At the time of writing C# 7 is not yet being released.
This repository contains a lot of C# 7 code to showcase the new features of the language.
Follow some notes in preparation for a technical presentation at the Cambridge .NET User Group in UK.
Working with Data:
- Tuples & Decostruction
- Pattern Matching
- Expression Bodied Everything (constructors/deconstructors/get/set)
- ValueTask (arbitrary async returns)
Improved Performance:
- Local Functions (clojure implemented as additional arguments)
- Ref Returns and ref locals
- ValueTask?
Code Simplification:
- Binary Literals and Digit Separators
- Out var
- Throw Expr
Features for future version of the language:
- Record types
- More advanced pattern matching
- Nullable & not-nullable reference types
- Private proteted
- ref returns?
- Slices
- Can I target older version of .NET and use C# 7?
- Quick start guide:
- Proposal: dotnet/roslyn#347
- You need to install System.ValueTuple NuGet package to use tuples.
- The ability to give a name to each elements is very useful!
- Names are only C# compiler syntax sugar. They aren't represented at runtime!
- ValueTuple != Tuple. It is a struct with mutable fieds.
- Why a struct? It is quicker (assuming creations will be more frequent then allocations) and don't require heap allocations
- Equality and GetHashCode are re-implemented for efficiency (instead of relying on the default implementation in struct)
- Conversions: identity, implicit , implicit nullable
- Deconstruction allows to splat a tuple
- Deconstruction can be used with any type with a Deconstruct method (included the old Tuple class)
- The old Tuple type has being extended with extension methods to allow deconstruction
- The compiler is smart in decostructing ValueTuple. No Decostruct method is involved. The compiler automatically does the assignments.
- Proposal
- Tuple in the case?
- expression is Type Identifier
- case Pattern when Expression (type identifier, var identifier, constant)
- Proposal: dotnet/roslyn#259
- Your can't have two local functions with the same name even if arguments list if different
- Equals(object) using is statement to delegate to IEquatable => obj is Type t ? Equals(t) : false