andrewinci / kafka2sqs

Terraform modules to configures an AWS lambda that connects Kafka to SQS.

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Terraform modules to configures an AWS lambda that connects Kafka to SQS.

The lambda is triggered by the AWS Kafka event source. It parses the kafka record from Avro or string and produce a new message with the result to SQS. The parsed key and value are added to the original record received from the event source under the fields parsed_key and parsed_value.

The parsed_key is always a string while the parsed_value can be an Avro json if the source was avro otherwise a string.

Any process error is attached to the original event as well before it is sent to the DLQ with the field process_exception.

Main features

  • Serverless consumer
  • Support for Avro and Schema Registry
  • DLQ for poisoned pills and parsing errors
  • Helper modules to easily configure the kafka credentials
  • Support deploy lambda in a VPC subnet

Basic lambda usage

See module documentation here

module "lambda_to_sqs" {
  source                    = ""
  function_name             = "consumer"
  kafka_endpoints           = ","
  kafka_subnet_ids          = ["subnet1"]
  kafka_sg_ids              = ["sg-example"]
  kafka_authentication_type = "mTLS"
  kafka_credentials_arn     = aws_secretsmanager_secret.kafka_user_certificate.arn
  kafka_ca_secret_arn       = aws_secretsmanager_secret.kafka_ca_certificate.arn
  kafka_topics              = [{ topic_name = "test", is_avro = true }]

SASL auth example (Confluent cloud)

See module documentation here

module "sasl_secrets" {
  source                   = ""
  kafka_username           = "kafka_username"
  kafka_password           = "kafka_password"
  schema_registry_username = "schema_registry_username"
  schema_registry_password = "schema_registry_password"

module "lambda_to_sqs" {
  source                          = ""
  function_name                   = "consumer"
  kafka_endpoints                 = ""
  kafka_authentication_type       = "SASL"
  kafka_credentials_arn           = module.sasl_secrets.kafka_credentials_arn
  schema_registry_endpoint        = ""
  schema_registry_credentials_arn = module.sasl_secrets.schema_registry_credentials_arn
  kafka_topics = [
    { topic_name = "test", is_avro = true },
    { topic_name = "test-2", is_avro = false }

mTLS example (Aiven)

See module documentation here

module "mtls_secrets" {
  source                   = ""
  user_certificate         = var.kafka_certificate
  private_key              = var.kafka_private_key
  ca_certificate           = var.kafka_ca_certificate
  schema_registry_username = var.schema_registry_username
  schema_registry_password = var.schema_registry_password

module "lambda_to_sqs" {
  source          = ""
  function_name   = "consumer"
  kafka_endpoints = var.kafka_endpoints
  kafka_authentication_type       = "mTLS"
  kafka_credentials_arn           = module.mtls_secrets.kafka_credentials_arn
  kafka_ca_secret_arn             = module.mtls_secrets.kafka_ca_secret_arn
  schema_registry_endpoint        = var.schema_registry_endpoint
  schema_registry_credentials_arn = module.mtls_secrets.schema_registry_credentials_arn
  kafka_topics                    = [{ topic_name = "my_topic", is_avro = true }]


Package the terraform module with

make clean && make

Init the python virtualenv with

make venv && source .kafka2sqs/bin/activate

Lint the code with

make lint

Run tests and check the lint with

make && make check

Clean up with

make clean

Generate the documentation with

make docs


The documentation is generated with terraform-docs


Terraform modules to configures an AWS lambda that connects Kafka to SQS.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 47.2%Language:HCL 46.1%Language:Makefile 6.7%