anilesh-prajapati / Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-Keras-and-PyTorch

Deep Learning with TensorFlow Keras and PyTorch

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Deep Learning with TensorFlow Keras and PyTorch

This repository is home to the code accompanying Deep Learning with TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch series of video tutorials.


Below is a breakdown of the lessons covered across the videos:

Deep Learning with TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch

  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence

    • Shallow Net in TensorFlow
  • Lesson 2: How Deep Learning Works

    • Sigmoid Function
    • Softmax Demo
    • Quadratic Cost
    • Cross-Entropy Cost
    • Intermediate Net in TensorFlow
  • Lesson 3: High-Performance Deep Learning Networks

    • Weight Initialization
    • Measuring Speed of Learning
    • Deep Net in TensorFlow
    • Regression in TensorFlow
    • Regression with TensorBoard
  • Lesson 4: Convolutional Neural Networks

    • LeNet in TensorFlow
  • Lesson 5: Moving Forward with Your Own Deep Learning Projects

    • Shallow Net in PyTorch
    • Deep Net in PyTorch
    • LeNet in TensorFlow for Fashion MNIST