andrewmo15 / GTTravel

Spend less when traveling off-campus! Through this app, students with similar destinations can connect, find a time that works for everyone, and save money through sharing an Uber or Lyft.

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Table of Contents

  1. About
  2. Frequently Asked Questions
  3. Terms and Conditions
  4. Privacy Policy


Spend less when traveling off-campus! Through this app, students with similar destinations can connect, find a time that works for everyone, and save money through sharing an Uber or Lyft. It’s as easy as posting a listing - say, to Ponce City Market or Atlanta Airport with a departure time - and waiting for responses, or responding to a listing yourself! Carpooling splits transportation costs and is environmentally friendly at the same time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I create an account?

A: You can create an account by tapping the "Register" button on the Login screen. Enter in your name, email, phone number, and password. You do not need to enter in your full name if you do not feel comfortable sharing that information. However, you must enter in a valid Georgia Tech email. Your phone number must only contain 10 numeric digits (no dashes, forward slashes, parenthesis, etc.). Your password must be at least 6 characters long and must contain at least one alphabetical character and at least one numeric digit.

Q: What do I do if I forget my password?

A: If you forgot your password, visit the Login screen and tap the "Forgot Password?" button. Enter in your Georgia Tech email, and then visit your email inbox. There will be a link to change your password.

Q: What do I do if I want to edit my profile?

A: To edit your profile, visit the side bar menu and tap the "Edit Profile" option. You can change either your name, your phone number, or both. However, you cannot change your email.

Q: How do I create a listing?

A: To create a listing, tap the plus button at the top-right of the home screen. Enter in your destination, your intended arrival time, and your meeting location. After you submit, you will see your listing in the "My Listings" section and can edit or delete it if someone has not accepted it yet. Your listing will be visible to everyone who uses GT Travel.

Q: Can I change my listing after I have already created one?

A: Yes, you can edit or delete your listing after you have already created it. To do so, tap on the listing that you want to change; there will be an "Edit" button at top-right. You can either edit your destination, arrival time/date, or your meeting location, or you can delete it. However, you cannot edit your your listing information after someone has accepted your listing.

Q: What do I do when someone accepts my listing?

A: If someone has accepted your listing, that means that they want to travel with you. You can contact each other by tapping the "Contact" button when you tap on any of your accepted listings. This will open up your iMessage with his/her phone number. Now, you two can make arrangements on sharing an Uber or Lyft.

Q: Can I cancel a listing that I have already accepted?

You cannot directly cancel a listing that you have already accepted and vice versa. Contact the other person and tell them that you have to cancel. Therefore, the other person knows to either accept another listing or post a new listing for someone else to accept.

Terms and Conditions

Last updated: Septeber 4, 2020

This GT Travel Terms and Condition applies to your access to and use of the mobile app and its services provided by GT Travel ("GT Travel", "we", or "us"). If you access or use GT Travel, you agree to these Terms and Conditions and accept to be bound by them. If you want to know how we collect, use, and share information about you when you use GT Travel, look below at our Privacy Policy.


Your Account

Creating and Securing an Account

To create an account or use GT Travel, you must be at least 13 years old. If you are not of age, please obtain verifiable consent from your parent or legal guardian and send it to us with the contact information in the "Contact Us" section of these Terms and Conditions. Furthermore, we do not permit any machine, robot, computer program, or anything similar to create an account to access the services provided by GT Travel. Failure to abide by these rules will result in the immediate termination of your account. To use GT Travel, you may be asked to provide us with your name, your email, your phone number, your Georgia Tech email, and a password. For more information, please visit our Privacy Policy (below) to understand what and how we collect, use, and share your personal information with others. You are solely responsible for maintaining the security of your account. We suggest that you create a strong password to properly secure your account. During the process of creating an account, we require you to have a password that has at minimum 6 characters, at least one numeric digit and at least one alphabetical character. However, to properly secure your account, we recommend that you add more to your password than these three requirements. If you suspect that another person has accessed your account without your consent, please immediately notify us by using the contact information provided in the "Contact Us" section of these Terms and Conditions. We do not require that you provide both your first and last name. Therefore, it is your choice whether or not to include both your first and last name.

Using Your Account to Access Our Services

The services that we provide are solely for your personal use and may not be shared with anyone else. GT Travel grants you a personal, non-transferrable, non-exclusive, and revocable account to use and access GT Travel permitted by these Terms. If you are to use your account to access our services, you are not permitted to:

  1. sell, transfer, distribute, host, or in any way exploit GT Travel;
  2. use any data mining, data gathering, or data extraction methods;
  3. test the vulnerability of our system or network or breach any security or authentication measures that we have installed;
  4. modify, prepare derivative works of, disassemble, decompile, or reverse engineer any part of GT Travel; or
  5. access our services to create a similar, competitive product or service. Any attempt at using your account with any malicious intent as stated but not limited to the above will result in the immediate termination of your account, personal information, listings, and any affiliations you have with GT Travel.

Your Content

You may create and submit your content in the form of a Listing, containing your name, destination, arrival time, and meeting location. Content also includes personal information that you create during the registration process. All of the content that you create is not endorsed in any way by GT Travel. Therefore, you are responsible for the content that you submit using GT Travel and for any harm resulting from it. We are not liable for the content that you submit using GT Travel. You retain ownership rights for the content that you create and submit and are still responsible for all content that you submit to GT Travel.

Content Rules

You must not submit any content that contains any form of harassment, bullying, or any other form of violence or hate. You must not submit any content that is obscene, offensive, humiliating, or violate any laws or rights of any third party. You must not submit any content that is degrading or discriminating against others based on their race, gender, class, ethnicity, nationality, sexual preference, disability, or any other sensitive information about that individual or group. You must also not share other users' personal information with other people unless you are given specific permission by that person. You must also not spam our database with fake listings or any of our other users with text messages. You must also not post any content that in any way encourages the malicious actions described in this section.

Third Party Content

GT Travel contains links to third-party websites, products, or services. Content that is generated by these third-parties is not under our control, and we are not responsible for any content that you are exposed to from these third-party services or that you post to these third-party services.

Termination of Your Account

We reserve the right to terminate your account at any time, with or without your knowledge, with or without reason, if we deem that you have violated anything in our Terms and Conditions. We also have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time. If you choose to terminate your account, you can use our contact information in the "Contact Us" section at the end of these Terms and Conditions. If you choose to terminate your account, we are not required to return any content that you have posted to GT Travel unless required under applicable law.

Limitation of Liability


Changes to Our Terms and Conditions

The contents of our Terms and Conditions may be altered at any time, at our discretion. However, an email will be sent out to let our users know when these statements are altered. The date at the top of this Terms and Conditions will also be changed to the date that it was altered. We encourage you to review the Terms and Conditions whenever you access or use our GT Travel or otherwise interact with us to stay informed about what we expect from you as you continue to use GT Travel. By continuing to use GT Travel after these changes go into effect, you agree to be bound by the revised policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or any general questions about GT Travel, please contact us at

Best regards,

The GT Travel team

Privacy Policy

Last updated: September 4, 2020

GT Travel ("GT Travel", "we", "us") understands the importance of your privacy as a user of this mobile application. We want you to understand how and why we collect, use, and share information about you when you use GT Travel. To make this notice accessible, we have made it available on the login, signup, and the about section on the side menu in our mobile application. This privacy policy describes the types of information collected by GT Travel and how it is used.


What Information We Collect

We only collect information that you provide to us directly with your consent when you use GT Travel. This includes:

  1. Account information. To create an account, you must provide your name, Georgia Tech email, phone number, and password. None of your information will be public to other users unless you submit content to GT Travel (below). Your name, password, and phone number can be modified at any time as explained in the "Your Choices" section of this Privacy Policy.
  2. Content you submit. The content that you submit will be in the form of a listing that you want to make public to other users. This listing includes the destination, arrival time, and meeting location. By doing so, your name and phone number become public so that other users can contact you about making travel arrangements. We do not collect any information from you automatically. All information that we will collect is information that you are willing to provide.

How We Use Information About You

We use information about you as required or permitted by law to:

  1. Verify your login credentials when you log back in to GT Travel;
  2. Send you technical notices, updates, security alerts, and other administrative messages;
  3. Respond to your questions, concerns, or requests;
  4. Allow you to reset your password if you forget your password;
  5. Help protect the safety and security of GT Travel and our users, which includes blocking suspected spammers, addressing abuse, and enforcing the GT Travel Terms and Conditions and other policies.

How Information About You Is Shared

We may share or disclose information in the following ways:

  1. With Other Users: When you use GT Travel, certain information may be shared with other users with your consent. Again, the only information that will be shared to other users of the GT Travel will be when you decide to post a listing. Information that will become public to users will be the destination, arrival time, meeting location, and your name. Only when another user accepts your listing can you see their phone number, and they can see your phone number. In other words, your phone number will only be shared to those who accept your listing. Your email and password cannot be viewed, modified, or deleted by anyone but yourself.
  2. Protection of GT Travel and Others: We may share or disclose certain information if we believe that it is necessary or appropriate to protect or defend the rights and safety of GT Travel or third parties, including to defend or enforce our Privacy Policy, our Terms and Conditions, or any other contractual arrangement.
  3. With Your Consent: We also may share or disclose your information with your consent or at your discretion.

Your choices

As a GT Travel user, you can protect and limit the amount of information that we collect, use, and share.

Accessing and Changing Your Information

You can access and change certain personal information with the side menu. This feature displays all of your personal information, including your name, your phone number, and your email. The Edit Profile feature allows you to change your name and your phone number. To change your password, you can use the Forgot Password? feature on the login screen. Unfortunately we will not allow you to change your email, as this is a unique identifier for you as a user.

Deleting Information

You may delete your account information at any time. To do so, please contact us with the information provided in the "Contact Us" section of this Privacy Policy, and we will see to it that your account is permanently deleted from our system along with all of your unaccepted and accepted listings.

To delete a listing of yours that has not yet been accepted, there is a delete feature on all of your listings. Please tap that button at the top right to delete your listing.

To delete a listing that has already been accepted by another user, again please inform us of the listing that you want to have deleted by contacting us with the information provided in the "Contact Us" section of this Privacy Policy. Make sure to also contact the person who has accepted your listing as soon as possible to inform them that you will be cancelling your trip.

Analytics Partner

We use Google Analytics to help analyze usage and traffic for GT Travel. As an example, we may use analytics partners to analyze and measure, in the aggregate, the number of unique visitors to GT Travel. Google Analytics provides specific opt-out mechanisms that you can take advantage of when you want to manage the use and collection fo certain information by Google Analytics.

Sensitive Personal Data

We do not ask for you to provide any sensitive personal data, which may include and is not limited to social security numbers, information related to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or other beliefs, health, biometrics or genetic characteristics, criminal background. If you send or disclose any sensitive personal data to us, you consent to our processing and use of such sensitive personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy. If you do not consent to our processing and use of such sensitive personal data, you must not send us such content.

Securing Your Data

You are solely responsible for maintaining the security of your account. We suggest that you create a strong password to properly secure your account. During the process of creating an account, we require you to have a password that has at minimum 6 characters, at least one numeric digit and at least one alphabetical character. However, to properly secure your account, we recommend that you add more to your password than these three requirements. If you suspect that another person has accessed your account without your consent, please immediately notify us by using the contact information provided in the "Contact Us" section of these Terms and Conditions. We do not require that you provide both your first and last name. Therefore, it is your choice whether or not to include both your first and last name.

Data Security

We take measures to help protect information about you from loss, theft, misuse and unauthorized access. Our Firebase Realtime Database security rules are written so that no one other than yourself has access to view, change, or delete your personal information or delete your personal and accepted listings. Our security rules also allow only people who use GT Travel to view your personal listings. These measures are designed to provide a level of security appropriate to the risks of processing your personal information. Unfortunately, no measures can be guaranteed to provide 100% security. Accordingly, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information.

Data Storage

We store the information we collect for as long as it is necessary for the purpose(s) for which we originally collected it. If this app were shut down, then all data stored within our database will be deleted forever so that no one will have access to it again, including us. Before this happens, you will receive an email telling you that our app and our backend database will delete all of your personal information.

Other information

Links to Other Websites and Services

GT Travel contains links to third-party websites or services. We are not responsible for the content or practices of those websites or services. The collection, use, and disclosure of your information will be subject to the privacy policies of the third-party websites or services, and not this Privacy Policy. We recommend that you read the Privacy Policies that these third parties provide.


If you choose to use GT Travel, your visit and any dispute over privacy is subject to this Privacy Policy and GT Travel's Terms and Conditions. In addition to the foregoing, any disputes arising under this policy shall be governed by the laws of Georgia in the United States of America.


GT Travel is not intended for children under the age of 13. If we are informed that we have collected “personal information” (as defined by the United States Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) from children under the age of 13, we will take reasonable steps to delete it as soon as possible. We also comply with other age restrictions and requirements in accordance with applicable local laws.

Changes to This Privacy Statement

The contents of this statement may be altered at any time, at our discretion. However, an email will be sent out to let our users know when these privacy statements are altered. The date at the top of this Policy will also be changed to the date that it was altered. We encourage you to review the Privacy Policy whenever you access or use our GT Travel or otherwise interact with us to stay informed about our information practices and the ways you can help protect your privacy. By continuing to use GT Travel after Privacy Policy changes go into effect, you agree to be bound by the revised policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or any general questions about GT Travel, please contact us at

Best regards,

The GT Travel team


Spend less when traveling off-campus! Through this app, students with similar destinations can connect, find a time that works for everyone, and save money through sharing an Uber or Lyft.


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