angieology / tax-cracker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tax Cracker Blockchain Voting

Using blockchain technology to crack tax paying system. Built on the Ethereum network.


TaxCrackers is a liquid democracy app giving taxpayers voting rights to establish a fair tax distribution system using blockchain technology. We want to empower individual Canadian taxpayers to have access to tax distribution projects and improve transparency in the process. We will work with government agencies like Service Canada by providing tools like the TaxCrackers key, so taxpayers will have better control over their tax dollars.

This app allows tax payers to vote on individual issues for where tax money is put to use. Gives users access to voting GUI and allows them to submit their vote within a certain time period. After votes are in, the smart contract will automatically transfer the funds to the address.


Clone the repo and follow instructions to set up ganache-cli. Call the constructor method with three options as strings. Modify the html file's options and set the contract instance address.

