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Hi there , I am Rogerio Angeliski!

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A Software engineer working to build a better world.

I believe technology is a way to achieve great things, but not the only one.

I like to code but I prefer to deliver value to business and to do so coding is not always necessary.

I learned in my career that we need more than technical hard skills to be a great professional and self-knowledge helps me to go faster and further.

I am a tenacious seeker , I’m always asking. Not to be rude but to understand the context, the situation and the purpose. That said, I believe silly questions don't exist.

I try to be 1% better every day and since I don't want to walk this journey alone, I share the little I know by writing texts, making videos and any other way I can find.

You can find some of my professional experience with the technologies listed in the toolbox below.

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JavaScript Logo Java Logo Ruby Logo Golang Gopher Logo NodeJS Logo

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