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:octocat: (Weekly Update) Python / Modern C++ Solutions of All 1697 LeetCode Problems

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# [LeetCode](


* R.I.P. to my old Leetcode repository, where there were `5.7k+` stars and `2.2k+` forks (ever the top 3 in the field).
* Since free questions may be even mistakenly taken down by some companies, only solutions will be post on now.
* There are new LeetCode questions every week. I'll keep updating for full summary and better solutions.
* For more problem solutions, you can see my [LintCode](, [GoogleKickStart]( repository.
* For more challenging problem solutions, you can also see my [GoogleCodeJam](, [FacebookHackerCup]( repositories.
* Hope you enjoy the journey of learning data structures and algorithms.
* Notes: "πŸ”’" means your subscription of [LeetCode premium membership]( is required for reading the question.

## Algorithms

* [Bit Manipulation](
* [Array](
* [String](
* [Linked List](
* [Stack](
* [Queue](
* [Binary Heap](
* [Tree](
* [Hash Table](
* [Math](
* [Two Pointers](
* [Sort](
* [Recursion](
* [Binary Search](
* [Binary Search Tree](
* [Breadth-First Search](
* [Depth-First Search](
* [Backtracking](
* [Dynamic Programming](
* [Greedy](
* [Graph](
* [Geometry](
* [Simulation](
* [Design](
* [Concurrency](

## Database

* [SQL](

## Shell

* [Shell Script](

## Reference

* C++
    * [STL Time Complexity (Detailed)](
    * [STL Time Complexity (Summary)](
    * [Data Structure and Algorithms Cheat Sheet](
* Python
    * [Time Complexity](

## Bit Manipulation
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0136 | [Single Number]( | [C++](./C++/single-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_       | _O(1)_          | Easy         |||
0137 | [Single Number II]( | [C++](./C++/single-number-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_          | Medium         |||
0190 | [Reverse Bits](  | [C++](./C++/reverse-bits.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_        | _O(1)_          | Easy           |||
0191  |[Number of 1 Bits]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-1-bits.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_          | Easy           |||
0201 | [Bitwise AND of Numbers Range]( | [C++](./C++/bitwise-and-of-numbers-range.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0231 | [Power of Two]( | [C++](./C++/power-of-two.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy | LintCode |
0260 | [Single Number III]( | [C++](./C++/single-number-iii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_          | Medium         ||
0268| [Missing Number]( | [C++](./C++/missing-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ |  _O(1)_ | Medium         | LintCode ||
0318| [Maximum Product of Word Lengths]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-product-of-word-lengths.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ ~ _O(n^2)_ |  _O(n)_ | Medium         || Bit Manipulation, Counting Sort, Pruning|
0342 | [Power of Four]( | [C++](./C++/power-of-four.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy | |
0371 | [Sum of Two Integers]( | [C++](./C++/sum-of-two-integers.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy | LintCode |
0389 | [Find the Difference]( | [C++](./C++/find-the-difference.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy | |
0393 | [UTF-8 Validation]( | [C++](./C++/utf-8-validation.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | |
0401 | [Binary Watch]( | [C++](./C++/binary-watch.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy | |
0411 | [Minimum Unique Word Abbreviation]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-unique-word-abbreviation.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O((d + n) * 2^n)_ | _O(d)_ | Hard | πŸ”’ |
0421 | [Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-xor-of-two-numbers-in-an-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium ||
0461 | [Hamming Distance]( | [C++](./C++/hamming-distance.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0477 | [Total Hamming Distance]( | [C++](./C++/total-hamming-distance.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0645 | [Set Mismatch]( | [C++](./C++/set-mismatch.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0693 | [Binary Number with Alternating Bits]( | [C++](./C++/binary-number-with-alternating-bits.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0762 | [Prime Number of Set Bits in Binary Representation]( | [C++](./C++/prime-number-of-set-bits-in-binary-representation.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0868 | [Binary Gap]( | [C++](./C++/binary-gap.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0898 | [Bitwise ORs of Subarrays]( | [C++](./C++/bitwise-ors-of-subarrays.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
1310 | [XOR Queries of a Subarray]( | [C++](./C++/xor-queries-of-a-subarray.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
1318 | [Minimum Flips to Make a OR b Equal to c]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-flips-to-make-a-or-b-equal-to-c.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
1342 | [Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-steps-to-reduce-a-number-to-zero.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
1558 | [Minimum Numbers of Function Calls to Make Target Array]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-numbers-of-function-calls-to-make-target-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium || Greedy

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## Array
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0026 | [Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array](| [C++](./C++/remove-duplicates-from-sorted-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_       | _O(1)_         | Easy           || Two Pointers
0027 | [Remove Element]( | [C++](./C++/remove-element.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_      | _O(1)_         | Easy           ||
0031 | [Next Permutation](| [C++](./C++/next-permutation.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_  | _O(1)_          | Medium         || Tricky
0041 | [First Missing Positive](| [C++](./C++/first-missing-positive.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard         || Tricky
0048 | [Rotate Image](   | [C++](./C++/rotate-image.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_      | _O(1)_         | Medium         ||
0054 | [Spiral Matrix]( | [C++](./C++/spiral-matrix.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_    | _O(1)_         | Medium         ||
0059 | [Spiral Matrix II]( | [C++](./C++/spiral-matrix-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
0066 | [Plus One](      | [C++](./C++/plus-one.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(n)_           | _O(1)_         | Easy           || 
0073 | [Set Matrix Zeroes]( | [C++](./C++/set-matrix-zeroes.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(1)_    | Medium         ||
0080 | [Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II](| [C++](./C++/remove-duplicates-from-sorted-array-ii.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_       | _O(1)_         | Medium         || Two Pointers
0118 | [Pascal's Triangle](| [C++](./C++/pascals-triangle.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(1)_        | Easy           || 
0119 | [Pascal's Triangle II](| [C++](./C++/pascals-triangle-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(1)_  | Easy           ||
0121 | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock](| [C++](./C++/best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0128 | [Longest Consecutive Sequence](| [C++](./C++/longest-consecutive-sequence.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard         || Tricky
0157 | [Read N Characters Given Read4]( | [C++](./C++/read-n-characters-given-read4.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy           |πŸ”’|
0158 | [Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times]( | [C++](./C++/read-n-characters-given-read4-ii-call-multiple-times.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard |πŸ”’|
0163 | [Missing Ranges](| [C++](./C++/missing-ranges.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_      | _O(1)_          | Medium         | πŸ”’ |
0169 | [Majority Element]( | [C++](./C++/majority-element.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_          | Easy           | | `Boyer–Moore Majority Vote Algorithm`
0189 | [Rotate Array](   | [C++](./C++/rotate-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(1)_         | Easy           ||
0215 | [Kth Largest Element in an Array]( | [C++](./C++/kth-largest-element-in-an-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ on average | _O(1)_ |  Medium | EPI| Quick Select, Tri Partition
0228 | [Summary Ranges]( | [C++](./C++/summary-ranges.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | |
0229 | [Majority Element II]( | [C++](./C++/majority-element-ii.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_          | Medium           | |
0238 | [Product of Array Except Self]( | [C++](./C++/product-of-array-except-self.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_          | Medium           | LintCode |
0240 | [Search a 2D Matrix II]( | [C++](./C++/search-a-2d-matrix-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m + n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium   | EPI, LintCode |
0243| [Shortest Word Distance](     | [C++](./C++/shortest-word-distance.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ |  _O(1)_ | Easy         |πŸ”’||
0245| [Shortest Word Distance III](     | [C++](./C++/shortest-word-distance-iii.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ |  _O(1)_ | Medium         |πŸ”’||
0251| [Flatten 2D Vector]( | [C++](./C++/flatten-2d-vector.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(1)_ |  _O(1)_ | Medium         |πŸ”’||
0277| [Find the Celebrity]( | [C++](./C++/find-the-celebrity.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ |  _O(1)_ | Medium         |πŸ”’, EPI ||
0289| [Game of Life]( | [C++](./C++/game-of-life.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(m * n)_ |  _O(1)_ | Medium         |||
0293| [Flip Game]( | [C++](./C++/flip-game.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n * (c+1))_ |  _O(1)_ | Easy         |πŸ”’||
0296| [Best Meeting Point]( | [C++](./C++/best-meeting-point.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(m * n)_ |  _O(m + n)_ | Hard         |πŸ”’||
0311| [Sparse Matrix Multiplication]( | [C++](./C++/sparse-matrix-multiplication.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(m * n * l)_ |  _O(m * l)_ | Medium         |πŸ”’||
0334| [Increasing Triplet Subsequence]( | [C++](./C++/increasing-triplet-subsequence.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ |  _O(1)_ | Medium         |||
0370| [Range Addition]( | [C++](./C++/range-addition.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(k + n)_ |  _O(1)_ | Medium         |πŸ”’||
0384| [Shuffle an Array]( | [C++](./C++/shuffle-an-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ |  _O(n)_ | Medium         | EPI ||
0396| [Rotate Function]( | [C++](./C++/rotate-function.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ |  _O(1)_ | Easy         |||
0412| [Fizz Buzz]( | [C++](./C++/fizz-buzz.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ |  _O(1)_ | Easy         |||
0414| [Third Maximum Number]( | [C++](./C++/third-maximum-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ |  _O(1)_ | Easy         |||
0419| [Battleships in a Board]( | [C++](./C++/battleships-in-a-board.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(m * n)_ |  _O(1)_ | Medium         |||
0422| [Valid Word Square]( | [C++](./C++/valid-word-square.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(m * n)_ |  _O(1)_ | Easy         |πŸ”’||
0442| [Find All Duplicates in an Array]( | [C++](./C++/find-all-duplicates-in-an-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ |  _O(1)_ | Medium         |||
0448| [Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array]( | [C++](./C++/find-all-numbers-disappeared-in-an-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ |  _O(1)_ | Easy         |||
0462 | [Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements II]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-moves-to-equal-array-elements-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_  on average | _O(1)_ | Medium || Quick Select
0531 | [Lonely Pixel I]( | [C++](./C++/lonely-pixel-i.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(m + n)_ | Medium         |πŸ”’||
0533 | [Lonely Pixel II]( | [C++](./C++/lonely-pixel-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(m * n)_ | Medium         |πŸ”’||
0565 | [Array Nesting]( | [C++](./C++/array-nesting.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium         |||
0566 | [Reshape the Matrix]( | [C++](./C++/reshape-the-matrix.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(m * n)_ | Easy         |||
0581 | [Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray]( | [C++](./C++/shortest-unsorted-continuous-subarray.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         |||
0605 | [Can Place Flowers]( | [C++](./C++/can-place-flowers.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         |||
0624 | [Maximum Distance in Arrays]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-distance-in-arrays.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy | πŸ”’ |
0643 | [Maximum Average Subarray I]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-average-subarray-i.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy || Math
0644 | [Maximum Average Subarray II]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-average-subarray-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard | πŸ”’ | Math
0661| [Image Smoother]( | [C++](./C++/image-smoother.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(m * n)_ |  _O(1)_ | Easy         |||
0665| [Non-decreasing Array]( | [C++](./C++/non-decreasing-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ |  _O(1)_ | Easy         |||
0667| [Beautiful Arrangement II]( | [C++](./C++/beautiful-arrangement-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ |  _O(1)_ | Medium         |||
0670| [Maximum Swap]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-swap.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(logn)_ |  _O(logn)_ | Medium         |||
0674 | [Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence]( | [C++](./C++/longest-continuous-increasing-subsequence.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0683 | [K Empty Slots]( | [C++](./C++/k-empty-slots.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard ||
0697| [Degree of an Array]( | [C++](./C++/degree-of-an-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy ||
0713 | [Subarray Product Less Than K]( | [C++](./C++/subarray-product-less-than-k.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0717 | [1-bit and 2-bit Characters]( | [C++](./C++/1-bit-and-2-bit-characters.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy || Greedy
0723 | [Candy Crush]( | [C++](./C++/candy-crush.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O((R * C)^2)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0724 | [Find Pivot Index]( | [C++](./C++/find-pivot-index.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0729 | [My Calendar I]( | [C++](./C++/my-calendar-i.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium ||
0731 | [My Calendar II]( | [C++](./C++/my-calendar-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium ||
0732 | [My Calendar III]( | [C++](./C++/my-calendar-iii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ ~ _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard ||
0747 | [Largest Number At Least Twice of Others]( | [C++](./C++/largest-number-at-least-twice-of-others.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0755 | [Pour Water]( | [C++](./C++/pour-water.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(v * n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0766 | [Toeplitz Matrix]( | [C++](./C++/toeplitz-matrix.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0768 | [Max Chunks To Make Sorted II]( | [C++](./C++/max-chunks-to-make-sorted-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard || Mono Stack
0769 | [Max Chunks To Make Sorted]( | [C++](./C++/max-chunks-to-make-sorted.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0778 | [Swim in Rising Water]( | [C++](./C++/swim-in-rising-water.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n^2)_ | Hard || Union Find
0792 | [Number of Matching Subsequences]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-matching-subsequences.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + w)_ | _O(k)_ | Medium ||
0794 | [Valid Tic-Tac-Toe State]( | [C++](./C++/valid-tic-tac-toe-state.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0795 | [Number of Subarrays with Bounded Maximum]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-subarrays-with-bounded-maximum.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0803 | [Bricks Falling When Hit]( | [C++](./C++/bricks-falling-when-hit.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(r * c)_ | _O(r * c)_ | Hard || Union Find
0807 | [Max Increase to Keep City Skyline]( | [C++](./C++/max-increase-to-keep-city-skyline.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium ||
0821 | [Shortest Distance to a Character]( | [C++](./C++/shortest-distance-to-a-character.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0830 | [Positions of Large Groups]( | [C++](./C++/positions-of-large-groups.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0832 | [Flipping an Image]( | [C++](./C++/flipping-an-image.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0835 | [Image Overlap]( | [C++](./C++/image-overlap.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^4)_ | _O(n^2)_ | Medium ||
0840 | [Magic Squares In Grid]( | [C++](./C++/magic-squares-in-grid.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0842 | [Split Array into Fibonacci Sequence]( | [C++](./C++/split-array-into-fibonacci-sequence.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^3)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium ||
0845 | [Longest Mountain in Array]( | [C++](./C++/longest-mountain-in-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0849 | [Maximize Distance to Closest Person]( | [C++](./C++/maximize-distance-to-closest-person.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0860 | [Lemonade Change]( | [C++](./C++/lemonade-change.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0868 | [Transpose Matrix]( | [C++](./C++/transpose-matrix.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(r * c)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0885 | [Spiral Matrix III]( | [C++](./C++/spiral-matrix-iii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(max(m, n)^2)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
0888 | [Fair Candy Swap]( | [C++](./C++/fair-candy-swap.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m + n)_ | _O(m + n)_      | Easy         ||
0896 | [Monotonic Array]( | [C++](./C++/monotonic-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
0905 | [Sort Array By Parity]( | [C++](./C++/sort-array-by-parity.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
0909 | [Snakes and Ladders]( | [C++](./C++/snakes-and-ladders.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n^2)_      | Medium         ||
0915 | [Partition Array into Disjoint Intervals]( | [C++](./C++/partition-array-into-disjoint-intervals.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_      | Medium         ||
0918 | [Maximum Sum Circular Subarray]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-sum-circular-subarray.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
0922 | [Sort Array By Parity II]( | [C++](./C++/sort-array-by-parity-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
0923 | [3Sum With Multiplicity]( | [C++](./C++/3sum-with-multiplicity.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_      | Medium         ||
0927 | [Three Equal Parts]( | [C++](./C++/three-equal-parts.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Hard         ||
0932 | [Beautiful Array]( | [C++](./C++/beautiful-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_      | Medium         ||
0941 | [Valid Mountain Array]( | [C++](./C++/valid-mountain-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
0945 | [Minimum Increment to Make Array Unique]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-increment-to-make-array-unique.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_      | Medium         ||
0947 | [Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column]( | [C++](./C++/most-stones-removed-with-same-row-or-column.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_      | Medium         || Union Find
0949 | [Largest Time for Given Digits]( | [C++](./C++/largest-time-for-given-digits.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
0950 | [Reveal Cards In Increasing Order]( | [C++](./C++/reveal-cards-in-increasing-order.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_      | Medium         ||
0952 | [Largest Component Size by Common Factor]( | [C++](./C++/largest-component-size-by-common-factor.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(f * n)_ | _O(p + n)_      | Hard         || Union Find
0954 | [Array of Doubled Pairs]( | [C++](./C++/array-of-doubled-pairs.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + klogk)_ | _O(k)_      | Medium         ||
0961 | [N-Repeated Element in Size 2N Array]( | [C++](./C++/n-repeated-element-in-size-2n-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
0978 | [Longest Turbulent Subarray]( | [C++](./C++/longest-turbulent-subarray.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
0985 | [Sum of Even Numbers After Queries]( | [C++](./C++/sum-of-even-numbers-after-queries.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + q)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
0989 | [Add to Array-Form of Integer]( | [C++](./C++/add-to-array-form-of-integer.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + logk)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
0997 | [Find the Town Judge]( | [C++](./C++/find-the-town-judge.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(t + n)_ | _O(n)_      | Easy         ||
0999 | [Available Captures for Rook]( | [C++](./C++/available-captures-for-rook.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1002 | [Find Common Characters]( | [C++](./C++/find-common-characters.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * l)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1007 | [Minimum Domino Rotations For Equal Row]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-domino-rotations-for-equal-row.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
1013 | [Pairs of Songs With Total Durations Divisible by 60]( | [C++](./C++/pairs-of-songs-with-total-durations-divisible-by-60.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1014 | [Best Sightseeing Pair]( | [C++](./C++/best-sightseeing-pair.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
1018 | [Binary Prefix Divisible By 5]( | [C++](./C++/binary-prefix-divisible-by-5.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1020 | [Partition Array Into Three Parts With Equal Sum]( | [C++](./C++/partition-array-into-three-parts-with-equal-sum.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1030 | [Matrix Cells in Distance Order]( | [C++](./C++/matrix-cells-in-distance-order.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1031 | [Maximum Sum of Two Non-Overlapping Subarrays]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-sum-of-two-non-overlapping-subarrays.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
1051 | [Height Checker]( | [C++](./C++/height-checker.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_      | Easy         ||
1052 | [Grumpy Bookstore Owner]( | [C++](./C++/grumpy-bookstore-owner.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
1072 | [Flip Columns For Maximum Number of Equal Rows]( | [C++](./C++/flip-columns-for-maximum-number-of-equal-rows.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(m * n)_      | Medium         ||
1074 | [Number of Submatrices That Sum to Target]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-submatrices-that-sum-to-target.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m^2 * n)_ | _O(n)_      | Hard         ||
1085 | [Sum of Digits in the Minimum Number]( | [C++](./C++/sum-of-digits-in-the-minimum-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * l)_ | _O(l)_      | Easy         |πŸ”’||
1089 | [Duplicate Zeros]( | [C++](./C++/duplicate-zeros.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1093 | [Statistics from a Large Sample]( | [C++](./C++/statistics-from-a-large-sample.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
1099 | [Two Sum Less Than K]( | [C++](./C++/two-sum-less-than-k.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         |πŸ”’|
1109 | [Corporate Flight Bookings]( | [C++](./C++/corporate-flight-bookings.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         || Line Sweep
1144 | [Decrease Elements To Make Array Zigzag]( | [C++](./C++/decrease-elements-to-make-array-zigzag.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
1184 | [Distance Between Bus Stops]( | [C++](./C++/distance-between-bus-stops.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         || 
1200 | [Minimum Absolute Difference]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-absolute-difference.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_      | Easy         || 
1222 | [Queens That Can Attack the King]( | [C++](./C++/queens-that-can-attack-the-king.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         || 
1252 | [Cells with Odd Values in a Matrix]( | [C++](./C++/cells-with-odd-values-in-a-matrix.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + m)_ | _O(n + m)_      | Easy         || 
1260 | [Shift 2D Grid]( | [C++](./C++/shift-2d-grid.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         || 
1267 | [Count Servers that Communicate]( | [C++](./C++/count-servers-that-communicate.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(m + n)_      | Medium         || 
1275 | [Find Winner on a Tic Tac Toe Game]( | [C++](./C++/find-winner-on-a-tic-tac-toe-game.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         || 
1295 | [Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits]( | [C++](./C++/find-numbers-with-even-number-of-digits.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlog(logm))_ | _O(logm)_      | Easy         || 
1299 | [Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right Side]( | [C++](./C++/replace-elements-with-greatest-element-on-right-side.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         || 
1304 | [Find N Unique Integers Sum up to Zero]( | [C++](./C++/find-n-unique-integers-sum-up-to-zero.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         || 
1313 | [Decompress Run-Length Encoded List]( | [C++](./C++/decompress-run-length-encoded-list.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         || 
1329 | [Sort the Matrix Diagonally]( | [C++](./C++/sort-the-matrix-diagonally.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n * log(min(m, n))_ | _O(m * n)_      | Medium         || Sort
1331 | [Rank Transform of an Array]( | [C++](./C++/rank-transform-of-an-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_      | Easy         || 
1333 | [Filter Restaurants by Vegan-Friendly, Price and Distance]( | [C++](./C++/filter-restaurants-by-vegan-friendly-price-and-distance.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(rlogr)_ | _O(r)_      | Medium         || Sort
1337 | [The K Weakest Rows in a Matrix]( | [C++](./C++/the-k-weakest-rows-in-a-matrix.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(k)_      | Easy         || OrderedDict, Quick Select
1343 | [Number of Sub-arrays of Size K and Average Greater than or Equal to Threshold]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-sub-arrays-of-size-k-and-average-greater-than-or-equal-to-threshold.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         || 
1346 | [Check If N and Its Double Exist]( | [C++](./C++/check-if-n-and-its-double-exist.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_      | Easy         || 
1351 | [Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix]( | [C++](./C++/count-negative-numbers-in-a-sorted-matrix.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m + n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         || 
1375 | [Bulb Switcher III]( | [C++](./C++/bulb-switcher-iii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
1380 | [Lucky Numbers in a Matrix]( | [C++](./C++/lucky-numbers-in-a-matrix.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(m + n)_      | Easy         ||
1389 | [Create Target Array in the Given Order]( | [C++](./C++/create-target-array-in-the-given-order.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1394 | [Find Lucky Integer in an Array]( | [C++](./C++/find-lucky-integer-in-an-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_      | Easy         ||
1399 | [Count Largest Group]( | [C++](./C++/count-largest-group.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_      | Easy         ||
1404 | [Number of Steps to Reduce a Number in Binary Representation to One]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-steps-to-reduce-a-number-in-binary-representation-to-one.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
1413 | [Minimum Value to Get Positive Step by Step Sum]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-value-to-get-positive-step-by-step-sum.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1426 | [Counting Elements](| [C++](./C++/counting-elements.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_      | _O(n)_          | Easy         | πŸ”’ |
1427 | [Perform String Shifts](| [C++](./C++/perform-string-shifts.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + l)_      | _O(1)_          | Easy         | πŸ”’ |
1428 | [Leftmost Column with at Least a One](| [C++](./C++/leftmost-column-with-at-least-a-one.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m + n)_      | _O(1)_          | Medium         | πŸ”’ |
1431 | [Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies]( | [C++](./C++/kids-with-the-greatest-number-of-candies.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         || 
1437 | [Check If All 1's Are at Least Length K Places Away]( | [C++](./C++/check-if-all-1s-are-at-least-length-k-places-away.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         || 
1450 | [Number of Students Doing Homework at a Given Time]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-students-doing-homework-at-a-given-time.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         || 
1460 | [Make Two Arrays Equal by Reversing Sub-arrays]( | [C++](./C++/make-two-arrays-equal-by-reversing-sub-arrays.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_      | Easy         || 
1464 | [Maximum Product of Two Elements in an Array]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-product-of-two-elements-in-an-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         || 
1465 | [Maximum Area of a Piece of Cake After Horizontal and Vertical Cuts]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-area-of-a-piece-of-cake-after-horizontal-and-vertical-cuts.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(hlogh + wlogw)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         || 
1470 | [Shuffle the Array]( | [C++](./C++/shuffle-the-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1471 | [The k Strongest Values in an Array]( | [C++](./C++/the-k-strongest-values-in-an-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         || Quick Select
1475 | [Final Prices With a Special Discount in a Shop]( | [C++](./C++/final-prices-with-a-special-discount-in-a-shop.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_      | Easy         || Mono Stack
1480 | [Running Sum of 1d Array]( | [C++](./C++/running-sum-of-1d-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1491 | [Average Salary Excluding the Minimum and Maximum Salary]( | [C++](./C++/average-salary-excluding-the-minimum-and-maximum-salary.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1502 | [Can Make Arithmetic Progression From Sequence]( | [C++](./C++/can-make-arithmetic-progression-from-sequence.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1503 | [Last Moment Before All Ants Fall Out of a Plank]( | [C++](./C++/last-moment-before-all-ants-fall-out-of-a-plank.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
1534 | [Count Good Triplets]( | [C++](./C++/count-good-triplets.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^3)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1535 | [Find the Winner of an Array Game]( | [C++](./C++/find-the-winner-of-an-array-game.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
1538 | [Guess the Majority in a Hidden Array]( | [C++](./C++/guess-the-majority-in-a-hidden-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         |πŸ”’|
1550 | [Three Consecutive Odds]( | [C++](./C++/three-consecutive-odds.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1559 | [Detect Cycles in 2D Grid]( | [C++](./C++/detect-cycles-in-2d-grid.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(m * n)_      | Hard         || Union Find, BFS
1560 | [Most Visited Sector in a Circular Track]( | [C++](./C++/most-visited-sector-in-a-circular-track.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1562 | [Find Latest Group of Size M]( | [C++](./C++/find-latest-group-of-size-m.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_      | Medium         ||
1566 | [Detect Pattern of Length M Repeated K or More Times]( | [C++](./C++/detect-pattern-of-length-m-repeated-k-or-more-times.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1572 | [Matrix Diagonal Sum]( | [C++](./C++/matrix-diagonal-sum.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1574 | [Shortest Subarray to be Removed to Make Array Sorted]( | [C++](./C++/shortest-subarray-to-be-removed-to-make-array-sorted.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
1582 | [Special Positions in a Binary Matrix]( | [C++](./C++/special-positions-in-a-binary-matrix.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_      | Easy         ||
1583 | [Count Unhappy Friends]( | [C++](./C++/count-unhappy-friends.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n^2)_      | Medium         ||
1619 | [Mean of Array After Removing Some Elements]( | [C++](./C++/mean-of-array-after-removing-some-elements.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         || Quick Select
1629 | [Slowest Key]( | [C++](./C++/slowest-key.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1646 | [Get Maximum in Generated Array]( | [C++](./C++/get-maximum-in-generated-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy ||
1652 | [Defuse the Bomb]( | [C++](./C++/defuse-the-bomb.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
1672 | [Richest Customer Wealth]( | [C++](./C++/richest-customer-wealth.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||

<div align="right">
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## String
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0005| [Longest Palindromic Substring]( | [C++](./C++/longest-palindromic-substring.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ |  Medium || `Manacher's Algorithm`
0006| [ZigZag Conversion]( | [C++](./C++/zigzag-conversion.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_        | Easy           ||
0008| [String to Integer (atoi)]( | [C++](./C++/string-to-integer-atoi.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy      ||
0014| [Longest Common Prefix]( | [C++](./C++/longest-common-prefix.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * k)_   | _O(1)_  | Easy           ||
0028| [Implement strStr()]( | [C++](./C++/implement-strstr.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + k)_   | _O(k)_  | Easy           || `KMP Algorithm`
0038| [Count and Say]( | [C++](./C++/count-and-say.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n * 2^n)_  | _O(2^n)_        | Easy           ||
0043| [Multiply Strings]( | [C++](./C++/multiply-strings.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(m + n)_  | Medium         ||
0058| [Length of Last Word]( | [C++](./C++/length-of-last-word.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_   | _O(1)_  | Easy           ||
0067| [Add Binary](    | [C++](./C++/add-binary.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(1)_          | Easy           ||
0068| [Text Justification]( | [C++](./C++/text-justification.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Hard           ||
0125| [Valid Palindrome]( | [C++](./C++/valid-palindrome.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_  | _O(1)_         | Easy           ||
0151| [Reverse Words in a String]( | [C++](./C++/reverse-words-in-a-string.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium         ||
0161| [One Edit Distance]( | [C++](./C++/one-edit-distance.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m + n)_ | _O(1)_    | Medium         |πŸ”’ |
0165| [Compare Version Numbers]( | [C++](./C++/compare-version-numbers.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy     ||
0186| [Reverse Words in a String II]( |[C++](./C++/reverse-words-in-a-string-ii.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium         | πŸ”’ |
0214| [Shortest Palindrome]( | [C++](./C++/shortest-palindrome.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ |  Hard || `KMP Algorithm` `Manacher's Algorithm`
0242| [Valid Anagram](| [C++](./C++/valid-anagram.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_       | _O(1)_         | Easy         | LintCode |
0271| [Encode and Decode Strings]( | [C++](./C++/encode-and-decode-strings.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium         | πŸ”’ |
0273| [Integer to English Words]( | [C++](./C++/integer-to-english-words.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard         | |
0306| [Addictive Number]( | [C++](./C++/additive-number.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^3)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium         | |
0383| [Ransom Note]( | [C++](./C++/ransom-note.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         | EPI |
0405| [Convert a Number to Hexadecimal]( | [C++](./C++/convert-a-number-to-hexadecimal.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         | |
0408| [Valid Word Abbreviation]( | [C++](./C++/valid-word-abbreviation.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         | πŸ”’ |
0415| [Add Strings]( | [C++](./C++/add-strings.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         | |
0420| [Strong Password Checker]( | [C++](./C++/strong-password-checker.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard         | |
0434| [Number of Segments in a String]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-segments-in-a-string.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         | |
0443| [String Compression]( | [C++](./C++/string-compression.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         | |
0459| [Repeated Substring Pattern]( | [C++](./C++/repeated-substring-pattern.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy         || `KMP Algorithm` |
0468| [Validate IP Address]( | [C++](./C++/validate-ip-address.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium         | |
0482| [License Key Formatting]( | [C++](./C++/license-key-formatting.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy | |
0520| [Detect Capital]( | [C++](./C++/detect-capital.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(l)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         | |
0521| [Longest Uncommon Subsequence I]( | [C++](./C++/longest-uncommon-subsequence-i.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(min(a, b))_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         | |
0522| [Longest Uncommon Subsequence II]( | [C++](./C++/longest-uncommon-subsequence-ii.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(l * n^2)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium         | | Sort
0524| [Longest Word in Dictionary through Deleting]( | [C++](./C++/longest-word-in-dictionary-through-deleting.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O((d * l)  * logd)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium         | | Sort
0527| [Word Abbreviation]( | [C++](./C++/word-abbreviation.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * l)_ ~ _O(n^2 * l^2)_  | _O(n * l)_ | Hard         |πŸ”’|
0539| [Minimum Time Difference]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-time-difference.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium         | |
0541| [Reverse String II]( | [C++](./C++/reverse-string-ii.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         | |
0551 | [Student Attendance Record I]( | [C++](./C++/student-attendance-record-i.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
0556| [Next Greater Element III]( |[C++](./C++/next-greater-element-iii.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium         | |
0557| [Reverse Words in a String III]( |[C++](./C++/reverse-words-in-a-string-iii.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         | |
0564| [Find the Closest Palindrome]( |[C++](./C++/find-the-closest-palindrome.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(l)_ | _O(l)_ | Hard         | |
0591| [Tag Validator]( |[C++](./C++/tag-validator.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard         | |
0616| [Add Bold Tag in String]( | [C++](./C++/add-bold-tag-in-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * d * l)_ | _O(n)_ |  Medium | πŸ”’ |
0647| [Palindromic Substrings]( | [C++](./C++/palindromic-substrings.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ |  Medium || `Manacher's Algorithm`
0648| [Replace Words]( | [C++](./C++/replace-words.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(t)_ | Medium         || Trie |
0657| [Robot Return to Origin]( |[C++](./C++/robot-return-to-origin.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         | |
0678| [Valid Parenthesis String]( |[C++](./C++/valid-parenthesis-string.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium         | |
0680| [Valid Palindrome II]( | [C++](./C++/valid-palindrome-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_  | _O(1)_         | Easy           ||
0681| [Next Closest Time]( | [C++](./C++/next-closest-time.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_  | _O(1)_         | Medium           ||
0686 | [Repeated String Match]( | [C++](./C++/repeated-string-match.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + m)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy || `Rabin-Karp Algorithm` |
0696| [Count Binary Substrings]( | [C++](./C++/count-binary-substrings.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy||
0720| [Longest Word in Dictionary]( | [C++](./C++/longest-word-in-dictionary.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(t)_ | Easy         || Trie |
0722| [Remove Comments]( | [C++](./C++/remove-comments.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(k)_ | Medium         |||
0751| [IP to CIDR]( | [C++](./C++/ip-to-cidr.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium         |||
0758| [Bold Words in String]( | [C++](./C++/bold-words-in-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * l)_ | _O(t)_ |  Easy | πŸ”’, variant of [Add Bold Tag in String]( |
0791| [Custom Sort String]( | [C++](./C++/custom-sort-string.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium         |||
0796| [Rotate String]( | [C++](./C++/rotate-string.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         || `KMP Algorithm` `Rabin-Karp Algorithm` |
0804| [Unique Morse Code Words]( | [C++](./C++/unique-morse-code-words.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy         |||
0806| [Number of Lines To Write String]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-lines-to-write-string.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         |||
0809| [Expressive Words]( | [C++](./C++/expressive-words.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + s)_ | _O(l + s)_ | Medium         |||
0816| [Ambiguous Coordinates]( | [C++](./C++/ambiguous-coordinates.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^4)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium         |||
0819| [Most Common Word]( | [C++](./C++/most-common-word.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(m + n)_ | _O(m + n)_ | Easy         |||
0820| [Short Encoding of Words]( | [C++](./C++/short-encoding-of-words.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(t)_ | Medium         || Trie |
0824| [Goat Latin]( | [C++](./C++/goat-latin.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + w^2)_ | _O(l)_ | Easy         |||
0831| [Masking Personal Information]( | [C++](./C++/masking-personal-information.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium         |||
0833| [Find And Replace in String]( | [C++](./C++/find-and-replace-in-string.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + m)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium         |||
0839 | [Similar String Groups]( | [C++](./C++/similar-string-groups.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2 * l)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard || Union Find
0848 | [Shifting Letters]( | [C++](./C++/shifting-letters.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0859 | [Buddy Strings]( | [C++](./C++/buddy-strings.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0880 | [Decoded String at Index]( | [C++](./C++/decoded-string-at-index.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0884 | [Uncommon Words from Two Sentences]( | [C++](./C++/uncommon-words-from-two-sentences.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m + n)_ | _O(m + n)_ | Easy ||
0890 | [Find and Replace Pattern]( | [C++](./C++/find-and-replace-pattern.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * l)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0893 | [Groups of Special-Equivalent Strings]( | [C++](./C++/groups-of-special-equivalent-strings.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * l)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy ||
0916 | [Word Subsets]( | [C++](./C++/word-subsets.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m + n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0917 | [Reverse Only Letters]( | [C++](./C++/reverse-only-letters.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0925 | [Long Pressed Name]( | [C++](./C++/long-pressed-name.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0929 | [Unique Email Addresses]( | [C++](./C++/unique-email-addresses.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * l)_ | _O(n * l)_ | Easy ||
0939 | [Minimum Area Rectangle]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-area-rectangle.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^1.5)_ on average | _O(n)_ | Medium ||
0942 | [DI String Match]( | [C++](./C++/di-string-match.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
0944 | [Delete Columns to Make Sorted]( | [C++](./C++/delete-columns-to-make-sorted.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * l)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
0953 | [Verifying an Alien Dictionary]( | [C++](./C++/verifying-an-alien-dictionary.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * l)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
0955 | [Delete Columns to Make Sorted II]( | [C++](./C++/delete-columns-to-make-sorted-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * l)_ | _O(n)_      | Medium         ||
1016 | [Binary String With Substrings Representing 1 To N]( | [C++](./C++/binary-string-with-substrings-representing-1-to-n.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
1023 | [Camelcase Matching]( | [C++](./C++/camelcase-matching.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * l)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
1061| [Lexicographically Smallest Equivalent String]( | [C++](./C++/lexicographically-smallest-equivalent-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ |  Medium | πŸ”’ | Union Find
1056| [Confusing Number]( | [C++](./C++/confusing-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(logn)_ |  Easy | πŸ”’ |
1071 | [Greatest Common Divisor of Strings]( | [C++](./C++/greatest-common-divisor-of-strings.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m + n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1078 | [Occurrences After Bigram]( | [C++](./C++/occurrences-after-bigram.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1100 | [Find K-Length Substrings With No Repeated Characters]( | [C++](./C++/find-k-length-substrings-with-no-repeated-characters.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(k)_      | Medium         |πŸ”’|
1108 | [Defanging an IP Address]( | [C++](./C++/defanging-an-ip-address.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1119 | [Remove Vowels from a String]( | [C++](./C++/remove-vowels-from-a-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         |πŸ”’|
1147 | [Longest Chunked Palindrome Decomposition]( | [C++](./C++/longest-chunked-palindrome-decomposition.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard | | `Rabin-Karp Algorithm`
1177 | [Can Make Palindrome from Substring]( | [C++](./C++/can-make-palindrome-from-substring.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m + n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | |
1178 | [Number of Valid Words for Each Puzzle]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-valid-words-for-each-puzzle.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * l + m * L)_ | _O(L!)_ | Hard | | Trie, Bit Manipulation
1189 | [Maximum Number of Balloons]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-number-of-balloons.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy | | Hash
1233 | [Remove Sub-Folders from the Filesystem]( | [C++](./C++/remove-sub-folders-from-the-filesystem.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(t)_ | Medium | | Trie
1271 | [Hexspeak]( | [C++](./C++/hexspeak.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy | |
1309 | [Decrypt String from Alphabet to Integer Mapping]( | [C++](./C++/decrypt-string-from-alphabet-to-integer-mapping.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy | |
1324 | [Print Words Vertically]( | [C++](./C++/print-words-vertically.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | |
1328 | [Break a Palindrome]( | [C++](./C++/break-a-palindrome.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | |
1332 | [Remove Palindromic Subsequences]( | [C++](./C++/remove-palindromic-subsequences.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy | |
1347 | [Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-number-of-steps-to-make-two-strings-anagram.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | |
1370 | [Increasing Decreasing String]( | [C++](./C++/increasing-decreasing-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy | | Sort |
1371 | [Find the Longest Substring Containing Vowels in Even Counts]( | [C++](./C++/find-the-longest-substring-containing-vowels-in-even-counts.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | |
1374 | [Generate a String With Characters That Have Odd Count]( | [C++](./C++/generate-a-string-with-characters-that-have-odd-counts.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy | |
1392| [Longest Happy Prefix]( | [C++](./C++/longest-happy-prefix.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard         || `KMP Algorithm` `Rabin-Karp Algorithm` |
1408 |[String Matching in an Array](| [C++](./C++/string-matching-in-an-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(t)_ | Easy || `KMP Algorithm`, `Aho-Corasick Automata`, Trie |
1410 |[HTML Entity Parser](| [C++](./C++/html-entity-parser.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(t)_ | Medium || `Aho-Corasick Automata`, Trie |
1417 |[Reformat The String](| [C++](./C++/reformat-the-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
1422 |[Maximum Score After Splitting a String](| [C++](./C++/maximum-score-after-splitting-a-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
1432 |[Max Difference You Can Get From Changing an Integer](| [C++](./C++/max-difference-you-can-get-from-changing-an-integer.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(logn)_ | _O(logn)_ | Medium |||
1436 |[Destination City](| [C++](./C++/destination-city.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy |||
1446 |[Consecutive Characters](| [C++](./C++/consecutive-characters.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
1455| [Check If a Word Occurs As a Prefix of Any Word in a Sentence]( | [C++](./C++/check-if-a-word-occurs-as-a-prefix-of-any-word-in-a-sentence.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy || `KMP Algorithm` |
1461| [Check If a String Contains All Binary Codes of Size K]( | [C++](./C++/check-if-a-string-contains-all-binary-codes-of-size-k.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * k)_ | _O(k * 2^k)_ | Medium || Bit Manipulation |
1496| [Path Crossing]( | [C++](./C++/path-crossing.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy |||
1507| [Reformat Date]( | [C++](./C++/reformat-date.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
1528| [Shuffle String]( | [C++](./C++/shuffle-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
1529| [Bulb Switcher IV]( | [C++](./C++/bulb-switcher-iv.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |||
1540| [Can Convert String in K Moves]( | [C++](./C++/can-convert-string-in-k-moves.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |||
1542| [Find Longest Awesome Substring]( | [C++](./C++/find-longest-awesome-substring.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard |||
1544| [Make The String Great]( | [C++](./C++/make-the-string-great.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
1545| [Find Kth Bit in Nth Binary String]( | [C++](./C++/find-kth-bit-in-nth-binary-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |||
1554| [Strings Differ by One Character]( | [C++](./C++/strings-differ-by-one-character.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * m)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium || `Rabin-Karp Algorithm` |
1556| [Thousand Separator]( | [C++](./C++/thousand-separator.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
1573| [Number of Ways to Split a String]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-ways-to-split-a-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |||
1576| [Replace All ?'s to Avoid Consecutive Repeating Characters]( | [C++](./C++/replace-all-s-to-avoid-consecutive-repeating-characters.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
1592| [Rearrange Spaces Between Words]( | [C++](./C++/rearrange-spaces-between-words.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy || Inplace |
1598| [Crawler Log Folder]( | [C++](./C++/crawler-log-folder.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
1614| [Maximum Nesting Depth of the Parentheses]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-nesting-depth-of-the-parentheses.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
1624| [Largest Substring Between Two Equal Characters]( | [C++](./C++/largest-substring-between-two-equal-characters.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
1638| [Count Substrings That Differ by One Character]( | [C++](./C++/count-substrings-that-differ-by-one-character.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | variant of [Count Unique Characters of All Substrings of a Given String]( | Tricky |
1662| [Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent]( | [C++](./C++/check-if-two-string-arrays-are-equivalent.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
1668| [Maximum Repeating Substring]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-repeating-substring.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(m)_ | Easy || `KMP Algorithm` |
1678| [Goal Parser Interpretation]( | [C++](./C++/goal-parser-interpretation.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
1684| [Count the Number of Consistent Strings]( | [C++](./C++/count-the-number-of-consistent-strings.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
1694| [Reformat Phone Number]( | [C++](./C++/reformat-phone-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy || Inplace |

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## Linked List
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0002| [Add Two Numbers]( | [C++](./C++/add-two-numbers.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_   | _O(1)_          | Medium         ||
0021| [Merge Two Sorted Lists](| [C++](./C++/merge-two-sorted-lists.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         ||
0023| [Merge k Sorted Lists]( | [C++](./C++/merge-k-sorted-lists.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogk)_| _O(1)_| Hard          | | Heap, Divide and Conquer
0024| [Swap Nodes in Pairs](| [C++](./C++/swap-nodes-in-pairs.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(n)_          | _O(1)_          | Easy         ||
0025| [Reverse Nodes in k-Group](| [C++](./C++/reverse-nodes-in-k-group.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_       | _O(1)_         | Hard         ||
0061| [Rotate List](| [C++](./C++/rotate-list.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(n)_          | _O(1)_          | Medium         ||  
0082| [Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II](| [C++](./C++/remove-duplicates-from-sorted-list-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_       | _O(1)_         | Medium         ||
0083| [Remove Duplicates from Sorted List](| [C++](./C++/remove-duplicates-from-sorted-list.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_       | _O(1)_         | Easy           ||
0092| [Reverse Linked List II](| [C++](./C++/reverse-linked-list-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_       | _O(1)_         | Medium         || 
0138| [Copy List with Random Pointer]( | [C++](./C++/copy-list-with-random-pointer.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_   | _O(1)_          | Medium         ||
0160| [Intersection of Two Linked Lists](| [C++](./C++/intersection-of-two-linked-lists.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(m + n)_ | _O(1)_         | Easy           ||
0203| [Remove Linked List Elements](| [C++](./C++/remove-linked-list-elements.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_       | _O(1)_         | Easy         || 
0206| [Reverse Linked List](| [C++](./C++/reverse-linked-list.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_       | _O(1)_         | Easy         || 
0234| [Palindrome Linked List](| [C++](./C++/palindrome-linked-list.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_       | _O(1)_         | Easy         ||
0237| [Delete Node in a Linked List](| [C++](./C++/delete-node-in-a-linked-list.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_       | _O(1)_         | Easy         | LintCode |
0328| [Odd Even Linked List](| [C++](./C++/odd-even-linked-list.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_       | _O(1)_         | Medium         | |
0369| [Plus One Linked List](| [C++](./C++/plus-one-linked-list.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_       | _O(1)_         | Medium         | πŸ”’ | Two Pointers |
0445| [Add Two Numbers II](| [C++](./C++/add-two-numbers-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m + n)_       | _O(m + n)_         | Medium         |||
0725 | [Split Linked List in Parts]( | [C++](./C++/split-linked-list-in-parts.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + k)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0817 | [Linked List Components]( | [C++](./C++/linked-list-components.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m + n)_ | _O(m)_ | Medium ||
0986 | [Interval List Intersections]( | [C++](./C++/interval-list-intersections.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m + n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
1171 | [Remove Zero Sum Consecutive Nodes from Linked List]( | [C++](./C++/remove-zero-sum-consecutive-nodes-from-linked-list.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium || OrderedDict, Hash
1180| [Count Substrings with Only One Distinct Letter](| [C++](./C++/count-substrings-with-only-one-distinct-letter.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_       | _O(1)_         | Easy         | πŸ”’ ||
1181| [Before and After Puzzle](| [C++](./C++/before-and-after-puzzle.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(l * rlogr)_       | _O(l * (n + r))_         | Medium         | πŸ”’ | Hash |
1265| [Print Immutable Linked List in Reverse]( | [C++](./C++/print-immutable-linked-list-in-reverse.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_       | _O(sqrt(n))_         | Medium         | πŸ”’ ||
1290| [Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer]( | [C++](./C++/convert-binary-number-in-a-linked-list-to-integer.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_       | _O(1)_         | Easy         |||
1474| [Delete N Nodes After M Nodes of a Linked List]( | [C++](./C++/delete-n-nodes-after-m-nodes-of-a-linked-list.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_       | _O(1)_         | Easy         | πŸ”’ ||
1634| [Add Two Polynomials Represented as Linked Lists](| [C++](./C++/add-two-polynomials-represented-as-linked-lists.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m + n)_       | _O(1)_         | Medium         | πŸ”’ ||
1650| [Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree III](| [C++](./C++/lowest-common-ancestor-of-a-binary-tree-iii.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(h)_ | _O(1)_         | Medium           |πŸ”’, variant of [Intersection of Two Linked Lists]( |
1669| [Merge In Between Linked Lists](| [C++](./C++/merge-in-between-linked-lists.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(m + n)_ | _O(1)_         | Medium           ||

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## Stack
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0020| [Valid Parentheses](| [C++](./C++/valid-parentheses.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(n)_          | Easy           ||
0032| [Longest Valid Parentheses](| [C++](./C++/longest-valid-parentheses.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard   ||
0071| [Simplify Path](| [C++](./C++/simplify-path.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(n)_          | Medium         ||
0084| [Largest Rectangle in Histogram]( | [C++](./C++/largest-rectangle-in-histogram.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard || Mono Stack, DP
0085| [Maximal Rectangle](| [C++](./C++/maximal-rectangle.cpp)  [Python](./Python/| _O(m * n)_ | _O(n)_         | Hard           | EPI | Mono Stack
0101| [Symmetric Tree](| [C++](./C++/symmetric-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_      | _O(h)_          | Easy           ||
0150| [Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation](| [C++](./C++/evaluate-reverse-polish-notation.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_| _O(n)_| Medium          ||
0155| [Min Stack](     | [C++](./C++/min-stack.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_          | _O(1)_          | Easy           ||
0224| [Basic Calculator]( | [C++](./C++/basic-calculator.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(n)_| Hard || 
0227| [Basic Calculator II]( | [C++](./C++/basic-calculator-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(n)_| Medium || 
0232| [Implement Queue using Stacks]( | [C++](./C++/implement-queue-using-stacks.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1), amortized_| _O(n)_| Easy | EPI, LintCode | 
0255| [Verify Preorder Sequence in Binary Search Tree]( | [C++](./C++/verify-preorder-sequence-in-binary-search-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_| Medium |πŸ”’||
0272| [Closest Binary Search Tree Value II]( | [C++](./C++/closest-binary-search-tree-value-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(h + k)_| _O(h)_| Hard |πŸ”’||
0331| [Verify Preorder Serialization of a Binary Tree]( | [C++](./C++/verify-preorder-serialization-of-a-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_| Medium |||
0341| [Flatten Nested List Iterator](| [C++](./C++/flatten-nested-list-iterator.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(h)_          | Medium           |πŸ”’| Iterator |
0385| [Mini Parser](| [C++](./C++/mini-parser.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(h)_          | Medium           |||
0394| [Decode String](| [C++](./C++/decode-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(n)_          | Medium           |||
0439| [Ternary Expression Parser]( | [C++](./C++/ternary-expression-parser.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(1)_          | Medium           |πŸ”’|
0456| [132 Pattern]( | [C++](./C++/132-pattern.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(n)_          | Medium           ||
0636| [Exclusive Time of Functions]( | [C++](./C++/exclusive-time-of-functions.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_  | _O(n)_         | Medium           ||
0682| [Baseball Game]( | [C++](./C++/baseball-game.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_  | _O(n)_         | Easy           ||
0726| [Number of Atoms]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-atoms.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_  | _O(n)_         | Hard           ||
0735| [Asteroid Collision]( | [C++](./C++/asteroid-collision.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_  | _O(n)_         | Medium           ||
0736| [Parse Lisp Expression]( | [C++](./C++/parse-lisp-expression.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_  | _O(n^2)_         | Hard           ||
0739| [Daily Temperatures]( | [C++](./C++/daily-temperatures.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_  | _O(n)_         | Medium           ||
0770| [Basic Calculator IV]( | [C++](./C++/basic-calculator-iv.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | add: _O(d * t)_<br> sub: _O(d * t)_<br> mul: _O(d * t^2)_<br> eval: _O(d * t)_ <br> to_list: _O(d * tlogt)_  | _O(e + d * t)_ | Hard           ||
0772| [Basic Calculator III]( | [C++](./C++/basic-calculator-iii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_  | _O(n)_         | Hard           ||
0853| [Car Fleet]( | [C++](./C++/car-fleet.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_  | _O(n)_         | Medium           ||
0856| [Score of Parentheses]( | [C++](./C++/score-of-parentheses.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_  | _O(1)_         | Medium           ||
0872| [Leaf-Similar Trees]( | [C++](./C++/leaf-similar-trees.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_  | _O(h)_         | Easy           ||
0895| [Maximum Frequency Stack]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-frequency-stack.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_  | _O(n)_         | Hard           || Hash
0901| [Online Stock Span]( | [C++](./C++/online-stock-span.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_  | _O(n)_         | Medium           ||
0921 | [Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-add-to-make-parentheses-valid.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
0946| [Validate Stack Sequences]( | [C++](./C++/validate-stack-sequences.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_  | _O(n)_         | Medium           ||
1003| [Check If Word Is Valid After Substitutions]( | [C++](./C++/check-if-word-is-valid-after-substitutions.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_  | _O(n)_         | Medium           ||
1019| [Next Greater Node In Linked List]( | [C++](./C++/next-greater-node-in-linked-list.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_  | _O(n)_         | Medium           || Mono Stack
1021 | [Remove Outermost Parentheses]( | [C++](./C++/remove-outermost-parentheses.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1047 | [Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String]( | [C++](./C++/remove-all-adjacent-duplicates-in-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_      | Easy         ||
1063| [Number of Valid Subarrays](| [C++](./C++/number-of-valid-subarrays.cpp)  [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(n)_         | Hard           | πŸ”’ | Mono Stack
1130| [Minimum Cost Tree From Leaf Values](| [C++](./C++/minimum-cost-tree-from-leaf-values.cpp)  [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(n)_         | Medium           || Mono Stack
1190| [Reverse Substrings Between Each Pair of Parentheses](| [C++](./C++/reverse-substrings-between-each-pair-of-parentheses.cpp)  [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(n)_         | Medium           ||
1209 | [Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II]( | [C++](./C++/remove-all-adjacent-duplicates-in-string-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_      | Medium         ||
1441 | [Build an Array With Stack Operations]( | [C++](./C++/build-an-array-with-stack-operations.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1541 | [Minimum Insertions to Balance a Parentheses String]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-insertions-to-balance-a-parentheses-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
1597| [Build Binary Expression Tree From Infix Expression]( | [C++](./C++/build-binary-expression-tree-from-infix-expression.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_  | _O(n)_         | Medium           | πŸ”’, variant of [Basic Calculator III]( |

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## Queue
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0239| [Sliding Window Maximum](| [C++](./C++/sliding-window-maximum.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(k)_          | Hard           | EPI, LintCode | Mono Deque |
0281| [Zigzag Iterator](| [C++](./C++/zigzag-iterator.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(k)_          | Medium           |πŸ”’||
0346| [Moving Average from Data Stream](| [C++](./C++/moving-average-from-data-stream.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_        | _O(w)_          | Easy           |πŸ”’||
0933| [Number of Recent Calls](| [C++](./C++/number-of-recent-calls.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ on average       | _O(w)_          | Easy           |||
1424| [Diagonal Traverse II](| [C++](./C++/diagonal-traverse-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_        | _O(m)_          | Medium           |||
1438| [Longest Continuous Subarray With Absolute Diff Less Than or Equal to Limit](| [C++](./C++/longest-continuous-subarray-with-absolute-diff-less-than-or-equal-to-limit.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(n)_          | Hard           | | Mono Deque |
1499| [Max Value of Equation](| [C++](./C++/max-value-of-equation.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(n)_          | Hard           | | Mono Deque |
1696 | [Jump Game VI]( | [C++](./C++/jump-game-vi.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(k)_ | Medium | | Mono Deque, Sliding Window |

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## Binary Heap
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0264| [Ugly Number II]( | [C++](./C++/ugly-number-ii.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium         | CTCI, LintCode | BST, Heap |
0295| [Find Median from Data Stream]( | [C++](./C++/find-median-from-data-stream.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard         | EPI, LintCode | BST, Heap |
0313| [Super Ugly Number]( | [C++](./C++/super-ugly-number.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(n * k)_ | _O(n + k)_ | Medium         || BST, Heap |
0358| [Rearrange String k Distance Apart](| [C++](./C++/rearrange-string-k-distance-apart.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(n)_          | Hard           |πŸ”’| Greedy, Heap |
0373 | [Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums]( | [C++](./C++/find-k-pairs-with-smallest-sums.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(k * log(min(n, m, k)))_ | _O(min(n, m, k))_ | Medium |||
0378 | [Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix]( | [C++](./C++/kth-smallest-element-in-a-sorted-matrix.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(k * log(min(n, m, k)))_ | _O(min(n, m, k))_ | Medium | LintCode ||
0407 | [Trapping Rain Water II]( | [C++](./C++/trapping-rain-water-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n * (logm + logn))_ | _O(m * n)_ | Hard | LintCode ||
0632 | [Smallest Range]( | [C++](./C++/smallest-range.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogk)_ | _O(k)_ | Hard |||
0703 | [Kth Largest Element in a Stream]( | [C++](./C++/kth-largest-element-in-a-stream.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogk)_ | _O(k)_ | Easy |||
0846 | [Hand of Straights]( | [C++](./C++/hand-of-straights.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |||
0855 | [Exam Room]( | [C++](./C++/exam-room.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | seat: _O(logn)_ <br> leave: _O(logn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium || BST, Hash |
0857 | [Minimum Cost to Hire K Workers]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-cost-to-hire-k-workers.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard || Sort |
0871 | [Minimum Number of Refueling Stops]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-number-of-refueling-stops.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard || Sort |
1046 | [Last Stone Weight]( | [C++](./C++/last-stone-weight.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy |||
1057| [Campus Bikes]( | [C++](./C++/campus-bikes.cpp) [Python](./Python/ |  _O((w * b) * log(w * b))_ | _O(w * b)_   | Medium |πŸ”’||
1383 | [Maximum Performance of a Team]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-performance-of-a-team.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard | variant of [Minimum Cost to Hire K Workers]( | Sort |
1439 | [Find the Kth Smallest Sum of a Matrix With Sorted Rows]( | [C++](./C++/find-the-kth-smallest-sum-of-a-matrix-with-sorted-rows.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * klogk)_ | _O(k)_ | Hard || Binary Search |
1606 | [Find Servers That Handled Most Number of Requests]( | [C++](./C++/find-servers-that-handled-most-number-of-requests.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogk)_ | _O(k)_ | Hard | | SortedList |
1642 | [Furthest Building You Can Reach]( | [C++](./C++/furthest-building-you-can-reach.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogk)_ | _O(k)_ | Medium | | |
1675 | [Minimize Deviation in Array]( | [C++](./C++/minimize-deviation-in-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O((n * log(max_num)) * logn)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard | | |

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## Tree
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0094 | [Binary Tree Inorder Traversal](  | [C++](./C++/binary-tree-inorder-traversal.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_| Medium           || `Morris Traversal` | 
0099 | [Recover Binary Search Tree]( | [C++](./C++/recover-binary-search-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_| Hard  || `Morris Traversal` 
0144 | [Binary Tree Preorder Traversal]( | [C++](./C++/binary-tree-preorder-traversal.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_| Medium || `Morris Traversal` 
0145 | [Binary Tree Postorder Traversal]( | [C++](./C++/binary-tree-postorder-traversal.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_| Hard  || `Morris Traversal` 
0208 | [Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)]( | [C++](./C++/implement-trie-prefix-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium || Trie
0211 | [Add and Search Word - Data structure design]( | [C++](./C++/add-and-search-word-data-structure-design.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(min(n, h))_ | _O(min(n, h))_ | Medium || Trie, DFS
0226| [Invert Binary Tree]( | [C++](./C++/invert-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_, _O(w)_ | Easy ||
0297 | [Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree]( | [C++](./C++/serialize-and-deserialize-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Hard | LintCode | DFS
0307 | [Range Sum Query - Mutable]( | [C++](./C++/range-sum-query-mutable.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(n)_, update: _O(logn)_, query:  _O(logn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | LintCode | DFS, Segment Tree, BIT, Fenwick Tree
0308 | [Range Sum Query 2D - Mutable]( | [C++](./C++/range-sum-query-2d-mutable.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(m * n)_, update: _O(logm * logn)_, query:  _O(logm * logn)_ | _O(m * n)_ | Hard | πŸ”’ | DFS, Quad Tree, 2D BIT, 2D Fenwick Tree
0315|[Count of Smaller Numbers After Self](| [C++](./C++/count-of-smaller-numbers-after-self.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard | LintCode | BST, BIT, Fenwick Tree, Divide and Conquer, Merge Sort |
0525| [Contiguous Array]( |[C++](./C++/contiguous-array.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium         | |
0529 | [Minesweeper]( | [C++](./C++/minesweeper.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(m + n)_ | Medium    || 
0536 | [Construct Binary Tree from String]( | [C++](./C++/construct-binary-tree-from-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium    | πŸ”’ |
0538 | [Convert BST to Greater Tree]( | [C++](./C++/convert-bst-to-greater-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Easy    || 
0543 | [Diameter of Binary Tree]( | [C++](./C++/diameter-of-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Easy    || 
0545 | [Boundary of Binary Tree]( | [C++](./C++/boundary-of-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium    |πŸ”’|
0548 | [Split Array with Equal Sum]( | [C++](./C++/split-array-with-equal-sum.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium    |πŸ”’|
0563 |[Binary Tree Tilt](| [C++](./C++/binary-tree-tilt.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy | | |
0572 |[Subtree of Another Tree](| [C++](./C++/subtree-of-another-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(m * n)_ | _O(h)_ | Easy | | |
0606 |[Construct String from Binary Tree](| [C++](./C++/construct-string-from-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Easy | | |
0617 |[Merge Two Binary Trees](| [C++](./C++/merge-two-binary-trees.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Easy | | |
0623 |[Add One Row to Tree](| [C++](./C++/add-one-row-to-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium | | |
0637 |[Average of Levels in Binary Tree](| [C++](./C++/average-of-levels-in-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Easy | | |
0652 |[Find Duplicate Subtrees](| [C++](./C++/find-duplicate-subtrees.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | | DFS, Hash |
0653 |[Two Sum IV - Input is a BST](| [C++](./C++/two-sum-iv-input-is-a-bst.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Easy | | Two Pointers |
0654 |[Maximum Binary Tree](| [C++](./C++/maximum-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | LintCode | Mono Stack,  Cartesian Tree |
0655 | [Print Binary Tree]( | [C++](./C++/print-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium | |
0662 | [Maximum Width of Binary Tree]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-width-of-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium | | DFS
0663 | [Equal Tree Partition]( | [C++](./C++/equal-tree-partition.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | πŸ”’ | Hash
0677 | [Map Sum Pairs]( | [C++](./C++/map-sum-pairs.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(t)_ | Medium || Trie
0684 | [Redundant Connection]( | [C++](./C++/redundant-connection.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium || Union Find
0685 | [Redundant Connection II]( | [C++](./C++/redundant-connection-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard || Union Find
0687 | [Longest Univalue Path]( | [C++](./C++/longest-univalue-path.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Easy ||
0699 | [Falling Squares]( | [C++](./C++/falling-squares.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard || Segment Tree |
0814 | [Binary Tree Pruning]( | [C++](./C++/binary-tree-pruning.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium || DFS |
0850 | [Rectangle Area II]( | [C++](./C++/rectangle-area-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard || Segment Tree |
0863 | [All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree]( | [C++](./C++/all-nodes-distance-k-in-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium || DFS + BFS |
0866 | [Smallest Subtree with all the Deepest Nodes]( | [C++](./C++/smallest-subtree-with-all-the-deepest-nodes.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium || DFS |
0889 | [Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Postorder Traversal]( | [C++](./C++/construct-binary-tree-from-preorder-and-postorder-traversal.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium || DFS, stack |
0897| [Increasing Order Search Tree]( | [C++](./C++/increasing-order-search-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Easy           || DFS |
0919| [Complete Binary Tree Inserter]( | [C++](./C++/complete-binary-tree-inserter.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(n)_ <br> insert: _O(1)_ <br> get_root: _O(1)_      | _O(n)_          | Medium           |||
0938| [Range Sum of BST]( | [C++](./C++/range-sum-of-bst.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Medium           || DFS |
0951| [Flip Equivalent Binary Trees]( | [C++](./C++/flip-equivalent-binary-trees.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Medium           || DFS |
0958| [Check Completeness of a Binary Tree]( | [C++](./C++/check-completeness-of-a-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(w)_          | Medium           || BFS |
0965| [Univalued Binary Tree]( | [C++](./C++/univalued-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Easy           || DFS |
0971| [Flip Binary Tree To Match Preorder Traversal]( | [C++](./C++/flip-binary-tree-to-match-preorder-traversal.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Medium           || DFS |
0979| [Distribute Coins in Binary Tree]( | [C++](./C++/distribute-coins-in-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Medium           || DFS |
0987| [Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree]( | [C++](./C++/vertical-order-traversal-of-a-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_          | _O(n)_          | Medium           || DFS |
0988| [Smallest String Starting From Leaf]( | [C++](./C++/smallest-string-starting-from-leaf.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + l * h)_          | _O(h)_          | Medium           || DFS |
0993| [Cousins in Binary Tree]( | [C++](./C++/cousins-in-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Easy           || DFS |
0998 |[Maximum Binary Tree II](| [C++](./C++/maximum-binary-tree-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(h)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||  Cartesian Tree |
1008 |[Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal](| [C++](./C++/construct-binary-search-tree-from-preorder-traversal.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium |||
1022 |[Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers](| [C++](./C++/sum-of-root-to-leaf-binary-numbers.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Easy |||
1026 |[Maximum Difference Between Node and Ancestor](| [C++](./C++/maximum-difference-between-node-and-ancestor.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium || DFS |
1028 |[Recover a Tree From Preorder Traversal](| [C++](./C++/recover-a-tree-from-preorder-traversal.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Hard || DFS |
1032 |[Stream of Characters](| [C++](./C++/stream-of-characters.cpp) [C++](./C++/stream-of-characters2.cpp) [Python](./Python/ [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(n)_ <br> query: _O(m)_ | _O(t)_ | Hard || `Aho-Corasick Automata`, Trie |
1038 |[Binary Search Tree to Greater Sum Tree](| [C++](./C++/binary-search-tree-to-greater-sum-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium || DFS |
1065 |[Index Pairs of a String](| [C++](./C++/index-pairs-of-a-string.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + m + z)_ | _O(t)_ | Easy |πŸ”’| `Aho-Corasick Automata`, Trie |
1080 |[Insufficient Nodes in Root to Leaf Paths](| [C++](./C++/insufficient-nodes-in-root-to-leaf-paths.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium || DFS |
1104 |[Path In Zigzag Labelled Binary Tree](| [C++](./C++/path-in-zigzag-labelled-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(logn)_ | _O(logn)_ | Easy || Math |
1120 |[Maximum Average Subtree](| [C++](./C++/maximum-average-subtree.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Easy |πŸ”’| DFS |
1123 |[Lowest Common Ancestor of Deepest Leaves](| [C++](./C++/lowest-common-ancestor-of-deepest-leaves.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium || DFS |
1145 |[Binary Tree Coloring Game](| [C++](./C++/binary-tree-coloring-game.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium || DFS |
1257 |[Smallest Common Region](| [C++](./C++/smallest-common-region.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |||
1261 |[Find Elements in a Contaminated Binary Tree](| [C++](./C++/find-elements-in-a-contaminated-binary-tree.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium || DFS|
1325 |[Delete Leaves With a Given Value](| [C++](./C++/delete-leaves-with-a-given-value.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium || DFS|
1339 |[Maximum Product of Splitted Binary Tree](| [C++](./C++/maximum-product-of-splitted-binary-tree.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium || DFS|
1409 | [Queries on a Permutation With Key]( | [C++](./C++/queries-on-a-permutation-with-key.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | | BIT, Fenwick Tree
1430 | [Check If a String Is a Valid Sequence from Root to Leaves Path in a Binary Tree](| [C++](./C++/check-if-a-string-is-a-valid-sequence-from-root-to-leaves-path-in-a-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium | πŸ”’ |  BFS, DFS, Stack
1443| [Minimum Time to Collect All Apples in a Tree]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-time-to-collect-all-apples-in-a-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(n)_          | Medium           || DFS, Stack |
1448 | [Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree](| [C++](./C++/count-good-nodes-in-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium | | DFS, Stack
1457 | [Pseudo-Palindromic Paths in a Binary Tree](| [C++](./C++/pseudo-palindromic-paths-in-a-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium | | DFS, Stack
1469 | [Find All The Lonely Nodes](| [C++](./C++/find-all-the-lonely-nodes.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Easy | πŸ”’ | DFS, Stack
1490| [Clone N-ary Tree]( | [C++](./C++/clone-n-ary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Medium           |πŸ”’| DFS, Stack |
1505 | [Minimum Possible Integer After at Most K Adjacent Swaps On Digits]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-possible-integer-after-at-most-k-adjacent-swaps-on-digits.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard | | BIT, Fenwick Tree
1506 | [Find Root of N-Ary Tree](| [C++](./C++/find-root-of-n-ary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | πŸ”’ | Bit Manipulation
1516 | [Move Sub-Tree of N-Ary Tree](| [C++](./C++/move-sub-tree-of-n-ary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Hard | πŸ”’ | DFS, Stack
1519| [Number of Nodes in the Sub-Tree With the Same Label]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-nodes-in-the-sub-tree-with-the-same-label.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Medium           || DFS, Stack |
1522| [Diameter of N-Ary Tree]( | [C++](./C++/diameter-of-n-ary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Medium           |πŸ”’| DFS, Stack |
1530 | [Number of Good Leaf Nodes Pairs](| [C++](./C++/number-of-good-leaf-nodes-pairs.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium | | DFS, Stack
1612 | [Check If Two Expression Trees are Equivalent](  | [C++](./C++/check-if-two-expression-trees-are-equivalent.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_| Medium           |πŸ”’| `Morris Traversal`, Inorder Traversal, Stack, Hash Table | 
1649|[Create Sorted Array through Instructions](| [C++](./C++/create-sorted-array-through-instructions.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard | variant of [Count of Smaller Numbers After Self]( | BIT, Fenwick Tree, Merge Sort |
1666 | [Change the Root of a Binary Tree](  | [C++](./C++/change-the-root-of-a-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(h)_| _O(1)_| Medium           |πŸ”’| | 

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## Hash Table
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0001| [Two Sum](      | [C++](./C++/two-sum.cpp) [Python](./Python/      | _O(n)_         | _O(n)_          | Easy         ||
0003| [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters]( | [C++](./C++/longest-substring-without-repeating-characters.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0030| [Substring with Concatenation of All Words]( | [C++](./C++/substring-with-concatenation-of-all-words.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O((m + n) * k)_ | _O(n * k)_ | Hard          ||
0036| [Valid Sudoku]( | [C++](./C++/valid-sudoku.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(9^2)_         | _O(9)_          | Easy           ||
0049| [Group Anagrams](     | [C++](./C++/group-anagrams.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(n * glogg)_          | _O(n)_          | Medium         ||
0076| [Minimum Window Substring]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-window-substring.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(k)_ | Hard          ||
0149| [Max Points on a Line]( | [C++](./C++/max-points-on-a-line.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard          ||
0159| [Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters](| [C++](./C++/longest-substring-with-at-most-two-distinct-characters.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard         |πŸ”’|
0170| [Two Sum III - Data structure design]( | [C++](./C++/two-sum-iii-data-structure-design.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy | πŸ”’ |
0187| [Repeated DNA Sequences]( | [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_       | _O(n)_          | Medium         ||
0202| [Happy Number](      | [C++](./C++/happy-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(k)_  | _O(k)_          | Easy          ||
0204| [Count Primes](  | [C++](./C++/count-primes.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlog(logn))_        | _O(n)_          | Easy           || `Sieve of Eratosthenes`
0205| [Isomorphic Strings]( | [C++](./C++/isomorphic-strings.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_       | Easy           || 
0217| [Contains Duplicate](  | [C++](./C++/contains-duplicate.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(n)_          | Easy           ||
0219| [Contains Duplicate II](  | [C++](./C++/contains-duplicate-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(n)_          | Easy           ||
0244| [Shortest Word Distance II](     | [C++](./C++/shortest-word-distance-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | ctor: _O(n)_, lookup: _O(a + b)_ |  _O(n)_ | Medium         |πŸ”’||
0246| [Strobogrammatic Number]( | [C++](./C++/strobogrammatic-number.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         |πŸ”’||
0249| [Group Shifted Strings]( | [C++](./C++/group-shifted-strings.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy         |πŸ”’||
0266| [Palindrome Permutation]( | [C++](./C++/palindrome-permutation.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ |  _O(1)_ | Easy         |πŸ”’||
0288| [Unique Word Abbreviation]( | [C++](./C++/unique-word-abbreviation.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | ctor: _O(n)_, lookup: _O(1)_ | _O(k)_ | Easy         |πŸ”’||
0290| [Word Pattern]( | [C++](./C++/word-pattern.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ | _O(c)_ | Easy         | variant of [Isomorphic Strings]( ||
0299| [Bulls and Cows]( | [C++](./C++/bulls-and-cows.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         |||
0305| [Number of Islands II]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-islands-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(k)_ | _O(k)_| Hard         | LintCode, πŸ”’ | Union Find
0314| [Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal]( | [C++](./C++/binary-tree-vertical-order-traversal.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_| Medium         | πŸ”’ | BFS
0323| [Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-connected-components-in-an-undirected-graph.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_| Medium         | πŸ”’ | Union Find
0325| [Maximum Size Subarray Sum Equals k]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-size-subarray-sum-equals-k.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_|  Medium         | πŸ”’ |
0336| [Palindrome Pairs]( | [C++](./C++/palindrome-pairs.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * k^2)_          | _O(n * k)_          | Hard             | | |
0340| [Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters](|  [C++](./C++/longest-substring-with-at-most-k-distinct-characters.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard         |πŸ”’|
0356| [Line Reflection]( | [C++](./C++/line-reflection.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(n)_| Medium |πŸ”’| Hash, Two Pointers |
0387| [First Unique Character in a String]( | [C++](./C++/first-unique-character-in-a-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(n)_| Easy |||
0388| [Longest Absolute File Path]( | [C++](./C++/longest-absolute-file-path.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(d)_| Medium || Stack |
0409| [Longest Palindrome]( | [C++](./C++/longest-palindrome.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_| Easy |||
0438| [Find All Anagrams in a String]( | [C++](./C++/find-all-anagrams-in-a-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(1)_          | Easy           ||
0447| [Number of Boomerangs]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-boomerangs.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_          | _O(n)_          | Easy           ||
0454| [4Sum II]( | [C++](./C++/4sum-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_          | _O(n^2)_          | Medium           ||
0470| [Implement Rand10() Using Rand7()]( | [C++](./C++/implement-rand10-using-rand7.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_          | _O(1)_          | Medium           ||
0473| [Matchsticks to Square]( | [C++](./C++/matchsticks-to-square.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * s * 2^n)_          | _O(n * (2^n + s))_          | Medium           ||
0523| [Continuous Subarray Sum]( | [C++](./C++/continuous-subarray-sum.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(k)_          | Medium           ||
0532| [K-diff Pairs in an Array]( |[C++](./C++/k-diff-pairs-in-an-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy         | |
0554| [Brick Wall]( |[C++](./C++/brick-wall.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(m)_ | Medium         | |
0560| [Subarray Sum Equals K]( |[C++](./C++/subarray-sum-equals-k.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium         | |
0561| [Array Partition I]( |[C++](./C++/array-partition-i.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(r)_ | _O(r)_ | Easy         | |
0575| [Distribute Candies]( |[C++](./C++/distribute-candies.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy         | |
0594| [Longest Harmonious Subsequence]( |[C++](./C++/longest-harmonious-subsequence.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy         | |
0599| [Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists]( |[C++](./C++/minimum-index-sum-of-two-lists.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O((m + n) * l)_ | _O(m * l)_ | Easy         | |
0609| [Find Duplicate File in System]( |[C++](./C++/find-duplicate-file-in-system.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * l)_ | _O(n * l)_ | Medium         | |
0721| [Accounts Merge]( | [C++](./C++/accounts-merge.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_| Medium         || Union Find
0734| [Sentence Similarity]( | [C++](./C++/sentence-similarity.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + p)_ | _O(p)_| Easy         ||
0737| [Sentence Similarity II]( | [C++](./C++/sentence-similarity-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + p)_ | _O(p)_| Medium         || Union Find
0748 | [Shortest Completing Word]( | [C++](./C++/shortest-completing-word.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0760 | [Find Anagram Mappings]( | [C++](./C++/find-anagram-mappings.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy ||
0771 | [Jewels and Stones]( | [C++](./C++/jewels-and-stones.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m + n)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy ||
0811 | [Subdomain Visit Count]( | [C++](./C++/subdomain-visit-count.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy ||
0822 | [Card Flipping Game]( | [C++](./C++/card-flipping-game.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium ||
0825 | [Friends Of Appropriate Ages]( | [C++](./C++/friends-of-appropriate-ages.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(a^2 + n)_ | _O(a)_ | Medium ||
0869 | [Reordered Power of 2]( | [C++](./C++/reordered-power-of-2.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0873 | [Length of Longest Fibonacci Subsequence]( | [C++](./C++/length-of-longest-fibonacci-subsequence.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium ||
0957 | [Prison Cells After N Days]( | [C++](./C++/prison-cells-after-n-days.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0966 | [Vowel Spellchecker]( | [C++](./C++/vowel-spellchecker.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(w)_ | Medium ||
0974| [Subarray Sums Divisible by K]( |[C++](./C++/subarray-sums-divisible-by-k.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(k)_ | Medium         | variant of [Subarray Sum Equals K]( |
0982| [Triples with Bitwise AND Equal To Zero]( |[C++](./C++/triples-with-bitwise-and-equal-to-zero.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard         || Math, `Fast Wavelet Transform (FWT)`
1001| [Grid Illumination]( |[C++](./C++/grid-illumination.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(l + q)_ | _O(l)_ | Hard         ||
1124| [Longest Well-Performing Interval]( |[C++](./C++/longest-well-performing-interval.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium         ||
1133| [Largest Unique Number]( | [C++](./C++/largest-unique-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(n)_| Easy |πŸ”’| Hash |
1152| [Analyze User Website Visit Pattern]( | [C++](./C++/analyze-user-website-visit-pattern.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^3)_| _O(n^3)_| Medium |πŸ”’| Hash |
1153| [String Transforms Into Another String]( | [C++](./C++/string-transforms-into-another-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_| Hard |πŸ”’| Hash |
1160| [Find Words That Can Be Formed by Characters]( |[C++](./C++/find-words-that-can-be-formed-by-characters.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         ||
1165| [Single-Row Keyboard]( | [C++](./C++/single-row-keyboard.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ |  _O(1)_ | Easy         |πŸ”’||
1198| [Find Smallest Common Element in All Rows]( | [C++](./C++/find-smallest-common-element-in-all-rows.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(m * n)_ |  _O(n)_ | Medium         |πŸ”’||
1207| [Unique Number of Occurrences]( | [C++](./C++/unique-number-of-occurrences.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ |  _O(n)_ | Easy         |||
1224| [Maximum Equal Frequency]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-equal-frequency.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ |  _O(n)_ | Hard         |||
1418| [Display Table of Food Orders in a Restaurant]( | [C++](./C++/display-table-of-food-orders-in-a-restaurant.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n + tlogt + flogf)_ |  _O(n)_ | Medium         |||
1452| [People Whose List of Favorite Companies Is Not a Subset of Another List]( | [C++](./C++/people-whose-list-of-favorite-companies-is-not-a-subset-of-another-list.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * m * l + n^2 * m)_   | _O(n * m * l)_        | Medium         ||
1487| [Making File Names Unique]( | [C++](./C++/making-file-names-unique.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_   | _O(n)_        | Medium         ||
1577| [Number of Ways Where Square of Number Is Equal to Product of Two Numbers]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-ways-where-square-of-number-is-equal-to-product-of-two-numbers.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_   | _O(m + n)_        | Medium         ||
1590| [Make Sum Divisible by P]( |[C++](./C++/make-sum-divisible-by-p.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(p)_ | Medium         | variant of [Subarray Sums Divisible by K]( |
1640| [Check Array Formation Through Concatenation]( | [C++](./C++/check-array-formation-through-concatenation.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_   | _O(n)_        | Easy         ||
1657| [Determine if Two Strings Are Close]( | [C++](./C++/determine-if-two-strings-are-close.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_   | _O(1)_        | Medium         ||
1679| [Max Number of K-Sum Pairs]( | [C++](./C++/max-number-of-k-sum-pairs.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_   | _O(n)_        | Medium         ||

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## Math
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0007| [Reverse Integer]( | [C++](./C++/reverse-integer.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_         | Easy           ||
0009| [Palindrome Number]( | [C++](./C++/palindrome-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_        | Easy           ||
0012| [Integer to Roman]( | [C++](./C++/integer-to-roman.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_          | Medium         ||
0013| [Roman to Integer]( | [C++](./C++/roman-to-integer.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_          | Easy           ||
0029| [Divide Two Integers]( | [C++](./C++/divide-two-integers.cpp) [Python](./Python/    | _O(1)_       | _O(1)_         | Medium         ||
0050| [Pow(x, n)](     | [C++](./C++/powx-n.cpp) [Python](./Python/     | _O(1)_       | _O(1)_       | Medium         ||
0060| [Permutation Sequence]( | [C++](./C++/permutation-sequence.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_  | Medium         || `Cantor Ordering`
0065| [Valid Number]( | [C++](./C++/valid-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_         | _O(1)_          | Hard           || `Automata`
0089| [Gray Code](     | [C++](./C++/gray-code.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(2^n)_        | _O(1)_          | Medium         ||
0166| [Fraction to Recurring Decimal]( | [C++](./C++/fraction-to-recurring-decimal.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium         ||
0168| [Excel Sheet Column Title]( | [C++](./C++/excel-sheet-column-title.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0171| [Excel Sheet Column Number]( | [C++](./C++/excel-sheet-column-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy  ||
0172| [Factorial Trailing Zeroes]( | [C++](./C++/factorial-trailing-zeroes.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         ||
0223| [Rectangle Area]( | [C++](./C++/rectangle-area.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         ||
0233| [Number of Digit One]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-digit-one.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard        | CTCI, LintCode|
0248| [Strobogrammatic Number III]( | [C++](./C++/strobogrammatic-number-iii.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(5^(n/2))_ | _O(n)_ | Hard         |πŸ”’||
0258| [Add Digits]( | [C++](./C++/add-digits.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         |||
0263| [Ugly Number]( | [C++](./C++/ugly-number.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         |||
0292| [Nim Game]( | [C++](./C++/nim-game.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         | LintCode ||
0319 | [Bulb Switcher]( | [C++](./C++/bulb-switcher.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |||
0326 | [Power of Three]( | [C++](./C++/power-of-three.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
0335 | [Self Crossing]( | [C++](./C++/self-crossing.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard |||
0338 | [Counting Bits]( | [C++](./C++/counting-bits.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |||
0343 | [Integer Break]( | [C++](./C++/integer-break.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium || Tricky, DP |
0365 | [Water and Jug Problem]( | [C++](./C++/water-and-jug-problem.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium || `BΓ©zout's identity` |
0372 | [Super Pow]( | [C++](./C++/super-pow.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |||
0382 | [Linked List Random Node]( | [C++](./C++/linked-list-random-node.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium || `Reservoir Sampling` |
0386 | [Lexicographical Numbers]( | [C++](./C++/lexicographical-numbers.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |||
0390 | [Elimination Game]( | [C++](./C++/elimination-game.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0391 | [Perfect Rectangle]( | [C++](./C++/perfect-rectangle.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard | |
0398 | [Random Pick Index]( | [C++](./C++/random-pick-index.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium || `Reservoir Sampling` |
0400 | [Nth Digit]( | [C++](./C++/nth-digit.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
0413 | [Arithmetic Slices]( | [C++](./C++/arithmetic-slices.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |||
0423 | [Reconstruct Original Digits from English]( | [C++](./C++/reconstruct-original-digits-from-english.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | [GCJ2016 - Round 1B](||
0441 | [Arranging Coins]( | [C++](./C++/arranging-coins.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy || Binary Search|
0453 | [Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-moves-to-equal-array-elements.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
0458 | [Poor Pigs]( | [C++](./C++/poor-pigs.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
0469 | [Convex Polygon]( | [C++](./C++/convex-polygon.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |πŸ”’||
0470 | [Implement Rand10() Using Rand7()]( | [C++](./C++/implement-rand10-using-rand7.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |||
0478 | [Generate Random Point in a Circle]( | [C++](./C++/generate-random-point-in-a-circle.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |||
0497 | [Random Point in Non-overlapping Rectangles]( | [C++](./C++/random-point-in-non-overlapping-rectangles.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(n)_ <br> pick: _O(logn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |||
0517 | [Super Washing Machines]( | [C++](./C++/super-washing-machines.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard |||
0519 | [Random Flip Matrix]( | [C++](./C++/random-flip-matrix.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(1)_ <br> pick: _O(1)_ reset: _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |||
0528 | [Random Pick with Weight]( | [C++](./C++/random-pick-with-weight.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(n)_ <br> pick: _O(logn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |||
0537 | [Complex Number Multiplication]( | [C++](./C++/complex-number-multiplication.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |||
0553 | [Optimal Division]( | [C++](./C++/optimal-division.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |||
0573 | [Squirrel Simulation]( | [C++](./C++/squirrel-simulation.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |πŸ”’||
0592 | [Fraction Addition and Subtraction]( | [C++](./C++/fraction-addition-and-subtraction.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogx)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |||
0593 | [Valid Square]( | [C++](./C++/valid-square.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |||
0598 | [Range Addition II]( | [C++](./C++/range-addition-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(p)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
0625 | [Minimum Factorization]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-factorization.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(loga)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |πŸ”’||
0628| [Maximum Product of Three Numbers]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-product-of-three-numbers.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
0633| [Sum of Square Numbers]( | [C++](./C++/sum-of-square-numbers.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(sqrt(c) * logc)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
0634| [Find the Derangement of An Array]( | [C++](./C++/find-the-derangement-of-an-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |πŸ”’||
0640| [Solve the Equation]( | [C++](./C++/solve-the-equation.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium || |
0651 | [4 Keys Keyboard]( | [C++](./C++/4-keys-keyboard.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |πŸ”’| Math, DP |
0660 | [Remove 9]( | [C++](./C++/remove-9.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard |πŸ”’||
0672 | [Bulb Switcher II]( | [C++](./C++/bulb-switcher-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |||
0728 | [Self Dividing Numbers]( | [C++](./C++/self-dividing-numbers.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |||
0754 | [Reach a Number]( | [C++](./C++/reach-a-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |||
0775 | [Global and Local Inversions]( | [C++](./C++/global-and-local-inversions.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |||
0779 | [K-th Symbol in Grammar]( | [C++](./C++/k-th-symbol-in-grammar.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0780 | [Reaching Points]( | [C++](./C++/reaching-points.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(log(max(m, n)))_ | _O(1)_ | Hard ||
0781 | [Rabbits in Forest]( | [C++](./C++/rabbits-in-forest.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium ||
0782 | [Transform to Chessboard]( | [C++](./C++/transform-to-chessboard.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard ||
0789 | [Escape The Ghosts]( | [C++](./C++/escape-the-ghosts.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0800 | [Similar RGB Color]( | [C++](./C++/similar-rgb-color.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |πŸ”’||
0810 | [Chalkboard XOR Game]( | [C++](./C++/chalkboard-xor-game.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard |||
0812 | [Largest Triangle Area]( | [C++](./C++/largest-triangle-area.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^3)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
0829 | [Consecutive Numbers Sum]( | [C++](./C++/consecutive-numbers-sum.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(sqrt(n))_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |||
0836 | [Rectangle Overlap]( | [C++](./C++/rectangle-overlap.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
0858 | [Mirror Reflection]( | [C++](./C++/mirror-reflection.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |||
0867 | [Prime Palindrome]( | [C++](./C++/prime-palindrome.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^(1/2) * (logn + n^(1/2)))_ | _O(logn)_ | Medium |||
0883 | [Projection Area of 3D Shapes]( | [C++](./C++/projection-area-of-3d-shapes.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
0887 | [Super Egg Drop]( | [C++](./C++/super-egg-drop.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(klogn)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard |||
0891 | [Sum of Subsequence Widths]( | [C++](./C++/sum-of-subsequence-widths.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard |||
0899 | [Orderly Queue]( | [C++](./C++/orderly-queue.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard |||
0902 | [Numbers At Most N Given Digit Set]( | [C++](./C++/numbers-at-most-n-given-digit-set.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(logn)_ | Hard |||
0906 | [Super Palindromes]( | [C++](./C++/super-palindromes.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^0.25 * logn)_ | _O(logn)_ | Hard |||
0907 | [Sum of Subarray Minimums]( | [C++](./C++/sum-of-subarray-minimums.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium || Mono Stack |
0908 | [Smallest Range I]( | [C++](./C++/smallest-range-i.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
0910 | [Smallest Range II]( | [C++](./C++/smallest-range-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
0914 | [X of a Kind in a Deck of Cards]( | [C++](./C++/x-of-a-kind-in-a-deck-of-cards.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * (logn)^2)_ | _O(n)_      | Easy         ||
0963 | [Minimum Area Rectangle II]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-area-rectangle-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ ~ _O(n^3)_ | _O(n^2)_      | Medium         ||
0970 | [Powerful Integers]( | [C++](./C++/powerful-integers.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O((logn)^2)_ | _O(r)_      | Easy         ||
0972 | [Equal Rational Numbers]( | [C++](./C++/equal-rational-numbers.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_      | Hard         ||
1006 | [Clumsy Factorial]( | [C++](./C++/clumsy-factorial.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
1009 | [Complement of Base 10 Integer]( | [C++](./C++/complement-of-base-10-integer.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1012 | [Numbers With Repeated Digits]( | [C++](./C++/numbers-with-repeated-digits.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(logn)_      | Hard         ||
1015 | [Smallest Integer Divisible by K]( | [C++](./C++/smallest-integer-divisible-by-k.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(k)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
1017 | [Convert to Base -2]( | [C++](./C++/convert-to-base-2.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
1025 | [Divisor Game]( | [C++](./C++/divisor-game.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         || DP
1037 | [Valid Boomerang]( | [C++](./C++/valid-boomerang.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1041 | [Robot Bounded In Circle]( | [C++](./C++/robot-bounded-in-circle.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
1067| [Digit Count in Range]( | [C++](./C++/digit-count-in-range.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard        | πŸ”’, variant of [Number of Digit One]( |
1073 | [Adding Two Negabinary Numbers]( | [C++](./C++/adding-two-negabinary-numbers.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_      | Medium         ||
1079 | [Letter Tile Possibilities]( | [C++](./C++/letter-tile-possibilities.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_      | Medium         || Generating Function, Backtracking
1088| [Confusing Number II]( | [C++](./C++/confusing-number-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(logn)_ |  Hard | πŸ”’ |
1103| [Distribute Candies to People]( | [C++](./C++/distribute-candies-to-people.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + logc)_ | _O(1)_ |  Easy | | Binary Search
1118| [Number of Days in a Month]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-days-in-a-month.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ |  Easy | πŸ”’ |
1121| [Divide Array Into Increasing Sequences]( | [C++](./C++/divide-array-into-increasing-sequences.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ |  Hard | πŸ”’ |
1128| [Number of Equivalent Domino Pairs]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-equivalent-domino-pairs.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ |  Easy ||
1131| [Maximum of Absolute Value Expression]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-of-absolute-value-expression.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ |  Medium ||
1134| [Armstrong Number]( | [C++](./C++/armstrong-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(klogk)_ | _O(k)_ |  Easy | πŸ”’ |
1150| [Check If a Number Is Majority Element in a Sorted Array]( | [C++](./C++/check-if-a-number-is-majority-element-in-a-sorted-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(1)_ |  Easy |πŸ”’| Binary Search
1157| [Online Majority Element In Subarray]( | [C++](./C++/online-majority-element-in-subarray.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(n)_<br>query: _O(klogn)_ | _O(n)_ |  Hard || Binary Search, Segment Tree, `Boyer–Moore Majority Vote Algorithm`
1154| [Day of the Year]( | [C++](./C++/day-of-the-year.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ |  Easy ||
1175| [Prime Arrangements]( | [C++](./C++/prime-arrangements.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlog(logn))_ | _O(n)_ |  Easy || `Sieve of Eratosthenes`
1185| [Day of the Week]( | [C++](./C++/day-of-the-week.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ |  Easy || `Zeller Formula`
1197 | [Minimum Knight Moves]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-knight-moves.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |πŸ”’| DP, Math |
1217 | [Play with Chips]( | [C++](./C++/play-with-chips.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |||
1227 | [Airplane Seat Assignment Probability]( | [C++](./C++/airplane-seat-assignment-probability.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |||
1232 | [Check If It Is a Straight Line]( | [C++](./C++/check-if-it-is-a-straight-line.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
1237 | [Find Positive Integer Solution for a Given Equation]( | [C++](./C++/find-positive-integer-solution-for-a-given-equation.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |||
1238| [Circular Permutation in Binary Representation](     | [C++](./C++/circular-permutation-in-binary-representation.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(2^n)_        | _O(1)_          | Medium         | variant of [Gray Code]( |
1250 | [Check If It Is a Good Array]( | [C++](./C++/check-if-it-is-a-good-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard || `BΓ©zout's identity` |
1256| [Encode Number](     | [C++](./C++/encode-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(logn)_        | _O(1)_          | Medium         | |
1259| [Handshakes That Don't Cross](     | [C++](./C++/handshakes-that-dont-cross.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_        | _O(1)_          | Hard         | | `Catalan Number`, DP
1266| [Minimum Time Visiting All Points](     | [C++](./C++/minimum-time-visiting-all-points.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_        | _O(1)_          | Easy         | |
1276| [Number of Burgers with No Waste of Ingredients](     | [C++](./C++/number-of-burgers-with-no-waste-of-ingredients.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(1)_        | _O(1)_          | Medium         | |
1281| [Subtract the Product and Sum of Digits of an Integer](     | [C++](./C++/subtract-the-product-and-sum-of-digits-of-an-integer.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(logn)_        | _O(1)_          | Easy         | |
1300| [Sum of Mutated Array Closest to Target](     | [C++](./C++/sum-of-mutated-array-closest-to-target.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(nlogn)_        | _O(1)_          | Medium         | | Binary Search
1317| [Convert Integer to the Sum of Two No-Zero Integers](     | [C++](./C++/convert-integer-to-the-sum-of-two-no-zero-integers.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(logn)_        | _O(1)_          | Easy         | |
1323| [Maximum 69 Number](     | [C++](./C++/maximum-69-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(logn)_        | _O(1)_          | Easy         | |
1330| [Reverse Subarray To Maximize Array Value](     | [C++](./C++/reverse-subarray-to-maximize-array-value.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_        | _O(1)_          | Hard         | |
1344| [Angle Between Hands of a Clock](     | [C++](./C++/angle-between-hands-of-a-clock.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(1)_        | _O(1)_          | Medium         | |
1359| [Count All Valid Pickup and Delivery Options](     | [C++](./C++/count-all-valid-pickup-and-delivery-options.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_        | _O(1)_          | Hard         | |
1360| [Number of Days Between Two Dates]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-days-between-two-dates.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ |  Easy | variant of [Day of the Year]( |
1362| [Closest Divisors]( | [C++](./C++/closest-divisors.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(sqrt(n))_ | _O(1)_ |  Medium | |
1363| [Largest Multiple of Three]( | [C++](./C++/largest-multiple-of-three.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ |  Hard | |
1390| [Four Divisors]( | [C++](./C++/four-divisors.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * sqrt(n))_ | _O(1)_ |  Medium | |
1401| [Circle and Rectangle Overlapping]( | [C++](./C++/circle-and-rectangle-overlapping.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ |  Medium | |
1415| [The k-th Lexicographical String of All Happy Strings of Length n]( | [C++](./C++/the-k-th-lexicographical-string-of-all-happy-strings-of-length-n.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ |  Medium | |
1442| [Count Triplets That Can Form Two Arrays of Equal XOR]( | [C++](./C++/count-triplets-that-can-form-two-arrays-of-equal-xor.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ |  Medium | |
1447| [Simplified Fractions]( | [C++](./C++/simplified-fractions.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2 * logn)_ | _O(n^2)_ |  Medium | |
1486| [XOR Operation in an Array]( | [C++](./C++/xor-operation-in-an-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ |  Easy | |
1492| [The kth Factor of n]( | [C++](./C++/the-kth-factor-of-n.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(sqrt(n))_ | _O(1)_ |  Medium | |
1497| [Check If Array Pairs Are Divisible by k]( | [C++](./C++/check-if-array-pairs-are-divisible-by-k.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(k)_ |  Medium | |
1512| [Number of Good Pairs]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-good-pairs.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ |  Easy | |
1513| [Number of Substrings With Only 1s]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-substrings-with-only-1s.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ |  Medium | |
1525| [Number of Good Ways to Split a String]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-good-ways-to-split-a-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ |  Medium | |
1537| [Get the Maximum Score]( | [C++](./C++/get-the-maximum-score.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m + n)_ | _O(1)_ |  Hard | |
1551| [Minimum Operations to Make Array Equal]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-operations-to-make-array-equal.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ |  Medium | |
1611| [Minimum One Bit Operations to Make Integers Zero](     | [C++](./C++/minimum-one-bit-operations-to-make-integers-zero.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(logn)_        | _O(1)_          | Hard         | variant of [Gray Code]( |
1641| [Count Sorted Vowel Strings]( | [C++](./C++/count-sorted-vowel-strings.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ |  Medium | | Binomial Coefficients
1643| [Kth Smallest Instructions]( | [C++](./C++/kth-smallest-instructions.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O((m + n)^2)_ | _O(1)_ |  Hard | | Binomial Coefficients

<div align="right">
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## Sort
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0056| [Merge Intervals](| [C++](./C++/merge-intervals.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_  | _O(1)_        | Hard           ||
0057| [Insert Interval](| [C++](./C++/insert-interval.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_    | _O(1)_          | Hard           ||
0075| [Sort Colors](   | [C++](./C++/sort-colors.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_         | _O(1)_          | Medium         || Tri Partition
0088| [Merge Sorted Array](| [C++](./C++/merge-sorted-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_       | Easy           ||
0147| [Insertion Sort List](|[C++](./C++/insertion-sort-list.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(1)_    | Medium         ||
0148| [Sort List](     | [C++](./C++/sort-list.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(nlogn)_      | _O(logn)_       | Medium         ||
0164| [Maximum Gap](   | [C++](./C++/maximum-gap.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_          | _O(n)_          | Hard           || Tricky 
0179| [Largest Number]( | [C++](./C++/largest-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_   | _O(1)_        | Medium         ||
0218| [The Skyline Problem]( | [C++](./C++/the-skyline-problem.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_   | _O(n)_        | Hard         || Sort, BST|
0252| [Meeting Rooms]( | [C++](./C++/meeting-rooms.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_   | _O(n)_        | Easy         |πŸ”’| |
0253| [Meeting Rooms II]( | [C++](./C++/meeting-rooms-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_   | _O(n)_        | Medium         |πŸ”’| |
0274| [H-Index]( | [C++](./C++/h-index.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium         || Counting Sort |
0280| [Wiggle Sort]( | [C++](./C++/wiggle-sort.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_   | _O(1)_        | Medium         |πŸ”’| |
0324| [Wiggle Sort II]( | [C++](./C++/wiggle-sort-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_  on average | _O(1)_        | Medium         | variant of [Sort Colors]( | Tri Partition |
0347| [Top K Frequent Elements]( | [C++](./C++/top-k-frequent-elements.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_        | Medium         | | Quick Select, Heap, Bucket Sort |
0406| [Queue Reconstruction by Height]( | [C++](./C++/queue-reconstruction-by-height.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * sqrt(n))_ | _O(n)_        | Medium         | | Tricky |
0451| [Sort Characters By Frequency]( | [C++](./C++/sort-characters-by-frequency.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_        | Medium         | | |
0692| [Top K Frequent Words]( | [C++](./C++/top-k-frequent-words.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + klogk)_ on average | _O(n)_        | Medium         | | Quick Select, Heap, Bucket Sort |
0912| [Sort an Array]( | [C++](./C++/sort-an-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_        | Medium         | | Merge Sort, Quick Sort |
0937| [Reorder Log Files]( | [C++](./C++/reorder-log-files.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn * l)_ | _O(l)_        | Easy         | | |
0969| [Pancake Sorting]( | [C++](./C++/pancake-sorting.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_        | Medium         | variant of [Count of Smaller Numbers After Self]( | BIT, Fenwick Tree, Merge Sort |
0973| [K Closest Points to Origin]( | [C++](./C++/k-closest-points-to-origin.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ on average | _O(1)_        | Easy         | | Quick Select, Heap|
0976| [Largest Perimeter Triangle]( | [C++](./C++/largest-perimeter-triangle.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(1)_        | Easy         | | |
1054 | [Distant Barcodes]( | [C++](./C++/distant-barcodes.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(klogk)_ | _O(k)_ | Medium |  variant of [Rearrange String k Distance Apart]( ||
1086 | [High Five]( | [C++](./C++/high-five.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy | πŸ”’||
1094| [Car Pooling]( | [C++](./C++/car-pooling.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_   | _O(n)_        | Medium         | variant of [Meeting Rooms II]( | |
1122| [Relative Sort Array]( | [C++](./C++/relative-sort-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_   | _O(n)_        | Easy         ||
1229| [Meeting Scheduler]( | [C++](./C++/meeting-scheduler.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_   | _O(n)_        | Medium         || Line Sweep, Heap
1356| [Sort Integers by The Number of 1 Bits]( | [C++](./C++/sort-integers-by-the-number-of-1-bits.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_   | _O(1)_        | Easy         || Bit Manipulation
1365| [How Many Numbers Are Smaller Than the Current Number]( | [C++](./C++/how-many-numbers-are-smaller-than-the-current-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + m)_   | _O(m)_        | Easy         || Counting Sort
1366| [Rank Teams by Votes]( | [C++](./C++/rank-teams-by-votes.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * (n + mlogm))_   | _O(m^2)_        | Medium         ||
1451| [Rearrange Words in a Sentence]( | [C++](./C++/rearrange-words-in-a-sentence.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_   | _O(n)_        | Medium         || String
1481| [Least Number of Unique Integers after K Removals]( | [C++](./C++/least-number-of-unique-integers-after-k-removals.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_   | _O(n)_        | Medium         || Counting Sort
1509| [Minimum Difference Between Largest and Smallest Value in Three Moves]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-difference-between-largest-and-smallest-value-in-three-moves.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + klogk)_   | _O(1)_        | Medium         || Quick Select
1523| [Count Odd Numbers in an Interval Range]( | [C++](./C++/count-odd-numbers-in-an-interval-range.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_   | _O(1)_        | Easy         ||
1561| [Maximum Number of Coins You Can Get]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-number-of-coins-you-can-get.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_   | _O(1)_        | Medium         ||
1588| [Sum of All Odd Length Subarrays]( | [C++](./C++/sum-of-all-odd-length-subarrays.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_   | _O(1)_        | Easy         ||
1608| [Special Array With X Elements Greater Than or Equal X]( | [C++](./C++/special-array-with-x-elements-greater-than-or-equal-x.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_   | _O(1)_        | Easy         | variant of [H-Index]( | Counting Sort, Binary Search
1620| [Coordinate With Maximum Network Quality]( | [C++](./C++/coordinate-with-maximum-network-quality.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(1)_| Medium | |
1621| [Number of Sets of K Non-Overlapping Line Segments]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-sets-of-k-non-overlapping-line-segments.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(n)_| Medium | |  Binomial Coefficients, `Euler's Theorem`
1630| [Arithmetic Subarrays]( | [C++](./C++/arithmetic-subarrays.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * q)_ | _O(n)_| Medium | | Arithmetic Series
1636| [Sort Array by Increasing Frequency]( | [C++](./C++/sort-array-by-increasing-frequency.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_| Easy | |
1637| [Widest Vertical Area Between Two Points Containing No Points]( | [C++](./C++/widest-vertical-area-between-two-points-containing-no-points.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_| Medium | |
1680| [Concatenation of Consecutive Binary Numbers]( | [C++](./C++/concatenation-of-consecutive-binary-numbers.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_| Medium | |
1685| [Sum of Absolute Differences in a Sorted Array]( | [C++](./C++/sum-of-absolute-differences-in-a-sorted-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_| Medium | |
1688| [Count of Matches in Tournament]( | [C++](./C++/count-of-matches-in-tournament.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_| Easy | |

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## Two Pointers
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0015 | [3 Sum](         | [C++](./C++/3sum.cpp) [Python](./Python/       | _O(n^2)_        | _O(1)_          | Medium         || Two Pointers
0016 | [3 Sum Closest]( | [C++](./C++/3sum-closest.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_       | _O(1)_          | Medium         || Two Pointers
0018| [4 Sum](         | [C++](./C++/4sum.cpp) [Python](./Python/        | _O(n^3)_    | _O(1)_    | Medium         || Two Pointers
0019| [Remove Nth Node From End of List](| [C++](./C++/remove-nth-node-from-end-of-list.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_       | _O(1)_         | Medium         || 
0086| [Partition List](| [C++](./C++/partition-list.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_       | _O(1)_         | Medium         || 
0141| [Linked List Cycle](| [C++](./C++/linked-list-cycle.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_         | Easy         || 
0142| [Linked List Cycle II](| [C++](./C++/linked-list-cycle-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_   | Medium         ||
0143| [Reorder List](| [C++](./C++/reorder-list.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          |  _O(1)_         | Medium         ||  
0167| [Two Sum II - Input array is sorted]( | [C++](./C++/two-sum-ii-input-array-is-sorted.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_   | _O(1)_         | Medium         | |
0209 | [Minimum Size Subarray Sum]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-size-subarray-sum.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ |  Medium | | Binary Search, Sliding Window
0259 | [3Sum Smaller]( | [C++](./C++/3sum-smaller.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(1)_          | Medium         | πŸ”’, LintCode |
0283 | [Move Zeroes]( | [C++](./C++/move-zeroes.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_          | Easy         | |
0287| [Find the Duplicate Number](| [C++](./C++/find-the-duplicate-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(n)_          | _O(1)_          | Hard       | | Binary Search, Two Pointers |
0344| [Reverse String]( | [C++](./C++/reverse-string.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         | |
0345| [Reverse Vowels of a String]( | [C++](./C++/reverse-vowels-of-a-string.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         | |
0349| [Intersection of Two Arrays]( | [C++](./C++/intersection-of-two-arrays.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(m + n)_ | _O(min(m, n))_ | Easy         | EPI | Hash, Binary Search
0350| [Intersection of Two Arrays II]( | [C++](./C++/intersection-of-two-arrays-ii.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(m + n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         | EPI | Hash, Binary Search
0360| [Sort Transformed Array]( | [C++](./C++/sort-transformed-array.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium         |πŸ”’|
0424| [Longest Repeating Character Replacement]( | [C++](./C++/longest-repeating-character-replacement.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_| Medium || Sliding Window |
0457| [Circular Array Loop]( | [C++](./C++/circular-array-loop.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium         ||
0567| [Permutation in String]( | [C++](./C++/permutation-in-string.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium         ||
0611| [Valid Triangle Number]( | [C++](./C++/valid-triangle-number.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium         ||
0777| [Swap Adjacent in LR String]( | [C++](./C++/swap-adjacent-in-lr-string.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium         ||
0826| [Most Profit Assigning Work]( | [C++](./C++/most-profit-assigning-work.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(mlogm + nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium         ||
0828| [Count Unique Characters of All Substrings of a Given String]( | [C++](./C++/count-unique-characters-of-all-substrings-of-a-given-string.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard         ||
0844 | [Backspace String Compare]( | [C++](./C++/backspace-string-compare.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m + n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0862| [Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K](| [C++](./C++/shortest-subarray-with-sum-at-least-k.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(n)_          | Hard           || Mono Deque, Sliding Window |
0876 | [Middle of the Linked List]( | [C++](./C++/middle-of-the-linked-list.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0904 | [Fruit Into Baskets]( | [C++](./C++/fruit-into-baskets.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium || Sliding Window
0930 | [Binary Subarrays With Sum]( | [C++](./C++/binary-subarrays-with-sum.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium || Sliding Window
0977 | [Squares of a Sorted Array]( | [C++](./C++/squares-of-a-sorted-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0992| [Subarrays with K Different Integers]( |[C++](./C++/subarrays-with-k-different-integers.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(k)_ | Hard         || Two Pointers, Sliding Window
1004 | [Max Consecutive Ones III]( | [C++](./C++/max-consecutive-ones-iii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium || Sliding Window
1033 | [Moving Stones Until Consecutive]( | [C++](./C++/moving-stones-until-consecutive.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         ||
1040 | [Moving Stones Until Consecutive II]( | [C++](./C++/moving-stones-until-consecutive-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         ||
1151 | [Minimum Swaps to Group All 1's Together]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-swaps-to-group-all-1s-together.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |πŸ”’| Sliding Window
1156 | [Swap For Longest Repeated Character Substring]( | [C++](./C++/swap-for-longest-repeated-character-substring.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | | Sliding Window
1176 | [Diet Plan Performance]( | [C++](./C++/diet-plan-performance.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         || Sliding Window
1208 | [Get Equal Substrings Within Budget]( | [C++](./C++/get-equal-substrings-within-budget.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         || Sliding Window
1213 | [Intersection of Three Sorted Arrays]( | [C++](./C++/intersection-of-three-sorted-arrays.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Easy         |πŸ”’|
1169 | [Invalid Transactions]( | [C++](./C++/invalid-transactions.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_      | Medium         || Sliding Window, Line Sweep
1214 | [Two Sum BSTs]( | [C++](./C++/two-sum-bsts.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_      | Medium         |πŸ”’| Stack |
1234 | [Replace the Substring for Balanced String]( | [C++](./C++/replace-the-substring-for-balanced-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(t)_ | Medium | | Two Pointers, Sliding Window
1248| [Count Number of Nice Subarrays]( |[C++](./C++/count-number-of-nice-subarrays.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(k)_ | Medium         | variant of [Subarrays with K Different Integers]( | Two Pointers, Sliding Window
1297 | [Maximum Number of Occurrences of a Substring]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-number-of-occurrences-of-a-substring.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | | Sliding Window, `Rabin-Karp Algorithm`
1305 |[All Elements in Two Binary Search Trees](| [C++](./C++/all-elements-in-two-binary-search-trees.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium || Stack |
1316 | [Distinct Echo Substrings]( | [C++](./C++/distinct-echo-substrings.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2 + d)_ | _O(r)_      | Hard         || `KMP Algorithm`, Sliding Window, `Rabin-Karp Algorithm`
1358 | [Number of Substrings Containing All Three Characters]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-substrings-containing-all-three-characters.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | | Sliding Window
1423 | [Maximum Points You Can Obtain from Cards]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-points-you-can-obtain-from-cards.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_      | Medium         || Sliding Window
1425| [Constrained Subset Sum](| [C++](./C++/constrained-subset-sum.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(k)_          | Hard           | variant of [Sliding Window Maximum]( | Mono Deque, Sliding Window |
1456| [Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring of Given Length]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-number-of-vowels-in-a-substring-of-given-length.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium || Sliding Window |
1493| [Longest Subarray of 1's After Deleting One Element]( | [C++](./C++/longest-subarray-of-1s-after-deleting-one-element.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ |  Medium | | Sliding Window
1498 |[Number of Subsequences That Satisfy the Given Sum Condition](| [C++](./C++//number-of-subsequences-that-satisfy-the-given-sum-condition.cpp)  [Python](./Python// | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium || Two Pointers |
1508| [Range Sum of Sorted Subarray Sums]( |[C++](./C++/range-sum-of-sorted-subarray-sums.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlog(sum(nums)))_ | _O(n)_ | Medium         | | Binary Search, Two Pointers, Sliding Window
1521| [Find a Value of a Mysterious Function Closest to Target](| [C++](./C++/find-a-value-of-a-mysterious-function-closest-to-target.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogm)_    | _O(logm)_          | Hard           || DP, Two Pointers, Sliding Window
1604 | [Alert Using Same Key-Card Three or More Times in a One Hour Period]( | [C++](./C++/alert-using-same-key-card-three-or-more-times-in-a-one-hour-period.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | | Two Pointers, Sliding Window |
1658| [Minimum Operations to Reduce X to Zero]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-operations-to-reduce-x-to-zero.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ |  Medium | | Two Pointers |
1687 | [Delivering Boxes from Storage to Ports]( | [C++](./C++/delivering-boxes-from-storage-to-ports.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard | | Two Pointers, Sliding Window |
1695 | [Maximum Erasure Value]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-erasure-value.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | | Two Pointers, Sliding Window |

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## Recursion
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0095| [Unique Binary Search Trees II]( | [C++](./C++/unique-binary-search-trees-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(4^n / n^(3/2)_      | _O(4^n / n^(3/2)_         | Medium         ||
0098| [Validate Binary Search Tree](|[C++](./C++/validate-binary-search-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0100| [Same Tree](      |[C+](./C++/same-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_        | Easy          ||
0104| [Maximum Depth of Binary Tree](| [C++](./C++/maximum-depth-of-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Easy ||
0105| [Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal]( | [C++](./C++/construct-binary-tree-from-preorder-and-inorder-traversal.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(n)_          | Medium   ||
0106| [Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal]( | [C++](./C++/construct-binary-tree-from-inorder-and-postorder-traversal.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(n)_          | Medium         ||
0108| [Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree]( | [C++](./C++/convert-sorted-array-to-binary-search-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(logn)_          | Medium         ||
0109| [Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree]( | [C++](./C++/convert-sorted-list-to-binary-search-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(logn)_          | Medium         ||
0110| [Balanced Binary Tree]( | [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(h)_   | Easy           ||
0111| [Minimum Depth of Binary Tree](|[Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Easy ||
0114| [Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List](|[Python](./Python/| _O(n)_        | _O(h)_          | Medium         ||
0116| [Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node](|[Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0124| [Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum](| [C++](./C++/binary-tree-maximum-path-sum.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(h)_| Hard  ||  
0129| [Sum Root to Leaf Numbers]( | [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium ||
0156| [Binary Tree Upside Down]( | [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium    |πŸ”’|
0241| [Different Ways to Add Parentheses]( | [C++](./C++/different-ways-to-add-parentheses.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * 4^n / n^(3/2))_ | _O(n * 4^n / n^(3/2))_ | Medium    || 
0298 | [Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence]( | [C++](./C++/binary-tree-longest-consecutive-sequence.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium    |πŸ”’|
0327| [Count of Range Sum]( | [C++](./C++/count-of-range-sum.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_        | _O(n)_          | Hard         ||
0333 | [Largest BST Subtree]( | [C++](./C++/largest-bst-subtree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium    |πŸ”’|
0337| [House Robber III]( | [C++](./C++/house-robber-iii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Medium           ||
0395| [Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters]( | [C++](./C++/longest-substring-with-at-least-k-repeating-characters.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(1)_          | Medium           ||
0404| [Sum of Left Leaves]( | [C++](./C++/sum-of-left-leaves.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Easy           ||
0437| [Path Sum III]( | [C++](./C++/path-sum-iii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Easy           ||
0544| [Output Contest Matches]( | [C++](./C++/output-contest-matches.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(n)_          | Medium           ||
0549 | [Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence II]( | [C++](./C++/binary-tree-longest-consecutive-sequence-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium    |πŸ”’|
0669| [Trim a Binary Search Tree]( | [C++](./C++/trim-a-binary-search-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Easy           ||
0671| [Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree]( | [C++](./C++/second-minimum-node-in-a-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Easy           ||
0761| [Special Binary String]( | [C++](./C++/special-binary-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_          | _O(n)_          | Hard           ||
1106| [Parsing A Boolean Expression]( | [C++](./C++/parsing-a-boolean-expression.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(n)_          | Hard           ||

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## Binary Search
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0004| [Median of Two Sorted Arrays]( | [C++](./C++/median-of-two-sorted-arrays.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(log(min(m, n)))_ | _O(1)_ | Hard         ||
0033| [Search in Rotated Sorted Array]( | [C++](./C++/search-in-rotated-sorted-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_   | Medium         | CTCI |
0034| [Search for a Range]( | [C++](./C++/search-for-a-range.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_   | Medium         ||
0035| [Search Insert Position]( | [C++](./C++/search-insert-position.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_   | Medium         ||
0069| [Sqrt(x)](       | [C++](./C++/sqrtx.cpp) [Python](./Python/      | _O(logn)_        | _O(1)_         | Medium         ||
0074| [Search a 2D Matrix]( | [C++](./C++/search-a-2d-matrix.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logm + logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium   ||
0081| [Search in Rotated Sorted Array II]( | [C++](./C++/search-in-rotated-sorted-array-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ ~ _O(n)_ | _O(1)_   | Medium         | CTCI |
0153| [Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array](         | [C++](./C++/find-minimum-in-rotated-sorted-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/       | _O(logn)_        | _O(1)_          | Medium         ||
0154| [Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II](      | [C++](./C++/find-minimum-in-rotated-sorted-array-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/       | _O(logn)_ ~ _O(n)_        | _O(1)_          | Hard         ||
0162| [Find Peak Element]( | [C++](./C++/find-peak-element.cpp) [Python](./Python/        | _O(logn)_       | _O(1)_          | Medium         ||
0222| [Count Complete Tree Nodes]( | [C++](./C++/count-complete-tree-nodes.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O((logn)^2)_       | _O(1)_          | Medium         ||
0275| [H-Index II]( | [C++](./C++/h-index-ii.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium         || Binary Search |
0278| [First Bad Version]( | [C++](./C++/first-bad-version.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         | LintCode ||
0300| [Longest Increasing Subsequence]( | [C++](./C++/longest-increasing-subsequence.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium         | CTCI, LintCode | Binary Search, Segment Tree, DP|
0302| [Smallest Rectangle Enclosing Black Pixels](| [C++](./C++/smallest-rectangle-enclosing-black-pixels.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(nlogn)_          | _O(1)_          | Hard         | πŸ”’ |
0354| [Russian Doll Envelopes]( | [C++](./C++/russian-doll-envelopes.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard         |||
0363| [Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K]( | [C++](./C++/max-sum-of-sub-matrix-no-larger-than-k.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(min(m, n)^2 * max(m, n) * logn(max(m, n)))_ | _O(max(m, n))_ | Hard         |||
0367| [Valid Perfect Square](| [C++](./C++/valid-perfect-square.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(logn)_          | _O(1)_          | Medium         | |
0374| [Guess Number Higher or Lower](| [C++](./C++/guess-number-higher-or-lower.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(logn)_          | _O(1)_          | Easy         | |
0410| [Split Array Largest Sum](| [C++](./C++/split-array-largest-sum.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(nlogs)_          | _O(1)_          | Hard         | |
0436 | [Find Right Interval]( | [C++](./C++/find-right-interval.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | |
0475 | [Heaters]( | [C++](./C++/heaters.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O((m + n) * logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy | |
0540|[Single Element in a Sorted Array](| [C++](./C++/single-element-in-a-sorted-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | |
0658 | [Find K Closest Elements]( | [C++](./C++/find-k-closest-elements.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn + k)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | |
0668 | [Kth Smallest Number in Multiplication Table]( | [C++](./C++/kth-smallest-number-in-multiplication-table.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * log(m * n))_ | _O(1)_ | Hard | |
0719 | [Find K-th Smallest Pair Distance]( | [C++](./C++/find-k-th-smallest-pair-distance.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn + nlogw)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard | |
0744 | [Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target]( | [C++](./C++/find-smallest-letter-greater-than-target.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy | |
0774 | [Minimize Max Distance to Gas Station]( | [C++](./C++/minimize-max-distance-to-gas-station.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogr)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard | |
0786 | [K-th Smallest Prime Fraction]( | [C++](./C++/k-th-smallest-prime-fraction.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogr)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard | |
0793 | [Preimage Size of Factorial Zeroes Function]( | [C++](./C++/preimage-size-of-factorial-zeroes-function.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O((logn)^2)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard | |
0852 | [Peak Index in a Mountain Array]( | [C++](./C++/peak-index-in-a-mountain-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy | |
0864 | [Random Pick with Blacklist]( | [C++](./C++/random-pick-with-blacklist.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(b)_ <br> pick: _O(1)_ | _O(b)_ | Hard | |
0875 | [Koko Eating Bananas]( | [C++](./C++/koko-eating-bananas.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogr)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | |
0878 | [Nth Magical Number]( | [C++](./C++/nth-magical-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard | |
0894| [All Possible Full Binary Trees]( | [C++](./C++/all-possible-full-binary-trees.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * 4^n / n^(3/2))_ | _O(n * 4^n / n^(3/2))_ | Medium    || 
0911| [Online Election]( | [C++](./C++/online-election.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(n)_<br> query : _O(logn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium    || 
0981| [Time Based Key-Value Store]( | [C++](./C++/time-based-key-value-store.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | set: _O(1)_<br> get : _O(logn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium    || 
1011 | [Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days]( | [C++](./C++/capacity-to-ship-packages-within-d-days.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogr)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | |
1044 | [Longest Duplicate Substring]( | [C++](./C++/longest-duplicate-substring.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard | | `Rabin-Karp Algorithm`, Suffix Tree, `Ukkonen's Algorithm`
1060 |[Missing Element in Sorted Array](| [C++](./C++/missing-element-in-sorted-array.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |πŸ”’| |
1062 | [Longest Repeating Substring]( | [C++](./C++/longest-repeating-substring.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |πŸ”’| `Rabin-Karp Algorithm`
1064 |[Fixed Point](| [C++](./C++/fixed-point.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |πŸ”’| |
1095 |[Find in Mountain Array](| [C++](./C++/find-in-mountain-array.cpp)  [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard | | |
1110 | [Delete Nodes And Return Forest]( | [C++](./C++/delete-nodes-and-return-forest.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h + d)_ | Medium | |
1170 | [Compare Strings by Frequency of the Smallest Character]( | [C++](./C++/compare-strings-by-frequency-of-the-smallest-character.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O((m + n)logn)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy | |
1201 | [Ugly Number III]( | [C++](./C++/ugly-number-iii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | | Inclusion-Exclusion Principle
1228 | [Missing Number In Arithmetic Progression]( | [C++](./C++/missing-number-in-arithmetic-progression.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy | |
1231 | [Divide Chocolate]( | [C++](./C++/divide-chocolate.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard | |
1274 | [Number of Ships in a Rectangle]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-ships-in-a-rectangle.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(log(m * n))_ | _O(log(m * n))_ | Hard | | Divide and Conquer
1283 | [Find the Smallest Divisor Given a Threshold]( | [C++](./C++/find-the-smallest-divisor-given-a-threshold.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | |
1287 | [Element Appearing More Than 25% In Sorted Array]( | [C++](./C++/element-appearing-more-than-25-in-sorted-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy | |
1385 | [Find the Distance Value Between Two Arrays]( | [C++](./C++/find-the-distance-value-between-two-arrays.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O((n + m) * logm)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy | | Binary Search, Two Pointers
1482 | [Minimum Number of Days to Make m Bouquets]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-number-of-days-to-make-m-bouquets.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogd)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | |
1533 | [Find the Index of the Large Integer]( | [C++](./C++/find-the-index-of-the-large-integer.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | πŸ”’ |
1539 | [Kth Missing Positive Number]( | [C++](./C++/kth-missing-positive-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy | |
1552 | [Magnetic Force Between Two Balls]( | [C++](./C++/magnetic-force-between-two-balls.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn + nlogr)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | |
1618 | [Maximum Font to Fit a Sentence in a Screen]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-font-to-fit-a-sentence-in-a-screen.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + logm)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |πŸ”’|
1648 | [Sell Diminishing-Valued Colored Balls]( | [C++](./C++/sell-diminishing-valued-colored-balls.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogm)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | |
1671| [Minimum Number of Removals to Make Mountain Array]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-number-of-removals-to-make-mountain-array.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium         | variant of [Longest Increasing Subsequence]( | Binary Search, DP|

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## Binary Search Tree
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0220| [Contains Duplicate III](  | [C++](./C++/contains-duplicate-iii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogk)_        | _O(k)_          | Medium           ||
0230 | [Kth Smallest Element in a BST]( | [C++](./C++/kth-smallest-element-in-a-bst.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(max(h, k))_ | _O(min(h, k))_ | Medium ||
0235 | [Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree]( | [C++](./C++/lowest-common-ancestor-of-a-binary-search-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(h)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy | EPI |
0270| [Closest Binary Search Tree Value](| [C++](./C++/closest-binary-search-tree-value.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(h)_          | _O(1)_          | Easy         | πŸ”’ |
0285| [Inorder Successor in BST](| [C++](./C++/inorder-successor-in-bst.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(h)_          | _O(1)_          | Medium         | πŸ”’ |
0352 | [Data Stream as Disjoint Intervals]( | [C++](./C++/data-stream-as-disjoint-intervals.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard | |
0449|[Serialize and Deserialize BST](| [C++](./C++/serialize-and-deserialize-bst.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium | | |
0450|[Delete Node in a BST](| [C++](./C++/delete-node-in-a-bst.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(h)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium | | |
0530|[Minimum Absolute Difference in BST](| [C++](./C++/minimum-absolute-difference-in-bst.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Easy | | |
0776|[Split BST](| [C++](./C++/split-bst.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium | πŸ”’ | |
0783|[Minimum Distance Between BST Nodes](| [C++](./C++/minimum-distance-between-bst-nodes.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Easy | | |
0510| [Inorder Successor in BST II](| [C++](./C++/inorder-successor-in-bst-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(h)_          | _O(1)_          | Medium         | πŸ”’ | |
1373| [Maximum Sum BST in Binary Tree]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-sum-bst-in-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Hard           || DFS, Stack |
1382| [Balance a Binary Search Tree]( | [C++](./C++/balance-a-binary-search-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Medium           || DFS, Stack |

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## Breadth-First Search
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0102| [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal](| [C++](./C++/binary-tree-level-order-traversal.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_| _O(n)_| Easy  || 
0107| [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II](| [C++](./C++/binary-tree-level-order-traversal-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(n)_| Easy  ||
0103| [Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal](| [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(n)_| Medium  ||  
0117| [Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II](|[Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard ||
0127| [Word Ladder](|[C++](./C++/word-ladder.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(b^(d/2))_      | _O(w * l)_          | Medium         | CTCI | Bi-BFS
0130| [Surrounded Regions](|[C++](./C++/surrounded-regions.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(m * n)_ | _O(m + n)_ | Medium         ||
0133| [Clone Graph](| [Python](./Python/   | _O(n)_          | _O(n)_          | Medium         ||
0207| [Course Schedule](| [C++](./C++/course-schedule.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(\|V\| + \|E\|)_          | _O(\|E\|)_          | Medium         || Topological Sort |
0210| [Course Schedule II](| [C++](./C++/course-schedule-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(\|V\| + \|E\|)_          | _O(\|E\|)_          | Medium         || Topological Sort |
0261| [Graph Valid Tree](| [C++](./C++/graph-valid-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(\|V\| + \|E\|)_          | _O(\|V\| + \|E\|)_          | Medium         | πŸ”’ |
0269| [Alien Dictionary]( | [C++](./C++/alien-dictionary.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard         |πŸ”’| Topological Sort, BFS, DFS |
0286| [Walls and Gates](| [C++](./C++/walls-and-gates.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(m * n)_          | _O(g)_          | Medium         | πŸ”’ |
0310| [Minimum Height Trees](| [C++](./C++/minimum-height-trees.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(n)_          | _O(n)_          | Medium         ||
0317| [Shortest Distance from All Buildings](| [C++](./C++/shortest-distance-from-all-buildings.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(k * m * n)_          | _O(m * n)_          | Hard         | πŸ”’ |
0433| [Minimum Genetic Mutation](| [C++](./C++/minimum-genetic-mutation.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(n * b)_          | _O(b)_          | Medium         ||
0444| [Sequence Reconstruction](| [C++](./C++/sequence-reconstruction.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(n * s)_          | _O(n)_          | Medium         |πŸ”’| Topological Sort |
0490| [The Maze](| [C++](./C++/the-maze.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(max(r, c) * w)_ | _O(w)_ | Medium | | |
0499| [The Maze III](| [C++](./C++/the-maze-iii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(max(r, c) * wlogw)_ | _O(w^2)_ | Hard | | |
0505| [The Maze II](| [C++](./C++/the-maze-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(max(r, c) * wlogw)_ | _O(w)_ | Medium | | |
0542| [01 Matrix](| [C++](./C++/01-matrix.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(m * n)_          | _O(1)_          | Medium         || DP
0666| [Path Sum IV](| [C++](./C++/path-sum-iv.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(n)_          | _O(w)_          | Medium         |πŸ”’| Topological Sort |
0675|[Cut Off Trees for Golf Event](| [C++](./C++/cut-off-trees-for-golf-event.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(t * m * n)_ | _O(m * n)_ | Hard | | `A* Search Algorithm` |
0742|[Closest Leaf in a Binary Tree](| [C++](./C++/closest-leaf-in-a-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | | |
0743|[Network Delay Time](| [C++](./C++/network-delay-time.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(\|E\| * log\|V\|)_ | _O(\|E\|)_ | Medium | | `Dijkstra's Algorithm` |
0752|[Open the Lock](| [C++](./C++/open-the-lock.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(k * n^k + d)_ | _O(k * n^k + d)_ | Medium | | |
0773|[Sliding Puzzle](| [C++](./C++/sliding-puzzle.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O((m * n) * (m * n)!)_ | _O((m * n) * (m * n)!)_ | Hard | | `A* Search Algorithm` |
0787|[Cheapest Flights Within K Stops](| [C++](./C++/cheapest-flights-within-k-stops.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(\|E\| * log\|V\|)_ | _O(\|E\|)_ | Medium | | `Dijkstra's Algorithm` |
0815|[Bus Routes](| [C++](./C++/bus-routes.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(\|E\| + \|V\|)_ | _O(\|E\| + \|V\|)_ | Hard | | |
0854|[K-Similar Strings](| [C++](./C++/k-similar-strings.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n * n!/(c_a!*...*c_z!))_ | _O(n * n!/(c_a!*...*c_z!))_ | Hard | | |
0865|[Shortest Path to Get All Keys](| [C++](./C++/shortest-path-to-get-all-keys.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(k * r * c + k^3*2^k)_ | _O(k*2^k)_ | Hard | | `Dijkstra's Algorithm` |
0882|[Reachable Nodes In Subdivided Graph](| [C++](./C++/reachable-nodes-in-subdivided-graph.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(\|E\| * log\|V\|)_ | _O(\|E\|)_ | Hard | | `Dijkstra's Algorithm` |
0886|[Possible Bipartition](| [C++](./C++/possible-bipartition.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(\|V\| + \|E\|)_ | _O(\|V\| + \|E\|)_ | Medium | | |
0934|[Shortest Bridge](| [C++](./C++/shortest-bridge.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n^2)_ | _O(n^2)_ | Medium | | BFS, DFS |
0967|[Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences](| [C++](./C++/numbers-with-same-consecutive-differences.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(2^n)_ | _O(2^n)_ | Medium | | |
0994|[Rotting Oranges](| [C++](./C++/rotting-oranges.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(m * n)_ | _O(m * n)_ | Easy | | |
1034|[Coloring A Border](| [C++](./C++/coloring-a-border.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(m * n)_ | _O(m + n)_ | Medium | | |
1036|[Escape a Large Maze](| [C++](./C++/escape-a-large-maze.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard | | |
1091|[Shortest Path in Binary Matrix](| [C++](./C++/shortest-path-in-binary-matrix.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | | |
1102|[Path With Maximum Minimum Value](| [C++](./C++/path-with-maximum-minimum-value.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O((m * n) * log(m * n))_ | _O(m * n)_ | Medium | πŸ”’ | Binary Search, DFS, `Dijkstra's Algorithm` |
1129|[Shortest Path with Alternating Colors](| [C++](./C++/shortest-path-with-alternating-colors.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n + e)_ | _O(n + e)_ | Medium |||
1136| [Parallel Courses](| [C++](./C++/parallel-courses.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(\|V\| + \|E\|)_         | _O(\|E\|)_          | Hard         |πŸ”’| Topological Sort |
1161|[Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree](| [C++](./C++/maximum-level-sum-of-a-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(w)_ | Medium | | DFS |
1162|[As Far from Land as Possible](| [C++](./C++/as-far-from-land-as-possible.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(m * n)_ | _O(m * n)_ | Medium | | |
1163|[Last Substring in Lexicographical Order](| [C++](./C++/last-substring-in-lexicographical-order.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard | | |
1203| [Sort Items by Groups Respecting Dependencies](| [C++](./C++/sort-items-by-groups-respecting-dependencies.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(n + e)_          | _O(n + e)_          | Hard         || Topological Sort |
1210| [Minimum Moves to Reach Target with Rotations](| [C++](./C++/minimum-moves-to-reach-target-with-rotations.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(n)_          | _O(n)_          | Hard         |||
1215| [Stepping Numbers](| [C++](./C++/stepping-numbers.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(logk + r)_          | _O(k)_          | Medium         |πŸ”’| Precompute, Binary Search |
1245| [Tree Diameter](| [C++](./C++/tree-diameter.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(\|V\| + \|E\|)_         | _O(\|E\|)_          | Medium         |||
1263|[Minimum Moves to Move a Box to Their Target Location](| [C++](./C++/minimum-moves-to-move-a-box-to-their-target-location.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(m^2 * n^2)_ | _O(m^2 * n^2)_ | Hard | | `A* Search Algorithm` |
1284| [Minimum Number of Flips to Convert Binary Matrix to Zero Matrix](| [C++](./C++/minimum-number-of-flips-to-convert-binary-matrix-to-zero-matrix.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O((m * n) * 2^(m * n))_         | _O((m * n) * 2^(m * n))_          | Hard         |||
1291|[Sequential Digits](| [C++](./C++/sequential-digits.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | | |
1293|[Shortest Path in a Grid with Obstacles Elimination](| [C++](./C++/shortest-path-in-a-grid-with-obstacles-elimination.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(m * n * k)_ | _O(m * n)_ | Hard | | `A* Search Algorithm` |
1298|[Maximum Candies You Can Get from Boxes](| [C++](./C++/maximum-candies-you-can-get-from-boxes.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard | | |
1302|[Deepest Leaves Sum](| [C++](./C++/deepest-leaves-sum.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(w)_ | Medium | | |
1306|[Jump Game III](| [C++](./C++/jump-game-iii.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | | |
1311|[Get Watched Videos by Your Friends](| [C++](./C++/get-watched-videos-by-your-friends.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n + vlogv)_ | _O(w)_ | Medium | | |
1345|[Jump Game IV](| [C++](./C++/jump-game-iv.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard | | |
1368|[Minimum Cost to Make at Least One Valid Path in a Grid](| [C++](./C++/minimum-cost-to-make-at-least-one-valid-path-in-a-grid.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(m * n)_ | _O(m * n)_ | Hard | | `A* Search Algorithm`, 0-1 BFS, Deque |
1514|[Path with Maximum Probability](| [C++](./C++/path-with-maximum-probability.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(\|E\| * log\|V\|)_ | _O(\|E\|)_ | Medium | | `Dijkstra's Algorithm` |
1602|[Find Nearest Right Node in Binary Tree](| [C++](./C++/find-nearest-right-node-in-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(w)_ | Medium |πŸ”’| 
1609|[Even Odd Tree](| [C++](./C++/even-odd-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(w)_ | Medium || 
1625|[Lexicographically Smallest String After Applying Operations](| [C++](./C++/lexicographically-smallest-string-after-applying-operations.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n^2)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium || BFS, String 
1654|[Minimum Jumps to Reach Home](| [C++](./C++/minimum-jumps-to-reach-home.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(max(x, max(forbidden)) + a + b)_ | _O(max(x, max(forbidden)) + a + b)_ | Medium || BFS 
1660|[Correct a Binary Tree](| [C++](./C++/correct-a-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(w)_ | Medium |πŸ”’| BFS 

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## Depth-First Search
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0112| [Path Sum](      | [Python](./Python/   | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Easy           ||
0113| [Path Sum II](   | [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_         | _O(h)_          | Medium         ||
0199| [Binary Tree Right Side View]( | [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_     | _O(h)_ | Medium  ||
0200| [Number of Islands]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-islands.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(m * n)_| Medium         || BFS, DFS, Union Find
0236 | [Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree]( | [C++](./C++/lowest-common-ancestor-of-a-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium | EPI |
0247| [Strobogrammatic Number II]( | [C++](./C++/strobogrammatic-number-ii.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(n * 5^(n/2))_ | _O(n)_ | Medium         |πŸ”’||
0250| [Count Univalue Subtrees]( | [C++](./C++/count-univalue-subtrees.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium         |πŸ”’||
0257| [Binary Tree Paths]( | [C++](./C++/binary-tree-paths.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(n * h)_ | _O(h)_ | Easy         |||
0282| [Expression Add Operators]( | [C++](./C++/expression-add-operators.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(4^n)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard         |||
0301| [Remove Invalid Parentheses]( | [C++](./C++/remove-invalid-parentheses.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(C(n, c))_ | _O(c)_ | Hard         |||
0329| [Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix]( | [C++](./C++/longest-increasing-path-in-a-matrix.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(m * n)_ | _O(m * n)_ | Hard         || DFS, Topological Sort |
0332| [Reconstruct Itinerary]( | [C++](./C++/reconstruct-itinerary.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(t! / (n1! * n2! * ... nk!))_ | _O(t)_ | Medium         |||
0339| [Nested List Weight Sum]( | [C++](./C++/nested-list-weight-sum.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Easy         |πŸ”’||
0364| [Nested List Weight Sum II]( | [C++](./C++/nested-list-weight-sum-ii.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium         |πŸ”’||
0366| [Find Leaves of Binary Tree]( | [C++](./C++/find-leaves-of-binary-tree.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Medium         |πŸ”’||
0417 | [Pacific Atlantic Water Flow]( | [C++](./C++/pacific-atlantic-water-flow.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(m * n)_ | Medium ||
0440| [K-th Smallest in Lexicographical Order]( | [C++](./C++/k-th-smallest-in-lexicographical-order.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_          | _O(logn)_          | Hard           ||
0464| [Can I Win]( | [C++](./C++/can-i-win.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n!)_          | _O(n)_          | Medium           ||
0515| [Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row]( | [C++](./C++/find-largest-value-in-each-tree-row.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Medium           |||
0547| [Friend Circles]( | [C++](./C++/friend-circles.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_          | _O(n)_          | Medium           || Union Find |
0582| [Kill Process]( | [C++](./C++/kill-process.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(n)_          | Medium           |πŸ”’| DFS, BFS |
0638| [Shopping Offers]( | [C++](./C++/shopping-offers.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * 2^n)_          | _O(n)_          | Medium           ||
0690| [Employee Importance]( | [C++](./C++/employee-importance.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Easy           || DFS, BFS
0694| [Number of Distinct Islands]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-distinct-islands.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_          | _O(m * n)_          | Medium           |πŸ”’||
0695| [Max Area of Island]( | [C++](./C++/max-area-of-island.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_          | _O(m * n)_          | Easy           ||
0711| [Number of Distinct Islands II]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-distinct-islands-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O((m * n) * log(m * n))_          | _O(m * n)_          | Hard           |πŸ”’| Hash |
0733| [Max Area of Island]( | [C++](./C++/flood-fill.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_          | _O(m * n)_          | Easy           ||
0749| [Contain Virus]( | [C++](./C++/contain-virus.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O((m * n)^(4/3))_          | _O(m * n)_          | Hard           || Simulation|
0753| [Cracking the Safe]( | [C++](./C++/cracking-the-safe.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(k^n)_          | _O(k^n)_          | Hard           || `de Bruijn sequences`, `Lyndon word`, Rolling Hash, Backtracking, Greedy |
0756| [Pyramid Transition Matrix]( | [C++](./C++/pyramid-transition-matrix.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(a^b)_          | _O(a^b)_          | Medium           |||
0785| [Is Graph Bipartite?]( | [C++](./C++/is-graph-bipartite.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(\|V\| + \|E\|)_          | _O(\|V\|)_          | Medium           |||
0797| [All Paths From Source to Target]( | [C++](./C++/all-paths-from-source-to-target.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(p + r * n)_          | _O(n)_          | Medium           |||
0802| [Find Eventual Safe States]( | [C++](./C++/find-eventual-safe-states.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(\|V\| + \|E\|)_          | _O(\|V\|)_ | Medium           |||
0827| [Making A Large Island]( | [C++](./C++/making-a-large-island.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_          | _O(n^2)_          | Hard           |||
0834| [Sum of Distances in Tree]( | [C++](./C++/sum-of-distances-in-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(n)_          | Hard           |||
0841| [Keys and Rooms]( | [C++](./C++/keys-and-rooms.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n!)_          | _O(n)_          | Medium           |||
0851| [Loud and Rich]( | [C++](./C++/loud-and-rich.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(q + r)_          | _O(q + r)_          | Medium           |||
0913| [Cat and Mouse]( | [C++](./C++/cat-and-mouse.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^3)_          | _O(n^2)_          | Hard           |||
1020| [Number of Enclaves]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-enclaves.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_          | _O(m * n)_          | Medium           |||
1059| [All Paths from Source Lead to Destination]( | [C++](./C++/all-paths-from-source-lead-to-destination.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + e)_          | _O(n + e)_          | Medium           |πŸ”’||
1192| [Critical Connections in a Network]( | [C++](./C++/critical-connections-in-a-network.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(\|V\| + \|E\|)_           | _O(\|V\| + \|E\|)_          | Hard           || `Tarjan's Algorithm`, `Bridge Finding Algorithm` |
1202| [Smallest String With Swaps]( | [C++](./C++/smallest-string-with-swaps.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_          | _O(n)_          | Medium           || Union Find |
1254| [Number of Closed Islands]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-closed-islands.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_          | _O(1)_          | Medium           |||
1273| [Delete Tree Nodes]( | [C++](./C++/delete-tree-nodes.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(n)_          | Medium           || DFS, DP |
1315| [Sum of Nodes with Even-Valued Grandparent]( | [C++](./C++/sum-of-nodes-with-even-valued-grandparent.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Medium           |||
1319| [Number of Operations to Make Network Connected]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-operations-to-make-network-connected.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(\|E\| + \|V\|)_          | _O(\|V\|)_          | Medium           || Union Find|
1367| [Linked List in Binary Tree]( | [C++](./C++/linked-list-in-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + l)_          | _O(h + l)_          | Medium           || `KMP Algorithm` |
1372| [Longest ZigZag Path in a Binary Tree]( | [C++](./C++/longest-zigzag-path-in-a-binary-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Medium           |||
1376| [Time Needed to Inform All Employees]( | [C++](./C++/time-needed-to-inform-all-employees.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(n)_          | Medium           |||
1377| [Frog Position After T Seconds]( | [C++](./C++/frog-position-after-t-seconds.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(n)_          | Hard           || DFS, Stack, BFS|
1391| [Check if There is a Valid Path in a Grid]( | [C++](./C++/check-if-there-is-a-valid-path-in-a-grid.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_          | _O(1)_          | Medium           || Simulation |
1466| [Reorder Routes to Make All Paths Lead to the City Zero]( | [C++](./C++/reorder-routes-to-make-all-paths-lead-to-the-city-zero.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(n)_          | Medium           || DFS, Stack |
1485| [Clone Binary Tree With Random Pointer]( | [C++](./C++/clone-binary-tree-with-random-pointer.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Medium           |πŸ”’| DFS, Stack |
1644| [Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree II]( | [C++](./C++/lowest-common-ancestor-of-a-binary-tree-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Medium           |πŸ”’| DFS, Stack |
1676| [Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree IV]( | [C++](./C++/lowest-common-ancestor-of-a-binary-tree-iv.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(h)_          | Medium           |πŸ”’| DFS, Stack |

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## Backtracking
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0017| [Letter Combinations of a Phone Number](| [C++](./C++/letter-combinations-of-a-phone-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * 4^n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0022| [Generate Parentheses](| [C++](./C++/generate-parentheses.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(4^n / n^(3/2))_ | _O(n)_   | Medium         ||
0037| [Sudoku Solver]( | [Python](./Python/ | _O((9!)^9)_  | _O(1)_          | Hard           ||
0039| [Combination Sum](| [Python](./Python/ | _O(k * n^k)_    | _O(k)_          | Medium         ||
0040| [Combination Sum II](| [Python](./Python/| _O(k * C(n, k))_| _O(k)_         | Medium         ||
0046| [Permutations](| [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * n!)_         | _O(n)_          | Medium         ||
0047| [Permutations II](| [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * n!)_   | _O(n)_          | Medium           ||
0051| [N-Queens](      | [Python](./Python/   | _O(n!)_         | _O(n)_          | Hard           ||
0052| [N-Queens-II](   | [Python](./Python/ | _O(n!)_        | _O(n)_          | Hard           ||
0077| [Combinations](  | [C++](./C++/combinations.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(O(k * C(n, k)))_ | _O(k)_           | Medium         ||
0079| [Word Search]( | [C++](./C++/word-search.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n * 3^l)_ | _O(l)_ | Medium         ||
0093| [Restore IP Addresses]( | [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium         ||
0078| [Subsets](       | [C++](./C++/subsets.cpp)  [Python](./Python/    | _O(n * 2^n)_    | _O(1)_          | Medium         ||
0090| [Subsets II](    | [C++](./C++/subsets-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * 2^n)_    | _O(1)_          | Medium         ||
0126| [Word Ladder II](   |[C++](./C++/word-ladder-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(b^(d/2))_ | _O(w * l)_         | Hard         | CTCI | Bi-BFS
0131| [Palindrome Partitioning]( | [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ ~ _O(2^n)_ | _O(n^2)_ | Medium ||
0140| [Word Break II](  | [C++](./C++/word-break-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ |  _O(n * l^2 + n * r)_      | _O(n^2)_       | Hard           ||
0212| [Word Search II]( | [C++](./C++/word-search-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n * 3^h)_ | _O(t)_  | Hard         | LintCode | Trie, DFS
0216| [Combination Sum III](| [C++](./C++/combination-sum-iii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(k * C(n, k))_    | _O(k)_          | Medium         ||
0254| [Factor Combinations]( | [C++](./C++/factor-combinations.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(logn)_ | Medium         |πŸ”’||
0267| [Palindrome Permutation II]( | [C++](./C++/palindrome-permutation-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n * n!)_ |  _O(n)_ | Medium         |πŸ”’||
0291| [Word Pattern II]( | [C++](./C++/word-pattern-ii.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(n * C(n - 1, c - 1))_ | _O(n + c)_ | Hard         |πŸ”’||
0294| [Flip Game II]( | [C++](./C++/flip-game-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n + c^2)_ | _O(c)_ | Medium         |πŸ”’| DP, Hash |
0320| [Generalized Abbreviation]( | [C++](./C++/generalized-abbreviation.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n * 2^n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium         |πŸ”’||
0425| [Word Squares]( | [C++](./C++/word-squares.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n^2 * n!)_ | _O(n^2)_ | Hard         |πŸ”’||
0526| [Beautiful Arrangement]( | [C++](./C++/beautiful-arrangement.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n!)_ | _O(n)_  | Medium       ||
0676| [Implement Magic Dictionary]( | [C++](./C++/implement-magic-dictionary.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(d)_  | Medium       || Trie, DFS
0679| [24 Game]( | [C++](./C++/24-game.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_  | Hard       || DFS
0698| [Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets]( | [C++](./C++/partition-to-k-equal-sum-subsets.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * 2^n)_ | _O(2^n)_ | Medium || DFS, DP, Memoization
0718 | [Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-length-of-repeated-subarray.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(min(m, n))_ | Medium || DP, Hash, Binary Search
0784| [Letter Case Permutation](    | [C++](./C++/letter-case-permutation.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * 2^n)_    | _O(1)_          | Easy         ||
0996| [Number of Squareful Arrays](    | [C++](./C++/number-of-squareful-arrays.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n!)_    | _O(n^2)_          | Hard         ||
1087| [Brace Expansion]( | [C++](./C++/brace-expansion.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(p * l * log(p * l))_ | _O(p * l)_ | Medium         |πŸ”’||
1096| [Brace Expansion II]( | [C++](./C++/brace-expansion-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(p * l * log(p * l))_ | _O(p * l)_ | Hard         |||
1219| [Path with Maximum Gold]( | [C++](./C++/path-with-maximum-gold.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(m^2 * n^2)_ | _O(m * n)_ | Medium         |||
1240| [Tiling a Rectangle with the Fewest Squares]( | [C++](./C++/tiling-a-rectangle-with-the-fewest-squares.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n^2 * m^2 * m^(n * m))_ | _O(n * m)_ | Hard         |||
1255| [Maximum Score Words Formed by Letters]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-score-words-formed-by-letters.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n * 2^n)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard         |||
1258| [Synonymous Sentences]( | [C++](./C++/synonymous-sentences.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(p * l * log(p * l))_ | _O(p * l)_ | Medium         || Union Find |
1307| [Verbal Arithmetic Puzzle]( | [C++](./C++/verbal-arithmetic-puzzle.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(10! * n * l)_ | _O(n * l)_ | Hard         |||
1379 | [Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree]( | [C++](./C++/find-a-corresponding-node-of-a-binary-tree-in-a-clone-of-that-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_      | Medium         || Stack |
1593 | [Split a String Into the Max Number of Unique Substrings]( | [C++](./C++/split-a-string-into-the-max-number-of-unique-substrings.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * 2^(n - 1))_ | _O(n)_      | Medium         |||
1659 | [Maximize Grid Happiness]( | [C++](./C++/maximize-grid-happiness.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(C(m * n, i) * C(m * n - i, e))_ | _O(min(m * n, i + e))_      | Hard         || Pruning |

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## Dynamic Programming
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0010| [Regular Expression Matching]( | [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard ||
0044| [Wildcard Matching]( | [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(1)_    | Hard           || Greedy
0053| [Maximum Subarray](|[C++](./C++/maximum-subarray.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_     | _O(1)_         | Medium         ||
0062| [Unique Paths](    | [Python](./Python/| _O(m * n)_      | _O(m + n)_   | Medium         ||
0063| [Unique Paths II]( | [Python](./Python/ |  _O(m * n)_ | _O(m + n)_   | Medium         ||
0064| [Minimum Path Sum](| [Python](./Python/| _O(m * n)_ | _O(m + n)_     | Medium         ||
0070| [Climbing Stairs](| [C++](./C++/climbing-stairs.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_    | _O(1)_          | Easy           || Matrix Exponentiation
0072| [Edit Distance](|[Python](./Python/| _O(m * n)_      | _O(m + n)_      | Hard           ||
0087| [Scramble String]( | [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^4)_ | _O(n^3)_        | Hard           ||
0091| [Decode Ways](   | [C++](./Python/decode-ways.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_          | _O(1)_          | Medium         ||
0096| [Unique Binary Search Trees]( | [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_      | _O(1)_         | Medium         || Math
0097| [Interleaving String](|[Python](./Python/| _O(m * n)_ | _O(m + n)_ | Hard         ||
0115| [Distinct Subsequences](|[Python](./Python/| _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard           ||
0120| [Triangle](       | [Python](./Python/   | _O(m * n)_      | _O(n)_         | Medium         ||
0123| [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III]( | [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard ||
0132| [Palindrome Partitioning II]( | [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n^2)_ | Hard ||
0139| [Word Break](     | [C++](./C++/word-break.cpp) [Python](./Python/ |  _O(n * l^2)_         | _O(n)_       | Medium         ||
0152| [Maximum Product Subarray](|[C++](./C++/maximum-product-subarray.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium     ||
0174| [Dungeon Game](  | [Python](./Python/| _O(m * n)_     | _O(m + n)_      | Hard           ||
0188| [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV](| [C++](./C++/best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock-iv.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard || Quick Select, Mono Stack
0198| [House Robber](| [C++](./C++/house-robber.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(1)_          | Easy           ||
0213| [House Robber II](| [C++](./C++/house-robber-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(1)_          | Medium           ||
0221| [Maximal Square](| [C++](./C++/maximal-square.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_         | _O(n)_          | Medium           | EPI |
0256| [Paint House]( | [C++](./C++/paint-house.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_| Medium |πŸ”’||
0265| [Paint House II]( | [C++](./C++/paint-house-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * k)_| _O(k)_| Hard |πŸ”’||
0276| [Paint Fence]( | [C++](./C++/paint-fence.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_| Easy |πŸ”’||
0279| [Perfect Squares](| [C++](./C++/perfect-squares.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * sqrt(n))_         | _O(n)_          | Medium           ||  Hash |
0303| [Range Sum Query - Immutable](| [C++](./C++/range-sum-query-immutable.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(n)_, lookup: _O(1)_          | _O(n)_          | Easy           ||
0304| [Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable](| [C++](./C++/range-sum-query-2d-immutable.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(m * n)_, lookup: _O(1)_          | _O(m * n)_          | Medium           ||
0309| [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown]( | [C++](./C++/best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock-with-cooldown.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0312| [Burst Balloons]( | [C++](./C++/burst-balloons.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^3)_ | _O(n^2)_ | Hard ||
0322| [Coin Change]( | [C++](./C++/coin-change.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * k)_ | _O(k)_ | Medium ||
0351| [Android Unlock Patterns]( | [C++](./C++/android-unlock-patterns.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(9^2 * 2^9)_ | _O(9 * 2^9)_ | Medium | πŸ”’ | Backtracking |
0357| [Count Numbers with Unique Digits]( | [C++](./C++/count-numbers-with-unique-digits.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium || Backtracking, Math |
0361| [Bomb Enemy]( | [C++](./C++/bomb-enemy.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(m * n)_ | Medium | πŸ”’ | |
0368| [Largest Divisible Subset]( | [C++](./C++/largest-divisible-subset.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | | |
0375| [Guess Number Higher or Lower II](| [C++](./C++/guess-number-higher-or-lower-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(n^2)_          | _O(n^2)_          | Medium         | |
0377| [Combination Sum IV](| [C++](./C++/combination-sum-iv.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(nlogn + n * t)_          | _O(t)_          | Medium         | |
0403 | [Frog Jump]( | [C++](./C++/frog-jump.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n^2)_ | Hard ||
0416 | [Partition Equal Subset Sum]( | [C++](./C++/partition-equal-subset-sum.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * s)_ | _O(s)_ | Medium ||
0418 | [Sentence Screen Fitting]( | [C++](./C++/sentence-screen-fitting.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(r + n * c)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |πŸ”’|
0446 | [Arithmetic Slices II - Subsequence]( | [C++](./C++/arithmetic-slices-ii-subsequence.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n * d)_ | Hard ||
0465 | [Optimal Account Balancing]( | [C++](./C++/optimal-account-balancing.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * 2^n)_ | _O(2^n)_ | Hard |πŸ”’|
0466 | [Count The Repetitions]( | [C++](./C++/count-the-repetitions.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(s1 * min(s2, n1))_ | _O(s2)_ | Hard ||
0467 | [Unique Substrings in Wraparound String]( | [C++](./C++/unique-substrings-in-wraparound-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0471 | [Encode String with Shortest Length]( | [C++](./C++/encode-string-with-shortest-length.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^3)_ on average | _O(n^2)_ | Medium |πŸ”’|
0472 | [Concatenated Words]( | [C++](./C++/concatenated-words.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * l^2)_ | _O(n * l)_ | Medium ||
0474 | [Ones and Zeroes]( | [C++](./C++/ones-and-zeroes.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(s * m * n)_ | _O(m * n)_ | Medium ||
0486 | [Predict the Winner]( | [C++](./C++/predict-the-winner.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | | |
0509| [Fibonacci Number](| [C++](./C++/fibonacci-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_    | _O(1)_          | Easy           | variant of [Climbing Stairs]( | Matrix Exponentiation
0514 | [Freedom Trail]( | [C++](./C++/freedom-trail.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(k)_ ~ _O(k * r^2)_ | _O(r)_ | Hard |||
0516 | [Longest Palindromic Subsequence]( | [C++](./C++/longest-palindromic-subsequence.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |||
0546 | [Remove Boxes]( | [C++](./C++/remove-boxes.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^3)_ ~ _O(n^4)_ | _O(n^3)_ | Hard |||
0552 | [Student Attendance Record II]( | [C++](./C++/student-attendance-record-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard |||
0562 | [Longest Line of Consecutive One in Matrix]( | [C++](./C++/longest-line-of-consecutive-one-in-matrix.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |πŸ”’||
0568 | [Maximum Vacation Days]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-vacation-days.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2 * k)_ | _O(k)_ | Hard |πŸ”’||
0576 | [Out of Boundary Paths]( | [C++](./C++/out-of-boundary-paths.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(N * m * n)_ | _O(m * n)_ | Medium |||
0583 | [Delete Operation for Two Strings]( | [C++](./C++/delete-operation-for-two-strings.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |||
0600 | [Non-negative Integers without Consecutive Ones]( | [C++](./C++/non-negative-integers-without-consecutive-ones.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard |||
0629 | [K Inverse Pairs Array]( | [C++](./C++/k-inverse-pairs-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * k)_ | _O(k)_ | Hard |||
0639 | [Decode Ways II]( | [C++](./C++/decode-ways-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard |||
0650 | [2 Keys Keyboard]( | [C++](./C++/2-keys-keyboard.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(sqrt(n))_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |||
0656 | [Coin Path]( | [C++](./C++/coin-path.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * B)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard |πŸ”’|
0664 | [Strange Printer]( | [C++](./C++/strange-printer.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^3)_ | _O(n^2)_ | Hard ||
0673 | [Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-longest-increasing-subsequence.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium ||
0688 | [Knight Probability in Chessboard]( | [C++](./C++/knight-probability-in-chessboard.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(k * n^2)_ | _O(n^2)_ | Medium ||
0689 | [Maximum Sum of 3 Non-Overlapping Subarrays]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-sum-of-3-non-overlapping-subarrays.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard ||
0691 | [Stickers to Spell Word]( | [C++](./C++/stickers-to-spell-word.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(T * S^T)_ | _O(T * S^T)_ | Hard || Backtracking, Memoization
0712 | [Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two Strings]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-ascii-delete-sum-for-two-strings.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium ||
0714 | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee]( | [C++](./C++/best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock-with-transaction-fee.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0727 | [Minimum Window Subsequence]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-window-subsequence.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(s * t)_ | _O(s)_ | Hard |πŸ”’|
0730 | [Count Different Palindromic Subsequences]( | [C++](./C++/count-different-palindromic-subsequences.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard ||
0740 | [Delete and Earn]( | [C++](./C++/delete-and-earn.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0741 | [Cherry Pickup]( | [C++](./C++/cherry-pickup.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^3)_ | _O(n^2)_ | Hard ||
0746 | [Min Cost Climbing Stairs]( | [C++](./C++/min-cost-climbing-stairs.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0750 | [Number Of Corner Rectangles]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-corner-rectangles.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * m^2)_ | _O(n * m)_ | Medium ||
0764 | [Largest Plus Sign]( | [C++](./C++/largest-plus-sign.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n^2)_ | Medium ||
0788 | [Rotated Digits]( | [C++](./C++/rotated-digits.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(logn)_ | Easy || Memoization |
0790 | [Domino and Tromino Tiling]( | [C++](./C++/domino-and-tromino-tiling.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium || Matrix Exponentiation |
0799 | [Champagne Tower]( | [C++](./C++/champagne-tower.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |||
0801 | [Minimum Swaps To Make Sequences Increasing]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-swaps-to-make-sequences-increasing.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |||
0805 | [Split Array With Same Average]( | [C++](./C++/split-array-with-same-average.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^4)_ | _O(n^3)_ | Hard |||
0808 | [Soup Servings]( | [C++](./C++/soup-servings.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium || Memoization |
0813 | [Largest Sum of Averages]( | [C++](./C++/largest-sum-of-averages.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(k * n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium || |
0818 | [Race Car]( | [C++](./C++/race-car.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard || |
0823 | [Binary Trees With Factors]( | [C++](./C++/binary-trees-with-factors.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium || |
0837 | [New 21 Game]( | [C++](./C++/new-21-game.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium || |
0838 | [Push Dominoes]( | [C++](./C++/push-dominoes.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium || |
0847 | [Shortest Path Visiting All Nodes]( | [C++](./C++/shortest-path-visiting-all-nodes.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n *2^n)_ | _O(n * 2^n)_ | Hard || BFS |
0877 | [Stone Game]( | [C++](./C++/stone-game.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | variant of [Predict the Winner]( | |
0879 | [Profitable Schemes]( | [C++](./C++/profitable-schemes.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * p * g)_ | _O(p * g)_ | Hard || |
0903 | [Valid Permutations for DI Sequence]( | [C++](./C++/valid-permutations-for-di-sequence.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard || |
0920 | [Number of Music Playlists]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-music-playlists.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * l)_ | _O(l)_ | Hard || |
0926| [Flip String to Monotone Increasing]( | [C++](./C++/flip-string-to-monotone-increasing.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0931| [Minimum Falling Path Sum]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-falling-path-sum.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0935| [Knight Dialer]( | [C++](./C++/knight-dialer.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium || Matrix Exponentiation |
0940| [Distinct Subsequences II]( | [C++](./C++/distinct-subsequences-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard |||
0943| [Find the Shortest Superstring]( | [C++](./C++/find-the-shortest-superstring.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2 * (l^2 + 2^n))_ | _O(n^2)_ | Hard |||
0956| [Tallest Billboard]( | [C++](./C++/tallest-billboard.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * 3^(n/2))_ | _O(3^(n/2))_ | Hard |||
0960 | [Delete Columns to Make Sorted III]( | [C++](./C++/delete-columns-to-make-sorted-iii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * l^2)_ | _O(l)_ | Hard||
0964 | [Least Operators to Express Number]( | [C++](./C++/least-operators-to-express-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn / logx)_ | _O(logn)_ | Hard|| Math
0975 | [Odd Even Jump]( | [C++](./C++/odd-even-jump.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard|| Mono Stack, BST
0980| [Unique Paths III]( | [C++](./C++/unique-paths-iii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ |  _O((m * n) * 2^(m * n))_ | _O((m * n) * 2^(m * n))_   | Hard         ||
0983| [Minimum Cost For Tickets]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-cost-for-tickets.cpp) [Python](./Python/ |  _O(n)_ | _O(1)_   | Medium         ||
1000| [Minimum Cost to Merge Stones]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-cost-to-merge-stones.cpp) [Python](./Python/ |  _O(n^3 / k)_ | _O(n^2)_   | Hard         |||
1027| [Longest Arithmetic Sequence]( | [C++](./C++/longest-arithmetic-sequence.cpp) [Python](./Python/ |  _O(n^2)_ | _O(n^2)_   | Medium         |||
1035| [Uncrossed Lines]( | [C++](./C++/uncrossed-lines.cpp) [Python](./Python/ |  _O(m * n)_ | _O(min(m, n))_   | Medium         |||
1039| [Minimum Score Triangulation of Polygon]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-score-triangulation-of-polygon.cpp) [Python](./Python/ |  _O(n^3)_ | _O(n^2)_   | Medium         |||
1043| [Partition Array for Maximum Sum]( | [C++](./C++/partition-array-for-maximum-sum.cpp) [Python](./Python/ |  _O(n * k)_ | _O(k)_   | Medium         |||
1048| [Longest String Chain]( | [C++](./C++/longest-string-chain.cpp) [Python](./Python/ |  _O(n * l^2)_ | _O(n * l)_   | Medium         |||
1049| [Last Stone Weight II]( | [C++](./C++/last-stone-weight-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ |  _O(2^n)_ | _O(2^n)_   | Medium         |||
1066| [Campus Bikes II]( | [C++](./C++/campus-bikes-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ |  _O(w * b * 2^b)_ | _O(w * b * 2^b)_   | Medium         |πŸ”’||
1092| [Shortest Common Supersequence]( | [C++](./C++/shortest-common-supersequence.cpp) [Python](./Python/ |  _O(m * n)_ | _O(m * n)_   | Hard         |||
1105| [Filling Bookcase Shelves]( | [C++](./C++/filling-bookcase-shelves.cpp) [Python](./Python/ |  _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_   | Medium         |||
1125| [Smallest Sufficient Team]( | [C++](./C++/smallest-sufficient-team.cpp) [Python](./Python/ |  _O(m * 2^n)_ | _O(2^n)_   | Hard         |||
1137| [N-th Tribonacci Number](| [C++](./C++/n-th-tribonacci-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_    | _O(1)_          | Easy           | variant of [Fibonacci Number]( | Matrix Exponentiation
1139| [Largest 1-Bordered Square](| [C++](./C++/largest-1-bordered-square.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^3)_    | _O(n^2)_          | Medium           | |
1140 | [Stone Game II]( | [C++](./C++/stone-game-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n*(logn)^2)_ | _O(nlogn)_ | Medium || |
1143 | [Longest Common Subsequence]( | [C++](./C++/longest-common-subsequence.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(min(m, n))_ | Medium || |
1155 | [Number of Dice Rolls With Target Sum]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-dice-rolls-with-target-sum.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(d * f * t)_ | _O(t)_ | Medium || |
1182 | [Shortest Distance to Target Color]( | [C++](./C++/shortest-distance-to-target-color.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |πŸ”’| |
1186| [Maximum Subarray Sum with One Deletion](|[C++](./C++/maximum-subarray-sum-with-one-deletion.cpp) [Python](./Python/| _O(n)_     | _O(1)_         | Medium         ||
1187 | [Make Array Strictly Increasing]( | [C++](./C++/make-array-strictly-increasing.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2 * logn)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard || |
1191 | [K-Concatenation Maximum Sum]( | [C++](./C++/k-concatenation-maximum-sum.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium || |
1216 | [Valid Palindrome III]( | [C++](./C++/valid-palindrome-iii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard | πŸ”’, variant of [Longest Palindromic Subsequence]( ||
1218 | [Longest Arithmetic Subsequence of Given Difference]( | [C++](./C++/longest-arithmetic-subsequence-of-given-difference.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | ||
1220| [Count Vowels Permutation]( | [C++](./C++/count-vowels-permutation.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard || Matrix Exponentiation |
1223 | [Dice Roll Simulation]( | [C++](./C++/dice-roll-simulation.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(m)_ | Medium | ||
1230 | [Toss Strange Coins]( | [C++](./C++/toss-strange-coins.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | ||
1235 | [Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-profit-in-job-scheduling.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard | | DP, Heap |
1239 | [Maximum Length of a Concatenated String with Unique Characters]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-length-of-a-concatenated-string-with-unique-characters.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ ~ _O(2^n)_ | _O(1)_ ~ _O(2^n)_ | Medium | | DP, Bit Manipulation |
1246 | [Palindrome Removal]( | [C++](./C++/palindrome-removal.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^3)_ | _O(n^2)_ | Hard | | |
1262 | [Greatest Sum Divisible by Three]( | [C++](./C++/greatest-sum-divisible-by-three.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | | |
1269 | [Number of Ways to Stay in the Same Place After Some Steps]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-ways-to-stay-in-the-same-place-after-some-steps.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard | | |
1277 | [Count Square Submatrices with All Ones]( | [C++](./C++/count-square-submatrices-with-all-ones.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | | |
1278 | [Palindrome Partitioning III]( | [C++](./C++/palindrome-partitioning-iii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(k * n^2)_ | _O(n^2)_ | Hard | | |
1289 | [Minimum Falling Path Sum II]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-falling-path-sum-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard | | |
1292 | [Maximum Side Length of a Square with Sum Less than or Equal to Threshold]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-side-length-of-a-square-with-sum-less-than-or-equal-to-threshold.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n * log(min(m, n)))_ | _O(m * n)_ | Medium | | Binary Search |
1301 | [Number of Paths with Max Score]( | [C++](./C++/number-of-paths-with-max-score.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard | | |
1312 | [Minimum Insertion Steps to Make a String Palindrome]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-insertion-steps-to-make-a-string-palindrome.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard | variant of [Longest Common Subsequence]( | |
1314 | [Matrix Block Sum]( | [C++](./C++/matrix-block-sum.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(m * n)_ | Medium | variant of [Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable]( | |
1320 | [Minimum Distance to Type a Word Using Two Fingers]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-distance-to-type-a-word-using-two-fingers.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard | | |
1335 | [Minimum Difficulty of a Job Schedule]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-difficulty-of-a-job-schedule.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(d * n^2)_ | _O(d * n)_ | Hard | | |
1340 | [Jump Game V]( | [C++](./C++/jump-game-v.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard | | Sliding Window, Mono Stack, Segment Tree |
1349 | [Maximum Students Taking Exam]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-students-taking-exam.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n * sqrt(m * n))_ | _O(m + n)_ | Hard | [GCJ2008 - Round 3]( | `Hopcroft-Karp Bipartite Matching`, `Hungarian Bipartite Matching` |
1387 | [Sort Integers by The Power Value]( | [C++](./C++/sort-integers-by-the-power-value.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ on average| _O(n)_ | Medium | | Quick Select |
1388| [Pizza With 3n Slices](| [C++](./C++/pizza-with-3n-slices.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_          | _O(n)_          | Hard           | variant of [House Robber II]( |
1395| [Count Number of Teams](| [C++](./C++/count-number-of-teams.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_          | _O(1)_          | Medium           ||
1397| [Find All Good Strings](| [C++](./C++/find-all-good-strings.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_          | _O(m)_          | Hard           || `KMP Algorithm`
1406| [Stone Game III](| [C++](./C++/stone-game-iii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_          | _O(1)_          | Hard           ||
1411| [Number of Ways to Paint N Γ— 3 Grid](| [C++](./C++/number-of-ways-to-paint-n-3-grid.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_    | _O(1)_          | Hard           || Matrix Exponentiation
1416| [Restore The Array](| [C++](./C++/restore-the-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogk)_    | _O(logk)_          | Hard           ||
1420| [Build Array Where You Can Find The Maximum Exactly K Comparisons](| [C++](./C++/build-array-where-you-can-find-the-maximum-exactly-k-comparisons.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * m * k)_    | _O(m * k)_          | Hard           ||
1434| [Number of Ways to Wear Different Hats to Each Other](| [C++](./C++/number-of-ways-to-wear-different-hats-to-each-other.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(h * 2^n)_    | _O(2^n)_          | Hard           ||
1444| [Number of Ways of Cutting a Pizza](| [C++](./C++/number-of-ways-of-cutting-a-pizza.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n * k * (m + n))_    | _O(m * n * k)_          | Hard           ||
1449| [Form Largest Integer With Digits That Add up to Target](| [C++](./C++/form-largest-integer-with-digits-that-add-up-to-target.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(t)_    | _O(t)_          | Hard           ||
1458| [Max Dot Product of Two Subsequences](| [C++](./C++/max-dot-product-of-two-subsequences.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_    | _O(min(m, n))_          | Hard           ||
1463| [Cherry Pickup II](| [C++](./C++/cherry-pickup-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n^2)_    | _O(n^2)_          | Hard           ||
1467| [Probability of a Two Boxes Having The Same Number of Distinct Balls](| [C++](./C++/probability-of-a-two-boxes-having-the-same-number-of-distinct-balls.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(k^3 * n^2)_    | _O(k^2 * n)_          | Hard           || Binomial Coefficients
1473| [Paint House III](| [C++](./C++/paint-house-iii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * t * n^2)_    | _O(t * n)_          | Hard           ||
1477| [Find Two Non-overlapping Sub-arrays Each With Target Sum](| [C++](./C++/find-two-non-overlapping-sub-arrays-each-with-target-sum.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_    | _O(n)_          | Medium           ||
1478| [Allocate Mailboxes](| [C++](./C++/allocate-mailboxes.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n^2)_    | _O(n)_          | Hard           || DP, Math
1494| [Parallel Courses II](| [C++](./C++/parallel-courses-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O((n * C(c, min(c, k))) * 2^n)_    | _O(2^n)_          | Hard           || Combinations
1504 | [Count Submatrices With All Ones]( | [C++](./C++/count-submatrices-with-all-ones.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | | Mono Stack
1510| [Stone Game IV](| [C++](./C++/stone-game-iv.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * sqrt(n))_    | _O(n)_          | Hard           ||
1524| [Number of Sub-arrays With Odd Sum](| [C++](./C++/number-of-sub-arrays-with-odd-sum.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_    | _O(1)_          | Medium           ||
1531| [String Compression II](| [C++](./C++/string-compression-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2 * k)_    | _O(n * k)_          | Hard           ||
1547| [Minimum Cost to Cut a Stick](| [C++](./C++/minimum-cost-to-cut-a-stick.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^3)_    | _O(n^2)_          | Hard           ||
1548| [The Most Similar Path in a Graph](| [C++](./C++/the-most-similar-path-in-a-graph.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^ * m)_    | _O(n * m)_          | Hard           | πŸ”’ |
1553| [Minimum Number of Days to Eat N Oranges](| [C++](./C++/minimum-number-of-days-to-eat-n-oranges.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O((logn)^2)_    | _O((logn)^2)_          | Hard           ||
1563| [Stone Game V](| [C++](./C++/stone-game-v.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_    | _O(n^2)_          | Hard           ||
1569| [Number of Ways to Reorder Array to Get Same BST](| [C++](./C++/detect-pattern-of-length-m-repeated-k-or-more-times.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_    | _O(n^2)_          | Hard           || DFS
1575| [Count All Possible Routes](| [C++](./C++/count-all-possible-routes.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn + n * f)_    | _O(n * f)_          | Hard           || Math
1594| [Maximum Non Negative Product in a Matrix](| [C++](./C++/maximum-non-negative-product-in-a-matrix.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n)_    | _O(n)_          | Medium           || 
1595| [Minimum Cost to Connect Two Groups of Points](| [C++](./C++/minimum-cost-to-connect-two-groups-of-points.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n * 2^n)_    | _O(2^n)_          | Hard           ||
1617| [Count Subtrees With Max Distance Between Cities](| [C++](./C++/count-subtrees-with-max-distance-between-cities.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^6)_    | _O(n^3)_          | Hard           || Backtracking, Graph
1626| [Best Team With No Conflicts](| [C++](./C++/best-team-with-no-conflicts.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nloga)_    | _O(n)_          | Medium           | variant of [Longest Increasing Subsequence]( | Sort, DP, Segment Tree
1639| [Number of Ways to Form a Target String Given a Dictionary](| [C++](./C++/number-of-ways-to-form-a-target-string-given-a-dictionary.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(l * (w + n))_    | _O(n)_          | Hard           | | 
1655| [Distribute Repeating Integers](| [C++](./C++/distribute-repeating-integers.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + m * 3^m)_    | _O(n + 2^m)_          | Hard           | | Submask Enumeration
1664| [Ways to Make a Fair Array](| [C++](./C++/ways-to-make-a-fair-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_    | _O(1)_          | Medium           | | Prefix Sum
1681| [Minimum Incompatibility](| [C++](./C++/minimum-incompatibility.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(max(n * 2^n, 3^n))_    | _O(2^n)_          | Hard           | | Combinations, Backtracking, Submask Enumeration
1682 | [Longest Palindromic Subsequence II]( | [C++](./C++/longest-palindromic-subsequence-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |πŸ”’||
1690 | [Stone Game VII]( | [C++](./C++/stone-game-vii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |||
1691 | [Maximum Height by Stacking Cuboids]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-height-by-stacking-cuboids.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard |||
1692 | [Count Ways to Distribute Candies]( | [C++](./C++/count-ways-to-distribute-candies.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * k)_ | _O(k)_ | Hard |πŸ”’||

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## Greedy
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0011| [Container With Most Water](| [C++](./C++/container-with-most-water.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0042| [Trapping Rain Water]( | [C++](./C++/trapping-rain-water.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard || Tricky
0045| [Jump Game II](  | [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(1)_          | Hard           ||
0055| [Jump Game](     | [C++](./C++/jump-game.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_          | _O(1)_          | Medium         ||
0122| [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II](| [C++](./C++/best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0134| [Gas Station](| [Python](./Python/   | _O(n)_          | _O(1)_          | Medium         ||
0135| [Candy](| [C++](./C++/candy.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard ||
0316| [Remove Duplicate Letters]( | [C++](./C++/remove-duplicate-letters.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_| Hard || Mono Stack |
0321| [Create Maximum Number](| [C++](./C++/create-maximum-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(k * (m + n + k))_ ~ _O(k * (m + n + k^2))_| _O(m + n + k^2)_ | Hard | variant of [Delete Digits]( | Greedy, DP
0330| [Patching Array]( | [C++](./C++/patching-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(s + logn)_ | _O(1)_       | Hard           ||
0376| [Wiggle Subsequence](| [C++](./C++/wiggle-subsequence.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(n)_          | _O(1)_          | Medium         ||
0392| [Is Subsequence](| [C++](./C++/is-subsequence.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(n)_          | _O(1)_          | Medium         ||
0397| [Integer Replacement](| [C++](./C++/integer-replacement.cpp) [Python](./Python/   | _O(n)_          | _O(1)_          | Medium         || Math
0402 | [Remove K Digits]( | [C++](./C++/remove-k-digits.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | LintCode |
0435 | [Non-overlapping Intervals]( | [C++](./C++/non-overlapping-intervals.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | | Line Sweep
0452 | [Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-number-of-arrows-to-burst-balloons.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | |
0455 | [Assign Cookies]( | [C++](./C++/assign-cookies.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy | |
0621 | [Task Scheduler]( | [C++](./C++/task-scheduler.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | |
0630 | [Course Schedule III]( | [C++](./C++/course-schedule-iii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(k)_ | Hard ||
0646 | [Maximum Length of Pair Chain]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-length-of-pair-chain.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | variant of [Non-overlapping Intervals]( | Line Sweep
0649 | [Dota2 Senate]( | [C++](./C++/dota2-senate.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |||
0659 | [Split Array into Consecutive Subsequences]( | [C++](./C++/split-array-into-consecutive-subsequences.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | |
0738 | [Monotone Increasing Digits]( | [C++](./C++/monotone-increasing-digits.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | |
0757 | [Set Intersection Size At Least Two]( | [C++](./C++/set-intersection-size-at-least-two.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard | |
0759 | [Employee Free Time]( | [C++](./C++/employee-free-time.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * logn)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard | |
0763 | [Partition Labels]( | [C++](./C++/partition-labels.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | |
0767 | [Reorganize String]( | [C++](./C++/reorganize-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | |
0798 | [Smallest Rotation with Highest Score]( | [C++](./C++/smallest-rotation-with-highest-score.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard | |
0843 | [Guess the Word]( | [C++](./C++/guess-the-word.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard || MinMax, Math |
0861 | [Score After Flipping Matrix]( | [C++](./C++/score-after-flipping-matrix.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(r * c)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0870 | [Advantage Shuffle]( | [C++](./C++/advantage-shuffle.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium ||
0881 | [Boats to Save People]( | [C++](./C++/boats-to-save-people.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium ||
0936 | [Stamping The Sequence]( | [C++](./C++/stamping-the-sequence.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O((n - m) * m)_ | _O((n - m) * m)_ | Hard ||
0948 | [Bag of Tokens]( | [C++](./C++/bag-of-tokens.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium || Two Pointers
0962 | [Maximum Width Ramp]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-width-ramp.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium || Mono Stack
0968 | [Binary Tree Cameras]( | [C++](./C++/binary-tree-cameras.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_ | Hard || DFS
0984 | [String Without AAA or BBB]( | [C++](./C++/string-without-aaa-or-bbb.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(a + b)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
0991 | [Broken Calculator]( | [C++](./C++/broken-calculator.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0995 | [Minimum Number of K Consecutive Bit Flips]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-number-of-k-consecutive-bit-flips.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard ||
1005 | [Maximize Sum Of Array After K Negations]( | [C++](./C++/maximize-sum-of-array-after-k-negations.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ on average | _O(1)_ | Easy || Quick Select
1024 | [Video Stitching]( | [C++](./C++/video-stitching.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | variant of [Jump Game II]( |
1029 | [Two City Scheduling]( | [C++](./C++/two-city-scheduling.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ on average | _O(1)_ | Easy | | Quick Select
1053 | [Previous Permutation With One Swap]( | [C++](./C++/previous-permutation-with-one-swap.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | | 
1055 | [Shortest Way to Form String]( | [C++](./C++/shortest-way-to-form-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m + n)_ | _O(m)_ | Medium | πŸ”’, variant of [Minimum Window Subsequence]( | 
1058 | [Minimize Rounding Error to Meet Target]( | [C++](./C++/minimize-rounding-error-to-meet-target.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ on average | _O(n)_ | Medium | πŸ”’ | Quick Select
1081| [Smallest Subsequence of Distinct Characters]( | [C++](./C++/smallest-subsequence-of-distinct-characters.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_| Medium | same as [Remove Duplicate Letters]( | Mono Stack |
1090 | [Largest Values From Labels]( | [C++](./C++/largest-values-from-labels.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium ||
1111 | [Maximum Nesting Depth of Two Valid Parentheses Strings]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-nesting-depth-of-two-valid-parentheses-strings.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
1167| [Minimum Cost to Connect Sticks]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-cost-to-connect-sticks.cpp) [Python](./Python/ |  _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_   | Medium |πŸ”’|| Heap
1183| [Maximum Number of Ones]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-number-of-ones.cpp) [Python](./Python/ |  _O(1)_ | _O(1)_   | Hard |πŸ”’||
1196 | [How Many Apples Can You Put into the Basket]( | [C++](./C++/how-many-apples-can-you-put-into-the-basket.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy |πŸ”’|
1199 | [Minimum Time to Build Blocks]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-time-to-build-blocks.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard |πŸ”’|
1221 | [Split a String in Balanced Strings]( | [C++](./C++/split-a-string-in-balanced-strings.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
1247 | [Minimum Swaps to Make Strings Equal]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-swaps-to-make-strings-equal.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
1249 | [Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-remove-to-make-valid-parentheses.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | | Stack
1253 | [Reconstruct a 2-Row Binary Matrix]( | [C++](./C++/reconstruct-a-2-row-binary-matrix.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
1272 | [Remove Interval]( | [C++](./C++/remove-interval.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium || Line Sweep
1282 | [Group the People Given the Group Size They Belong To]( | [C++](./C++/group-the-people-given-the-group-size-they-belong-to.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium ||
1288 | [Remove Covered Intervals]( | [C++](./C++/remove-covered-intervals.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium | | Line Sweep
1296 | [Divide Array in Sets of K Consecutive Numbers]( | [C++](./C++/divide-array-in-sets-of-k-consecutive-numbers.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium ||
1326| [Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden](  | [C++](./C++/minimum-number-of-taps-to-open-to-water-a-garden.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(n)_          | Hard           | variant of [Jump Game II]( |
1338 | [Reduce Array Size to The Half]( | [C++](./C++/reduce-array-size-to-the-half.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium || Counting Sort
1353| [Maximum Number of Events That Can Be Attended](  | [C++](./C++/maximum-number-of-events-that-can-be-attended.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(r + nlogn)_        | _O(n)_          | Medium           | | Heap, Sort |
1354| [Construct Target Array With Multiple Sums](  | [C++](./C++/construct-target-array-with-multiple-sums.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(log(max(t)) * logn)_        | _O(n)_          | Hard           | | Heap |
1386| [Cinema Seat Allocation](  | [C++](./C++/cinema-seat-allocation.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(n)_          | Medium           | | |
1400| [Construct K Palindrome Strings](  | [C++](./C++/construct-k-palindrome-strings.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(1)_          | Medium           | | |
1402| [Reducing Dishes](  | [C++](./C++/reducing-dishes.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_        | _O(1)_          | Hard           | | |
1403| [Minimum Subsequence in Non-Increasing Order](  | [C++](./C++/minimum-subsequence-in-non-increasing-order.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_        | _O(1)_          | Easy           | | |
1405| [Longest Happy String](  | [C++](./C++/longest-happy-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(1)_          | Medium           | | |
1414| [Find the Minimum Number of Fibonacci Numbers Whose Sum Is K](  | [C++](./C++/find-the-minimum-number-of-fibonacci-numbers-whose-sum-is-k.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logk)_        | _O(1)_          | Medium           | | |
1419| [Minimum Number of Frogs Croaking](  | [C++](./C++/minimum-number-of-frogs-croaking.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(1)_          | Medium           | | |
1433| [Check If a String Can Break Another String](  | [C++](./C++/check-if-a-string-can-break-another-string.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(1)_          | Medium           | | |
1488| [Avoid Flood in The City](  | [C++](./C++/avoid-flood-in-the-city.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_        | _O(n)_          | Medium           | | |
1518| [Water Bottles](  | [C++](./C++/water-bottles.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn/logm)_        | _O(1)_          | Easy           | | |
1520| [Maximum Number of Non-Overlapping Substrings](  | [C++](./C++/maximum-number-of-non-overlapping-substrings.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(1)_          | Medium           | | |
1526| [Minimum Number of Increments on Subarrays to Form a Target Array](  | [C++](./C++/minimum-number-of-increments-on-subarrays-to-form-a-target-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_        | _O(1)_          | Hard           | | |
1536| [Minimum Swaps to Arrange a Binary Grid](  | [C++](./C++/minimum-swaps-to-arrange-a-binary-grid.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_        | _O(1)_          | Medium           | | |
1546| [Maximum Number of Non-Overlapping Subarrays With Sum Equals Target](| [C++](./C++/maximum-number-of-non-overlapping-subarrays-with-sum-equals-target.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_    | _O(n)_          | Medium           ||
1564| [Put Boxes Into the Warehouse I](| [C++](./C++/put-boxes-into-the-warehouse-i.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_    | _O(1)_          | Medium           | πŸ”’ |
1567| [Maximum Length of Subarray With Positive Product](| [C++](./C++/maximum-length-of-subarray-with-positive-product.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_    | _O(1)_          | Medium           ||
1568| [Minimum Number of Days to Disconnect Island](| [C++](./C++/minimum-number-of-days-to-disconnect-island.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m^2 * n^2)_    | _O(m * n)_          | Medium           || DFS
1578| [Minimum Deletion Cost to Avoid Repeating Letters](| [C++](./C++/minimum-deletion-cost-to-avoid-repeating-letters.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_    | _O(1)_          | Medium           ||
1580| [Put Boxes Into the Warehouse II](| [C++](./C++/put-boxes-into-the-warehouse-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_    | _O(1)_          | Medium           | πŸ”’ |
1585| [Check If String Is Transformable With Substring Sort Operations](| [C++](./C++/check-if-string-is-transformable-with-substring-sort-operations.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_    | _O(n)_          | Hard           ||
1589| [Maximum Sum Obtained of Any Permutation](| [C++](./C++/maximum-sum-obtained-of-any-permutation.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_    | _O(n)_          | Medium           || 
1591 | [Strange Printer II]( | [C++](./C++/strange-printer-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(c * m * n + e)_ | _O(e)_ | Hard ||
1599 | [Maximum Profit of Operating a Centennial Wheel]( | [C++](./C++/maximum-profit-of-operating-a-centennial-wheel.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
1605 | [Find Valid Matrix Given Row and Column Sums]( | [C++](./C++/find-valid-matrix-given-row-and-column-sums.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m + n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
1616 | [Split Two Strings to Make Palindrome]( | [C++](./C++/split-two-strings-to-make-palindrome.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium || Two Pointers
1632 | [Rank Transform of a Matrix]( | [C++](./C++/rank-transform-of-a-matrix.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n * log(m * n))_ | _O(m * n)_ | Hard || Union Find
1647 | [Minimum Deletions to Make Character Frequencies Unique]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-deletions-to-make-character-frequencies-unique.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
1653 | [Minimum Deletions to Make String Balanced]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-deletions-to-make-string-balanced.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
1663 | [Smallest String With A Given Numeric Value]( | [C++](./C++/smallest-string-with-a-given-numeric-value.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
1665 | [Minimum Initial Energy to Finish Tasks]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-initial-energy-to-finish-tasks.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(1)_ | Hard ||
1673 | [Find the Most Competitive Subsequence]( | [C++](./C++/find-the-most-competitive-subsequence.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(k)_ | Meidum || Stack, Greedy
1674 | [Minimum Moves to Make Array Complementary]( | [C++](./C++/minimum-moves-to-make-array-complementary.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + k)_ | _O(k)_ | Meidum ||
1686 | [Stone Game VI]( | [C++](./C++/stone-game-vi.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium ||
1689 | [Partitioning Into Minimum Number Of Deci-Binary Numbers]( | [C++](./C++/partitioning-into-minimum-number-of-deci-binary-numbers.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||

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## Graph
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0399| [Evaluate Division]( | [C++](./C++/evaluate-division.cpp)  [Python](./Python/  | _O(e + q)_ | _O(e)_ | Medium         || `Floyd-Warshall Algorithm`, BFS, Union Find|
0765 | [Couples Holding Hands](  | [C++](./C++/couples-holding-hands.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(n)_| Hard           ||| 
0924 | [Minimize Malware Spread](  | [C++](./C++/minimize-malware-spread.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_| _O(n)_| Hard           || Union Find | 
0928 | [Minimize Malware Spread II](  | [C++](./C++/minimize-malware-spread-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_| _O(n)_| Hard           || Union Find | 
0959 | [Regions Cut By Slashes](  | [C++](./C++/regions-cut-by-slashes.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_| _O(n^2)_| Medium           || Union Find | 
0990 | [Satisfiability of Equality Equations]( | [C++](./C++/satisfiability-of-equality-equations.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium           || Union Find |
1042 | [Flower Planting With No Adjacent]( | [C++](./C++/flower-planting-with-no-adjacent.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy           |||
1101 | [The Earliest Moment When Everyone Become Friends]( | [C++](./C++/the-earliest-moment-when-everyone-become-friends.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium           |πŸ”’| Union Find |
1135 | [Connecting Cities With Minimum Cost]( | [C++](./C++/connecting-cities-with-minimum-cost.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium           |πŸ”’| Union Find, `Kruskal's Algorithm`, MST |
1168 | [Optimize Water Distribution in a Village]( | [C++](./C++/optimize-water-distribution-in-a-village.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard           |πŸ”’| Union Find |
1334 | [Find the City With the Smallest Number of Neighbors at a Threshold Distance]( | [C++](./C++/find-the-city-with-the-smallest-number-of-neighbors-at-a-threshold-distance.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^3)_ | _O(n^2)_ | Medium           || `Floyd-Warshall Algorithm`|
1361 | [Validate Binary Tree Nodes](  | [C++](./C++/validate-binary-tree-nodes.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(n)_| Medium           || DFS, Tree | 
1462 | [Course Schedule IV](  | [C++](./C++/course-schedule-iv.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^3)_| _O(n^2)_| Medium           || `Floyd-Warshall Algorithm` |
1489 | [Find Critical and Pseudo-Critical Edges in Minimum Spanning Tree](  | [C++](./C++/find-critical-and-pseudo-critical-edges-in-minimum-spanning-tree.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_| _O(n)_| Hard           || `Kruskal Algorithm` |
1557 | [Minimum Number of Vertices to Reach All Nodes](  | [C++](./C++/minimum-number-of-vertices-to-reach-all-nodes.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(e)_| _O(n)_| Medium           ||| 
1579 | [Remove Max Number of Edges to Keep Graph Fully Traversable](  | [C++](./C++/remove-max-number-of-edges-to-keep-graph-fully-traversable.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + m)_| _O(n)_| Hard           || Union Find | 
1584 | [Min Cost to Connect All Points](  | [C++](./C++/min-cost-to-connect-all-points.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_| _O(n)_| Medium           || Union Find, `Kruskal's Algorithm`, MST | 
1601 | [Maximum Number of Achievable Transfer Requests](  | [C++](./C++/maximum-number-of-achievable-transfer-requests.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O((n + r) * 2^r)_| _O(n + r)_| Hard           || Combinations, Backtracking | 
1615 | [Maximal Network Rank](  | [C++](./C++/maximal-network-rank.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m + n + k^2)_ | _O(m + n)_ | Medium           || Counting Sort | 
1627 | [Graph Connectivity With Threshold](  | [C++](./C++/graph-connectivity-with-threshold.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn + q)_| _O(n)_| Hard           || Union Find, Math | 
1631 | [Path With Minimum Effort](  | [C++](./C++/path-with-minimum-effort.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(m * n * log(m * n))_| _O(m * n)_| Medium           || Binary Search, DFS, BFS, Bi-BFS, Union Find, `Dijkstra's Algorithm` | 
1697 | [Checking Existence of Edge Length Limited Paths](  | [C++](./C++/checking-existence-of-edge-length-limited-paths.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn + mlogm)_| _O(n)_| Hard           || Union Find | 

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## Geometry
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0587 | [Erect the Fence](  | [C++](./C++/erect-the-fence.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_| _O(n)_| Hard           || Convex Hull, `Monotone Chain` | 
0892 | [Surface Area of 3D Shapes](  | [C++](./C++/surface-area-of-3d-shapes.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_| _O(1)_| Easy           ||| 
1453 | [Maximum Number of Darts Inside of a Circular Dartboard](  | [C++](./C++/maximum-number-of-darts-inside-of-a-circular-dartboard.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2 * logn)_| _O(n)_| Hard           || Line Sweep |
1515 | [Best Position for a Service Centre](  | [C++](./C++/best-position-for-a-service-centre.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n * iter)_| _O(n)_| Hard           || Geometric Median, Gradient Descent, Weiszfeld's Algorithm |
1610 | [Maximum Number of Visible Points](  | [C++](./C++/maximum-number-of-visible-points.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(nlogn)_| _O(n)_| Hard           || Two Pointers, Sliding Window |

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## Simulation
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0874 | [Walking Robot Simulation](  | [C++](./C++/walking-robot-simulation.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n + k)_| _O(k)_| Easy           ||| 
1138 | [Alphabet Board Path](  | [C++](./C++/alphabet-board-path.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_| Medium           ||| 
1243| [Array Transformation]( | [C++](./C++/array-transformation.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy           ||| 

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## Design
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0146| [LRU Cache](     | [C++](./C++/lru-cache.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(1)_ | _O(k)_ | Hard || OrderedDict
0225| [Implement Stack using Queues](     | [C++](./C++/implement-stack-using-queues.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | push: _O(n)_, pop: _O(1)_, top: _O(1)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy ||
0173| [Binary Search Tree Iterator]( | [C++](./C++/binary-search-tree-iterator.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_, amortized | _O(h)_| Medium ||   
0284| [Peeking Iterator](| [C++](./C++/peeking-iterator.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
0348| [Design Tic-Tac-Toe]( | [C++](./C++/design-tic-tac-toe.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(n^2)_ | Medium |πŸ”’||
0353| [Design Snake Game]( | [C++](./C++/design-snake-game.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(s)_ | Medium |πŸ”’| Deque |
0355| [Design Twitter]( | [C++](./C++/design-twitter.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(klogu)_ | _O(t + f)_ | Medium | LintCode | Heap |
0359| [Logger Rate Limiter]( | [C++](./C++/logger-rate-limiter.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1), amortized_ | _O(k)_ | Easy |πŸ”’| Deque |
0362| [Design Hit Counter]( | [C++](./C++/design-hit-counter.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1), amortized_ | _O(k)_ | Medium |πŸ”’| Deque |
0379| [Design Phone Directory]( | [C++](./C++/design-phone-directory.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |πŸ”’| |
0380| [Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)]( | [C++](./C++/insert-delete-getrandom-o1.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(n)_| Hard || |
0381| [Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed]( | [C++](./C++/insert-delete-getrandom-o1-duplicates-allowed.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard || |
0432| [All O\`one Data Structure]( | [C++](./C++/all-oone-data-structure.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(n)_| Hard || |
0460| [LFU Cache]( | [C++](./C++/lfu-cache.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(k)_ | Hard || |
0489| [Robot Room Cleaner]( | [C++](./C++/robot-room-cleaner.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard |πŸ”’| |
0535| [Encode and Decode TinyURL]( | [C++](./C++/encode-and-decode-tinyurl.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium || |
0588| [Design In-Memory File System]( | [C++](./C++/design-in-memory-file-system.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ls: _O(l + klogk)_<br> mkdir: _O(l)_<br> addContentToFile: _O(l + c)_<br> readContentFromFile: _O(l + c)_ | _O(n + s)_ | Hard |πŸ”’| |
0604| [Design Compressed String Iterator]( | [C++](./C++/design-compressed-string-iterator.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |πŸ”’| |
0631| [Design Excel Sum Formula]( | [C++](./C++/design-excel-sum-formula.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | set: _O((r * c)^2)_<br>get: _O(1)_<br>sum: _O((r * c)^2)_ | _O(r * c)_ | Hard |πŸ”’| |
0635| [Design Log Storage System]( | [C++](./C++/design-log-storage-system.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | put: _O(1)_<br> retrieve: _O(n + dlogd)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |πŸ”’| |
0642| [Design Search Autocomplete System]( | [C++](./C++/design-search-autocomplete-system.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(p^2)_ | _O(p * t + s)_ | Hard |πŸ”’| |
0715| [Range Module]( | [C++](./C++/range-module.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | add: _O(n)_<br> remove: _O(n)_<br> query: _O(logn)_ | _O(n)_ | Hard || |
0716| [Max Stack]( | [C++](./C++/max-stack.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | push: _O(logn)_<br> pop: _O(logn)_<br> popMax: _O(logn)_<br> top: _O(1)_<br> peekMax: _O(1)_ | _O(n)_ | Easy || |
0745| [Prefix and Suffix Search]( | [C++](./C++/prefix-and-suffix-search.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(w * l^2)_<br> search : _O(p + s)_ | _O(t)_ | Hard || Trie |
0900| [RLE Iterator]( | [C++](./C++/rle-iterator.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium |||
1146| [Snapshot Array]( | [C++](./C++/snapshot-array.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | set: _O(1)_<br> get: _O(logn)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |||
1166| [Design File System]( | [C++](./C++/design-file-system.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | create: _O(n)_<br>get: _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |πŸ”’| |
1172| [Dinner Plate Stacks]( | [C++](./C++/dinner-plate-stacks.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | push: _O(logn)_<br>pop: _O(1)_, amortized<br>popAtStack: _(logn)_ | _O(n * c)_ | Hard | | |
1206| [Design Skiplist]( | [C++](./C++/design-skiplist.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(logn)_, on average | _O(n)_ | Hard | | |
1236| [Web Crawler]( | [C++](./C++/web-crawler.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(\|V\| + \|E\|)_ | _O(\|V\|)_ | Medium |πŸ”’| BFS, DFS |
1244| [Design A Leaderboard]( | [C++](./C++/design-a-leaderboard.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(1)_<br> add: _O(1)_<br> top: _O(n)_<br> reset: _O(1)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | | |
1268| [Search Suggestions System]( | [C++](./C++/search-suggestions-system.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(n * l)_<br> suggest: _O(l^2)_ | _O(t)_ | Medium ||  Trie |
1286| [Iterator for Combination]( | [C++](./C++/iterator-for-combination.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(k)_ | _O(k)_ | Medium ||  Stack |
1348| [Tweet Counts Per Frequency]( | [C++](./C++/tweet-counts-per-frequency.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | add: _O(logn)_<br>query: _O(c)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |||
1352| [Product of the Last K Numbers]( | [C++](./C++/product-of-the-last-k-numbers.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(1)_<br>add: _O(1)_<br>get: _O(1)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |||
1357| [Apply Discount Every n Orders]( | [C++](./C++/apply-discount-every-n-orders.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(m)_<br>getBill: _O(p)_ | _O(m)_ | Medium |||
1381| [Design a Stack With Increment Operation]( | [C++](./C++/design-a-stack-with-increment-operation.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(1)_<br>push: _O(1)_<br>pop: _O(1)_<br>increment: _O(1)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |||
1396| [Design Underground System]( | [C++](./C++/design-underground-system.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(1)_<br>checkin: _O(1)_<br>checkout: _O(1)_<br>getaverage: _O(1)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |||
1429 | [First Unique Number](| [C++](./C++/first-unique-number.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(k)_<br>add: _O(1)_<br>showFirstUnique: _O(1)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | πŸ”’ | LinkedHashSet 
1472| [Design Browser History]( | [C++](./C++/design-browser-history.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(1)_<br>visit: _O(1)_<br>back: _O(1)_<br>forward: _O(1)_ | _O(n)_ | Medium |||
1476| [Subrectangle Queries]( | [C++](./C++/subrectangle-queries.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(1)_<br>update: _O(1)_<br>get: _O(u)_ | _O(u)_ | Medium |||
1483| [Kth Ancestor of a Tree Node]( | [C++](./C++/kth-ancestor-of-a-tree-node.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(n * logh)_<br>get: _O(logh)_ | _O(n * logh)_ | Hard || DP, Binary Lifting |
1500| [Design a File Sharing System]( | [C++](./C++/design-a-file-sharing-system.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(1)_<br>join: _O(logu + c)_<br>leave: _O(logu + c)_<br>request: _O(u)_ | _O(u * c)_ | Medium | πŸ”’ | |
1570| [Dot Product of Two Sparse Vectors]( | [C++](./C++/dot-product-of-two-sparse-vectors.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(n)_<br>dot_product: _O(min(n, m))_ | _O(n)_ | Medium | πŸ”’ | |
1586| [Binary Search Tree Iterator II]( | [C++](./C++/binary-search-tree-iterator-ii.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_, amortized | _O(h)_| Medium | πŸ”’ |   
1600| [Throne Inheritance]( | [C++](./C++/throne-inheritance.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | ctor: _O(1)_<br>birth: _O(1)_<br>death: _O(1)_<br>inherit: _O(n)_ | _O(n)_| Medium | |  
1603| [Design Parking System]( | [C++](./C++/design-parking-system.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_| Easy | | 
1622| [Fancy Sequence]( | [C++](./C++/fancy-sequence.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(n)_| Hard | |  `Euler's Theorem`
1628| [Design an Expression Tree With Evaluate Function]( | [C++](./C++/design-an-expression-tree-with-evaluate-function.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(h)_| Medium | πŸ”’ |
1656| [Design an Ordered Stream]( | [C++](./C++/design-an-ordered-stream.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_, amortized | _O(n)_| Easy | |
1670| [Design Front Middle Back Queue]( | [C++](./C++/design-front-middle-back-queue.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(1)_ | _O(n)_| Medium | |
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## Concurrency
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
1114| [Print in Order](     | [C++](./C++/print-in-order.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy ||
1115| [Print FooBar Alternately](     | [C++](./C++/print-foobar-alternately.cpp) [Python](./Python/  | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
1116| [Print Zero Even Odd](| [C++](./C++/print-zero-even-odd.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
1117| [Building H2O]( | [C++](./C++/building-h2o.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_| Hard |||
1188| [Design Bounded Blocking Queue]( | [C++](./C++/design-bounded-blocking-queue.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_| Medium | πŸ”’ ||
1195| [Fizz Buzz Multithreaded](| [C++](./C++/fizz-buzz-multithreaded.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
1226| [The Dining Philosophers](| [C++](./C++/the-dining-philosophers.cpp) [Python](./Python/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Medium ||
1242| [Web Crawler Multithreaded](| [C++](./C++/web-crawler-multithreaded.cpp) [Python](./Python/ |  _O(\|V\| + \|E\|)_ | _O(\|V\|)_ | Medium |πŸ”’| | BFS, DFS |
1279| [Traffic Light Controlled Intersection](| [C++](./C++/traffic-light-controlled-intersection.cpp) [Python](./Python/ |  _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy |πŸ”’| | |

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## SQL
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0175| [Combine Two Tables]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/combine-two-tables.sql) | _O(m + n)_   | _O(m + n)_ | Easy     ||
0176| [Second Highest Salary]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/second-highest-salary.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ | Easy         ||
0177| [Nth Highest Salary]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/nth-highest-salary.sql) | _O(n^2)_   | _O(n)_ | Medium         ||
0178| [Rank Scores]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/rank-scores.sql) | _O(n^2)_        | _O(n)_          | Medium         ||
0180| [Consecutive Numbers]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/consecutive-numbers.sql) | _O(n)_   | _O(n)_ | Medium         ||
0181| [Employees Earning More Than Their Managers]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/employees-earning-more-than-their-managers.sql) | _O(n^2)_   | _O(1)_ | Easy     ||
0182| [Duplicate Emails]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/duplicate-emails.sql) | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           ||
0183| [Customers Who Never Order]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/customers-who-never-order.sql) | _O(n^2)_ | _O(1)_       | Easy           ||
0184| [Department Highest Salary]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/department-highest-salary.sql) | _O(n^2)_   | _O(n)_ | Medium         ||
0185| [Department Top Three Salaries]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/department-top-three-salaries.sql) | _O(n^2)_   | _O(n)_ | Hard         ||
0196| [Delete Duplicate Emails]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/delete-duplicate-emails.sql) | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           ||
0197| [Rising Temperature]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/rising-temperature.sql) | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           ||
0262| [Trips and Users]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/trips-and-users.sql) | _O((t * u) + tlogt)_ | _O(t)_       | Hard           ||
0511| [Game Play Analysis I]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/game-play-analysis-i.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
0512| [Game Play Analysis II]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/game-play-analysis-ii.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
0534| [Game Play Analysis III]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/game-play-analysis-iii.sql) | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
0550| [Game Play Analysis IV]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/game-play-analysis-iv.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1045| [Customers Who Bought All Products]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/customers-who-bought-all-products.sql) | _O(n + k)_ | _O(n + k)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1050| [Actors and Directors Who Cooperated At Least Three Times]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/actors-and-directors-who-cooperated-at-least-three-times.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1068| [Product Sales Analysis I]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/product-sales-analysis-i.sql) | _O(m + n)_ | _O(m + n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1069| [Product Sales Analysis II]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/product-sales-analysis-ii.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1070| [Product Sales Analysis III]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/product-sales-analysis-iii.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1075| [Project Employees I]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/project-employees-i.sql) | _O(m + n)_ | _O(m + n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1076| [Project Employees II]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/project-employees-ii.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1077| [Project Employees III]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/project-employees-iii.sql) | _O((m + n)^2)_ | _O(m + n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1082| [Sales Analysis I]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/sales-analysis-i.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1083| [Sales Analysis II]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/sales-analysis-ii.sql) | _O(m + n)_ | _O(m + n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1084| [Sales Analysis III]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/sales-analysis-iii.sql) | _O(m + n)_ | _O(m + n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1097| [Game Play Analysis V]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/game-play-analysis-v.sql) | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_       | Hard           |πŸ”’| |
1098| [Unpopular Books]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/unpopular-books.sql) | _O(m + n)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1107| [New Users Daily Count]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/new-users-daily-count.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1112| [Highest Grade For Each Student]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/highest-grade-for-each-student.sql) | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1113| [Reported Posts]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/reported-posts.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1126| [Active Businesses]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/active-businesses.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1127| [User Purchase Platform]( | [MySQL](./MySQL//user-purchase-platform.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Hard           |πŸ”’| |
1132| [Reported Posts II]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/reported-posts-ii.sql) | _O(m + n)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1141| [User Activity for the Past 30 Days I]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/user-activity-for-the-past-30-days-i.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1142| [User Activity for the Past 30 Days II]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/user-activity-for-the-past-30-days-ii.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1148| [Article Views I]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/article-views-i.sql) | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1149| [Article Views II]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/article-views-ii.sql) | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1158| [Market Analysis I]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/market-analysis-i.sql) | _O(m + n)_ | _O(m + n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1159| [Market Analysis II]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/market-analysis-ii.sql) | _O(m + n)_ | _O(m + n)_       | Hard           |πŸ”’| |
1164| [Product Price at a Given Date]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/product-price-at-a-given-date.sql) | _O(mlogn)_ | _O(m)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1173| [Immediate Food Delivery I]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/immediate-food-delivery-i.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1174| [Immediate Food Delivery II]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/immediate-food-delivery-ii.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(m)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1179| [Reformat Department Table]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/reformat-department-table.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1193| [Monthly Transactions I]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/monthly-transactions-i.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1194| [Tournament Winners]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/tournament-winners.sql) | _O(m + n + nlogn)_ | _O(m + n)_       | Hard           |πŸ”’| |
1204| [Last Person to Fit in the Elevator]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/last-person-to-fit-in-the-elevator.sql) | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1205| [Monthly Transactions II]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/monthly-transactions-ii.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1211| [Queries Quality and Percentage]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/queries-quality-and-percentage.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           || |
1212| [Team Scores in Football Tournament]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/team-scores-in-football-tournament.sql) | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           || |
1225| [Report Contiguous Dates]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/report-contiguous-dates.sql) | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_       | Hard           |πŸ”’| |
1241| [Number of Comments per Post]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/number-of-comments-per-post.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1251| [Average Selling Price]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/average-selling-price.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1264| [Page Recommendations]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/page-recommendations.sql) | _O(m + n)_ | _O(m)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1270| [All People Report to the Given Manager]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/all-people-report-to-the-given-manager.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1280| [Students and Examinations]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/students-and-examinations.sql) | _O((m * n) * log(m * n))_ | _O(m * n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1285| [Find the Start and End Number of Continuous Ranges]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/find-the-start-and-end-number-of-continuous-ranges.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1294| [Weather Type in Each Country]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/weather-type-in-each-country.sql) | _O(m + n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1303| [Find the Team Size]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/find-the-team-size.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1308| [Running Total for Different Genders]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/running-total-for-different-genders.sql) | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1321| [Restaurant Growth]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/restaurant-growth.sql) | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1322| [Ads Performance]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/ads-performance.sql) | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1327| [List the Products Ordered in a Period]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/list-the-products-ordered-in-a-period.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1336| [Number of Transactions per Visit]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/number-of-transactions-per-visit.sql) | _O(m + n)_ | _O(m + n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1341| [Movie Rating]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/movie-rating.sql) | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1350| [Students With Invalid Departments]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/students-with-invalid-departments.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1355| [Activity Participants]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/activity-participants.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1364| [Number of Trusted Contacts of a Customer]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/number-of-trusted-contacts-of-a-customer.sql) | _O(n + m + l + nlogn)_ | _O(n + m + l)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1369| [Get the Second Most Recent Activity]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/get-the-second-most-recent-activity.sql) | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_       | Hard           |πŸ”’| |
1378| [Replace Employee ID With The Unique Identifier]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/replace-employee-id-with-the-unique-identifier.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1384| [Total Sales Amount by Year]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/total-sales-amount-by-year.sql) | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_       | Hard           |πŸ”’| |
1393| [Capital Gain/Loss]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/capital-gainloss.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1398| [Customers Who Bought Products A and B but Not C]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/customers-who-bought-products-a-and-b-but-not-c.sql) | _O(m + n)_ | _O(m + n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1407| [Top Travellers]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/top-travellers.sql) | _O(m + nlogn)_ | _O(m + n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1412| [Find the Quiet Students in All Exams]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/find-the-quiet-students-in-all-exams.sql) | _O(m + nlogn)_ | _O(m + n)_       | Hard           |πŸ”’| |
1421| [NPV Queries]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/npv-queries.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1435| [Create a Session Bar Chart]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/create-a-session-bar-chart.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1440| [Evaluate Boolean Expression]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/evaluate-boolean-expression.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1445| [Apples & Oranges]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/apples-oranges.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1454| [Active Users]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/active-users.sql) | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1459| [Rectangles Area]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/rectangles-area.sql) | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n^2)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1468| [Calculate Salaries]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/calculate-salaries.sql) | _O(m + n)_ | _O(m + n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1479| [Sales by Day of the Week]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/sales-by-day-of-the-week.sql) | _O(m + n)_ | _O(n)_       | Hard           |πŸ”’| |
1484| [Group Sold Products By The Date]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/group-sold-products-by-the-date.sql) | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1495| [Friendly Movies Streamed Last Month]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/friendly-movies-streamed-last-month.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1501| [Countries You Can Safely Invest In]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/countries-you-can-safely-invest-in.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’| |
1511| [Customer Order Frequency]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/customer-order-frequency.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| |
1517| [Find Users With Valid E-Mails]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/find-users-with-valid-e-mails.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| Regex |
1527| [Patients With a Condition]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/patients-with-a-condition.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’| Regex |
1532| [The Most Recent Three Orders]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/the-most-recent-three-orders.sql) | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’||
1543| [Fix Product Name Format]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/fix-product-name-format.sql) | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’||
1549| [The Most Recent Orders for Each Product]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/the-most-recent-orders-for-each-product.sql) | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’||
1555| [Bank Account Summary]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/bank-account-summary.sql) | _O(m + n)_ | _O(m + n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’||
1565| [Unique Orders and Customers Per Month]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/unique-orders-and-customers-per-month.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’||
1571| [Warehouse Manager]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/warehouse-manager.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’||
1581| [Customer Who Visited but Did Not Make Any Transactions]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/customer-who-visited-but-did-not-make-any-transactions.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’||
1587| [Bank Account Summary II]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/bank-account-summary-ii.sql) | _O(m + n)_ | _O(m + n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’||
1596| [The Most Frequently Ordered Products for Each Customer]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/the-most-frequently-ordered-products-for-each-customer.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’||
1607| [Sellers With No Sales]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/sellers-with-no-sales.sql) | _O(nlogm)_ | _O(n + m)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’||
1613| [Find the Missing IDs]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/find-the-missing-ids.sql) | _O(n^2)_ | _O(n)_       | Medium           |πŸ”’||
1623| [All Valid Triplets That Can Represent a Country]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/all-valid-triplets-that-can-represent-a-country.sql) | _O(n^3)_ | _O(n^3)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’||
1633| [Percentage of Users Attended a Contest]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/percentage-of-users-attended-a-contest.sql) | _O(m + nlogn)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’||
1635| [Hopper Company Queries I]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/hopper-company-queries-i.sql) | _O(d + r + tlogt)_ | _O(d + r + t)_       | Hard           |πŸ”’||
1645| [Hopper Company Queries II]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/hopper-company-queries-ii.sql) | _O(d + r + tlogt)_ | _O(d + r + t)_       | Hard           |πŸ”’||
1651| [Hopper Company Queries III]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/hopper-company-queries-iii.sql) | _O(d + r + tlogt)_ | _O(d + r + t)_       | Hard           |πŸ”’||
1661| [Average Time of Process per Machine]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/average-time-of-process-per-machine.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’||
1667| [Fix Names in a Table]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/fix-names-in-a-table.sql) | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’||
1677| [Product's Worth Over Invoices]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/products-worth-over-invoices.sql) | _O(nlogn)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’||
1683| [Invalid Tweets]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/invalid-tweets.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’||
1693| [Daily Leads and Partners]( | [MySQL](./MySQL/daily-leads-and-partners.sql) | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_       | Easy           |πŸ”’||

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## Shell Script
|  #  | Title           |  Solution       |  Time           | Space           | Difficulty    | Tag          | Note| 
|-----|---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |--------------|-----|
0192 | [Word Frequency]( | [Shell](./Shell/ | _O(n)_     | _O(k)_          | Medium         ||
0193 | [Valid Phone Numbers]( | [Shell](./Shell/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_    | Easy           ||
0194 | [Transpose File]( | [Shell](./Shell/ | _O(n^2)_   | _O(n^2)_        | Medium         ||
0195 | [Tenth Line]( | [Shell](./Shell/    | _O(n)_          | _O(1)_          | Easy           ||

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