andrewchawk / huffman-canon

Canonical Huffman encoder/decoder for Common Lisp

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Canonical Huffman encoder/decoder

huffman-canon is a canonical Huffman encoder/decoder for Common Lisp. It converts bit-vector messages like #*01001111100101010001000 into arrays of indices into an alphabet, eg. #(0 14 4 17 3 4) and vice-versa.

See [1] if you don't see what I am talking about.


huffman-canon is a Huffman encoder/decoder in a very strict sense. The encoder/decoder is instantiated from an already made series of code lengths. Series of code lengths are a typical way of representing canonical Huffman codes (see [2]) and exchanging them between programs.

huffman-canon employs canonical-only codes. This is to make the implementation as small as possible. As far as I am aware, non-canonical encoding is not used in production. Managing arbitrary Huffman encodings is fun for research but has no application justifying the headache-inducing ambiguities it introduces.

Code lengths are either found attached to already compressed data (as in the DEFLATE data format [2]) or must be created from scratch from a set of character frequencies of occurence. The task of creating series of code lengths from frequencies is offloaded to the user, or to our boundary package-merge implementation for the creation of Huffman length-limited codes [3].

No file or stream utilities are included. It is up to the user to chop its messages into blocks that fit in memory and manage the writing of the output.

Exported functions


make-huffman code-lengths => huffman-canon-instance

make-huffman is the constructor for the class huffman-canon.

  • code-lengths: An array of code lengths sorted in increasing order. Code lengths of zero are not accepted. The indexing into code-lengths is used in lieu of characters to designate individual symbols of the alphabet when encoding and decoding messages. eg. #(2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4).

As indices into code-lengths are used to represent characters to encode, you will have doubtlessly noted that you actually need some sort of additional convention to distinguish symbols that belong to the same length bin. The usual convention is just to define some sort of lexicographical order on the elements of the alphabet and stick to it. This is how it is done in [2] for example. This way, in #(2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4), the first character to encode with length 3 will be the first in lexicographical order, the second will be second in lexicographical order etc. When such a convention is clearly defined, you can get away with describing your canonical Huffman encoding just with a series of code lengths, one for each character to encode. The examples below illustrate this point.


encode huffman-canon-instance indices-array => encoded-bits

encode converts an array of indices into code-lengths into an encoded bit-vector message.

  • indices-array: An array of indices into code-lengths. eg. #(3 1 0 6)
  • encoded-bits: A bit-vector containing the encoded message. eg. #*11010100111.


decode huffman-canon-instance bits-array => decoded-indices

decode converts the encoded message bits-array into an array of decoded indices into code-lengths, decoded-indices.

  • bits-array: An encoded bit-vector. eg. #*11010100111.
  • decoded-indices: An array of indices into code-lengths corresponding to the decoded message. eg. #(3 1 0 6).


See the file test/example.lisp to run the code.

Using with an already made series of code lengths

;; Taking the example of RFC1951, you are given a series of characters to encode
;; and the corresponding code lengths:
(defparameter *chars* #(#\A #\B #\C #\D #\E #\F #\G #\H))
(defparameter *code-lengths* #(3 3 3 3 3 2 4 4))

;; First sort the code lengths in increasing order while keeping
;; the order of the characters in sync. A stable sort will keep
;; the original orders of symbols to encode in the same length bin.
(defparameter *joint* (make-array 0 :fill-pointer 0))
(loop for char across *chars*
      for length across *code-lengths* do
        (vector-push-extend (list length char) *joint*))
;; => #((3 #\A) (3 #\B) (3 #\C) (3 #\D) (3 #\E) (2 #\F) (4 #\G) (4 #\H))
(setf *joint* (stable-sort *joint* #'< :key #'car))
;; #((2 #\F) (3 #\A) (3 #\B) (3 #\C) (3 #\D) (3 #\E) (4 #\G) (4 #\H))

;; The huffman encoder/decoder speaks in terms of indices. The index 0 will
;; refer to F, 1 to A, 2 to B and so on...
;; As a huffman dictionary is usually represented only by the list
;; of code lengths (as specified in RFC1951), you need some sort of additional
;; convention to store the relation between symbol indices and symbols to
;; encode.

;; Now that we have our correspondance table between index and symbols,
;; we can generate the huffman encoder/decoder with sorted code lengths.
(defparameter *huffman* (huffman-canon:make-huffman
                         (sort *code-lengths* #'<)))

;; We can print the whole encoded dictionary by encoding each symbol
;; individually:
(defparameter *symbols-to-encode* #(0))
(loop for i-sym from 0 below (length *joint*) do
  (setf (aref *symbols-to-encode* 0) i-sym)
  (format t "~&~A - ~A: ~A~%" i-sym (cadr (aref *joint* i-sym))
          (huffman-canon:encode *huffman* *symbols-to-encode*)))
;; 0 - F: #*00
;; 1 - A: #*010
;; 2 - B: #*011
;; 3 - C: #*100
;; 4 - D: #*101
;; 5 - E: #*110
;; 6 - G: #*1110
;; 7 - H: #*1111

;; A whole message is encoded in this way:
(setf *symbols-to-encode* #(7 0 3))
(defparameter *encoded-message*
  (huffman-canon:encode *huffman* *symbols-to-encode*))
;; => #*111100100

;; A whole message is decoded in this way:
(defparameter *decoded-message*
  (huffman-canon:decode *huffman* *encoded-message*))
;; => #(7 0 3)
;; You then need to convert these indices yourself into the corresponding
;; symbols.
(defparameter *decoded-message-chars* (make-array 0 :fill-pointer 0))
(loop for index across *decoded-message* do
  (vector-push-extend (cadr (aref *joint* index)) *decoded-message-chars*))
;; => #(#\H #\F #\C)

Generating code lengths from frequencies of occurence

;; Let's say you initialize a Huffman encoding from scratch, ie you only have
;; character frequencies of occurence and want to generate a series of code
;; lengths defining the encoding.
(defparameter *chars* #(#\A #\B #\C #\D #\E #\F #\G #\H))
(defparameter *frequencies* #(10 10 10 10 10 15 5 5))
;; You can use the boundary package-merge implementation for that:
;; The frequencies need to be sorted in increasing order.
(defparameter *joint* (make-array 0 :fill-pointer 0))
(loop for char across *chars*
      for freq across *frequencies* do
        (vector-push-extend (list freq char) *joint*))
;; => #((10 #\A) (10 #\B) (10 #\C) (10 #\D) (10 #\E) (50 #\F) (5 #\G) (5 #\H))
(setf *joint* (stable-sort *joint* #'< :key #'car))
;; => #((5 #\G) (5 #\H) (10 #\A) (10 #\B) (10 #\C) (10 #\D) (10 #\E) (50 #\F))
(defparameter *length-limit* 4)
(defparameter *code-lengths*
  (bpm:a-to-l (bpm:encode-limited (sort *frequencies* #'<) *length-limit*)))
;; => #(4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2)

;; You can then assign these lengths to your characters.
(loop for length across *code-lengths*
      for cell across *joint* do
        (setf (car cell) length))
;; => #((4 #\G) (4 #\H) (3 #\A) (3 #\B) (3 #\C) (3 #\D) (3 #\E) (2 #\F))

;; Once you're there, you can continue by instantiating your huffman
;; encoder/decoder from the code lengths as shown above.

Decoding a message in several parts

Encoding a chopped up message is trivial. Decoding a message in several parts is not. huffman-canon saves the decoder internal state whenever only part of a symbol was decoded when the end of a message is reached. This way, you can call the decoder on a chopped up message and it will seamlessly continue where it left off.

(defparameter *code-lengths* #(2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4))
(defparameter *huffman* (huffman-canon:make-huffman *code-lengths*))
;; Dictionary is: #*00 #*010 #*011 #*100 #*101 #*110 #*1110 #*1111

;; Now let's say you want to decode a message chopped in parts, maybe because
;; the message is too long to fit in memory.
;; Complete message: #*000111110000100111111
;; It decodes to: #*00|011|1110|00|010|011|1111
;;                  0  2   6    0  1   2   7
;; Let us cut it in multiple parts, we do not know where the boundaries between
;; symbols are a priori:
;; #*0001111 .. 1000010 .. 0111111
(defparameter *message1* #*0001111)
(defparameter *message2* #*1000010)
(defparameter *message3* #*0111111)

;; We can decode the messages by calling the decoder sequentially on them.
(defparameter *decoded1* (huffman-canon:decode *huffman* *message1*))
;; => #(0 2)
(defparameter *decoded2* (huffman-canon:decode *huffman* *message2*))
;; => #(6 0 1)
(defparameter *decoded3* (huffman-canon:decode *huffman* *message3*))
;; => #(2 7)


  • huffman-canon: None. bpm is useful for creating code lengths from frequencies.
  • huffman-canon/test:


A simple rove test suite is written. To launch it:

(asdf:test-system "huffman-canon")


  • No performance optimization was done. I'll probably put some type hinting at some point in the future as I start using the library.


See the license file. Citations are appreciated but not needed.



I borrowed things from:


Canonical Huffman encoder/decoder for Common Lisp

License:The Unlicense


Language:Common Lisp 100.0%