andyjeffries / bjj-knowledgebase

This repo is just Andy's records of the BJJ moves he learns and the options from positions

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Andy's BJJ Knowledgebase


Position: Standing



  • Stay low, knees bent
  • Hips/shoulders more square until you need to keep one lapel away from your opponent
  • Arms up in t-rex style, palms away

Position: Full guard


Defensive tips:

  • Keep your ankles crossed until you need to open them
  • Try to keep them from posturing back/up

Attacking tips:

  • Keep your shoulders below the line of their belt/hips
  • Hands on their stomach, no higher
  • Never let your elbow cross the centre line
  • Never put your hands on the floor

Position: Open guard


  • If you're the bottom and they're within your legs, close your legs and cross your ankles to get to full guard
  • If you're the bottom and their outside of your leg range, keep your knees wide apart and your feet active to retain that position, if they pass your knees, you're screwed. Use your feet following them to rotate round to keep them inline with you.
  • You can try an idiot sweep, but it's likely to get you crushed by senior belts if you try/manage it on them
  • If you're standing/the top, you can try a toreando pass
  • If you're standing/the top, you can try a knee slice pass

Position: Half-guard top


Position: Half-guard bottom



  • Keep their leg locked down in a figure four until you NEED to open it
  • To control their leg one footed, turn your inside foot (of the two feet in bottom half-guard, one is inside of the pair, the other is outside) to the ground so your toes and knee are on the ground, but the gap between them (your shin) still traps their leg

Position: Knee shield half guard bottom


Position: Side control top



  • Keep your weight pressed in to them, knees high on their body
  • Top arm (nearest their head) under their neck and fingers in their far side armpit. If you're struggling to get this, some tips:
    1. Walk your fingers like a worm or a spider under their neck (NOT THEIR HEAD)
    2. Wave your hand side to side as it goes under, like a windscreen wiper (thanks Lindz)
    3. Use your head to push their head to the side your hand is going under, so it's moving less distance
  • Pull them slightly up on to your knees to reduce their movement
  • Use the under their neck shoulder pressing in to their neck to make them uncomfortable - the "Shoulder of Justice"
  • To deal with an uncomfortable cross-face (forearm to the neck), you can do one of:
    1. Deal with the hip arm first (because that's stopping you putting your weight forwards), then just push forward to push that arm to their side
    2. Push on their tricep (so their arm slips past your neck and your neck is then on their tricep)

Position: Side control bottom


  • Feel for their weight being too far to the side opposite their legs, bridging and flipping them over may be an option
  • Frames are key for making space


  • Work your near side hand to the hip (elbow inside their knee)
  • Work your far side hand across their throat (hand on the shoulder, straight wrist)
  • Bridge to push them off, then keep your frame where is (don't try to push the frame out, but lift with the frame then drop and keep the frame)
  • Shrip, knee insert and push/wiggle to recover guard

Position: Back mount


  • Seat belt grip (one over the shoulders, one under the arm) is key for control
  • When putting in your feet (hooks) go one at a time
  • If you struggle to get your second hook in (they bring their knee to their elbow to close the gap), cross the ankle of the one hook behind their legs, and arch your back to extend them, then hook in with that second hook
  • You want to keep your hips at the same height as theirs (don't be too high on their back or you can be shrugged off)
  • When you roll to the side, keep them tight and try not to have your back flat on the floor
  • NEVER cross your ankles


Position: Full mount

Attacking tips:

  • Don't get too low in the mount, it makes bridging buck you off more
  • If they go elbows in tight, you can use a cross grip to grab each wrist (it's slightly stronger) and fake at one to attack the other (Gordon Ryan tip)
  • If you're going to get a choke and step off to knee on belly or side control, make sure you have it ready to go!

Defensive tips:

  • Keep your arms in tight
  • Use your elbows on their legs/knees to lower them down
  • You can trap and roll to change to being in their full guard


Position: Knee on belly


  • To make this more uncomfortable, grab hold of their collar and pull upwards towards the sky
  • To make it more uncomfortable still, put your knee in their solar plexus rather than across their stomach
  • Make sure your knee-on-belly foot is not on the floor (pressure on them)
  • Take the opposite leg out, bent slightly and foot standing on the floor (so they can't grab it)

Position: De la Riva


  • This is an open guard position where your foot is on the same-side hip of your standing oppoonent, and your opposite leg is wrapped around the back of their same-side knee/thigh
  • You want to also control their posture ideally through a collar grip and an ankle grip on the side you're wrapping the leg
  • If they try to pass De la Riva, then you go to Reverse De La Riva
  • Try to keep your head off the floor and ideally on your side a bit, not flat-backed


Position: Reverse De la Riva


  • This is an open guard position where your inside leg and outside leg wraps one of your opponent's one leg.
  • When your opponent tries to pass to the hip-foot in De la Riva you wrap that hip-foot around the back of their other leg (x-side) and your previous wrapping foot move up to the front of their same side hip
  • Try to keep your head off the floor and ideally on your side a bit, not flat-backed


Gain knee shield half-guard bottom


  • On their untrapped leg, slight shrimp to be able to get the same side hand on their hip and ideally elbow slighly between their untrapped knee and your body
  • Raise your other arm to the 12 O'clock position and forearm swipe down their face to make a neck frame (remember to have the frame's hand on their shoulder, forearm on the neck, fingers slightly cupping the outside of their shoulder)
  • Reinforce the neck frame with the other hand (C grip or gable grip) and push away
  • Shrimp and insert knee shield with the outside knee (not the one that's trapped obviously)
  • Keep one handed neck frame and with the other hand grab their wrist and pull to the floor (to keep them from fighting your neck frame)
  • Gets you to Position: Knee shield half guard bottom

Knee grab half guard pass


  • From Position: Knee shield half guard bottom
  • Either at the same time, or by pushing your shield knee out to straight, pass your outside arm under and around to gain an underhook.
  • Grab the inside of their trouser material at their outside knee (the one they put on the floor alongside your stomach)
  • Push them to the side of that knee, while pulling on their trouser to roll them over
  • Pass round 180 degrees to side control

Ankle pick half guard pass


  • Either at the same time, or by pushing your shield knee out to straight, pass your outside arm under and around to gain an underhook.
  • Quickly post your inside arm out to the mat away from them (to stop them grabbing and re-pulling you down)
  • Reach under and grab the foot of their bent knee
  • A subtle knee up the arse with your outside/top knee to push them to 12 O'clock
  • Reach behind their leg with the underhook side (not over, but round the leg) and grab the foot.
  • Same kind of pass as knee grab half guard pass, i.e. pull on their foot, push with your weight and then rotate round to side control

Gi collar half guard pass


  • From Position: Knee shield half guard bottom
  • Either at the same time, or by pushing your shield knee out to straight, pass your outside arm under and around to gain an underhook.
  • Undo their farthest gi lapel from their belt with your inside hand
  • Pass the gi lapel under/between their legs
  • A subtle knee up the arse with your outside/top knee to push them to 12 O'clock
  • Pass the gi lapel to your outside hand (think of it as cutting between their nuts).
  • Push them to the side of that knee, while pulling on their gi lapel to roll them over
  • Pass round 180 degrees to side control

Back take half guard pass


  • From Position: Knee shield half guard bottom
  • Either at the same time, or by pushing your shield knee out to straight, pass your outside arm under and around to gain an underhook.
  • Quickly post your inside arm out to the mat away from them (to stop them grabbing and re-pulling you down)
  • Shrug your shoulders to get rid of their "whizzer" (overhook on your underhook)
  • Turn your inside knee to point to the floor (pulling their legs slightly wider apart at the same time) and come up on to that knee (effectively keeping your first hook in)
  • Grab hold of the far side of their belt with your underhook hand and brace your forearm across their lower back
  • Grab hold of the back of their collar and brace down their upper back
  • Keeping them tightly to you, roll on to your back
  • Establish your other foot as a hook and seatbelt control with your arms to gain back control, not lying flat on your back though, more on your side (so you don't carry their weight)

Kimura sweep


  • From the bottom of Position: full guard
  • Get one of their hands to the mat (e.g. their left arm, so on your right side)
  • Open your legs and shrimp out slightly to your left
  • Sit up and put your left foot flat on the floor
  • Reach your left arm over their left arm and overhook it, pinch your elbow tight, clamping their arm to your side
  • Drive your hip up and pull them over to their trapped arm side
  • Ending up in top mount

Trap and roll


  • Grab one wrist (with the same hand, left-left or right-right) and pull it to the opposite side
  • With your opposite hand grab the tricep (to stop them pulling it back out)
  • Bring your tricep-grip-hand's foot to trap their foot
  • Bridge and roll, end up in their full guard - not ideal but better, then you can work to pass

Kick out sweep from De la Riva


  • Also known as a split sweep
  • Take the foot from their hip and push their mid-thigh away so they go to a long split position
  • At the same time, let go of their ankle, sit up, post on that hand and your kicked out foot
  • Drop your wrapped leg to the floor
  • Pull their wrapped foot to your butt and then rotate
  • Transition to Side control

Pull guard


  • Get a same side cuff and an opposite same side collar grip
  • Either sit the floor then put collar-grip-side foot on the hip, or put the foot on the hip and then sit down
  • You can then pull them down in to your open guard and close the ankles to closed guard if you wish

Pull guard sweep


  • Get a same side wrist and an opposite same side collar grip
  • Either sit the floor then put collar-grip-side foot on the hip, or put the foot on the hip and then sit down
  • Put your currently inactive foot on the mid thigh of the cuff grip side
  • Kick out the wrist grip side foot at the same time as pulling the cuff forward, and pulling to the cuff side with the collar side foot (like an inward crescent kick)
  • As they fall forward, follow over and transition to full mount

Mat return


  • From a wrist and opposite side collar grip from standing
  • Pull them towards you and drop down to the wrist grip side (while lifting the wrist grip up parallel to the floor) on the opposite side knee as the wrist grip
  • Let go of the grips and grab around their waist
  • Change legs (so if you'd got a left side wrist grip and gone to your right knee down, change so your left knee is down)
  • Rotate your waist and pull them over your upright knee to the mat
  • Ending up in side control top

Side control to knee on belly


  • With the top arm underneath their head, grab their collar
  • With the bottom arm, grab their belt on the far side hip
  • Use these two grips to hold them down as you pop to knee on belly (and top foot out!)

Side control release to turtle top


  • Assuming your left leg is the top one (near the head not the hip)
  • Lift your weight off them and almost move your far arm (bottom arm) away to give them space to turn over
  • If you're quick enough, catch their hip with that bottom arm as they turn, come up on your top hand and bottom foot, insert your top foot as a hook and pull them back in to back mount
  • If you're not quick enough and they get to their knees fully and turtle up, post up on your left hand (to your opponent's 12 O'clock) and left foot, swing your right leg over and hug their hips with your knees, continue rolling pulling them with you, changing to right hand post, then on to your side to take their back mount

Foot walkup and shin half-guard pass


  • Arm on the opposide side to the trapped leg underneath their head (fingers in armpit)
  • Keep your shoulder pressure with that under-neck arm
  • Drop your untrapped him to the floor
  • Lean weight across to the trapped side shoulder (pinning your opponents shoulders to the floor)
  • Walk your trapped leg foot (heel and toe) up near their butt
  • Grab their knee pants material and work your trapped knee free of the lock (not the whole leg, just the trapped knee)
  • Using your shin of the trapped knee press their leg to the floor
  • Hard pressure at the shoulder side and slide your trapped foot out and go to Side control top

Toreando pass


  • From outside of Open guard
  • You want to grab the inside of their trouser knee on one side and your hand on their opposite hip
  • Push/hold their hip to the floor
  • Then using their trouser knee grip you can push it straight out, moving your arm across your body so the leg goes past you
  • Then quickly pass their stretched knee (so if their right knee is straight you pass to your left)
  • Drop to side control

Knee slice pass


  • From outside of Open guard
  • You want to grab the inside of their trouser knee on one side and your hand on their opposite hip
  • Push/hold their hip to the floor
  • Then using their trouser knee grip, push that knee to the floor, put your x-side/opposite knee to floor just past their knee (i.e. shin on their thigh)
  • Keep your same side foot out wide
  • Then slide your knee all the way through
  • Drop to side control

Idiot sweep


  • From the bottom of outside Open guard
  • Be sitting on your butt rather than lying down
  • Quickly pull your feet back towards your knees (L shape) and hook them behind your opponents ankles
  • At the same time pull back and out with your legs and push with your hands on their knees/shins/thighs
  • Ideally keep your grips on their legs and follow them up to retain control


Arm bar from guard


  • Pin one of their wrists to your chest, pulling it across the centre line
  • Open your guard and place the foot furthest from their pinned wrist on the floor by their leg
  • Push off your foot and rotate to look in their ear on the wrist pinned side
  • Swing your leg out and round in front of their head
  • Clamp your legs down and together and raise your hips to finish the arm bar

Triangle from guard


  • Grab both wrists of your opponent
  • Holding one firmly, push the other down towards their own hip and pull your leg on the same side out and round
  • Bite your calf down on the back of your neck and quickly grab your mid-shin with the same side hand (right foot, grab with left hand)
  • Grab their arm that's above your legs with your opposite hand (e.g. right grabs right)
  • With your non-locking leg, put the foot on the floor and use it to rotate round further (you want the lower leg directly across the neck)
  • Lift that leg and lock it against your ankle (try not to have it on your foot, you'll foot-lock yourself)
  • Ensure their arm is going across your stomach and tight to your hips
  • Squeeze your legs together, pull their head to your stomach and pull your non-locked foot towards the ground

Omoplata from guard


  • Grab one of their wrists and pull it down to the floor alongside your hip on the same side
  • Open your guard and at the same time put the far side foot on the floor, push off it and swing your near side foot up and over as you rotate your upper body 180°
  • Cross your legs and the knees after you rotate (at least the arm that's grabbing their elbow should be going across)
  • Grab the back of their belt (they'll have bent forward)
  • Uncross your legs to be able to sit up/forward (towards their head) for the tap

Kimura from guard


  • Grab one of their wrists with your same-side grip and pull it down to the floor alongside your hip on the same side
  • Sit up and reach across to pass your other hand over their tricep, underneath their arm and grab your own wrist
  • Lay back and rotate to the other side of your body
  • Keep at least the same-side leg on their back to stop them rolling out
  • Move their wrist up their spine for the tap

Side control far side americana


  • From side control top
  • Isolate their far side arm (using your head and arm)
  • Bring your top arm around their head from the safety position
  • Hold their wrist with your top arm (monkey grip palm down) and tight to the floor
  • Work your bottom arm under their tricep then bicep (fingers down and flat)
  • Grab your own wrist with another monkey grip palm down
  • Pull their own elbow tight to the side of their body
  • Reverse-rev (motorcycle style, but opposite) your wrist for the finish
  • If they still don't tap, raise their elbow from the floor and slightly move the wrist down towards their feet
  • If this fails, you can often get Side control far side arm bar

Side control far side arm bar


Side control far side kimura


  • From trying to get a Side control far side arm bar you find your opponent tries to bend their arm to get out of it
  • Change your grip so your lower hand now grabs the wrist (C-grip) and your upper hand goes under their tricep/bicep to grab your own wrist (monkey grip)
  • Transition to north-south

Side control breadcutter choke


  • Reach over with your top side arm, in to their far side neck-collar
  • The grip should be thumb in, make a fist, little finger edge down
  • Don't have it too deep, aim to have the wrist joint on their adam's apple
  • Drop your elbow to the floor and flex your wrist up to finish
  • If needed, put your forehead on their chest and knees off the floor

Side control baseball bat choke


  • Although it starts from side control you actually transition to knee on belly first! So follow that transition from side control to knee on belly then come back
  • Let go of the belt and with the bottom hand do a palm up grip (fingers in) just to the side of your underneath head grip
  • Slide your right knee up to above their bicep (use the foot and knee/shin to pin it to the floor)
  • Rotate to face their feet, making your forearms a cross on their neck
  • Head to the floor (to the side you were laying) to finish

Rear naked choke


  • From back mount with a seatbelt grip
  • The top arm (on top of their shoulder) go under their chin with their chin in the crook of your elbow
  • Pull your bottom arm out
  • The top arm goes palm down monkey grip on your bottom arm bicep
  • Bottom arm hand, palm towards yourself and behind their head
  • Squeeze for the tap
  • If you can't get your bottom arm hand behind their head, switch to a gable grip and put your bottom forearm down their shoulder/back (for leverage) and finish without it

Cross collar choke


  • From back mount with a seatbelt grip
  • With your bottom hand, open the same side gi collar a bit
  • Your top hand goes in to their gi lapel on its opposite side, thumb inside (almost rear naked choke position) as high/far round as you can
  • Your bottom hand grabs their gi collar and pull it down (doesn't need to be a crazy yank, just keeping it tight)
  • Slide your top arm out and straight (think ezekiel style movement, the slide off and straighten)

Bow and arrow choke

This one is hard for me to execute due to size, but documenting it anyway...


  • From back mount with a seatbelt grip
  • When they try to deal with your nearest the floor hook
  • Use your top hook behind their top hamstring to kick them forward
  • Keep a tight seatbelt, but transition to a thumb in grip like a cross collar choke
  • Follow them up on to your bottom shin alongside their back and put your top hook back in to the right place
  • Grab that top hook side opponent's pants knee
  • Sit back on to your butt
  • Bring your bottom leg round and pin their bottom arm
  • Pull tight on the collar in the same was as a cross collar choke and their pant knee at the same time (don't lay back flat though)

Ezekiel from mount


  • Get one of your hands under their neck (you can use the tips from side control to help)
  • Lean your head to the side of that hand (so they can see less what you're doing)
  • Snake your choking hand palm towards you (back of the palm towards them) in front of their throat as it passes your bottom hand, insert the fingers of your bottom hand deep in to the choking hand's sleeve and fist grip tight

Cross-collar choke from mount

Steps (these are reversable but as there's no top/bottom etc hand, I'll pick one):

  • With your left hand, open the (from your perspective) left side of their gi top a bit
  • Put your right hand in, fingers first, palm up deeeeep in to the left side of their neck
  • In one smooth movement bring your right hand up above that hand to the floor and round in a semicircle to the right side of their neck
  • Grab their shoulder material on the way past and use your forearm smashing in to their face to go under their chin
  • Lean forward to put your head on the floor above their head (stomach going down through your hands) to get the tap


This repo is just Andy's records of the BJJ moves he learns and the options from positions