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:pencil2: LeetCode solutions in C++ 11 and Python3

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LeetCode solutions in C++ 11 and Python3.

NO. Title Solution Note Difficulty Tag
0 Two Sum C++ Python Note Easy Mapping
1 Add Two Numbers C++ Python Note Medium LinkedList
2 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters C++ Python Note Medium Mapping
3 Median of Two Sorted Arrays C++ Python Note Hard
4 Longest Palindromic Substring C++ Python Note Medium
5 ZigZag Conversion C++ Python Note Medium
6 Reverse Integer C++ Python Note Easy
7 String to Integer (atoi) C++ Python Note Medium
8 Palindrome Number C++ Python Note Easy
9 Regular Expression Matching C++ Python Note Hard
10 Container With Most Water C++ Python Note Medium
11 Integer to Roman C++ Python Note Medium
12 Roman to Integer C++ Python Note Easy
13 Longest Common Prefix C++ Python Note Easy
14 3Sum C++ Python Note Medium
15 3Sum Closest C++ Python Note Medium
16 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number C++ Python Note Medium
17 4Sum C++ Python Note Medium
18 Remove Nth Node From End of List C++ Python Note Medium
19 Valid Parentheses C++ Python Note Easy
20 Merge Two Sorted Lists C++ Python Note Easy
21 Generate Parentheses C++ Python Note Medium
22 Merge k Sorted Lists C++ Python Note Hard
23 Swap Nodes in Pairs C++ Python Note Medium
24 Reverse Nodes in k-Group C++ Python Note Hard
25 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array C++ Python Note Easy
26 Remove Element C++ Python Note Easy
27 Implement strStr() C++ Python Note Easy
28 Divide Two Integers C++ Python Note Medium
29 Substring with Concatenation of All Words C++ Python Note Hard
30 Next Permutation C++ Python Note Medium
31 Longest Valid Parentheses C++ Python Note Hard
32 Search in Rotated Sorted Array C++ Python Note Medium
33 Search for a Range C++ Python Note Medium
34 Search Insert Position C++ Python Note Easy
35 Valid Sudoku C++ Python Note Medium
36 Sudoku Solver C++ Python Note Hard
37 Count and Say C++ Python Note Easy
38 Combination Sum C++ Python Note Medium
39 Combination Sum II C++ Python Note Medium
40 First Missing Positive C++ Python Note Hard
41 Trapping Rain Water C++ Python Note Hard
42 Multiply Strings C++ Python Note Medium
43 Wildcard Matching C++ Python Note Hard
44 Jump Game II C++ Python Note Hard
45 Permutations C++ Python Note Medium
46 Permutations II C++ Python Note Medium
47 Rotate Image C++ Python Note Medium
48 Group Anagrams C++ Python Note Medium
49 Pow(x, n) C++ Python Note Medium
50 N-Queens C++ Python Note Hard
51 N-Queens II C++ Python Note Hard
52 Maximum Subarray C++ Python Note Easy
53 Spiral Matrix C++ Python Note Medium
54 Jump Game C++ Python Note Medium
55 Merge Intervals C++ Python Note Medium
56 Insert Interval C++ Python Note Hard
57 Length of Last Word C++ Python Note Easy
58 Spiral Matrix II C++ Python Note Medium
59 Permutation Sequence C++ Python Note Medium
60 Rotate List C++ Python Note Medium
61 Unique Paths C++ Python Note Medium
62 Unique Paths II C++ Python Note Medium
63 Minimum Path Sum C++ Python Note Medium
64 Valid Number C++ Python Note Hard
65 Plus One C++ Python Note Easy
66 Add Binary C++ Python Note Easy
67 Text Justification C++ Python Note Hard
68 Sqrt(x) C++ Python Note Easy
69 Climbing Stairs C++ Python Note Easy
70 Simplify Path C++ Python Note Medium
71 Edit Distance C++ Python Note Hard
72 Set Matrix Zeroes C++ Python Note Medium
73 Search a 2D Matrix C++ Python Note Medium
74 Sort Colors C++ Python Note Medium
75 Minimum Window Substring C++ Python Note Hard
76 Combinations C++ Python Note Medium
77 Subsets C++ Python Note Medium
78 Word Search C++ Python Note Medium
79 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II C++ Python Note Medium
80 Search in Rotated Sorted Array II C++ Python Note Medium
81 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II C++ Python Note Medium
82 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List C++ Python Note Easy
83 Largest Rectangle in Histogram C++ Python Note Hard
84 Maximal Rectangle C++ Python Note Hard
85 Partition List C++ Python Note Medium
86 Scramble String C++ Python Note Hard
87 Merge Sorted Array C++ Python Note Easy
88 Gray Code C++ Python Note Medium
89 Subsets II C++ Python Note Medium
90 Decode Ways C++ Python Note Medium
91 Reverse Linked List II C++ Python Note Medium
92 Restore IP Addresses C++ Python Note Medium
93 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal C++ Python Note Medium
94 Unique Binary Search Trees II C++ Python Note Medium
95 Unique Binary Search Trees C++ Python Note Medium
96 Interleaving String C++ Python Note Hard
97 Validate Binary Search Tree C++ Python Note Medium
98 Recover Binary Search Tree C++ Python Note Hard
99 Same Tree C++ Python Note Easy
100 Symmetric Tree C++ Python Note Easy
101 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal C++ Python Note Medium
102 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal C++ Python Note Medium
103 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree C++ Python Note Easy
104 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal C++ Python Note Medium
105 Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal C++ Python Note Medium
106 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II C++ Python Note Easy
107 Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree C++ Python Note Easy
108 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree C++ Python Note Medium
109 Balanced Binary Tree C++ Python Note Easy
110 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree C++ Python Note Easy
111 Path Sum C++ Python Note Easy
112 Path Sum II C++ Python Note Medium
113 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List C++ Python Note Medium
114 Distinct Subsequences C++ Python Note Hard
115 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node C++ Python Note Medium
116 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II C++ Python Note Medium
117 Pascal's Triangle C++ Python Note Easy
118 Pascal's Triangle II C++ Python Note Easy
119 Triangle C++ Python Note Medium
120 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock C++ Python Note Easy
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II C++ Python Note Easy
122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III C++ Python Note Hard
123 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum C++ Python Note Hard
124 Valid Palindrome C++ Python Note Easy
125 Word Ladder II C++ Python Note Hard
126 Word Ladder C++ Python Note Medium
127 Longest Consecutive Sequence C++ Python Note Hard
128 Sum Root to Leaf Numbers C++ Python Note Medium
129 Surrounded Regions C++ Python Note Medium
130 Palindrome Partitioning C++ Python Note Medium
131 Palindrome Partitioning II C++ Python Note Hard
132 Clone Graph C++ Python Note Medium
133 Gas Station C++ Python Note Medium
134 Candy C++ Python Note Hard
135 Single Number C++ Python Note Easy
136 Single Number II C++ Python Note Medium
137 Copy List with Random Pointer C++ Python Note Medium
138 Word Break C++ Python Note Medium
139 Word Break II C++ Python Note Hard
140 Linked List Cycle C++ Python Note Easy
141 Linked List Cycle II C++ Python Note Medium
142 Reorder List C++ Python Note Medium
143 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal C++ Python Note Medium
144 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal C++ Python Note Hard
145 LRU Cache C++ Python Note Hard
146 Insertion Sort List C++ Python Note Medium
147 Sort List C++ Python Note Medium
148 Max Points on a Line C++ Python Note Hard
149 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation C++ Python Note Medium
150 Reverse Words in a String C++ Python Note Medium
151 Maximum Product Subarray C++ Python Note Medium
152 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array C++ Python Note Medium
153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II C++ Python Note Hard
154 Min Stack C++ Python Note Easy
155 Binary Tree Upside Down C++ Python Note None
156 Read N Characters Given Read4 C++ Python Note None
157 Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times C++ Python Note None
158 Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters C++ Python Note None
159 Intersection of Two Linked Lists C++ Python Note Easy
160 One Edit Distance C++ Python Note None
161 Find Peak Element C++ Python Note Medium
162 Missing Ranges C++ Python Note None
163 Maximum Gap C++ Python Note Hard
164 Compare Version Numbers C++ Python Note Medium
165 Fraction to Recurring Decimal C++ Python Note Medium
166 Two Sum II - Input array is sorted C++ Python Note Easy
167 Excel Sheet Column Title C++ Python Note Easy
168 Majority Element C++ Python Note Easy
169 Two Sum III - Data structure design C++ Python Note None
170 Excel Sheet Column Number C++ Python Note Easy
171 Factorial Trailing Zeroes C++ Python Note Easy
172 Binary Search Tree Iterator C++ Python Note Medium
173 Dungeon Game C++ Python Note Hard
174 Combine Two Tables C++ Python Note Easy
175 Second Highest Salary C++ Python Note Easy
176 Nth Highest Salary C++ Python Note Medium
177 Rank Scores C++ Python Note Medium
178 Largest Number C++ Python Note Medium
179 Consecutive Numbers C++ Python Note Medium
180 Employees Earning More Than Their Managers C++ Python Note Easy
181 Duplicate Emails C++ Python Note Easy
182 Customers Who Never Order C++ Python Note Easy
183 Department Highest Salary C++ Python Note Medium
184 Department Top Three Salaries C++ Python Note Hard
185 Reverse Words in a String II C++ Python Note None
186 Repeated DNA Sequences C++ Python Note Medium
187 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV C++ Python Note Hard
188 Rotate Array C++ Python Note Easy
189 Reverse Bits C++ Python Note Easy
190 Number of 1 Bits C++ Python Note Easy
191 Word Frequency C++ Python Note Medium
192 Valid Phone Numbers C++ Python Note Easy
193 Transpose File C++ Python Note Medium
194 Tenth Line C++ Python Note Easy
195 Delete Duplicate Emails C++ Python Note Easy
196 Rising Temperature C++ Python Note Easy
197 House Robber C++ Python Note Easy
198 Binary Tree Right Side View C++ Python Note Medium
199 Number of Islands C++ Python Note Medium
200 Bitwise AND of Numbers Range C++ Python Note Medium
201 Happy Number C++ Python Note Easy
202 Remove Linked List Elements C++ Python Note Easy
203 Count Primes C++ Python Note Easy
204 Isomorphic Strings C++ Python Note Easy
205 Reverse Linked List C++ Python Note Easy
206 Course Schedule C++ Python Note Medium
207 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) C++ Python Note Medium
208 Minimum Size Subarray Sum C++ Python Note Medium
209 Course Schedule II C++ Python Note Medium
210 Add and Search Word - Data structure design C++ Python Note Medium
211 Word Search II C++ Python Note Hard
212 House Robber II C++ Python Note Medium
213 Shortest Palindrome C++ Python Note Hard
214 Kth Largest Element in an Array C++ Python Note Medium
215 Combination Sum III C++ Python Note Medium
216 Contains Duplicate C++ Python Note Easy
217 The Skyline Problem C++ Python Note Hard
218 Contains Duplicate II C++ Python Note Easy
219 Contains Duplicate III C++ Python Note Medium
220 Maximal Square C++ Python Note Medium
221 Count Complete Tree Nodes C++ Python Note Medium
222 Rectangle Area C++ Python Note Medium
223 Basic Calculator C++ Python Note Hard
224 Implement Stack using Queues C++ Python Note Easy
225 Invert Binary Tree C++ Python Note Easy
226 Basic Calculator II C++ Python Note Medium
227 Summary Ranges C++ Python Note Medium
228 Majority Element II C++ Python Note Medium
229 Kth Smallest Element in a BST C++ Python Note Medium
230 Power of Two C++ Python Note Easy
231 Implement Queue using Stacks C++ Python Note Easy
232 Number of Digit One C++ Python Note Hard
233 Palindrome Linked List C++ Python Note Easy
234 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree C++ Python Note Easy
235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree C++ Python Note Medium
236 Delete Node in a Linked List C++ Python Note Easy
237 Product of Array Except Self C++ Python Note Medium
238 Sliding Window Maximum C++ Python Note Hard
239 Search a 2D Matrix II C++ Python Note Medium
240 Different Ways to Add Parentheses C++ Python Note Medium
241 Valid Anagram C++ Python Note Easy
242 Shortest Word Distance C++ Python Note None
243 Shortest Word Distance II C++ Python Note None
244 Shortest Word Distance III C++ Python Note None
245 Strobogrammatic Number C++ Python Note None
246 Strobogrammatic Number II C++ Python Note None
247 Strobogrammatic Number III C++ Python Note None
248 Group Shifted Strings C++ Python Note None
249 Count Univalue Subtrees C++ Python Note None
250 Flatten 2D Vector C++ Python Note None
251 Meeting Rooms C++ Python Note None
252 Meeting Rooms II C++ Python Note None
253 Factor Combinations C++ Python Note None
254 Verify Preorder Sequence in Binary Search Tree C++ Python Note None
255 Paint House C++ Python Note None
256 Binary Tree Paths C++ Python Note Easy
257 Add Digits C++ Python Note Easy
258 3Sum Smaller C++ Python Note None
259 Single Number III C++ Python Note Medium
260 Graph Valid Tree C++ Python Note None
261 Trips and Users C++ Python Note Hard
262 Ugly Number C++ Python Note Easy
263 Ugly Number II C++ Python Note Medium
264 Paint House II C++ Python Note None
265 Palindrome Permutation C++ Python Note None
266 Palindrome Permutation II C++ Python Note None
267 Missing Number C++ Python Note Easy
268 Alien Dictionary C++ Python Note None
269 Closest Binary Search Tree Value C++ Python Note None
270 Encode and Decode Strings C++ Python Note None
271 Closest Binary Search Tree Value II C++ Python Note None
272 Integer to English Words C++ Python Note Hard
273 H-Index C++ Python Note Medium
274 H-Index II C++ Python Note Medium
275 Paint Fence C++ Python Note None
276 Find the Celebrity C++ Python Note None
277 First Bad Version C++ Python Note Easy
278 Perfect Squares C++ Python Note Medium
279 Wiggle Sort C++ Python Note None
280 Zigzag Iterator C++ Python Note None
281 Expression Add Operators C++ Python Note Hard
282 Move Zeroes C++ Python Note Easy
283 Peeking Iterator C++ Python Note Medium
284 Inorder Successor in BST C++ Python Note None
285 Walls and Gates C++ Python Note None
286 Find the Duplicate Number C++ Python Note Medium
287 Unique Word Abbreviation C++ Python Note None
288 Game of Life C++ Python Note Medium
289 Word Pattern C++ Python Note Easy
290 Word Pattern II C++ Python Note None
291 Nim Game C++ Python Note Easy
292 Flip Game C++ Python Note None
293 Flip Game II C++ Python Note None
294 Find Median from Data Stream C++ Python Note Hard
295 Best Meeting Point C++ Python Note None
296 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree C++ Python Note Hard
297 Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence C++ Python Note None
298 Bulls and Cows C++ Python Note Medium
299 Longest Increasing Subsequence C++ Python Note Medium
300 Remove Invalid Parentheses C++ Python Note Hard
301 Smallest Rectangle Enclosing Black Pixels C++ Python Note None
302 Range Sum Query - Immutable C++ Python Note Easy
303 Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable C++ Python Note Medium
304 Number of Islands II C++ Python Note None
305 Additive Number C++ Python Note Medium
306 Range Sum Query - Mutable C++ Python Note Medium
307 Range Sum Query 2D - Mutable C++ Python Note None
308 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown C++ Python Note Medium
309 Minimum Height Trees C++ Python Note Medium
310 Sparse Matrix Multiplication C++ Python Note None
311 Burst Balloons C++ Python Note Hard
312 Super Ugly Number C++ Python Note Medium
313 Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal C++ Python Note None
314 Count of Smaller Numbers After Self C++ Python Note Hard
315 Remove Duplicate Letters C++ Python Note Hard
316 Shortest Distance from All Buildings C++ Python Note None
317 Maximum Product of Word Lengths C++ Python Note Medium
318 Bulb Switcher C++ Python Note Medium
319 Generalized Abbreviation C++ Python Note None
320 Create Maximum Number C++ Python Note Hard
321 Coin Change C++ Python Note Medium
322 Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph C++ Python Note None
323 Wiggle Sort II C++ Python Note Medium
324 Maximum Size Subarray Sum Equals k C++ Python Note None
325 Power of Three C++ Python Note Easy
326 Count of Range Sum C++ Python Note Hard
327 Odd Even Linked List C++ Python Note Medium
328 Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix C++ Python Note Hard
329 Patching Array C++ Python Note Hard
330 Verify Preorder Serialization of a Binary Tree C++ Python Note Medium
331 Reconstruct Itinerary C++ Python Note Medium
332 Largest BST Subtree C++ Python Note None
333 Increasing Triplet Subsequence C++ Python Note Medium
334 Self Crossing C++ Python Note Hard
335 Palindrome Pairs C++ Python Note Hard
336 House Robber III C++ Python Note Medium
337 Counting Bits C++ Python Note Medium
338 Nested List Weight Sum C++ Python Note None
339 Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters C++ Python Note None
340 Flatten Nested List Iterator C++ Python Note Medium
341 Power of Four C++ Python Note Easy
342 Integer Break C++ Python Note Medium
343 Reverse String C++ Python Note Easy
344 Reverse Vowels of a String C++ Python Note Easy
345 Moving Average from Data Stream C++ Python Note None
346 Top K Frequent Elements C++ Python Note Medium
347 Design Tic-Tac-Toe C++ Python Note None
348 Intersection of Two Arrays C++ Python Note Easy
349 Intersection of Two Arrays II C++ Python Note Easy
350 Android Unlock Patterns C++ Python Note None
351 Data Stream as Disjoint Intervals C++ Python Note Hard
352 Design Snake Game C++ Python Note None
353 Russian Doll Envelopes C++ Python Note Hard
354 Design Twitter C++ Python Note Medium
355 Line Reflection C++ Python Note None
356 Count Numbers with Unique Digits C++ Python Note Medium
357 Rearrange String k Distance Apart C++ Python Note None
358 Logger Rate Limiter C++ Python Note None
359 Sort Transformed Array C++ Python Note None
360 Bomb Enemy C++ Python Note None
361 Design Hit Counter C++ Python Note None
362 Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K C++ Python Note Hard
363 Nested List Weight Sum II C++ Python Note None
364 Water and Jug Problem C++ Python Note Medium
365 Find Leaves of Binary Tree C++ Python Note None
366 Valid Perfect Square C++ Python Note Easy
367 Largest Divisible Subset C++ Python Note Medium
368 Plus One Linked List C++ Python Note None
369 Range Addition C++ Python Note None
370 Sum of Two Integers C++ Python Note Easy
371 Super Pow C++ Python Note Medium
372 Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums C++ Python Note Medium
373 Guess Number Higher or Lower C++ Python Note Easy
374 Guess Number Higher or Lower II C++ Python Note Medium
375 Wiggle Subsequence C++ Python Note Medium
376 Combination Sum IV C++ Python Note Medium
377 Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix C++ Python Note Medium
378 Design Phone Directory C++ Python Note None
379 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) C++ Python Note Medium
380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed C++ Python Note Hard
381 Linked List Random Node C++ Python Note Medium
382 Ransom Note C++ Python Note Easy
383 Shuffle an Array C++ Python Note Medium
384 Mini Parser C++ Python Note Medium
385 Lexicographical Numbers C++ Python Note Medium
386 First Unique Character in a String C++ Python Note Easy
387 Longest Absolute File Path C++ Python Note Medium
388 Find the Difference C++ Python Note Easy
389 Elimination Game C++ Python Note Medium
390 Perfect Rectangle C++ Python Note Hard
391 Is Subsequence C++ Python Note Medium
392 UTF-8 Validation C++ Python Note Medium
393 Decode String C++ Python Note Medium
394 Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters C++ Python Note Medium
395 Rotate Function C++ Python Note Medium
396 Integer Replacement C++ Python Note Medium
397 Random Pick Index C++ Python Note Medium
398 Evaluate Division C++ Python Note Medium
399 Nth Digit C++ Python Note Easy
400 Binary Watch C++ Python Note Easy
401 Remove K Digits C++ Python Note Medium
402 Frog Jump C++ Python Note Hard
403 Sum of Left Leaves C++ Python Note Easy
404 Convert a Number to Hexadecimal C++ Python Note Easy
405 Queue Reconstruction by Height C++ Python Note Medium
406 Trapping Rain Water II C++ Python Note Hard
407 Valid Word Abbreviation C++ Python Note None
408 Longest Palindrome C++ Python Note Easy
409 Split Array Largest Sum C++ Python Note Hard
410 Minimum Unique Word Abbreviation C++ Python Note None
411 Fizz Buzz C++ Python Note Easy
412 Arithmetic Slices C++ Python Note Medium
413 Third Maximum Number C++ Python Note Easy
414 Add Strings C++ Python Note Easy
415 Partition Equal Subset Sum C++ Python Note Medium
416 Pacific Atlantic Water Flow C++ Python Note Medium
417 Sentence Screen Fitting C++ Python Note None
418 Battleships in a Board C++ Python Note Medium
419 Strong Password Checker C++ Python Note Hard
420 Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array C++ Python Note Medium
421 Valid Word Square C++ Python Note None
422 Reconstruct Original Digits from English C++ Python Note Medium
423 Longest Repeating Character Replacement C++ Python Note Medium
424 Word Squares C++ Python Note None
425 All O'one Data Structure C++ Python Note Hard
426 Minimum Genetic Mutation C++ Python Note Medium
427 Number of Segments in a String C++ Python Note Easy
428 Non-overlapping Intervals C++ Python Note Medium
429 Find Right Interval C++ Python Note Medium
430 Path Sum III C++ Python Note Easy
431 Find All Anagrams in a String C++ Python Note Easy
432 Ternary Expression Parser C++ Python Note None
433 K-th Smallest in Lexicographical Order C++ Python Note Hard
434 Arranging Coins C++ Python Note Easy
435 Find All Duplicates in an Array C++ Python Note Medium
436 String Compression C++ Python Note Easy
437 Sequence Reconstruction C++ Python Note None
438 Add Two Numbers II C++ Python Note Medium
439 Arithmetic Slices II - Subsequence C++ Python Note Hard
440 Number of Boomerangs C++ Python Note Easy
441 Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array C++ Python Note Easy
442 Serialize and Deserialize BST C++ Python Note Medium
443 Delete Node in a BST C++ Python Note Medium
444 Sort Characters By Frequency C++ Python Note Medium
445 Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons C++ Python Note Medium
446 Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements C++ Python Note Easy
447 4Sum II C++ Python Note Medium
448 Assign Cookies C++ Python Note Easy
449 132 Pattern C++ Python Note Medium
450 Circular Array Loop C++ Python Note Medium
451 Poor Pigs C++ Python Note Easy
452 Repeated Substring Pattern C++ Python Note Easy
453 LFU Cache C++ Python Note Hard
454 Hamming Distance C++ Python Note Easy
455 Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements II C++ Python Note Medium
456 Island Perimeter C++ Python Note Easy
457 Can I Win C++ Python Note Medium
458 Optimal Account Balancing C++ Python Note None
459 Count The Repetitions C++ Python Note Hard
460 Unique Substrings in Wraparound String C++ Python Note Medium
461 Validate IP Address C++ Python Note Medium
462 Convex Polygon C++ Python Note None
463 Encode String with Shortest Length C++ Python Note None
464 Concatenated Words C++ Python Note Hard
465 Matchsticks to Square C++ Python Note Medium
466 Ones and Zeroes C++ Python Note Medium
467 Heaters C++ Python Note Easy
468 Number Complement C++ Python Note Easy
469 Total Hamming Distance C++ Python Note Medium
470 Largest Palindrome Product C++ Python Note Easy
471 Sliding Window Median C++ Python Note Hard
472 Magical String C++ Python Note Medium
473 License Key Formatting C++ Python Note Easy
474 Smallest Good Base C++ Python Note Hard
475 Find Permutation C++ Python Note None
476 Max Consecutive Ones C++ Python Note Easy
477 Predict the Winner C++ Python Note Medium
478 Max Consecutive Ones II C++ Python Note None
479 Zuma Game C++ Python Note Hard
480 The Maze C++ Python Note None
481 Increasing Subsequences C++ Python Note Medium
482 Construct the Rectangle C++ Python Note Easy
483 Reverse Pairs C++ Python Note Hard
484 Target Sum C++ Python Note Medium
485 Teemo Attacking C++ Python Note Medium
486 Next Greater Element I C++ Python Note Easy
487 Diagonal Traverse C++ Python Note Medium
488 The Maze III C++ Python Note None
489 Keyboard Row C++ Python Note Easy
490 Find Mode in Binary Search Tree C++ Python Note Easy
491 IPO C++ Python Note Hard
492 Next Greater Element II C++ Python Note Medium
493 Base 7 C++ Python Note Easy
494 The Maze II C++ Python Note None
495 Relative Ranks C++ Python Note Easy
496 Perfect Number C++ Python Note Easy
497 Most Frequent Subtree Sum C++ Python Note Medium
498 Find Bottom Left Tree Value C++ Python Note Medium
499 Freedom Trail C++ Python Note Hard
500 Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row C++ Python Note Medium
501 Longest Palindromic Subsequence C++ Python Note Medium
502 Super Washing Machines C++ Python Note Hard
503 Coin Change 2 C++ Python Note Medium
504 Detect Capital C++ Python Note Easy
505 Longest Uncommon Subsequence I C++ Python Note Easy
506 Longest Uncommon Subsequence II C++ Python Note Medium
507 Continuous Subarray Sum C++ Python Note Medium
508 Longest Word in Dictionary through Deleting C++ Python Note Medium
509 Contiguous Array C++ Python Note Medium
510 Beautiful Arrangement C++ Python Note Medium
511 Word Abbreviation C++ Python Note None
512 Minesweeper C++ Python Note Medium
513 Minimum Absolute Difference in BST C++ Python Note Easy
514 Lonely Pixel I C++ Python Note None
515 K-diff Pairs in an Array C++ Python Note Easy
516 Lonely Pixel II C++ Python Note None
517 Design TinyURL C++ Python Note Medium
518 Encode and Decode TinyURL C++ Python Note Medium
519 Construct Binary Tree from String C++ Python Note None
520 Complex Number Multiplication C++ Python Note Medium
521 Convert BST to Greater Tree C++ Python Note Easy
522 Minimum Time Difference C++ Python Note Medium
523 Single Element in a Sorted Array C++ Python Note Medium
524 Reverse String II C++ Python Note Easy
525 01 Matrix C++ Python Note Medium
526 Diameter of Binary Tree C++ Python Note Easy
527 Output Contest Matches C++ Python Note None
528 Boundary of Binary Tree C++ Python Note None
529 Remove Boxes C++ Python Note Hard
530 Friend Circles C++ Python Note Medium
531 Split Array with Equal Sum C++ Python Note None
532 Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence II C++ Python Note None
533 Student Attendance Record I C++ Python Note Easy
534 Student Attendance Record II C++ Python Note Hard
535 Optimal Division C++ Python Note Medium
536 Brick Wall C++ Python Note Medium
537 Split Concatenated Strings C++ Python Note None
538 Next Greater Element III C++ Python Note Medium
539 Reverse Words in a String III C++ Python Note Easy
540 Subarray Sum Equals K C++ Python Note Medium
541 Array Partition I C++ Python Note Easy
542 Longest Line of Consecutive One in Matrix C++ Python Note None
543 Binary Tree Tilt C++ Python Note Easy
544 Find the Closest Palindrome C++ Python Note Hard
545 Array Nesting C++ Python Note Medium
546 Reshape the Matrix C++ Python Note Easy
547 Permutation in String C++ Python Note Medium
548 Maximum Vacation Days C++ Python Note None
549 Median Employee Salary C++ Python Note None
550 Managers with at Least 5 Direct Reports C++ Python Note None
551 Find Median Given Frequency of Numbers C++ Python Note None
552 Subtree of Another Tree C++ Python Note Easy
553 Squirrel Simulation C++ Python Note None
554 Winning Candidate C++ Python Note None
555 Distribute Candies C++ Python Note Easy
556 Out of Boundary Paths C++ Python Note Medium
557 Employee Bonus C++ Python Note None
558 Get Highest Answer Rate Question C++ Python Note None
559 Find Cumulative Salary of an Employee C++ Python Note None
560 Count Student Number in Departments C++ Python Note None
561 Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray C++ Python Note Easy
562 Kill Process C++ Python Note None
563 Delete Operation for Two Strings C++ Python Note Medium
564 Find Customer Referee C++ Python Note None
565 Investments in 2016 C++ Python Note None
566 Customer Placing the Largest Number of Orders C++ Python Note None
567 Erect the Fence C++ Python Note Hard
568 Design In-Memory File System C++ Python Note None
569 Tag Validator C++ Python Note Hard
570 Fraction Addition and Subtraction C++ Python Note Medium
571 Valid Square C++ Python Note Medium
572 Longest Harmonious Subsequence C++ Python Note Easy
573 Big Countries C++ Python Note Easy
574 Classes More Than 5 Students C++ Python Note Easy
575 Friend Requests I: Overall Acceptance Rate C++ Python Note None
576 Range Addition II C++ Python Note Easy
577 Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists C++ Python Note Easy
578 Non-negative Integers without Consecutive Ones C++ Python Note Hard
579 Human Traffic of Stadium C++ Python Note Hard
580 Friend Requests II: Who Has the Most Friends C++ Python Note None
581 Consecutive Available Seats C++ Python Note None
582 Design Compressed String Iterator C++ Python Note None
583 Can Place Flowers C++ Python Note Easy
584 Construct String from Binary Tree C++ Python Note Easy
585 Sales Person C++ Python Note None
586 Tree Node C++ Python Note None
587 Find Duplicate File in System C++ Python Note Medium
588 Triangle Judgement C++ Python Note None
589 Valid Triangle Number C++ Python Note Medium
590 Shortest Distance in a Plane C++ Python Note None
591 Shortest Distance in a Line C++ Python Note None
592 Second Degree Follower C++ Python Note None
593 Average Salary: Departments VS Company C++ Python Note None
594 Add Bold Tag in String C++ Python Note None
595 Merge Two Binary Trees C++ Python Note Easy
596 Students Report By Geography C++ Python Note None
597 Biggest Single Number C++ Python Note None
598 Not Boring Movies C++ Python Note Easy
599 Task Scheduler C++ Python Note Medium
600 Add One Row to Tree C++ Python Note Medium
601 Maximum Distance in Arrays C++ Python Note None
602 Minimum Factorization C++ Python Note None
603 Exchange Seats C++ Python Note Medium
604 Swap Salary C++ Python Note Easy
605 Maximum Product of Three Numbers C++ Python Note Easy
606 K Inverse Pairs Array C++ Python Note Hard
607 Course Schedule III C++ Python Note Hard
608 Design Excel Sum Formula C++ Python Note None
609 Smallest Range C++ Python Note Hard
610 Sum of Square Numbers C++ Python Note Easy
611 Find the Derangement of An Array C++ Python Note None
612 Design Log Storage System C++ Python Note None
613 Exclusive Time of Functions C++ Python Note Medium
614 Average of Levels in Binary Tree C++ Python Note Easy
615 Shopping Offers C++ Python Note Medium
616 Decode Ways II C++ Python Note Hard
617 Solve the Equation C++ Python Note Medium
618 Design Search Autocomplete System C++ Python Note None
619 Maximum Average Subarray I C++ Python Note Easy
620 Maximum Average Subarray II C++ Python Note None
621 Set Mismatch C++ Python Note Easy
622 Maximum Length of Pair Chain C++ Python Note Medium
623 Palindromic Substrings C++ Python Note Medium
624 Replace Words C++ Python Note Medium
625 Dota2 Senate C++ Python Note Medium
626 2 Keys Keyboard C++ Python Note Medium
627 4 Keys Keyboard C++ Python Note None
628 Find Duplicate Subtrees C++ Python Note Medium
629 Two Sum IV - Input is a BST C++ Python Note Easy
630 Maximum Binary Tree C++ Python Note Medium
631 Print Binary Tree C++ Python Note Medium
632 Coin Path C++ Python Note None
633 Judge Route Circle C++ Python Note Easy
634 Find K Closest Elements C++ Python Note Medium
635 Split Array into Consecutive Subsequences C++ Python Note Medium
636 Remove 9 C++ Python Note None
637 Image Smoother C++ Python Note Easy
638 Maximum Width of Binary Tree C++ Python Note Medium
639 Equal Tree Partition C++ Python Note None
640 Strange Printer C++ Python Note Hard
641 Non-decreasing Array C++ Python Note Easy
642 Path Sum IV C++ Python Note None
643 Beautiful Arrangement II C++ Python Note Medium
644 Kth Smallest Number in Multiplication Table C++ Python Note Hard
645 Trim a Binary Search Tree C++ Python Note Easy
646 Maximum Swap C++ Python Note Medium
647 Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree C++ Python Note Easy
648 Bulb Switcher II C++ Python Note Medium
649 Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence C++ Python Note Medium
650 Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence C++ Python Note Easy
651 Cut Off Trees for Golf Event C++ Python Note Hard
652 Implement Magic Dictionary C++ Python Note Medium
653 Map Sum Pairs C++ Python Note Medium
654 Valid Parenthesis String C++ Python Note Medium
655 24 Game C++ Python Note Hard
656 Valid Palindrome II C++ Python Note Easy
657 Next Closest Time C++ Python Note None
658 Baseball Game C++ Python Note Easy
659 K Empty Slots C++ Python Note None
660 Redundant Connection C++ Python Note Medium
661 Redundant Connection II C++ Python Note Hard
662 Repeated String Match C++ Python Note Easy
663 Longest Univalue Path C++ Python Note Easy
664 Knight Probability in Chessboard C++ Python Note Medium
665 Maximum Sum of 3 Non-Overlapping Subarrays C++ Python Note Hard
666 Employee Importance C++ Python Note Easy
667 Stickers to Spell Word C++ Python Note Hard
668 Top K Frequent Words C++ Python Note Medium
669 Binary Number with Alternating Bits C++ Python Note Easy
670 Number of Distinct Islands C++ Python Note None
671 Max Area of Island C++ Python Note Easy
672 Count Binary Substrings C++ Python Note Easy
673 Degree of an Array C++ Python Note Easy
674 Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets C++ Python Note Medium
675 Falling Squares C++ Python Note Hard
676 Number of Distinct Islands II C++ Python Note None
677 Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two Strings C++ Python Note Medium
678 Subarray Product Less Than K C++ Python Note Medium
679 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee C++ Python Note Medium
680 Range Module C++ Python Note Hard
681 Max Stack C++ Python Note None
682 1-bit and 2-bit Characters C++ Python Note Easy
683 Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray C++ Python Note Medium
684 Find K-th Smallest Pair Distance C++ Python Note Hard
685 Longest Word in Dictionary C++ Python Note Easy
686 Accounts Merge C++ Python Note Medium
687 Remove Comments C++ Python Note Medium
688 Candy Crush C++ Python Note None
689 Find Pivot Index C++ Python Note Easy
690 Split Linked List in Parts C++ Python Note Medium
691 Number of Atoms C++ Python Note Hard
692 Minimum Window Subsequence C++ Python Note None
693 Self Dividing Numbers C++ Python Note Easy
694 My Calendar I C++ Python Note Medium
695 Count Different Palindromic Subsequences C++ Python Note Hard
696 My Calendar II C++ Python Note Medium
697 My Calendar III C++ Python Note Hard
698 Flood Fill C++ Python Note Easy
699 Sentence Similarity C++ Python Note Easy
700 Asteroid Collision C++ Python Note Medium
701 Parse Lisp Expression C++ Python Note Hard
702 Sentence Similarity II C++ Python Note Medium
703 Monotone Increasing Digits C++ Python Note Medium
704 Daily Temperatures C++ Python Note Medium
705 Delete and Earn C++ Python Note Medium
706 Cherry Pickup C++ Python Note Hard
707 Closest Leaf in a Binary Tree C++ Python Note New
708 Network Delay Time C++ Python Note New
709 Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target C++ Python Note New
710 Prefix and Suffix Search C++ Python Note New


:pencil2: LeetCode solutions in C++ 11 and Python3

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 97.1%Language:Python 2.9%