andyhplau / 1800_202210_DTC14

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My Web Application (IMMERSE)

General Info

Immerse, developed by DTC 14, is browser based web application to connect tourists and local residents by grouping them with their interests.
Our web applicaition can help tourists experience authentic local culture when they travel.


Technologies used for this project:

  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap 5
  • Firebase, Firestore, and Storage


Content of the project folder:

Top level of project folder: 
├── .gitignore               # Git ignore file
├── index.html               # landing HTML file with log-in button, this is what users see when they come to url
├── login.html               # login html file, the page that has real log-in feature
└──                # Explanation of outline (this file!)

It has the following subfolders and files:
├── .git                     # Folder for git repo

├── images                   # Folder for images
    /logo_no_background.png  # logo image

├── pages                    # Forder for html files
    /chat.html               # chat html file, chat page
    /group.html              # group html file, group room main page
    /interest.html           # interest html file, the page where users can choose 3 interests
    /main.html               # main html file, the landing page after log-in, users can see their existing groups
    /matched.html            # matched html file, the page where user get suggested groups list
    /profile.html            # profile html file, users can edit their profile in this file
    /roles.html              # roles html file, the page where users select there roles
    /suggestion.html         # suggestion html file, the suggestion page
    /template.html           # temlplete html file, our template for all html files
    /vote_page.html          # vote_page html file, the vote page
    /voting_result.html      # voting_result html file, the result of vote page

├── scripts                  # Folder for scripts
    /authentication.js       # JS for user authentication
    /bottomnav.js            # JS for bottomnav.html
    /chat.js                 # JS for chat.html
    /firebaseAPI_team14.js   # firebase API stuff, shared acorss pages
    /group.js                # JS for group.html
    /index.js                # JS for index.html
    /interest.js             # JS for interest.html
    /main.js                 # JS for main.html
    /matched.js              # JS for matched.html
    /profile.js              # JS for profile.html
    /role.js                 # JS for roles.html
    /skeleton.js             # JS for loading topnav, bottomnav and footer in all pages
    /suggestion.js           # JS for suggestion.html
    /topnav.js               # JS for topnav.html
    /vote.js                 # JS for vote_page.html
    /voting_result.js        # JS for voting result.html

├── styles                   # Folder for styles
    /interest.css            # style for interest.html
    /style.css               # general style including top/bottom navbar and buttons, shared across pages
    /suggestion.css          # style for suggestion.html
    /vote.css                # style for vote_page.html

├── text
    /bottomnav.html          # bottomnav html file, for bottom navbar in skeleton
    /footer.html             # footer html file, for footer in skeleton
    /topnav.html             # topnav html file, for top navber in skeleton

Firebase hosting files:
├── .firebaserc
├── 404.html
├── firebase.json
├── firestore.indexes.json
├── firestore.rules
├── storage.rules
├── .firebase

VS Code live server file:
├──  .vs.code







Language:HTML 65.8%Language:JavaScript 32.2%Language:CSS 2.0%