anilhazar / java-projects-mmcc

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Java Projects

This repository contains a series of projects designed for learning Java programming. Each project aims to teach a specific concept or topic. Here they are.

  1. Stack Palindrome Words: This project is developed to learn how to check if a word is a palindrome using the Stack data structure in Java.

  2. Memory Game: The "Memory Game" project is a Java-based memory card game. It allows players to test their memory by matching pairs of cards on a game board.

  3. Thread Methods: The "Thread Methods" project demonstrates Java's multithreading capabilities using both the 'extends Thread' and 'implements Runnable' methods.

  4. Executor Service Thread Pool: The "Executor Service Thread Pool" project showcases how to efficiently manage thread execution with a fixed thread pool using the Executor Service.

  5. Reentrant Lock Await-Signal: The "Reentrant Lock Await-Signal" project illustrates the usage of the Reentrant Lock with await and signal mechanisms to coordinate threads.

  6. Array Blocking Queue: The "Array Blocking Queue" project demonstrates the use of a bounded blocking queue to coordinate the producer-consumer pattern in a multithreaded environment.

  7. Beyblade Oyunu: This project is a Java program that simulates Beyblade battles. You can create and battle with various Beyblades, each having its own unique characteristics and abilities.

  8. Math and Physics Problems: This project allows you to solve various math and physics problems. You can calculate the area of a circle, the perimeter of a triangle, and perform the dot product of 3D vectors. It's a handy tool for practicing math and physics concepts.

  9. Producer-Consumer with ArrayBlockingQueue: The "Producer-Consumer with ArrayBlockingQueue" project showcases the implementation of a producer-consumer pattern using an ArrayBlockingQueue, demonstrating efficient multithreading and queue management.

  10. Robot Wars: The "Robot Wars" project is a Java program that simulates a battle between robots. You can create and battle with various robots, each with its own weight and rapidity. The project calculates the scores of the robots and determines the winner.

  11. Palindrome Checker: This project allows you to check if a word is a palindrome. It uses the Stack data structure to efficiently determine whether the input word reads the same backward as forward.

  12. Geometrik Sekil Hesaplamalari: This project involves geometric shape calculations, including classes for calculating the area of a square, triangle, and circle. The program allows users to choose a shape and calculate its area based on user input.



Language:Java 100.0%