andygill / spherical-projection

Translations to and from a spherical coordinate system

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Translations to and from a spherical coordinate system


base >=4.12 - Haskell base, at least version 4.12

data-reify - The package that transforms the expression tree into an acyclic graph

QuickCheck - An automated testing suite

containers - A package with an assortment of abstract data types

JuicyPixels - Used for image read/write



Quick Entry point for the program. Runs a transformation across an image if the transformation exists.

:main <transform number> <file extension> <input path> <output path>

Transform numbers:

  • 1 -> inverseFisheyeTransform
  • 2 -> unFisheye
  • 3 -> inversePanoToLittlePlanet
  • 4 -> panoToLittlePlanet
  • 5 -> panoToGnomic

File Extensions: (file types to output to. output path still requires .<ext> to work)

  • png
  • jpeg
  • tga

Modules - Expressions


Expr Data Type

data Expr :: * -> *

This is the main expression data type that currently encapsulates the following operators:

  • Data Values:
    • Scalar (Double -> Expr t)
    • Tuples
    • Variables (special)
    • Identity
  • Unary Operators:
    • Algebraic: abs, sqrt, negate, sign of number
    • Trig: sin, asin, cos, acos, tan, atan,
  • Binary Operators:
    • Arithmetic: + - * / integer exponentiation
    • Trig: atan2
    • Functions: Lambda functions, rectilinear, fisheye
  • Ternary Operators:
    • ifZero (data type for zero checking)


The following instances are implicitly given: Show, Eq, Ord The following instances are explicitly derived for each Expr: Functor, Foldable, Traversable


The eval :: Expr e -> e converts Mu Expr to Expr and then allows for the expression to be evaluate literally and then output as a scalar, tuple, or a failure token.

Mu Expr

Mu Expr is a special data type created for referential composition so that you always get a Mu Expr back when composing Mu Expr. It has instance Show explicitly derived. Mu Expr is used in reifyFunction to take a graph of Mu Expr to an acyclic graph and outputs it as an ExprFunction.

data ExprFunction = ExprFunction [V] [(V,Expr V)] V deriving Eq

ExprFunction has a list of input nodes [V], a list of nodes with their corresponding Expr and the nodes attached to the Expr, and the entry point node.

newtype V = V Int deriving (Eq, Ord)

This data type encapsulates the integer identifier for a node.


This file defines a bunch of mathematical types and how they interact with one another. The types in this file increase in comlexity as you go down the file.

Scalar: A Scalar is any real number in normal Euclidean space. Scalar is defined as Scalar :: Mu Expr -> Scalar. The following instances are defined:

  • Num : +, -, *, abs, signum, fromInteger
  • Fractional: /, fromRational
  • Floating: sqrt
  • Math: ^,sin, tan, cos, atan2 (this can be used as a shortcut to get around some radian stuff in the math, but subverts the intended use)
  • ifZero

Radian: A Radian is any real number in a spherical space. Radian is defined as Radian :: Mu Expr -> Radian. The following instances are defined:

  • Num : +, -, *, fromInteger
  • Fractional: /, fromRational
  • Math: ^, sin, tan, cos, asin, acos, atan, atan2
  • Floating: sqrt
  • ifZero

Latitude and Longitude: These are special wrappers around the Radian type to be expressly used in math for spherical representation and is any real number in a spherical space. Each are defined as a composition of Radian data Longitude :: Longitude Radian (resp. Latitude). The following instances are defined:

  • Num : +, -, *, fromInteger
  • Fractional: /, fromRational
  • Math: sin, tan, cos, asin, acos, atan
  • ifZero

Coordinate Conversions

There are two functions that transfer between the two spaces.

longLatToPoint :: (Longitude, Latitude) -> Point

pointToLongLat :: Point -> (Longitude, Latitude)

type Point = (Scalar, Scalar, Scalar)

type Point2D = (Scalar, Scalar)

There are also some utility functions to help facilitate moving from radian to scalar, and from lat/long to scalar, and vice versa. (Kinda subvert the type system but are really helpful when an operations acts on 2 different spaces)


This file uses simple algebraic and trig identities to remove unnecessary Expr's in an ExprFunction. Additionally acts as a partial evaluator for nodes where operations are defined (ie not adding a scalar and an Expr node). There are many comments throughout the file so this part will be brief.


opt :: Mu Expr -> Mu Expr

opt is a function that simplifies algebra and trigonometry when it has the ability to do so, outputting a new form of the operations tree/operation.


muConversion :: V -> ExprFunction -> ExprFunction

muConversion takes an entry node and an ExprFunction and runs optimizations as well as partial evaluation wherever possible, returning a new ExprFunction. It is a deceivingly complicated function used to hack ways to optimize & evaluate an expression tree. Brief description of events:

  1. Checks if the input index if <= 0. if so clean up the function and stop, otherwise continue
  2. Lookup entry node and see if it is a id, var, or scalar
  • If so, continue to the next iteration
  • Otherwise, continue
  1. Try to see if the given node is on the leaves of the expr tree by making the expr a Mu Expr and then running eval on it
  • If a real number/tuple returns Just, replace the given entry node's expr with the scalar evaluated expression. Move on to the next iteration
  • Otherwise, continue
  1. Test to see if the Mu Expr of the given node changes after optimization.
  • If so, go to next iteration
  • Otherwise, continue
  1. Other stuff idk how to explain just yet

Modules - File and Image Generation


File Writing

There are multiple functions with slightly different function signatures that allow for expanded capabilities and convenience. In each of them, a list of functions will reified, optimized, and then output in an a given host language (only JS and Haskell right now). There are special Show instances for each of the languages that will output code into valid host language code.


This is a special function that rewrites the functions used in the same project, so there can be some weird dependencies. Every time you update the source functions, and want to test them on an image you must do the following:

  1. If you have a funcs.hs already, its a good idea at least to have a copy of it as a backup. If there is a failure in reification process, the program will overwrite the file with nothing and cause a bunch of dependency problems.
  2. Update the math functions you want
  3. Rebuild the project
  4. Change the image manipulation functions to fit the new function arguments, then run regenFunctions
  5. Rebuild the project again
  6. Use the image manipulation stuff

Automatically creates the Funcs module for the project to build with


Files - Mathematics/Utility


This file primarily contains the different mathematical functions with the notation seen in Types.hs. Currently, it has the following:

  • Rectilinear
  • Stereographic to/from Rectilinear
  • Stereographic transform through z = -1 (Little Planet effect)
  • Basic vector transforms: rotate, scale, translate


This is the Quick-Check file used to check various transformations and Expr identities.


Translations to and from a spherical coordinate system

License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:Haskell 100.0%