andylehti / base1101

Base1101 in order to work with numbers more than 1 billion digits in length

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Base1101 | Millecentunius or Millecentunimal

Base1101 is a numerical system designed specifically for handling numbers that exceed one billion digits in length. While it doesn't have a straightforward conversion to other bases, any number expressed in BaseN can be accurately represented in Base1101. However, converting from BaseN to Base1101 and then a different BaseN would not yield the correct translation. The only direct correlation that exists is between Base1101 and another base is Base10, as they both increment numbers in the same manner, following the principles of a typical number system.

Base 10 raised to its base is 10^10 = 11 digits;

Base 1101 raised to its base is 1101^1101 = 3500 digits.

0 = 0

1 = 1

9 = 9

1100 = ɫ

1101 = 00

1212200 = ɫɫ

1212201 = 000

1334633300 = ɫɫɫ

1334633301 = 0000

1469431264400 = ɫɫɫɫ

1469431264401 = 00000

Altneratives that are wrong but shortened: Millecentimal, Miluncential. Millecentiary.


Base1101 in order to work with numbers more than 1 billion digits in length

License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal