angushe / gokong

A kong api client in go

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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A kong go client fully tested with no mocks!!


GoKong has now been updated to support kong v1.0.0. This is a breaking change release is not compatible with any versions <1.0.0. The good news is the guys over at Kong have stated that they are not going to make any breaking changes now (following semver). If you need a version of gokong that supports Kong <1.0.0 then use the branch kong-pre-1.0.0.


GoKong is a easy to use api client for kong. The difference with the gokong library is all of its tests are written against a real running kong running inside a docker container, yep that's right you won't see a horrible mock anywhere!!

Supported Kong Versions

As per travis build:



To add gokong via go get:

go get


Import gokong

import (

To create a default config for use with the client:

config := gokong.NewDefaultConfig()

NewDefaultConfig creates a config with the host address set to the value of the env variable KONG_ADMIN_ADDR. If the env variable is not set then the address is defaulted to http://localhost:8001.

There are a number of options you can set via config either by explicitly setting them when creating a config instance or by simply using the NewDefaultConfig method and using env variables. Below is a table of the fields, the env variables that can be used to set them and their default values if you do not provide one via an env variable:

Config property Env variable Default if not set Use
HostAddress KONG_ADMIN_ADDR http://localhost:8001 The url of the kong admin api
Username KONG_ADMIN_USERNAME not set Username for the kong admin api
Password KONG_ADMIN_PASSWORD not set Password for the kong admin api
InsecureSkipVerify TLS_SKIP_VERIFY false Whether to skip tls certificate verification for the kong api when using https
ApiKey KONG_API_KEY not set The api key you have used to lock down the kong admin api (via key-auth plugin)
AdminToken KONG_ADMIN_TOKEN not set The api key you have used to lock down the kong admin api (Enterprise Edition )

You can of course create your own config with the address set to whatever you want:

config := gokong.Config{HostAddress:"http://localhost:1234"}

Also you can apply Username and Password for admin-api Basic Auth:

config := gokong.Config{HostAddress:"http://localhost:1234",Username:"adminuser",Password:"yoursecret"}

If you need to ignore TLS verification, you can set InsecureSkipVerify:

config := gokong.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}

This might be needed if your Kong installation is using a self-signed certificate, or if you are proxying to the Kong admin port.

Getting the status of the kong server:

kongClient := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig())
status, err := kongClient.Status().Get()

Gokong is fluent so we can combine the above two lines into one:

status, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Status().Get()


Create a new Consumer (for more information on the Consumer Fields see the Kong documentation):

consumerRequest := &gokong.ConsumerRequest{
  Username: "User1",
  CustomId: "SomeId",

consumer, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Consumers().Create(consumerRequest)

Get a Consumer by id:

consumer, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Consumers().GetById("e8ccbf13-a662-45be-9b6a-b549cc739c18")

Get a Consumer by username:

consumer, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Consumers().GetByUsername("User1")

List all Consumers:

consumers, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Consumers().List()

Delete a Consumer by id:

err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Consumers().DeleteById("7c8741b7-3cf5-4d90-8674-b34153efbcd6")

Delete a Consumer by username:

err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Consumers().DeleteByUsername("User1")

Update a Consumer by id:

consumerRequest := &gokong.ConsumerRequest{
  Username: "User1",
  CustomId: "SomeId",

updatedConsumer, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Consumers().UpdateById("44a37c3d-a252-4968-ab55-58c41b0289c2", consumerRequest)

Update a Consumer by username:

consumerRequest := &gokong.ConsumerRequest{
  Username: "User2",
  CustomId: "SomeId",

updatedConsumer, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Consumers().UpdateByUsername("User2", consumerRequest)


Create a new Plugin to be applied to all Services, Routes and Consumers do not set ServiceId, RouteId or ConsumerId. Not all plugins can be configured in this way (for more information on the Plugin Fields see the Kong documentation):

pluginRequest := &gokong.PluginRequest{
  Name: "request-size-limiting",
  Config: map[string]interface{}{
    "allowed_payload_size": 128,

createdPlugin, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Plugins().Create(pluginRequest)

Create a new Plugin for a single Consumer (only set ConsumerId), Not all plugins can be configured in this way (for more information on the Plugin Fields see the Kong documentation):

client := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig())

consumerRequest := &gokong.ConsumerRequest{
  Username: "User1",
  CustomId: "test",

createdConsumer, err := client.Consumers().Create(consumerRequest)

pluginRequest := &gokong.PluginRequest{
  Name: "response-ratelimiting",
  ConsumerId: createdConsumer.Id,
  Config: map[string]interface{}{
    "limits.sms.minute": 20,

createdPlugin, err := client.Plugins().Create(pluginRequest)

Create a new Plugin for a single Service (only set ServiceId), Not all plugins can be configured in this way (for more information on the Plugin Fields see the Kong documentation):

client := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig())

serviceRequest := &gokong.ServiceRequest{
  Name:     String("service"),
  Protocol: String("http"),
  Host:     String(""),

createdService, err := client.Services().Create(serviceRequest)

pluginRequest := &gokong.PluginRequest{
  Name: "response-ratelimiting",
  ServiceId: gokong.ToId(*createdService.Id),
  Config: map[string]interface{}{
    "limits.sms.minute": 20,

createdPlugin, err := client.Plugins().Create(pluginRequest)

Create a new Plugin for a single Route (only set RouteId), Not all plugins can be configured in this way (for more information on the Plugin Fields see the Kong documentation):

client := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig())

serviceRequest := &gokong.ServiceRequest{
  Name:     String("service"),
  Protocol: String("http"),
  Host:     String(""),

createdService, err := client.Services().Create(serviceRequest)

routeRequest := &gokong.RouteRequest{
  Protocols:    StringSlice([]string{"http"}),
  Methods:      StringSlice([]string{"GET"}),
  Hosts:        StringSlice([]string{""}),
  Paths:        StringSlice([]string{"/"}),
  StripPath:    Bool(true),
  PreserveHost: Bool(false),
  Service:      &gokong.RouteServiceObject{Id: *createdService.Id},

createdRoute, err := client.Routes().Create(routeRequest)

pluginRequest := &gokong.PluginRequest{
  Name: "response-ratelimiting",
  RouteId: gokong.ToId(*createdRoute.Id),
  Config: map[string]interface{}{
    "limits.sms.minute": 20,

createdPlugin, err := client.Plugins().Create(pluginRequest)

Get a plugin by id:

plugin, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Plugins().GetById("04bda233-d035-4b8a-8cf2-a53f3dd990f3")

List all plugins:

plugins, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Plugins().List(&PluginQueryString{})

Delete a plugin by id:

err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Plugins().DeleteById("f2bbbab8-3e6f-4d9d-bada-d486600b3b4c")

Update a plugin by id:

updatePluginRequest := &gokong.PluginRequest{
  Name:       "response-ratelimiting",
  ConsumerId: createdConsumer.Id,
  Config: map[string]interface{}{
    "limits.sms.minute": 20,

updatedPlugin, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Plugins().UpdateById("70692eed-2293-486d-b992-db44a6459360", updatePluginRequest)

Configure a plugin for a Consumer

To configure a plugin for a consumer you can use the CreatePluginConfig, GetPluginConfig and DeletePluginConfig methods on the Consumers endpoint. Some plugins require configuration for a consumer for example the [jwt plugin[(

Create a plugin config for a consumer:

createdPluginConfig, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Consumers().CreatePluginConfig("f6539872-d8c5-4d6c-a2f2-923760329e4e", "jwt", "{\"key\": \"a36c3049b36249a3c9f8891cb127243c\"}")

Get a plugin config for a consumer by plugin config id:

pluginConfig, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Consumers().GetPluginConfig("58c5229-dc92-4632-91c1-f34d9b84db0b", "jwt", "22700b52-ba59-428e-b03b-ba429b1e775e")

Delete a plugin config for a consumer by plugin config id:

err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Consumers().DeletePluginConfig("3958a860-ceac-4a6c-9bbb-ff8d69a585d2", "jwt", "bde04c3a-46bb-45c9-9006-e8af20d04342")


Create a Certificate (for more information on the Certificate Fields see the Kong documentation):

certificateRequest := &gokong.CertificateRequest{
  Cert: gokong.String("public key --- 123"),
  Key:  gokong.String("private key --- 456"),

createdCertificate, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Certificates().Create(certificateRequest)

Get a Certificate by id:

certificate, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Certificates().GetById("0408cbd4-e856-4565-bc11-066326de9231")

List all certificates:

certificates, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Certificates().List()

Delete a Certificate:

err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Certificates().DeleteById("db884cf2-9dd7-4e33-9ef5-628165076a42")

Update a Certificate:

updateCertificateRequest := &gokong.CertificateRequest{
  Cert: gokong.String("public key --- 789"),
  Key:  gokong.String("private key --- 111"),

updatedCertificate, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Certificates().UpdateById("1dc11281-30a6-4fb9-aec2-c6ff33445375", updateCertificateRequest)


Create a Route (for more information on the Route Fields see the Kong documentation):

serviceRequest := &gokong.ServiceRequest{
  Name:     gokong.String("service-name" + uuid.NewV4().String()),
  Protocol: gokong.String("http"),
  Host:     gokong.String(""),

client := gokong.NewClient(NewDefaultConfig())

createdService, err := client.Services().Create(serviceRequest)

routeRequest := &gokong.RouteRequest{
  Protocols:    gokong.StringSlice([]string{"http"}),
  Methods:      gokong.StringSlice([]string{"GET"}),
  Hosts:        gokong.StringSlice([]string{""}),
  StripPath:    gokong.Bool(true),
  PreserveHost: gokong.Bool(true),
  Service:      gokong.ToId(*createdService.Id),
  Paths:        gokong.StringSlice([]string{"/bar"})

createdRoute, err := client.Routes().Create(routeRequest)

To create a tcp route:

routeRequest := &gokong.RouteRequest{
		Protocols:    gokong.StringSlice([]string{"tcp"}),
		StripPath:    gokong.Bool(true),
		PreserveHost: gokong.Bool(true),
		Snis:         gokong.StringSlice([]string{""}),
		Sources:      gokong.IpPortSliceSlice([]gokong.IpPort{{Ip: gokong.String(""), Port: gokong.Int(80)}, {Ip: gokong.String(""), Port: gokong.Int(81)}}),
		Destinations: gokong.IpPortSliceSlice([]gokong.IpPort{{Ip: gokong.String(""), Port: gokong.Int(83)}, {Ip: gokong.String(""), Port: nil}}),
		Service:      gokong.ToId(*createdService.Id),

Get a route by ID:

result, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Routes().GetById(createdRoute.Id)

Get a route by Name:

result, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Routes().GetByName(createdRoute.Name)

List all routes:

result, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Routes().List(&gokong.RouteQueryString{})

Get routes from service ID or Name:

result, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Routes().GetRoutesFromServiceId(createdService.Id)

Update a route:

routeRequest := &gokong.RouteRequest{
  Protocols:    gokong.StringSlice([]string{"http"}),
  Methods:      gokong.StringSlice([]string{"GET"}),
  Hosts:        gokong.StringSlice([]string{""}),
  Paths:        gokong.StringSlice([]string{"/bar"}),
  StripPath:    gokong.Bool(true),
  PreserveHost: gokong.Bool(true),
  Service:      gokong.ToId(*createdService.Id),

createdRoute, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Routes().Create(routeRequest)

routeRequest.Paths = gokong.StringSlice([]string{"/qux"})
updatedRoute, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Routes().UpdateRoute(*createdRoute.Id, routeRequest)

Delete a route by ID:


Delete a route by Name:



Create an Service (for more information on the Service Fields see the Kong documentation):

serviceRequest := &gokong.ServiceRequest{
		Name:     gokong.String("service-name-0"),
		Protocol: gokong.String("http"),
		Host:     gokong.String(""),

	client := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig())

	createdService, err := client.Services().Create(serviceRequest)

Get information about a service with the service ID or Name

serviceRequest := &gokong.ServiceRequest{
		Name:     gokong.String("service-name-0"),
    Protocol: gokong.String("http"),
    Host:     gokong.String("")

client := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig())

createdService, err := client.Services().Create(serviceRequest)

resultFromId, err := client.Services().GetServiceById(createdService.Id)

resultFromName, err := client.Services().GetServiceByName(createdService.Id)

Get information about a service with the route ID

result, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Services().GetServiceRouteId(routeInformation.Id)

Get many services information

result, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Services().GetServices(&gokong.ServiceQueryString{
	Size: 500
	Offset: 300

Update a service with the service ID or Name

serviceRequest := &gokong.ServiceRequest{
  Name:     gokong.String("service-name-0"),
  Protocol: gokong.String("http"),
  Host:     gokong.String(""),

client := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig())

createdService, err := client.Services().Create(serviceRequest)

serviceRequest.Host = gokong.String("")
updatedService, err := client.Services().UpdateServiceById(createdService.Id, serviceRequest)
result, err := client.Services().GetServiceById(createdService.Id)

Update a service by the route ID

serviceRequest := &gokong.ServiceRequest{
  Name:     gokong.String("service-name-0"),
  Protocol: gokong.String("http"),
  Host:     gokong.String(""),

client := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig())

createdService, err := client.Services().Create(serviceRequest)

serviceRequest.Host = ""
updatedService, err := client.Services().UpdateServiceById(createdService.Id, serviceRequest)
result, err := client.Services().UpdateServicebyRouteId(routeInformation.Id)

Delete a service

err = client.Services().DeleteServiceById(createdService.Id)


Create an SNI (for more information on the Sni Fields see the Kong documentation):

client := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig())

certificateRequest := &gokong.CertificateRequest{
  Cert: "public key --- 123",
  Key:  "private key --- 111",

certificate, err := client.Certificates().Create(certificateRequest)

snisRequest := &gokong.SnisRequest{
  Name:             "",
  SslCertificateId: certificate.Id,

sni, err := client.Snis().Create(snisRequest)

Get an SNI by name:

sni, err := client.Snis().GetByName("")

List all SNIs:

snis, err := client.Snis().List()

Delete an SNI by name:

err := client.Snis().DeleteByName("")

Update an SNI by name:

updateSniRequest := &gokong.SnisRequest{
  Name:             "",
  SslCertificateId: "a9797703-3ae6-44a9-9f0a-4ebb5d7f301f",

updatedSni, err := client.Snis().UpdateByName("", updateSniRequest)


Create an Upstream (for more information on the Upstream Fields see the Kong documentation):

upstreamRequest := &gokong.UpstreamRequest{
  Name: "test-upstream",
  Slots: 10,

createdUpstream, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Upstreams().Create(upstreamRequest)

Get an Upstream by id:

upstream, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Upstreams().GetById("3705d962-caa8-4d0b-b291-4f0e85fe227a")

Get an Upstream by name:

upstream, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Upstreams().GetByName("test-upstream")

List all Upstreams:

upstreams, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Upstreams().List()

List all Upstreams with a filter:

upstreams, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Upstreams().ListFiltered(&gokong.UpstreamFilter{Name:"test-upstream", Slots:10})

Delete an Upstream by id:

err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Upstreams().DeleteById("3a46b122-47ee-4c5d-b2de-49be84a672e6")

Delete an Upstream by name:

err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Upstreams().DeleteById("3a46b122-47ee-4c5d-b2de-49be84a672e6")

Delete an Upstream by id:

err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Upstreams().DeleteByName("test-upstream")

Update an Upstream by id:

updateUpstreamRequest := &gokong.UpstreamRequest{
  Name: "test-upstream",
  Slots: 10,

updatedUpstream, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Upstreams().UpdateById("3a46b122-47ee-4c5d-b2de-49be84a672e6", updateUpstreamRequest)

Update an Upstream by name:

updateUpstreamRequest := &gokong.UpstreamRequest{
  Name: "test-upstream",
  Slots: 10,

updatedUpstream, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Upstreams().UpdateByName("test-upstream", updateUpstreamRequest)


Create a target for an upstream (for more information on the Target Fields see the Kong documentation):

targetRequest := &gokong.TargetRequest{
  Target:				"",
  Weight:				100,
createdTarget, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Targets().CreateFromUpstreamId("upstreamId", targetRequest)

List all targets for an upstream

targets, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Targets().GetTargetsFromUpstreamId("upstreamId")

Delete a target from an upstream

targets, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Targets().DeleteFromUpstreamById("upstreamId")

Set target as healthy

targets, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Targets().SetTargetFromUpstreamByIdAsHealthy("upstreamId")

Set target as unhealthy

targets, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Targets().SetTargetFromUpstreamByIdAsUnhealthy("upstreamId")

List all targets for an upstream (including health status)

targets, err := gokong.NewClient(gokong.NewDefaultConfig()).Targets().GetTargetsWithHealthFromUpstreamName(upstreamId)

Notes: Target methods listed above are overloaded in the same fashion as other objects exposed by this library. For parameters:

  • upstream - either name of id can be used
  • target - either id or target name (host:port) can be used


I would love to get contributions to the project so please feel free to submit a PR. To setup your dev station you need go and docker installed.

Once you have cloned the repository the make command will build the code and run all of the tests. If they all pass then you are good to go!

If when you run the make command you get the following error:

gofmt needs running on the following files:

Then all you need to do is run make goimports this will reformat all of the code (I know awesome)!!


A kong api client in go

License:MIT License


Language:Go 97.7%Language:Shell 1.6%Language:Makefile 0.7%