anhtran / rc-field-form-wrapper

Wrapper of rc-field-form

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Wrapper of react-component/field-form, inspired by Antd 4.0 Form Component

⚠️ Before using this, you should have a basic understanding of the above library


  • Stronger Type Checking on
    • initialValues, onFinish, name, deps ...
  • Validators
  • Label and error text are included ( but you will need to customize the style yourself. Exmaple )


yarn add rc-field-form


git clone --branch=build form
rm -rf ./form/.git


Copy the files in src/form to your project
if you are using Ant Design, replace form.ts with form.antd.ts.
if not, just delete form.antd.ts.


import { createForm, validators, FormInstance, FormItemProps } from '../form';

interface Param$Login {
  username: string;
  password: string;

const { Form, FormItem, useForm } = createForm<Param$Login>();

// it is suggested to set initialValues, otherwise you may receive an error when values change
<Form initialValues={{ username: '', password: '' }} onFinish={console.log}>
    validators={[validators.required('Please input username')]}
    <input />

  {/* //... */}

  <button type="submit">Submit</button>

Demo using blueprintjs



Props Changes
initialValues Better type intelligence
onFinish Better type intelligence
beforeSubmit (store: Store) => Values, transform form values before passing to onFinish callback. But not work for form.validateFields()
transoformInitialValues (values: Values) => Store, transform initialValues before initialize

FormItem (Field)

Props Changes Type
dependencies Replaced by deps ---
deps Same as dependencies, but better type intelligence string[]
validators Similar to rules validator Validator[] | (values) => Validator[]
shouldUpdate You will not need this prop. If deps is assigned, this props will create automatically ---
label Form label string
noStyle used as a pure field control (label/error element will not be renreder) boolean



  • Validator is a function return Promise, and reject a string if incorrect. For more details see src/form/validators.ts
import { Validator, HigherOrderValidator } from '../form';
const customValidator: Validator = (rule, value) => {
  if (value) {
    return Promise.resolve();
  return Promise.reject('error');
  • validators prop can be a function that return array of validator. This is useful if the validation rely on other field's value. For example validation of new password
  label="New Password"
  deps={['old_passwrod']} // remember to adding deps
  validators={({ old_passwrod }) => [
    validators.required('Please input the new password'),
    validators.minLength(8, 'Password should not less then 8'),
    validators.maxLength(20, 'Password should not more then 20'),
    validators.passwordFormat('Password must include english and number'),
      'Password should not be equal to old password'
  <InputGroup />

component className / noStyle

  • custom class name
const { Form, FormItem } = createForm({
  itemClassName: {
    item: 'rc-form-item',
    label: 'rc-form-item-label',
    error: 'rc-form-item-error',
    touched: 'rc-form-item-touched',
    validating: 'rc-form-item-validating',
    help: 'rc-form-item-help',
  • noStyle options, if you have a component rely on field value
<FormItem deps={['price']} noStyle>
  {({ price }) => <div>Discounted price: {price * 0.85}</div>}


You can set default props for all FormItem

const span = 6;
const { Form, FormItem, useForm } = createForm<Schema>({
  labelCol: { span },
  wrapperCol: { span: 24 - span },

tranform form values befoe initialize or submit

interface Store {
  a: number;
  b: number;

interface Values {
  tuple: [number, number];

const { Form, FormItem, useForm } = createForm<Store, Values>();

function beforeSubmit({ tuple }: Partial<Values>): Partial<Store> {
  return {
    a: tuple[0],
    b: tuple[1],

function transoformInitialValues({ a, b }: Store): Values {
  return {
    tuple: [a, b],

function FormComponent() {
  return (
      {/*... */}


Wrapper of rc-field-form

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 73.9%Language:SCSS 13.9%Language:JavaScript 8.3%Language:HTML 3.5%Language:Shell 0.4%