andrioni / structural-typing

Structural typing for Clojure, somewhat inspired by Elm. Tailored to "flow-style" programming, where complex structures flow through a series of functions, each of which makes a smallish change. Can also be used in testing tools and the like that need to describe how a nested structure differs from a description.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Available via clojars for Clojure 1.7+
For lein: [marick/structural-typing "1.0-beta1"]
License: MIT
API docs
Wiki docs

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Many Clojure apps look something like this:

Flow through a pipeline

Data flows into them from some external source. It's converted into a Clojure data structure: maps or vectors of maps (1). The data is perhaps augmented by requesting related data from other apps (2).

Thereafter, the data flows through a series of processing steps (3). Each of them transforms structures into other structures. Some steps might reduce a sequential structure into a map, or generate a sequence from a map. But the most common transformation is to add, remove, or change key-value pairs. Whatever the case, each step is (should be) a relatively isolated, discrete, and independently-understandable data transformation.

Finally (4), the result is passed on to some other app. It might be the app that sent the data in the first place, or it might be another app in a pipeline of microservices.

Conventional (nominal) typing is sometimes helpful for such a structure, but often it's not:

  1. The structures coming into the app might have a fixed set of keys, but they could easily also be larger structures that contain the fixed set of keys. Extra keys are to be preserved but not otherwise meddled with. As a trivial example, an app might process a stream of Points, requiring that each have :x and :y floating point coordinates. But it's perfectly acceptable for some points to also have a :color.

  2. You might want to be more specific than "field :color is a String". It might be important that :color encodes an RGB string. Type checks that are infeasible in static type systems are perfectly feasible at runtime; there's no reason to require types to be names when they can be arbitrary predicates.

  3. Many transformation steps make only small changes to the structures they receive. When structures flow through a pipeline, giving the output of each stage its own type name is (1) annoying, and (2) likely to lead to really bad names. People reading those names will have to look to the source to understand them... kind of defeating the whole purpose of naming. For understandability, saying "step N produces a Type33" is less useful than "step N adds a :color field".

This library is built to match the flow style of programming.

A whirlwind tour

Type descriptions are stored in one or more type-repos. For these examples, I'll use the predefined default global repo so that I don't have to keep mentioning it all the time. (In production, I recommend a different setup.)

Let's say that a :Point is a map with :x and :y keys:

user=> (use 'structural-typing.type '
user=> (type! :Point (requires :x :y))
=> #TypeRepo[:Point]

The following shows how you check a value, and what the result of a successful check is:

user=> (built-like :Point {:x 1 :y 2})
{:x 1, :y 2}

When given something that's not a proper :Point, built-like prints a helpful message and returns nil:

user=> (built-like :Point {:x 1})
:y must exist and be non-nil

(You can customize this behavior. For example, if you roll monadically, you can have the success case produce a Right and the error case produce a Left.)

This default behavior is useful for cleanly interrupting pipelines when errors occur:

(some->> points
         (all-built-like :Point)
         (map color)
         (map embellish))

A map is allowed to have extra keys. For example, a colorful point is still a point:

user=> (built-like :Point {:x 1, :y 2, :color "#DA70D6"})
=> {:x 1, :y 2, :color "#DA70D6"}

This is similar to the rules for structural typing as used in Elm.

You might be surprised (I was) how often all you need to check at the beginning of a pipeline is whether the input has all the required keys. Inputs seem to either be right or wildly wrong; it's less often the case that the :x and :y of a :Point are strings instead of numbers. However, you can apply arbitrary predicates to any part of a structure. Here, for example, are two equivalent ways of requiring that a :Point have integer keys:

(type! :Point (requires :x :y)
              {:x integer?, :y integer?})
(type! :Point {:x [required-path integer?]
               :y [required-path integer?]})

In either case, an error looks like this:

user=> (built-like :Point {:x "one"})
:x should be `integer?`; it is `"one"`
:y must exist and be non-nil
=> nil

Feast your eyes on the "integer?". Pleasant error messages are important. (And I'm smug about producing them without resorting to macro-ology.)

(Terminology: although they're just plain predicates, I refer to predicates on the right-hand side of type-description maps as check-preds. That avoids ambiguity in some of the reference documentation.)

Because error messages are important, you're allowed to name anonymous check-preds. Here's a way of restricting the bounds of :x and :y:

user=> (type! :Point (requires :x :y)
                     {:x (show-as "in bounds" #(and (>= % 0) (< % 1024)))
                      :y (show-as "in bounds" #(and (>= % 0) (< % 1024)))})
user=> (built-like :Point {:x -1, :y "five"})
:x should be `in bounds`; it is `-1`
:y should be `in bounds`; it is `"five"`
=> nil

Notice the second error message: when "five" was compared to 0, the check-pred threw a ClassCastException. That is interpreted as a false result. Otherwise, the right-hand side of a type description would have to do error-checking that's not actually useful.

Better than using anonymous functions, though, would be just defining a Clojure var:

user=> (def within-bounds? #(and (>= % 0) (< % 1024)))
user=> (type! :Point (requires :x :y)
                     {:x within-bounds? :y within-bounds?})
user=> (built-like :Point {:x 1, :y -1})
:y should be `within-bounds?`; it is `-1`
=> nil

:Point's definition is still a bit annoying, in that it doesn't state clearly that :x and :y are of the same type. That can be done like this:

user=> (type! :Point {(each-of :x :y) [required-path within-bounds?]})

You've seen that the keys in a type-description map can be keywords or a use of each-of. There are other possibilities, lumped under the term paths. Any path describes zero or more routes through a structure to individual substructures or leaf values. For example, suppose you have a :Figure type that contains many :Points. It can be described like this:

(type! :Figure (requires :points :fill-color :line-color)
               {[:points ALL] (includes :Point)                 ; <<== interesting!
                (each-of :fill-color :line-color) rgb-string?})

The highlighted line above says that all values of the :points collection must satisfy the predicates that define a :Point. (The name includes was chosen to remind you that the :points are allowed to have additional fields.) An error looks like this:

user=> (built-like :Figure {:fill-color "#DA70D6" :line-color "#DA70D6"
                            :points [{:x 1 :y -1} {:x 1 :y 2} {:x -1 :y 1}]})
[:points 0 :y] should be `within-bounds?`; it is `-1`
[:points 2 :x] should be `within-bounds?`; it is `-1`
=> nil

By using paths, you can describe a deeply nested structure as a flat map whose keys are paths and whose values are collections of check-preds. But if you like type descriptions that are nested like the types they describe, you can do that too:

user=> (type! :X {:a even?
                  :b {:c1 odd?
                      :c2 string?}})
user=> (built-like :X {:a 1 :b {:c1 2, :c2 "foo"}})
:a should be `even?`; it is `1`
[:b :c1] should be `odd?`; it is `2`
=> nil

(However, I never actually got arround to supporting vector literals in nested type descriptions - so this only works for maps. It could be added.)

Let's add another type to the type-repo, :Colorful.

user=> (type! :Colorful {:color [required-path rgb-string?]})

If you want to check that a value is a colorful point, you can check against both types at the same time:

user=> (built-like [:Colorful :Point] {:x 1})
:color must exist and be non-nil
:y must exist and be non-nil
=> nil

If, though, the idea of a colorful point is an important part of your domain, it's easy to create one:

user=> (type! :ColorfulPoint (includes :Colorful)
                             (includes :Point))

At the other extreme, there might only be one place where the existence of a :color key matters. In that case, you can use an unnamed bit of type description (analogous to an unnamed function):

user=> (built-like [:Point (requires :color)] {:y 1})
:color must exist and be non-nil
:x must exist and be non-nil
=> nil

I've allowed snippets of type descriptions (like (requires :color)) because it helps with a problem I have while reading pipelines of processing stages: which stage does what? The following shows how anonymous, partial type descriptions can help:

(some->> patients        (all-built-like :Patient)
         add-history     (all-built-like (requires :history :appointments))
         flood-forward   (all-built-like {:schedule not-empty?})

In this case, I only mention the :Patient type in the first check. I don't use :Patient later because (1) I doubt later steps will produce non-patients, so (2) reiterating it doesn't help a reader understand the pipeline. If anything, the clutter hurts. I care more that type descriptions are informative, even to someone reading hastily, than that they're complete. If you care differently, you can be more rigorous.

Oh, by the way

You can check simple values, and you don't have to use a type name:

user=> (built-like string? 5)
Value should be `string?`; it is `5`
=> nil

For more details

See the wiki for more methodical documentation, recommended setup, use with logging libraries and monads, and details on semantics. There is API documentation. It includes descriptions of predefined predicates.

Back Matter


I was inspired by Elm's typing for its records.

I first used type checking of this sort at GetSet, though this version is way better. (Sorry, GetSet!)

Specter does the work of traversing structures, and Nathan Marz provided invaluable help with Specter subtleties. Potemkin gave me a function I couldn't write correctly myself. Defprecated came in handy as I flailed around in search of an API.


Structural typing for Clojure, somewhat inspired by Elm. Tailored to "flow-style" programming, where complex structures flow through a series of functions, each of which makes a smallish change. Can also be used in testing tools and the like that need to describe how a nested structure differs from a description.

License:MIT License


Language:Clojure 99.5%Language:Ruby 0.5%