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A starter project for AngularJS using

AngularJS + Brunch


  • Full JS & HTML (no Coffeescript, no Jade) / SASS automatically compiled on save
  • ES5-Shim, Modernizr, and console polyfill (because IE8 is still alive)
  • auto-reload during development saves you from manually refreshing the page and the css is automatically injected without refreshing the page
  • Javascript / CSS minification for production
  • karma integration for unit & e2e tests
  • Bootstrap 3

Alternate Versions

How to use angular-brunch-seed-no-fuss

  • git clone to clone the angular-brunch-seed-no-fuss repository
  • cd angular-brunch-seed-no-fuss
  • sh scripts/ to install node packages (or ./scripts/init.bat on Windows).

or if you have Brunch installed run:

brunch new myapp --skeleton

Running the app during development

  • sh scripts/ to serve using Brunch (or ./scripts/server.bat on Windows).

Then navigate your browser to http://localhost:3333 If you use your own server, you can use the development script :

  • sh scripts/ (or ./scripts/development.bat on Windows).

Running the app in production

  • sh scripts/ to minify javascript and css files (or ./scripts/production.bat on Windows).

Please be aware of the caveats regarding Angular JS and minification, take a look at Dependency Injection for information.

Running unit tests

  • sh scripts/ to run unit tests with karma (or ./scripts/test.bat on Windows)
  • Open the browser you would like to test to http://localhost:3334


  • Karma will run tests on save. To insure that changes are saved be sure to have ./script/ or ./script/ running in the console (or ./script/server.bat or ./script/development.bat on Windows).
  • You can set the browsers that you would like to target in the /test/karma_conf.js file E.g. browser = ["ChromeCanary", "Firefox"]

End to end testing

  • Run the app in development mode as described above using a separate terminal
  • ./scripts/ to run e2e tests with karma using angular's scenario runner (or ./scripts/test-e2e.bat on Windows)
  • Be aware that changing the SASS files will compile the new CSS while the server is running, but that it won't trigger a e2e test reload, you'll have to manually relaunch the test server fow now

Common issues

EMFILE error

  • EMFILE means there are too many open files. Brunch watches all your project files and it's usually a pretty big number. You can fix this error with setting max opened file count to bigger number with command ulimit -n (10000 should be enough).

The complete Brunch FAQ


Olivier Combe

For more information on angular please check out

