anirbanpranto / CyberRent

A Housing Rental System built with JavaFX. The purpose of this project was to demonstrate the use of OO Design Patterns in real life systems.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CyberRent - A House Renting System

Built as a part of Object Oriented Analysis and Design class at Multimedia University, Cyberjaya.

Built by -

Name ID
Anirban Bala Pranto 1181202317
Lee Jia Rou 1191101639
Tee Song Hee 1191101539
Chew Shu Zhang 1191303059

How to run

  • Clone the repo
  • The project can be opened in vscode by modifying you folder name and path in launch.json
  • The project can be opened in intellij by modifying you folder name and path
  • The project can be compiled and run in BlueJ without any modification

High Level Design of the System

  • GlobalState model is a singleton that binds the entire system together. The singleton object maintains consistency of data across all controllers.
  • The view folder contains .fxml views that bind with controllers in controller folder.
  • The controllers can process data received from the view and can update the view, they can also create new objects from model and mutate the global data.
  • Everytime there is a mutation in globalstate, we rewrite our database which is stored as .csv files.
  • Models are the entities that exist in the system (including the GlobalState itself)


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A Housing Rental System built with JavaFX. The purpose of this project was to demonstrate the use of OO Design Patterns in real life systems.


Language:Java 99.9%Language:CSS 0.1%