andy-keene / password-generator

Generates simple throwaway passwords or phrases

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Simple Password Generator

A standalone python program that generates simple pseudo-random strings. I'm sure there are a dozen versions of this out there, but I didn't care to look and decided to write one myself. Well, you know what they say about security and crypto - always roll your own.

This should not be used for critical passwords. It's intended to help generate throwaway passwords or phrases.


To use this as a regular command line program:

  1. Set the shebang in the pw script to the python interpreter you wish to use. Unless you prefer otherwise set this to the path specified by which python3.
  2. Add /usr/local/bin to your $PATH, if needed.
  3. Set the program files to rwxr-xr-x, if needed.
  4. Copy the contents of this project to /usr/local/bin with sudo cp -R src/* /usr/local/bin.
  5. Check that pw is accessible using pw --help.


usage: pw [-h] [-l LENGTH] [-d DELIMITER] [-t {mnemonic,alpha_lower,numeric,alpha_numeric}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LENGTH, --length LENGTH
                        number of elements to use; defaults to 4
  -d DELIMITER, --delimiter DELIMITER
                        token delimiter to use; defaults to "-"
  -t {mnemonic,alpha_lower,numeric,alpha_numeric}, --token {mnemonic,alpha_lower,numeric,alpha_numeric}
                        type of password tokens to use; defaults to mnemonic words
token name set
mnemonic bip-0039 english word list; used by many wallet programs such as Electrum
alpha_lower ASCII lowercase characters (e.g. a-z)
alpha_numeric ASCII lowercase characters and digits (e.g. a-z and 0-9)
numeric ASCII digits (e.g. 0-9)


Generates simple throwaway passwords or phrases


Language:Python 100.0%