anickacodes / aL-space-battle-cli-game

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Space Battle Game


The objective of this lab is to create a simple space battle game where the player controls a spaceship and battles against alien ships to save Earth.

Key Concepts:

  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles
  • Classes and objects
  • Methods and attributes
  • Game logic and loops


Understand the Game Requirements:

  • This is a space battle game where you, as the player, control a spaceship and fight against alien ships to save Earth.
  • The game involves two classes: Player (for the player's spaceship) and AlienShip (for the alien spaceships).
  • Both classes have attributes such as hit points (HP), damage/power, armor, and a method for attacking.

Create the Player Class:

  1. Start by creating a constructor for the Player class that takes a name parameter.
  2. Inside the constructor, initialize this.hp to 1000 (hit points), this.power to a random number between 50 and 100 (damage), and this.armor to a random number between 20 and 40 (armor).

Create the AlienShip Class:

  1. Next, create a constructor for the AlienShip class that initializes this.hp to 100 (hit points), this.power to a random number between 30 and 60 (damage), and this.armor to a random number between 0 and 20 (armor).

Implement Attack Methods for Both Classes:

  • In the Player class, define an attack method that takes a target parameter (this parameter represents an instance of AlienShip).
  • Inside the attack method, subtract the damage (this.power) minus the target's armor from the target's HP and log the attack result. (e.g. HIT! You've struck an alien ship! Their current HP is now 25 except the number 25 will be dynamic and not hardcoded)

Create the Game Loop and Start Game Function:

  1. Define a function named startGame that takes the player's name as a parameter and create an instance of the player class using the name that the user entered.
  2. Inside startGame, create an array alienShips to store instances of AlienShip (you can start with, say, 6 alien ships).
  3. Initialize a boolean variable playersTurn to true to track whose turn it is.

Implement the Game Loop:

  • Create a game loop that runs as long as the player's spaceship has HP and there are still alien ships.
    • Inside the loop:
      • Determine the current target (currentTarget variable) by accessing the first alien ship in the alienShips array.
      • If it's the player's turn:
        • Ask the Player what they want to do next: attack, defend, power up.
      • If it's the alien's turn:
        • Randomize what the alien will do next. Perhaps 20% chance of a power up, 50% attack, 30% defend.
      • Update playersTurn after each turn.
      • Check if the current target (currentTarget) is defeated (HP <= 0) and remove it from the alienShips array.
      • Check if the player's spaceship HP is <= 0 to end the game loop.

Check for Defeated Alien Ships:

  • After each attack, check if the current target's HP is less than or equal to 0. If so, remove it from the alienShips array.

End Game Conditions:

  • After the loop ends, check if alienShips.length === 0 to determine if the player won (all aliens defeated).
  • If alienShips.length > 0, check if the player's HP is less than or equal to 0 to determine if the player lost.
  • Log appropriate messages for winning or losing.

Run the Game:

  • Call the startGame function with a player name to start the game. For example, startGame("YourName").
  • In your terminal type node index.js. You will see the output of your game.



Language:JavaScript 100.0%