andrewinci / avro-data-generator

Generic avro records generators

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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Generic avro records generators

The core components of this library are the AvroGenerator and AvroFieldGenerator.

The AvroFieldGenerator define how to generate a specific field and define a tree structure. It is possible to compose multiple Field generators to extend the number of fields/types the generator is able to generate.

The AvroGenerator depends on AvroFieldGenerator and it's generating the final Avro record iterating over the fields in the Avro schema.

Get started

Update the build.sbt with the following:

resolvers += "jitpack" at "",
libraryDependencies += "com.github.andrewinci" % "avro-data-generator" % "<latest-tag>"

Generate a generic record with predefined values

Create an instance of the constant field generator setting a predefined value for each field type. See full example at ConstGenerator - Fields

val schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(avroSchema)
val fieldGenerator = AvroFieldGenerators.constantFieldsGen(str = "Constant value for every string")
val result = AvroGenerator(fieldGenerator).generateRecord(schema)

Generate a generic record from a Json

Generate a GenericRecord providing all the field values in a json string. See full example at JsonGenerator - Fields

val schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(avroSchema)

val result: Either[Throwable, GenericRecord] = AvroFieldGenerators

Compose generators

Extend field generators to include more fields by composition. The AvroGenerator will try to build every field in order.
i.e. if g = g1 compose g2 g will firs try to build a field with g1 and only if it fails fallback on g2. See full example at JsonConstGenerator - Fields

val schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(avroSchema)

val result: Either[Throwable, GenericRecord] = AvroFieldGenerators
    .map(compose(_, AvroFieldGenerators.constantFieldsGen()))


Use sbt scalafmtAll to format the code.

Use sbt test to run the tests

Use sbt IntegrationTest / test to run the integration tests


  • JsonGen - Bytes
  • Map types
  • Fixed types


Generic avro records generators

License:MIT License


Language:Scala 100.0%