framework
npm i @marp-team/marpit

# Specify engine to use Marpit
marp --engine @marp-team/marpit

Notice that Marpit has not provided theme. It would be good to include inline style in Markdown, or pass CSS file by --theme option.

Functional engine

When you specify the path to JavaScript file in --engine option, you may use more customized engine by JS.

It would be useful to convert with a customized engine for supporting the additional syntax that is out of Marp Markdown specification.

// engine.js
const { Marp } = require('@marp-team/marp-core')
const markdownItMark = require('markdown-it-mark')

module.exports = (opts) => new Marp(opts).use(markdownItMark)
# Install Marp Core and markdown-it-mark
npm install @marp-team/marp-core markdown-it-mark --save-dev

# Specify the path to functional engine
marp --engine ./engine.js

The customized engine would convert ==marked== to <mark>marked</mark>.

Confirm engine version

By using --version (-v) option, you may confirm the version of engine that is expected to use in current configuration.

$ marp --version
@marp-team/marp-cli v0.x.x (w/ bundled @marp-team/marp-core v0.x.x)

Marp CLI prefers to use an installed core by user than the bundled. If the current project has installed @marp-team/marp-core individually, it would show its version and the annotation: w/ user-installed @marp-team/marp-core vX.X.X or w/ customized engine.

Configuration file

Marp CLI can be configured options with file, such as marp.config.js, .marprc (JSON / YAML), and marp section of package.json. It is useful to configure settings for the whole of project.

// package.json
  "marp": {
    "inputDir": "./slides",
    "output":" ./public",
    "themeSet": "./themes"
# .marprc.yml
allowLocalFiles: true
  looseYAML: false
    breaks: false
pdf: true
// marp.config.js
const { Marp } = require('@marp-team/marp-core')
const container = require('markdown-it-container')

module.exports = {
  // Customize engine on configuration file directly
  engine: (opts) => new Marp(opts).use(container, 'custom'),

By default we use configuration file that is placed on current directory, but you may also specify the for configuration file by --config-file option (-c).


Key Type CLI option Description
allowLocalFiles boolean --allow-local-files Allow to access local files from Markdown while converting PDF (NOT SECURE)
bespoke object Setting options for bespoke template
osc boolean --bespoke.osc [Bespoke] Use on-screen controller (true by default)
progress boolean --bespoke.progress [Bespoke] Use progress bar (false by default)
description string --description Define description of the slide deck
engine string | Class | Function --engine Specify Marpit based engine
html boolean | object --html Enable or disable HTML (Configuration file can pass the whitelist object if you are using Marp Core)
image png | jpeg --image Convert the first slide page into an image file
images png | jpeg --images Convert slide deck into multiple image files
inputDir string --input-dir -I The base directory to find markdown and theme CSS
jpegQuality number --jpeg-quality Setting JPEG image quality (85 by default)
lang string Define the language of converted HTML
ogImage string --og-image Define Open Graph image URL
options object The base options for the constructor of engine
output string --output -o Output file path (or directory when input-dir is passed)
pdf boolean --pdf Convert slide deck into PDF
preview boolean --preview -p Open preview window (EXPERIMENTAL)
server boolean --server -s Enable server mode
template bare | bespoke --template Choose template (bespoke by default)
theme string --theme Override theme by name or CSS file
themeSet string | string[] --theme-set Path to additional theme CSS files
title string --title Define title of the slide deck
url string --url Define canonical URL
watch boolean --watch -w Watch input markdowns for changes


The advanced options that cannot specify through CLI options can be configured by file.

Base options for engine constructor

options can set the base options for the constructor of the used engine. You can fine-tune constructor options for Marp Core / Marpit.

For example, the below configuration will set constructor option for Marp Core as specified:

  "options": {
    "markdown": {
      "breaks": false
    "minifyCSS": false

⚠️ Some options may be overridden by used template.


Are you interested in contributing? Please see and the common contributing guideline for Marp team.


Managed by @marp-team.


This tool releases under the MIT License.


A CLI interface for Marp and Marpit based converters

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 90.8%Language:CSS 5.1%Language:JavaScript 2.4%Language:HTML 1.2%Language:Dockerfile 0.5%