andrewtennison / startup-boilerplate

node.js, backbone, socket.IO, mongoDB, with Auth and other excitment backed in!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


node.js, backbone, socket.IO, mongoDB, with Auth and other excitment backed in!


Ideas / features

  • user.status should expire after a fixed amount of time, possibly related to "statusScale". How do I track and manage expiration of data? Possibly user.status is an array with "start" and "duration" properties, then when fetching status, if an expired status exists use a .pre to do cleanup, or if recently expired + user session still active, notify the user to update their status
  • how to track users status for a list of friends? Possibly keep a copy of status in memory, then when requesting query against this list using user.friend list? PUB/SUB, so create a sub for all friends. When a friend changes status or is online (has session!) PUB('_id:status')
  • create a node server to replace nginx, use to serve static assets from subdomain (
  • backbone single page app vs seo + rendered pages
    • make static work at basic level first. Then for App pages, render whole template with page specific content. bootstrap App with JSON content + some sort of state


  • localstorage
  • appChached + iframe breaker
  • GZIP
  • r() to compile app
  • move static assets to another node file server, with node proxy on front

Next Steps

  • NON backbone version

v1 - we suggest venues based on users in your friends lists geo locations v2 - manage a list of suggested / highlighted / voted locations accross a group of users

  1. Locations
  • query based on user geo to find close locations
  1. Status
  • pretty status, based on start + duration, hide / tag expired.
  • /status - get all friends statuses (+refresh button prior to websocket, or add polling)
  • /status/id - get single friend status > check if friend for permission
  • add friend > notify friend > friend accept > add to your friend list

  • friend/id/add POST

  • friend gets notification.friendRequest > action > friend/id/accept OR friend/id/reject POST

    • possibly friends user.friend list get updated friend.yourID.status = requested
    • friend also gets notification > simple text string taking them to /friends/request page
  • on POST update original /user/id/ friend list + add original request friend

  1. permissions
  • prevent anyone other than user/admin making updates to their settings, only allow certain settings to be edited (friends is internal)
  1. websockets
  • look at adding for user statuses + locations, possibly sub to friends status, pub your own status


node.js, backbone, socket.IO, mongoDB, with Auth and other excitment backed in!


Language:JavaScript 100.0%