andriijas / skanetrafiken-transit-workflow-app

JSON 'backend for frontend' around skånetrafiken XML api

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


My wife texts me everyday asking which commuter train I'll be taking home from work. When I heard about Workflow for iOS I thought I could use it to get one step ahead.

I tried to use the built in "Home ETA" which uses Google maps but eventually decided to make my own workflow which talks directly to Skånetrafiken API. Given that the app doesnt work well with XML parsing I needed to create this repository which acts as a BFF/backend-for-frontend. Ultimatly I put most of the workflow tasks right into this small node server so that I could skip message formatting in the workflow app.

I have a server running it, you can get the super stable production URL if you ask for it if you want to use it.

Current location/city name is passed from workflow as query string parameter to the URL and the server can respond with a JSON object or a formatted message. Basic support of delays but currently doesnt support cancelled departures.

workflow app example


JSON 'backend for frontend' around skånetrafiken XML api


Language:JavaScript 100.0%