andrewharmellaw / software

Stuff I put on my laptop

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Things I set first

  1. Import my public and private SSH keys - just create ~\.ssh and copy them in
    1. Set up ssh-agent to prevent having to keep typing the same pesky passwords
  2. Set Date-Time display (Mac)
    1. System Preferences > Date and Time > Clock > Show Day of the Week
  3. Auto-hide programs bar (Mac)
    1. System Preferences > Dock > Size (smaller) and "Automatically Hide and Show the Dock"
  4. Add 3 more Desktops (Mac)
    1. Three-finger swipe up and click the "+" twice
  5. Set my User picture
    1. Open Users & Groups. Drag the pic (of Nemesis from this repo)


  1. Chrome
    1. Login (also syncs Extensions)
    2. Enable diasble Extensions as appropriate
    3. Make Chrome the default browser
  2. Firefox
  3. GPGSuite
    1. Import my public and private GPG keys
  4. Alfred (Mac)
    1. Disable Spotlight (Mac) - System Preferences > Spotlight > Keyboard Shortcuts > uncheck "Show Spotlight Search"
    2. Enable Alfred shortcutal (⌘-SPACE)
    3. Change theme - Alfred Preferences > Appearance > Alfred Dark
  5. iTerm (Mac only)
    1. Preferences > Closing > uncheck all
    2. Set the Preferences > Profile > Window size to 140 columns x 40 rows
    3. Set the Preferences > Profile > Transparency as per taste
  6. Brew (Mac) - /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
    1. Cakebrew - brew cask install cakebrew
    2. git
      1. Set aliases by taking the .gitignore in this repo
    3. Java JDK
    4. gradle
    5. maven
  7. OhMyZSH - sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" (requires git)
    1. Enable Agnoster theme - edit ~/.zshrc and set ZSH_THEME="agnoster"
      1. Requires Power-line patched fonts be installed
      2. And your iTerm profile set up to use 12 point Menlo LG S Regular for Powerline (for both Font and non-ASCII Font)
  8. Evernote
    1. Enable access for this computer
    2. Sync
    1. Login and sync
  10. DropBox
    1. Login and sync
  11. IntelliJ IDEA
    1. Enable licence via Jetbrains UID / password
    2. Enable / Disable plugins
  12. Slack
    1. Login to all channels
  13. Tomighty
  14. Sublime Text
  15. Macdown
  16. Ruby (via rbenv)


Stuff I put on my laptop