aneesdev / frontend-dev-challenge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Frontend Dev Challenge

Your challenge as a frontend dev is to code the following UIs:

UI Screen 1

Click here to see screenshot

UI Screen 2

Click here to see screenshot

Requirement for Assessment:

  1. In UI Screen 1, there is a button "Start Visa Request" When tapped, should navigate to UI Screen 2
  2. Identical design: We will assess your ability to convert the design exactly (with all paddings, margins etc) as seen visually in the Screenshot and video above. We have not provided assets on purpose.
  3. Code structure: We will assess how does your overall code look like. It should clean, readable.
  4. Assets: You can choose identical assets such as flags, Icons anywhere from the internet.
  5. Project should be in VueJS, For CSS, Vuetify is preferred, But you are free to use any CSS library/framework.
  6. Font to use:
  7. Your code must be responsive as in the screenshots/video above.

How to deliver?

Upload your assessment to any free static hosting e.g. netlify, github pages etc. and send us the link for review.
