anickacodes / AL-lab-express-connect-react

Mod3, Lab

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Pursuit Logo

Captain's Log Front-End

Getting Started

  • Fork this repo
  • Clone the forked repository
  • cd to the directory where you cloned it
  • npm install to install dependencies
  • npm start to start the react app on localhost:3000
  • npm test (in a separate terminal tab) to open the cypress testing window (keep your react app runnign as well)

Note: Remember to git add, git commit and git push regularly

Using the Captain's Log API that you built, you are going to create a frontend-only app.

Don't forget to keep your back-end API running during this build.

User Stories

Use these user stories to build your app

  • A user sees a welcome page with a nav bar
  • The nav bar is visible on all pages and can navigate to an index of all logs and a form for a new log
  • A user can see a list of all the logs
  • A user can click on a specific log and see more details
  • A user can update a log using a form
  • A user can delete a log through a button on the show page

Build the Following Frontend Components/Pages/Routes

Nav Bar

At the top of your app you should have a navigation bar.

  • It displays links to each primary route (/logs, /logs/new) at the top of the page.

Your app should also include the following routes:

INDEX: GET /logs

  • Displays a list of log.title that are clickable to take the user to /logs/:index.


Make sure your first logs are the ones shared in captain's log API

Starting with:

module.exports = [
    captainName: "Picard",
    title: "Courage",
    post: "Courage can be an emotion too.",
    mistakesWereMadeToday: true,
    daysSinceLastCrisis: 100,
    captainName: "Ahab",
    title: "Whale",
    post: "By heavens man, we are turned round and round in this world, like yonder windlass, and fate is the handspike.",
    mistakesWereMadeToday: true,
    daysSinceLastCrisis: 20,
    captainName: "Sarah Lance",
    title: "Vandal Savage",
    post: "I’d tell you to go to hell, but you’d probably just feel at home there.",
    mistakesWereMadeToday: true,
    daysSinceLastCrisis: 0,
    captainName: "Ahab",
    title: "Insolence",
    post: "I don't give reasons. I give orders!",
    mistakesWereMadeToday: true,
    daysSinceLastCrisis: 100,
    captainName: "Sarah Lance",
    title: "Ava",
    post: "Ava's the kind of girl that you take home to your parents, and I am the kind you take to an exorcism",
    mistakesWereMadeToday: true,
    daysSinceLastCrisis: 0,
    captainName: "Ahab",
    title: "What is sleep?",
    post: "Sleep? That bed is a coffin, and those are winding sheets. I do not sleep, I die.",
    mistakesWereMadeToday: true,
    daysSinceLastCrisis: 5,
    captainName: "Sarah Lance",
    title: "Jonah Hex",
    post: "I know you don’t like taking orders from a woman, but you’re gonna like getting your ass kicked by one even less.",
    mistakesWereMadeToday: true,
    daysSinceLastCrisis: 0,

Or else your test(s) will not pass

SHOW: GET /logs/:index

  • Displays the details of each log
    • captainName
    • title
    • post
    • mistakesWereMadeToday
    • daysSinceLastCrisis
  • Displays two buttons
    • back, takes the user back to the /logs index view
    • delete, deletes the log and takes the user back to the /logs index view

NEW: GET /logs/new

  • Displays a form with the following inputs and appropriate labels:
    • captainName (text)
    • title (text)
    • post (text)
    • mistakesWereMadeToday (checkbox)
    • daysSinceLastCrisis (number)
    • submit (submit)

Edit: GET /logs/:index/edit

  • Add an edit route
  • Add an edit form that is prefilled with the log to edit

Your App Should Rely on the following Backend routes from the Captains Log API Lab:

INDEX: GET /logs

  • Your Index page uses this route to display a list of all logs

SHOW: GET /logs/:index

  • Your Show page uses this route to display details for a single log

Create POST /logs

  • Your New form uses this route to create a new log

Update: PUT /logs/:index

  • Your Update form uses this route to update a log

Delete: DELETE /logs/:index

  • Your show page provides a button that uses this route to delete a log

Add Basic CSS Styling

Add some style to improve the UX/UI of your app

App Styling Inspiration






  • Use react-bootstrap
  • Use react-transition-group to transition between pages Demo
  • Add a 404 page
  • Add functionality that when a user presses the delete button a confirmation appears first
  • Add sort functionality to allow sorting by captain name or by days since last crisis
  • Add filter functionality to see all logs, logs where mistakes were made, logs where mistakes were not made
  • Deploy this app online and add it to your portfolio


Mod3, Lab


Language:JavaScript 92.6%Language:HTML 6.9%Language:CSS 0.4%